I Built EVERY Automatic Farm in Minecraft!

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i'm gonna transform this entire mushroom island into a full medieval kingdom with over 100 houses a castle a massive dragon boats and a ton of other crazy secrets this video contains over 300 hours of work and is by far my most ambitious project ever make sure to stick around to the end and i promise you won't regret it so about eight months ago when i was exploring i happened to cross this mushroom island i thought it'd be pretty cool to make a base here but the thing is to build anything here these mushrooms first need to go okay now that the mushrooms are gone i'd like to begin with terraforming the shape of this island wait oh my gosh i got a sick idea you see that pool there doesn't it kind of look like an eye of a skull oh i could put another eye there and maybe a mouth below yeah i'm gonna quickly try to shape this out because it would be so cool to make this island into a skull to get the correct shape i did use a few photos to trace it but then i had to keep flying up and down to make sure everything was correct well here we are it's looking pretty fancy except i lied it looks horrible we need to get rid of all of this mycelium i think i just have a natural hatred towards all mushrooms or something so there are pretty much two ways to do this the first is to cover it all in water that will convert the mycelium into dirt where we could then place grass and it would spread however that method is pretty slow so then we could try the second approach of covering all of the blocks in netherrack afterwards we could remove the netherrack and should only have dirt oh man there are over 100 000 blocks to cover here is the first block alright it has been 15 hours and i have turned the entire place into a grassy oasis next up it's time to terraform this entire island i'm going to first fill in all of these open spots and then i'm going to make a platform for the future castle [Music] it looks like the inner parts also need to be terraformed i first cleared all of the water away and then mined them down from there i replaced the floors and the walls to make them look much more rough and random after i finished that i spent several hours mining all of this flat land around the island down so it would look more natural [Music] now that we've finished that i kind of want to connect these floating parts to the ground i think we could use cobblestone and a site and stone to do this this required building an additional cobblestone farm as well as a super smelter to cook all of it into normal stone and now i gotta mine a whole bunch of andesite perfect we got all of our materials and now it's time to terraform because i was underwater for such a long time i also needed a conduit but to make the conduit i needed a drowned farm so that i could get the nautilus shells to make the conduit well our island is fully terraformed and it only took 150 hours and countless youtube streams i do however think this is a good time to begin planning the city i'd first like to put a castle up there somewhere and maybe leading up to it we can have a bridge just kidding i lied actually two bridges next i think we should begin working on the castle i actually made a full separate video on building this castle so i highly recommend checking that out first but basically i had to shape the castle and then using over 80 000 blocks i built up walls a roof towers courtyards houses and this thing let's not talk about that all of this required building an additional drip stone farm netherwart farm a villager breeder villager trading hall an iron farm a dragon egg duper sand duper and a concrete converter yup all in all i spent about 200 hours making this entire island into what it is but now this is where the video is going to get even more insane because today i'm gonna subscribe i mean collect over 400 000 blocks to prepare for the surrounding city i've made a full list of all the items i will need for this project but the thing is some of these are really difficult to get large quantities up so the plan for today is to build all those farms for these items first of all we're going to need a bunch of wood but to store the wood we're going to need shulker boxes my old shulker farm kind of broke so the first farm we're going to be building is a shulker farm it looks like there's a big list of items required first up scaffolding smooth stone slabs soul sand buttons trapdoors glass and all right that should be everything now to build this farm i was thinking that in the industrial district with all the other farms would be best well then it's time to begin i'm putting a bunch of snowmen in here i guess these attack the shulker make it work i also needed to make this super easy snow farm for all of the golems [Music] okay now we need to spawn an endermite in here and get into the mine cart and that should be the last block of the farm now we actually need to get a shulker into the farm and if i recall yes a while back i actually managed to get a few shulkers into the overworld at spawn so let's quickly make a path to the place if i could please stop getting hit minecart