I Built a WARDEN STATUE in Minecraft Hardcore

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i built a giant warden in hardcore minecraft and i even trapped the real warden inside of it so i'm gonna have to collect a whole bunch of different blocks from everywhere in minecraft for a total of 19 unique blocks but there's just one block that i haven't laid my hands on yet and that is the skulk block in the ancient city and i'm not gonna lie that place scares me a little bit so before we do that let's clear out an area for the warden now let's start building an outline for the warden that sort of looks like the warden right okay not really don't worry by the end of this video this warden will be so detailed and it'll look amazing now it's time to start collecting some materials to build this warden let's first start off by getting the easy materials so here are the materials i have so far now let's move on to the harder materials to collect like dark prismarine i think you get that in the ocean monument and i'm not really good at rating these things um i'm not really sure what these guys really do but i'm just going to fly in here and grab as many as i can and just see how it goes honestly it might not be the okay yep i already got money fatigue oh no this isn't good okay i need to get out of here that was a little dangerous um well boys job is done i got myself three blocks of dark prison marine that's all i need all right let's grab a whole bunch of totals of undying that is a lot and let's go back here okay i already got mining fatigue let's grab a bunch of milk buckets and now i'm ready oh there's a bunch inside here okay that's perfect there's less of those squidward-looking guys to attack me in here [Music] oh where did all these squidwards come from why is there six looking at me okay let's run and let's just try to collect as many dark prisms me as i can before i die oh my god that's a big daddy i don't wanna deal with him i'm gonna be honest i don't even know what an ocean monument is for other than to be drained out because that's all i see on youtube everybody drains this thing out from the ocean let's fly over to the next one and collect some more blocks and this ocean monument was a little more difficult oh my god oh oh my drown right here my drown [Music] i need to get out of here okay that was pretty painful and in order to build this warden i'm gonna need a lot of wool and after harvesting all of these sheep again i don't think this is good enough so i ended up breeding all of them to have babies and even with all these babies it still wasn't good enough so i found some more sheep all right come home guys join the family let's go they don't even fit jump through the chests let's go and you guys go and let's breathe all of these new sheep up and let's start harvesting even more wool and after about two hours of harvesting and breeding my sheep farm this is what it looks like now yeah i got a lot of sheep in here now and it gets me a lot of wool which i really need to build this ward in and for all my future projects but now let's move on to the more mysterious and difficult block to get the skulk block the first thing we need to do is find myself an ancient city okay what are the chances that i just go into this ravine that ramly found straight down and hit an ancient city what are the chances here okay no ancient city yet let's continue digging no diamonds though and nothing i thought if dream can do it i could do it too but i'm not dreaming and after countless hours of searching i finally found it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i found it i'm scared i i okay all right let's go in i know you gotta be quiet but how quiet do you need to be just run let's just run and see okay um where are those noises i've never done this before i'm scared what are those things what are these why are they waving at me i don't think anything is happening when i'm making these noises so oh wait i think i should be scared of that thing what if i just uh oh my god goosebumps oh no my legs are tingling right now but i'm only here for one thing and that is to collect myself some skulk blocks so that is exactly what i did before i go though i should at least see him right like i've never seen him before so what do i do to summon him do i just make noises i think the warden is scared of me you can't hear me you can't see me you can't see me you can't see me you can't see me you can't smell me i smell good oh no no he can't see me you can't see me just walk by me walk by me um hello we are friends right we are good friends see we're just friends right we're just friends oh he gave me a smooch wow that's oh my god oh oh my god why did i get more scared of a creeper than that guy i have no idea how i'm gonna trap the warden inside this warden later on i'm really gonna have to grow some big balls or something but let's finally start building the warden and let's start off with building the feet for him i'm probably gonna mess this up really badly but i'm just uh gonna try my best here so i think sign concrete goes here let's put some of these skulk blocks and bam bam the more cyan and some concrete up here now back here let's put some more skull like that and the warden is pretty dark so let's use a bunch of black wool to make out the leg and let's just randomly put like some skull blocks like there and there or something let's fill them up pause and let's continue building until we get to the bottom of the arm right here so let's go all the way around with some more wool and add some more details to the front okay that's not bad it looks pretty good so far now let's repeat the same exact thing on the other leg hey come on that looks pretty good and honestly i'm not sure why i still have so many totems in my inventory i'm still scared and i want to be safe never know he might get me out here anyways let's finish up these legs and then start building the arms alright i built half of the arm and let's see how it looks oh that's not bad that's not bad it looks kind