I Built Illusions in Survival Minecraft

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Illusions they exist and they're so cool but people have always made illusions with creative mode and even mod and that's cheating in my books so I'm going to build the most over-the-top Museum design 10 of Minecraft's coolest Illusions put them inside of it to create the ultimate brain obliteration experience I think this is my most ambitious project yet and just like that all of the life on this island has been removed I lied I lied oh my God my aim my aim is amazing I'm going to build the illusion Museum on this island just cuz I thought it would look cool and with everything cleared I can finally begin building my magnum opus isn't it just absolutely beautiful yeah who am I kidding I actually built this from most angles this structure looks really weird but if I just fly all the way over here and build up 162 block it becomes an optical illusion let's just ignore the hours of getting it to look right yeah I thought the Penrose triangle the most iconic illusion of all time would be the perfect entrance to my museum now let's actually build the [Music] museum okay assuming I didn't mess up any of my uh calculations this should be a perfect half sphere please tell me I didn't mess anything up I'm looking around and there doesn't seem like there's anything wrong but I'm not 100% sure this is going to be the center of the museum which is going to Branch off to four different hallways having increasingly cooler Illusions in them the Illusions I'm building will be separated into three different levels starting at the simplest possible Illusions increasing through level two and ending with actual brain Annihilation each hallway will be a separate level and if you're wondering what that fourth hallway is for the entire ocean is kind of in the way so I made a nice little Lookout Scenic window thing the last thing I need to do is decorate the central room of the museum and I'm going to be using one of my favorite designs where you sort of place the logs alternating like this and it makes a really cool checkerboard pattern definitely didn't just want to do this design so I could strip log with the Hub fully decorated we can actually move on to building Illusions to make a complete illusion Museum level one is going to have three of the simplest most beginner Illusions possible now you may be wondering how can an illusion be simple doesn't it have to be large and super intricate three crafting tables that is all you need I think my love for illusions starts to show here cuz you don't actually need a lot to completely trick your mind before we can move on to any other Illusions though I need to actually decorate this hallway I am really liking how this design is actually coming together and actually while building I had the cool idea to use stairs to Mark out a viewing spot you stand like in the center of this Square optimal viewing range the next illusion however is going to be a design so complicated that it hypnotizes you into pressing the Subscribe but it's a glass block but not exactly I want to make it look like there's an entire world inside this one glass block sounds really confusing I know the way that I'm going to do this is by digging out a huge area behind the glass block no no not a water cake I finally got the dimensions right yes look at that baby crafting table in there after a lot of trial and error I have finally dug out this really weird shaped [Music] hole oh that's weird I have exactly enough materials to build a meep statue isn't he just the absolute most handsome ever since I made a certain video I'm basically required to build a sheep statue every project I do that looks so cool I'm super happy I managed to perfectly line up the edges and now if you sort of just glance at it um it looks really confusing the third and final level one illusion is actually going to be big enough that I need to place down a beacon let's get to digging another water cave and this time with my own personal baby zombie bro okay I actually need to get sponges go oh oh my God oh my God go this one just get this one the amount of De I am 33 wet sponges [Music] baby the room is finally dug out now I just have to decorate it oh why am I using this pattern again um yeah it's to strip more [Music] log this is the completed exhibit and room for the final illusion definitely a huge size step up from the first two and with all this space you must be thinking this is going to be the most intricate insane complicated illusion of all time okay I promise never to do that bit again but I'm only doing it to show you how cool it is that you can make an illusion this small and still have it break every law of geometry from most angles this looks like two crafting tables just floating and then like a random checkerboard if you look at it from this very specific angle in this that corner all of a sudden it looks like you have a crafting table and one twice the size this is definitely my favorite one so far things had been going well up to this point this is where the entire project would be flipped on its head okay you might already know why you're here this is the underground of the project I've been working on I got it this is the perfect one that's sick why why have you just put two oh oh I got it okay yeah okay wait this is actually sick this is sick now that you've seen everything what are your critiques I'm going to be real if it's a Tazo build it needs some Taz ification you know there is no Tazo in this build it just feels like a build that's true actually I see no Tazo in this yeah I just see a an illusion triangle there is nothing here that makes it look like you you're probably wondering why I'm even doing this why would I bring dapu here to fully review a fun