yes there he goes move it buddy drop in please and it should be working yes we are getting shells however once these shulkers spawn on these spots i'm pretty sure it's gonna be a lot faster i think if i quickly build a chunk loader above the farm now while we work on our other projects the farm will afk and should get these shulkers although these chalkers are just half of the problem to make a shulker box you need two shells and a chest to make a chest that's eight wooden planks say i wanted to make several thousand shulker boxes i would need a ton of wood so i think our next farm will be a wood farm i had a really cool idea for a wood farm area basically there are nine different types of wood in game now i've researched high and i've researched low and i've found really good farms for each of these woods now something that needs to be taken into account is that each of these farms require a ton of bone meal to fuel them so what if we built all nine farms in one area and then make a crazy bone meal farm on top of that after that we could create tubes that link all of them to the bone meal farms i actually think this is a really cool idea but first i need to find where i'm going to build these farms possibly out here on the ocean because i do have a bunch of other farms out here it might be a good spot [Music] the first wood farm we're going to be building is going to be a mangrove farm this new wood came with everyone's favorite update 1.19 the mangrove color is really nice and i'm sure that on the castle island i'll use a lot of it so let's follow the tutorial and build this thing this one requires some stone bricks and for some reason a bunch of stripped oak logs this is gonna be satisfying perfect now a ton of redstone stuff let's also grab some chests for storage and i think that should be everything i'm going to quickly go ahead and build the farm nice that was actually really easy to follow to test it we need some propagules and then to place them here while it's running holy cow that's all of the wood from like 30 seconds of running it although to let that farm afk i do need to make a propagule farm but i'm gonna make that one later next up we have another relatively simple farm the nether trees farm the cool thing about this is that it doesn't actually need a player to run that essentially means it can be chunk loaded and will be producing infinite wood [Music] there we are to run this we're gonna need a ton of bone meal which i do not have so before we test that one i want to build up the bone meal farm jeez that's a lot of items for some reason this farm requires 400 target blocks each of which require hay bale do we have any hay not much well i have seen people go to villages and get the hay bales why are there so many iron golems [Music] and that should be all that we need i suppose also a ton of redstone things some glass and concrete and now that everything is in shulker boxes we can go ahead and build it up this farm design is by ill mango it's a simple bone meal farm but i built the largest version that makes over 26 000 bone meal in an hour and there we are if everything is working as intended i should only have to put a bit of bone meal in this first section and then flick the lever i think we can quickly connect the output of this farm to the nether trees and test if it works or not okay here comes the first bone meal i'm gonna need to let it run for a little while because it's got to be completely full before the tree farm can work the extra bone meal is starting to get burnt i think if we flick this lever okay the tnt oh man the trees are growing oh my gosh look at how much wood is just floating there actually it's perfect because i was wanting to build the storage for all of these farms down here and i'm gonna need a bunch of chests and shulker boxes inside of it wait i wonder if the shulker farm is still running we'll check back in later so first of all to make the storage for the farms i'm gonna need to collect even more items keep in mind that i'm leaving out the crafting of most items for example i needed several hundred observers those require cobblestone quartz and redstone i had to first use my cobble farm then i went to my gold farm where i then used all of the gold to trade at my piglet bartering farm for courts after that i collected redstone at the cow king raid farm oh yeah i also needed a lot of slime a ton of honey i used this farm and pistons and more courts and wood and glass and trapdoors and hoppers and item frames let's just say that collecting the materials for this storage in the next farm was not easy and took me several hours oh at least now i just need to build the farm it shouldn't be too bad i hope what the heck this is gonna take hours and hours it did take what i didn't realize is that if i messed up even one part the entire farm would break it's time to test it why is it not working oh my gosh you're not gonna believe this this one rail here needs to be at a slant okay so yeah the next farm is done the really cool part about this farm is that you can do five different types of woods you just press the button and you get whichever wood you want i guess that means there's