of weird with this dirt here let's just remove that and if i fill this in with some signed concrete instead of just air it will look a lot better hey there we go i feel like we're about 20 done the warden and it's looking not bad just surprising because i'm a terrible builder okay now i'm moving on to a whole new block palette which i'm not really used to look at this difference this is kind of hard to build i think i put jungle wood here and then strip them yeah this doesn't look right at all but hopefully it comes out looking all right i'm totally messing this up what am i doing what oh i okay it goes like this and then sandstone and then a bone block then sandstone and then birch more sandstone sandstone and bone yeah this is very difficult it's gonna look amazing when the video is done though trust me okay i think that's the front side of the arm all complete and i can't even tell if that looks right or not but let's just pretend it is and start working on the other sides [Music] i messed up here oh no i'm supposed to be one block lower than this um why do i always mess something up let's see if this part is messed up or not i really hope it isn't so it goes skulk black black needs some concrete powder here and then black black skull and black okay so i messed up this part where did i go wrong let's just break this entire thing and redo this part the paint there we go this side is perfect and finally for the back end my favorite part [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now for the top of the arm and there we go that is the entire left arm of the warden complete i'm building just this of the warden took almost all of my materials i literally don't have any black wool left and yeah i still have a lot more to go so i spent the next hour gathering even more materials [Music] look at all this hairless sheep isn't that funny to you guys look at them they're all hairless uh anyways and finally i got enough black wool to continue building again and trust me when i say this no squids were harmed ever in the making of all this black wool trust me like nobody was harmed at all and now let's continue working on the last arm well i guess the warden only has two arms so i guess the only laps never mind [Music] all right all we need left is the top of the arm and the bottom let's quickly finish that up and there we have the arms complete i think we're almost halfway done we just need the torso and the head which is gonna be the most detailed and the most works so we're actually probably not even close to halfway done oh man it's looking good though it's looking good i can't wait till we trap the actual warden inside that would be pretty cool anyways the rest of the build will take a lot of black wool and i'm already running low on it and constantly killing all of these squid it makes me feel pretty bad so i'm gonna change this so i'm actually gonna make a very quick squid farm so let's get rid of all of this garbage put it back into the ocean let's grab some glass some slabs and some fence gates and now let's just use this random river right here this should work yep i do see some squids right there and let's build out right into the middle of it now let's build out a nine by nine square right in the middle of the river here if i could even place my clock at the ripes bruh there we go minecraft dresses me up sometimes now that we have this little platform let's remove every second block so it looks like a checkerboard or a giant hashtag kind of like this and now let's put a three block wide platform on every side like this and fill it in and now for the challenging part i need to remove all the water underneath that big glass platform which means i gotta drain the ocean once again how do i manage to drain the ocean in every single episode that literally took me so long to say how does every video have to why am i required well why do i why do i even know english at this point [Music] bro please leave me alone whose idea was the ad drowned into the game they are so useless look at all of these tridents he threw at me trying to hit me as i'm trying to build i'm actually going to lose brain cells oh you already want to go into the farm don't you buddy don't worry i'm going to be farming your family soon oh my please leave me alone i didn't get an advil my my head is hurting i i'm i'll be right back okay all right let's start the pain of draining the ocean again oh so much fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and finally all the water is drained out and now let's just simply remove all of this dirt and luckily for me this lake was really deep already so i don't need to dig into the ground thank god now i need to place a fence gate underneath every single hole so hopefully that is lined up it should be and let's do the same thing for every hole like this and make a giant grid let's put some blocks on top of these gates and now even more gates yeah this might be the messiest thing i've ever built but let's remove all these temporary blocks and open all of these fence gates up somehow there's no chance i'm gonna be opening all of them there's just way too many and it's screwing with my eyes okay what in the world did i just build now i need to dig even lower to y level 29 so i guess building this platform is kind of useless and i am way too lazy to mine all of this by hand so i built another beacon so now it makes my life a lot easier but i still need a mine by hand so it didn't really change much it just made my life a little bit easier now the farm is basically complete i just need to make the collection system let's put it right over here some hoppers like that and let's bring it all the way down [Music] now the final thing i need to do is put some water in these slots and it should work oh uh oh let me just remove this giant beacon that's uh slightly in the way now let's put the water buckets down and i'm hoping they land in those pockets right there and they don't flow okay it looks good oh i got invisible water what what hello minecraft come on now