little solo project I'm working well I may love illusions but there's another reason I'm even been making this video see all the way before I began working on this project I interviewed every single member asking one simple question what is the coolest build on the I'm a big wzo fan you know his giant nether portal Port really [Music] like you know it Taza I think it might be uh your Bas like the big chunk thing drau was the only person that said one of my builds was the best want to see if I can make something all of the members would consider an iconic build something worthy next to the other insane projects on the server and it's become clear that I can't just rely on Illusions I need to build something Tazo which means probably like an actually goodlooking plan is to upgrade both the surface and underground of the museum and since I have a really cool idea for the Penrose triangle entrance we're going to start with that after I collect the materials now I want to transform the Penrose triangle to have the three dimensions of Minecraft on each of its size but there's a major problem with this in order for the illusion to still work every single part needs to actually line up after adding all of the structures and completely terraforming it and if not the entire illusion breaks okay the first face of the penos triangle is going to be the Overworld and to start I'm going to cover the entire side in Grass blocks how has it already gone wrong the challenge with the Overworld you have to successfully make this lower area and that look like it's [Music] connected finally the terrain is done it was difficult but everything looks connected and nothing seems too off this isn't even the hardest part though because now I have to add structures to it the only issue is that having a house up here means that the entire right side is floating I can't extend the house downwards cuz it'll break the illusion one thing I can do is have this inner support that you can't see from the viewing platform who would have guessed that it's difficult to build something that shouldn't be possible in our laws of geometry with a river and small Forest added the Overworld is done it actually looks so good and the illusion still works was it worth the 4 hours of precisely placing everything um now I wanted to say yes in this moment but this was proving to be way harder than I had anticipated I had to meticulously Place each and every block to keep the illusion from breaking had to replace that tree like five times impressing the server members was going to be hard and when I started the nether this became a lot more obvious here's me struggling to get the front and back wall to look connected here's me trying to make terrain way too complicated so I had to break all of it here's me accidentally messing up all of the lava no no no no no no no no no please don't get in the water please now I actually had an easy time with the ruin portal and if you're wondering how I'm supposed to light it server has a has a plugin but I could not get the glowstone to look good the Crimson trees were really difficult to build the Fortress was two Orient the illusion is falling apart a bit the terraforming has just caused this upper area to look so much larger than this like skinny area if you couldn't tell I was stressed I mean this was the hardest thing I had ever attempted to build and I wasn't happy with the result in my mind this illusion needed to look absolutely perfect every single block needed to be meticulously placed in the correct position nothing can look bad the members need to like this it had been 2 days and I had made little to no progress on making this project iconic so I decided to do something else instead of throwing myself at the most difficult task first I'm just going to have some fun and make the level two illusion the perfect stress reliever now you may be wondering what level two actually means cuz level three is where you're actually going to get to the geometry defying brain decimation and level one was the basics so where does that put level two you'll just have to wait and find out I'm afraid the first difference from level one is just the size increase I mean for this next illusion I literally need to dig out a 31x 31x 15 room this room is actually so large that there's an entire cave that it goes through and it goes high enough that it is almost running into the ocean thank God for haste 2 okay the room is finally dug out and we can start building the illusion on this back wall and I'm making it out of white and black concrete that magically appeared here what the heck okay I've built the first half of the illusion and you can probably already start to see what's going to happen maybe not though I don't know it might not be that obvious but when I turn around yes that actually looks so trick I think it's something about the center of these squares being larger and then obviously having the inverse of white and black so yeah level two is pattern Illusions and this is the first one done now I seem to have done the same thing I did during level one where I just immediately rushed to do the illusion and uh the hallway just sort of looks like [Music] nothing by the way I'm still planning on upgrading the museum so that the hallway design isn't super plain and boring and I'm already cooking up a super cool idea seriously I'm I'm cooking up like a five course meal I'm just using the old design as a placeholder so I can focus on building the level two Illusions and that is the entire room done I love the design of this room man the rings of light are both effective against mobs and they just look sick I use Blackstone because it's pretty similar to deep slate and I had so much more on a side note this one illusion took longer than all of level one now the