just one more farm to do but before that i do want to build a super tiny propagule farm right here hopefully it should allow me to afk the mangrove farm and not run out of propagules next up i'd like to connect all of the farms to the bonemeal farm and test if each one works there we go i also made some super quick glass tubes and later we're gonna make it so you can change whichever farm they go to but first let's get the dark oak tree farm finished [Music] i didn't even think it was possible to farm dark oak before okay i seem to have run out of target blocks again i seriously need a wheat farm [Music] and there it is now i actually want to test this one i think what we do is we get a bunch of saplings in her hand and then turn it on get in the minecart now i need to point this direction hold down my right click yes dude it's been like five minutes what the heck i am thoroughly mind blown the best part is though that was the last wood farm i had to make i do however want to quickly set up some redstone to control the bone meal tubes so if you notice we have glass blocks here to stop the bone meal from falling but when i remove the glass it just falls through the water to the next tube i was thinking if we set up some pistons here i could control it with a lever so all right and that completes the wood farms if you know your redstone you can probably recognize that i'm going to be using shulker box loaders here now that we have a ton of wood from the farms and the shells from the shulker farm we gotta fill all of these chests up wait has the shulker farm been working this whole time there it is oh my yes it's been working okay then with all the shells and all of this wood i'm about to craft over 1 700 shulker boxes to put in here crafting them up like this is amazing because you can just do 64 at a time what's crazy is that 1700 shulker boxes still isn't enough to fully stock this system however before we do any more let's finish this half of the storage over here i'd like to sort some of the more rare items like the mangrove roots nether leaves and apples why the apples um i don't know after over 30 hours of collecting items building farms and afk at them these final shulker boxes should finish the wood district yes now to basically make sure everything's working but to also get the items i'm going to spend a few hours afk at every farm [Music] it's been a little while but before i show you how much wood i collected i'm legally inclined to say sorry to team trees no for real though like first the mushroom trees then i basically destroyed the mushrooms home and now i'm literally using tnt to bomb thousands of mass-produced trees goodness gracious when you put it that way it it was absolutely worth it because i mean look at all of this wood this was from four hours of afk we are gonna be more than prepared for this future city on the island except what i didn't tell you was that the shulker boxes and wood for the city was only half of the equation you see this house looks good but it's all wood this house also looks good but it's all stone i'm pretty sure you see where i'm going yup this stone and wood house looks extra splendid next up we need to collect like 200 000 stone blocks i was wondering how we might actually get these blocks first of all the basic stuff like stone i can simply get from the stone farm from there i can craft stone bricks as well as cook those in the super smelter to get cracked stone bricks but then getting something like 31 000 deepslate will be much more challenging i'm going to quickly do some research and see if there's a way to farm the block okay i did a bit of research and i think we're going to build a tunnel bore to build this machine we first got to find the perfect spot i think right here in the mesa works and now i gotta mine all the way down to y minus 55. [Music] okay and now i'd like to set up a beacon here so now this is either gonna be awesome and save a ton of time or awesome and kill me and run run run this is not quite large enough i'm gonna repeat this until it's finished [Music] that should be it now i just need to build up the machine and i already have all the materials except for these weird dead coral fans so it looks like i'm gonna take a little trip to the coral reef [Music] now that i have enough let's build up the machine [Music] and that should be the final part i think to use the machine we hit this note block please work please work please work okay that was loud then i think we just come in here and make sure to pick up the items [Music] yup that's from just one round i guess we just need to repeat this until i have enough [Music] i'm also going to collect all of the tough and diamond doors that i find because they'll become more useful later now that all the deep slate and tough blocks can be checked off i want to gather a bunch of dirt for paths and terraforming on the island in total i think about 12 shulkers will be enough i've never really collected that much dirt before in the past whenever i had to collect dirt i usually would get a bunch of shovels and just mine it but i think there might be a faster and more explosively interesting way of obtaining it