oh there there we go wow i actually didn't mess this up wait i missed the one oh wow i actually didn't mess this up i did something right for once mom nice now all i need to do is come down here and just afk and squids should be falling from the sky like cloudy chance of meatballs and just fall down on this platform and give me free ink sacks please any day now i did here if you put 120 blocks up it should help increase spawn rate so let's try it [Music] [Applause] all right let's sit up here and afk why are there squids spawning beside it and not inside okay i please tell me i don't need to drain this entire thing please i don't want to drain that i think i made a giant mistake building this in a big big river i'm still going to get here and wait to see if i get any ink sacks all right let's go check how many squids i got now let's come down here oh i gotta be kind of careful and what the heck bruh bruh can you guys just spawn in here please well i guess you gotta resort back to killing squid manually because i can't be asked to build this again in a different area like that's way too much i built another squid farm and to make it even worse i even drained out sections of this river to increase spawn race just a little bit and so far i haven't seen any squids yet so let's fly up to this little glass platform i made up here and please work please please please oh yes oh my god we did it we got squids let's go down here and see how many ink sacks i got oh my god i don't even have a totem on i should be careful let's come down here and oh yes yes we already have 62. and after nine hours of pain building the squid farm and draining out this river i finally have unlimited squids to make black dye and turn it into black wool all right let's get back to work on this warden let's start building his torso [Music] and the big reveal oh my god the warden is coming he is coming it's really starting to look like it i can't wait till we get the head ready and the little horns this is gonna be insane all right let's start working on the back of the torso and then we'll work on the sweet head [Music] hey yo how did a lush block get inside the warden's arm what what how did that happen enderman must have went in the depths of earth so get that and put it into the warden that's pretty crazy finally the torso is officially complete and the only thing left is to build the warden's head and the cool little horns or ears he's got and i'm not even sure why i collected two stacks of light blue terracotta i only need one block of this and it goes on the left side of his forehead i guess the warden has a pit bull on his forehead i'm also finally gonna use more light blue wool they only have one block right there in his chest it might be one of his nipples or something [Music] and my first ever light blue terracotta and the only one ever to be placed down that's an accomplishment but i'm getting pretty close to finishing the warden's face i just need to build his giant forehead or his six head and i should be done and then we get to trap him i'm excited [Music] yo my first light blue wool that's a big milestone and actually i lied i do use light blue terracotta once more and two more times over there i think look at that he's growing pimples on the top of his head imagine another lipo wool here a bunch of cyan concrete around it and another piece of light blue terracotta and one here now let's fill everything in and i think i should be done the entire warden except the horns let's go check it out a big reveal for the fifth time in this video that is so sick come on guys that is amazing see what it looks like in the daytime and yep that is so sick the very last thing we need to do now is build the little ears or horns let's first start working on the left side so i think i'll come down here and build three skulk blocks like this one under here one on top of that let's put some dark prismarine and then some more skulk let's do some planks and it'll go up one block here i really hope i'm building this right i i'm probably screwing this up really bad um bring one down here and then kind of bring it up like that honestly i don't even know what i am doing or building at all so we shall see if this turns out nice come down here and right underneath this block let's put some light blue wool and i think these are the final block spam i don't want to look at it yet and i won't show you guys yet let's work on the other side first and let's have a grand reveal of the warden when we're done [Music] okay and for the eighth time the biggest reveal in minecraft history the new fully built warden in minecraft oh my god if this isn't the best thing you've ever seen i don't know what is look how realistic he looks that is insane wait i think we have a problem why does this ear look a little taller than the other you guys see that as well this one's a little taller it doesn't look right it should be four blocks down from the top oh oh no it's uh it's three blocks it's supposed to be four would just leave it or do i go through the pain of fixing it so i fixed it anyways now that the warden build is complete and it looks amazing and all that's still not good enough we gotta go one step further and trap a warden inside of here that would be pretty cool oh no oh no there's a lot of creepers in here oh what do i do what do i do okay i should be safe here get me out let's go dig a giant hole to the ancient city so this is where my base is right now and all the way over here is where the warden lives in the ancient city that is a distance of over 2 500 blocks and after talking to my good friend sam dixon he told me that the best way to transport and trap the warden is to do it underground in a tunnel so let's get to work and start over here by the warden let's dig down and i'm pretty sure the warden is two by three blocks tall and why what a chunky guy so i need to make the tunnel pretty chunky anyways let's start mining two thousand five hundred blocks away oh that's gonna be painful [Music] my brain just went idle for a