second illusion is going to be even better involving a huge Redstone mechanism to allow the pattern to literally move I'm also making it rainbow color each color is going to be next to each other spiraling down the tunnel okay this should be one Loop done I just need to copy this all the way down with it offsetting one every [Music] time all of the concrete is now placed down and it looks quite cool already but you may notice something uh it's not exactly moving the next step is going to involve installing a super complicated piston system to rotate the blocks around the only issue is that requires a lot of materials that I don't have you'd be surprised but all of these materials are for only two blocks Pistons there we go and observers this is actually quite satisfying with these all crafted up it's time to actually start building the mechanism and the way this is going to work is actually pretty simple all it is is a line of Pistons going all the way down the corner the next thing is to place a line of observers parallel to the piston and then in case you didn't think this was enough observers already you make another row of observers facing into the piston this Behemoth that cost me so many material is how we are going to be rotating the rainbow illusion now I just have to build it three more [Music] times I didn't think about the fact that the entire ocean was going to be in the way drown I'm going to drown go go go go go go no ah oh my gosh I'm actually going to Dr I'm actually going to drop I want to get this piston mechanism installed and then completely ret terraform this part of the ocean floor I'm going to need to make some water breathing potions luckily for me in an old video I set up an entire Brewing layer in secrecy down here into the secrets I'm completely guessing while doing this I mean I know Nether Warts first do I have to do anything else oh wait I I don't remember how to extend a potion which one which one it's probably Redstone I mean power maybe I think it's actually working cuz I don't think water breathing 2 exists I don't think they ever made a sequel the only thing left to do is to rig up a redstone clock to basically cycle around and activate The Observers over and over again in a circle theoretically should not be too difficult torches might be something I should add just in case Tazo didn't learn the first time he was taught once more that you should add torches to anything that there is not light inside no more creepers for this guy okay assuming I set up everything right when I flick this lever it should activate the system and get it ready for rotation and when I flick it again the room should start rotating it's destroying all the Torches to be fair I saw that coming but it's working oh my gosh it's very loud to be fair but this looks so cool I think it's time to admit that there's another reason I made this illusion this is probably the dumbest thing I've ever done sorry if I'm speaking loudly by the way these Pistons are so loud this guy miles right here is kind of in a subrace against me and I built this illusion to hypnotize all of you into hating miles and unsubscribing from him please don't actually unsub for Miles I just really want to win the sub race to 500k you must subscribe subscribe to the Tazo YouTube channel at [Music] youtube.com/ Tazo I don't know what my URL is now for the third and final illusion I wanted to make something special level two has been all about patterns and two-dimensional walls to create an illusion and they look super cool sure but I think Illusions can be so much more than that I also kind of cheated with redstone to make the second illusion move so for this illusion look at this and this and this none of these Illusions are videos but in fact images made to trick your brain into looking like they're moving you may be wondering how I'm supposed to build this in Minecraft well let me introduce you to a map an item that can display a 128 8 x 128 image on a single Minecraft block using this website you can convert any image into a Minecraft build that will show up on a map now I'm just going to take my favorite moving illusion and put it into this website that looks so bad if you can believe it Maps weren't exactly made for this but after trying and I'm not kidding 20 different moving Illusions I finally found one that worked in Minecraft yes that looks so good and it only uses concrete blocks as website actually gives you a blueprint of what you need to build and I can use a mod called light matica to load it in and wow this thing looks really cool and really large I mean I'm on my test world right now but once I build this on the actual server and use a map it will actually show up on it and yeah as for the materials for this thing I literally just have to run this concrete duper on the server for like 30 minutes it's that op I have no idea how it works but all I know is that it dupes the concrete you plac down 72 2,000 times per hour we are up and running baby the one thing is that this machine is actually so overpowered that if you don't go through the portal in time you will just sort of Crash the server so what what what what I lost everything dude I lost everything oh my gosh dude that is actually ridiculous may be wondering why this death is so important and well there's something I haven't been fully honest about in the history of my entire Channel this is the most difficult project I have ever attempted to achieve my goal of making something iconic this build needed to be better than anything else currently on outcasts and it just made every mistake feel so much worse but why am I telling you this now well earlier in this video a death that literally lost me all of my items would have destroyed me but when I started the level two Illusions I made it my mission