tnt tnt that's what it is okay here goes nothing roughly a stack and a half from just one tnt so then if we get a bunch of these and just keep exploding them [Music] there's our first inventory this method is actually really good [Music] and here we are the last shulker completely full not too shabby that only took like 30 minutes to get that much dirt but uh let's not talk about this area also now that we got all the dirt let's use some gravel to make coarse dirt and four shulkers should definitely be enough so i was looking at the new 1.19 blocks and i absolutely love the mud blocks and i even more love the packed mud blocks i'd like to collect about 10 shulkers of mud in total or just over 17 000 blocks that's kind of a lot there are mud farms that i've seen but the issue with those is that they're slow and they use dirt which doesn't really make sense because then i'd have to go out again and mine more dirt so then i guess that leaves the option of finding a mangrove biome and mining the dirt yo finally that took like 30 minutes i was considering doing the tnt method again but honestly in this case i think just digging it up is faster [Music] we definitely got enough mud but i also want to get the packed mud block except this block is challenging to get because it requires wheat like a lot of wheat if i want to make four shulkers of packed mud that requires 6912 wheat just mining hay bales isn't gonna cut it this time i think instead i'm gonna make a quick wheat farm let's just get the materials really fast concrete hoppers dirt pistons and redstone dust all right now to build it i went ahead and built it in the wood farm district because that allowed me to connect it to the bone meal farm to use the machine we just have to come down here and isn't that pretty cool that's nearly two wheat every second i'm gonna run this machine until there's enough wheat to make all the packed mud blocks [Music] that should be all of it but i was noticing that as i made some tools my levels got pretty low time to afk at the gold farm [Music] all of that gold is from one hour of afk this is actually really convenient because if we take the gold to the pigment farm and yup they got some more blocks we need soul sand and black stone but also a ton of quartz and string oh yeah i'm also now level 10 15 so that's pretty cool i was hoping that with all this quartz i could craft diorite which i could then turn into andesite but to get 10 full shulkers of these blocks that would require an insane amount of courts so i think it might just be better to go out and mine the blocks and as for where we can mine the blocks i think in the wall of this perimeter will work perfectly oh yeah to make this perimeter where we're mining the blocks i used a world eater it could be argued that it's another farm but i'll leave that to you to decide in the comments it has been a while i finished collecting exactly four shulkers of diorite four of andecite and two of granite i got so many of each because i just love using these blocks in houses you know we've been collecting blocks for so long that i think i'll do the final couple ones in a montage [Applause] lots of bricks and chisel bricks [Music] there we go sandstone and smooth sandstone [Music] there we go that's everything i'm going to now move everything to the island and we can see the grand total geez about 250 shulkers completely full of items that we're going to be using to build this city doing the math on that that's a grand total of 432 000 items well i guess that's it for today's video nope now it's time to plan the entire city out don't worry this will be quick anyways i wanted the island to be split into 10 different districts the castle district the poor area religious area rich the farms industrial the mine the courtyard the market the ships and the surrounding islands as well as finally the dragon one small thing i think we should cover the entire island and beacons to make the work here easier how about we quickly craft up 100 beacons oh wait i don't have enough nether stars that's the 100 netherstar that's 100 beacons [Music] and that's 72 beacons on an island [Music] for real though this project is probably going to take me over half a year to finish if you're interested in seeing the progress please remember to subscribe and turn notifications on so that whenever i post the next part you don't miss out wait a minute no way someone just told me that if i get a charged creeper to blow up my shulker boxes they duplicate here goes nothing [Music]
Channel: Wunba
Views: 2,457,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, creative, wunba, diamond, diamonds, 7000, days, challenge, world, record, dungeons, mining, 10000, ores, mega, build, builds, music, smp, modded, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, minecraft but, minecraft survival, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, 7000 days, building, let's, play, let, episode, Wunba, gaming, portal, 100, 1.19, ilmango, farms, farm, design, castle, island, mushroom, mooshroom, automatic, auto
Id: H4kYlwQtM9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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