to always do the first thing that came to mind and just have fun with it and in this moment I knew I had succeeded new glitcho dude dude I'm actually in awe okay let's just ignore the fact that I just lost all of my gear how did that happen okay at least we're getting concrete it could be worse I was just making jokes about the situation and better yet my boy Rasmus came to help me get me the starter items I would need to gear back up the final thing I had to do was going to be an actual Cakewalk so God stried me down and took everything woo now that I have all of my gear back I can collect the concrete powder solidify it with this overpowered machine and finally build the illusion okay just a few more blocks and done let's just hope no one randomly stumbles across this we can finally add the final illusion to level two and boom uh yeah it's it's not very large that is sick I'm super happy I was able to find an illusion that repeats because when it's 3x3 it just moves so much more I don't know why I actually can't stop looking at it it's so cool and with all of level two done I was actually feeling ready to upgrade the museum and I'm going to start by finish ing off the Penrose triangle entrance this is actually so cool I think the effort was worth it this is the best thing I've ever made anyways got to get back to work I have invited five Outcast members to come see my illusion Museum and they all kind of made an iconic build Aon with his redstone City bacon waffles with his Rich Island Gizmo with his dirt Castle miles with his nether perimeter and wzo with his giant portal receiving the most votes in my interview these players will decide if what I've made is Iconic and that's going to be a definite no if I don't get this design upgraded the Museum's transformation will happen in two phases all to help make it an iconic Tazo build and Phase One is using my favorite block palet so it's time to get all of the material I just realized that I forgot my beacon the first block I need for the transformation is dite the second block I need is calite and oh my this is like the largest section of calite I've ever seen potentially the final block I need to get is actually quartz but if I mine for it I'm actually going to be here until I die in real life luckily there's a glitch I've actually used in past videos to get Quartz a lot faster the way this thing works is by basically keeping the villager trading menu open and then getting sent 500 blocks away because of the endgate now I can buy the max trade but when I go back it's not xed out I can literally do this over and over again and get literally infinite quarts 75 levels later we've gotten all of the quarts two shulker boxes I will say great method Great Farm incredibly boring I mean that was maybe the longest 27 minutes of my life I'm going to start by transforming the walls in the Central room this already looks so much better you may be wondering um why did I get two Sher boxes of course well I'm going to be replacing all of the stone bricks with quartz bricks yeah I'm not going to lie this doesn't look that great but that is why we have a phase 2 I had a vision to make a Tazo themed white and blue complex mixing my favorite blocks with blocks I've never even tried before warped wood Black Stone and frog light which are amazingly difficult to obtain by the way you get them when a frog eats a small Magma Cube like who came up with luckily a farm exists for them it's been 100 minutes I'm optimistic whole bottom row is full this Farm was difficult to build but I mean just look at how good the Frog lights look in my opinion the best lighting Block in the game oh wait wait wait wait I just that's such a cool design wait what oh like I think it'd be so cool if I just had a line of them running oh like this is already looking so much better oh my God this is like some of the coolest building work I've ever done we do have a code red though I've completely forgotten to fill in the blocks you can see through the stairs the final thing I need to do is this middle section and I'm using Blackstone to have a huge contrast from the hallways to the illusion rooms and so lanterns match perfectly with the new color theme this looks absolutely phenomenal I'm so happy with this now I just have to apply this design to the rest of the museum this block choice in design does not disappoint I had to take some creative Liberties for this room and it still turned out so good but that's nothing compared to the center room I just love the use of the Frog lights especially for these done the Classic Glass fade effect that everyone does but I've made it look like it's actually reflective and it looks so cool and last but not least of this nice spiral staircase is the [Music] surface the entrance is a dirt house and I will be taking my award now for the most hidden button ever made the museum was finally upgraded and it is in my professional opinion the best thing I've ever built can't celebrate quite yet though I still have to build the level three Illusions and they're going to be an entirely new ball game the smallest of the three is literally this size down like 50 blocks run wait what's happening go go oh my gosh okay so I've dug out a pretty large room and I have the viewing platform now I'm going to be making the infinite waterfall illusion the only issue is I have no idea how to actually build it all I know is it's basically a loop that wraps in and then goes into itself I have no idea how this is so I know that the blocks need to like line up in the background and foreground and what I know I need to do in some regard is line it up with the corner of the blocks okay I probably sound like I'm speaking actual nonsense the first step I need to do is to place down the final spot I want the waterfall to be and then I can kind of build the rest of the illusion around it I need to like loop around oh and if that's where it lines up wait this is not going to work and if we go like over to here and then try to make it loop back into itself this has to go there this has to encapsulate the It lines up along the corner which is what we want that's basically the whole difficulty of this illusion is getting the waterfall look like it lines up perfectly with the foreground this is actually coming together a lot better than I was expecting the actual difficult part is the blocks behind the waterfall I need to perfectly align the blocks even further in the background and make it look like it lines up with the blocks oh my God place on a grass block let's see where that looks like it's off by like half a pixel on this side though it's an entire pixel off I'm just going to test going at backwards diagonal interval okay so it seems like every block that you go backwards gets half a pixel closer to being I don't know how on God's green earth this jumble of blocks actually looks like something normal and if you're wondering how I'm supposed to make the water not overflow I did some testing on a creative world to make sure this was possible and Minecraft is a pretty buggy game honestly after patching up the room the first level three illusion is done I'm actually so proud of how good it looks however I sort of did the same thing as I've done with the other two levels where I skipped ahead to doing the illusion and the actual Pathway to get there is not even done thought I'd go for a more unique design for the level three Illusions especially when you're coming from the over-the-top tunnel design you kind of go through the forest and now you're in a Spooky Black Stone cave I mean this are just perfect for the level three Illusions because of how big they are if you thought the first illusion was big the last room was 25x 25 this one is going to be 50x 50 these ceiling all of the walls and the floor have been completely excavated and all of like the cave entrances have been patched up it's a perfect room but it took me like 3 hours just to dig out what you're seeing right now and all of the blocks in the middle also need to be removed there's only so much this pickaxe can do if I want to use TNT I need to cover the floor and the walls in water so they don't get destroyed that is all of the water placed down and it barely put a dent in the amount of blocks I need to remove I cannot use Standalone TNT to blow up the entire Cube I mean this one layer that it removed took like all of the gunpowder in the server's gunpowder farm so I'm going to be using uh TNT dupers if you if you believe it let's get to work and excavate this thing after four long hours the room is finally tug out man for context digging out this giant room took an entire real life day and I still need to build an entire mob switch remove the Torches in the other room remove the water build the illusion at what point was this project enough I mean it was almost time to show the members what I made and it was just big task after big task I've put so much time into this project that I can now make any illusion with no references no creative mode I need to stop trying to make every little thing perfect think about it I've made so much in this project all of the Illusions the super sick Museum design the Penrose triangle entrance I mean come on I have so much to show to achieve my goal little torch spam isn't going to hurt anyone I decided not to worry about all of those useless time-consuming tasks and just built the second illusion and honestly it looked so cool with the water the infinite staircase illusion is working perfectly this was so much fun I'm basically just pumped I'm ready to go on to the third and final level three illusion the final illusion of the entire video and if you're wondering what it's going to be it's the Penrose triangle you really think I was just going to make this a fun little side project I think it's time to uh show everyone we are coming up on what I've spent the past month of my life working on what am I looking at hang on what's going on here it's definitely abstract welcome to my illusion Museum oh wait that's trippy she in a box oh it's like a big crafting table wait wait I can't look at that that how do you do that sick oh I just looked behind you oh my god something about that is not right I'm going to keep it I'm going to keep it honest with you miles this just to hypnotize everyone to make me win the sub race no everyone subscribe to my I need I need it please let help me what the hell got it say a f I think I know what the thumbnail this video is I forgotten where like they connected rip all my brain cells they're literally gone after this this whole project has been a challenge to myself make something iconic to Outcast and I wanted to ask you as someone who's achieved this before have I actually succeeded I mean we have so many iconic things already if something was the best build a week later it won't be but if your goal was to make your first iconic build then I do think you've done so with this this was really sick it it hurt my eyes extremely unfunctional and disgusting from every other angle but from this specific angle it's perfect yeah I I like it I guess I'll pass the torch oh this is by far the coolest build I've ever seen W's portal sucks it actually sucks so bad now I changed my mind in [Music] everything oh
Channel: tazoh
Views: 2,296,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tazoh, outcasts, echocraft, minecraft smp, minecraft survival, I Built Illusions in Survival Minecraft, minecraft illusion, penrose triangle
Id: q3i6tcONrlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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