second there [Music] okay i've been mining for about two hours and my pickaxe is just about a break we have gone a very far away and we're still 2 000 blocks out this is insane all right let's get right back to mining oh man this could literally be an entire separate video of me trapping the word but instead i'm doing it in this video so you guys better like and subscribe because uh i'm going through a lot of pain okay i have finally made it to the ancient city and we got a long dark tunnel to transport this warden i have all of my totems and i think i'm ready to go i don't think i can be any more prepared so let's summon the warden oh god let's try to get this guy the spawn oh no the darkness has appeared trying to make some more noise i think the warden's scared of me to be honest like i'm the cookie god and we got the entire cookie army okay come on daddy why did i just call him that okay he was over there why are you scared of me oh i think i angered him oh my god he's fast why is his head popping like that i see a bobble head okay he's coming oh my god i can't even see him my hands are literally sweating palms are weak knees are heavy oh this isn't good okay please don't give me slowness please don't give me slowness okay i got past them oh i should have lit this up and he's just gonna ramble through them i do have a lead on him so this is good let's keep this distance from him okay this isn't too bad it looks like he's like injured why'd he turn around did he lose sight of me well i probably should put my name tag on him though so he doesn't despawn um yeah i do have a name tag in my shulker let's quickly do this so where is it right there and how am i supposed to do this okay let's try to block him off here maybe like that you break blocks i don't think he can oh my god look at him let's try to walk up to him it might have been a good idea bring some golden apples okay let's put my chest plate on just for this okay let's try to right click this on him oh yep yep yep he's he's not happy i really don't know what to do guys what if i trap him like this and i'm not sure if he hit me through walls or anything oh yeah i guess you can i guess he can oh okay um you know get a good ear oh my god oh this is not good this is not good oh my god this is not good guys um that was the most unorganized thing ever yeah let's just forget about the name tag oh my god look how cute he is just jumping up the stairs oh my name tag says otherwise okay we have made it cookie overreacting in three two one okay he's right there look at his head bopping right there his head just popping right over the ground that's so funny hello warden meet yourself so now i kind of want to like fly right by him and then give him the name tag and this would be the best way to name him so he doesn't despawn i think so let's fly here give it that to him fly fly fly fly so now he shouldn't be able to despawn because he's named so let's go grab myself some more totems so my idea is to trap him inside the crotch of the warden because that's just where he belongs so let's mine out the crotch and put some glass right here just like that and from down below that is exactly what we're gonna see the warden just chilling right there so now let's build him a little home and right in the corner let's put one light blue terracotta cause that's gonna be his pimple in his home so i don't really have a good idea on how to bring him down here without putting myself in danger so let's make a big vertical tunnel and just drop them from the top and this is kind of funny because it seems like he's being born again you know like he's being like dropped out of the pool all right let's put some trapdoors here so it'll trick him into falling in i hope let's block that off here so he can't come reach me and i can just run this way just in case now let's start building out the staircase to bring that guy up here the ugly boy okay i got the staircase built and before i do anything with this warden let's grab some golden apples and also build a beacon with regeneration and resistance okay now i don't really know what the best way is to get him out of there i don't really want to go near him because he's definitely gonna sonic boom or whatever and do a lot of damage to me so i think i might just fish him out of there if he stops hiding so let's put a fishing rod down here if i could hit him oh my god i didn't think i'll throw him that high um i think i could just simply go on top of these stairs here and he'll just follow me get my bow and arrow out and maybe he'll just follow the arrow noises come over here to the beacon let's get a totem in my hand just in case i'm kind of scared i have no idea where he is right now he knows where i am though let's get on top of the head and oh my god he's in the forest okay follow the arrow noises please let's hit him and try to make him walk up the stairs hit him a few more times he's coming up he's going oh he's here he's here okay he hit me he didn't do any damage and he fell he fell oh okay hear me again okay this golden apple in the region is doing really good let's chomp another one down and i really don't have a weight out of here i probably just thought this through what's the best way to get out okay let's just mine out of here like that that was super hectic let's just break these trap doors and cover him up with some black wool go over here and just get out and now if we go down here we can see him just chilling he could probably hit me through there though so i want i should be yep i should be careful i guess we're never gonna have a good view of him well there he is the ugly boy and all his glory the very last thing i want to do is transform the ground to make it look like the ancient city so fill it up with a bunch of skulk so the overworld looks infected now let's add some of these catalysts around i really don't know what they do they just look kind of cool that's some of these freaky sensors and the warden is officially complete with the warden trapped inside well this project took me forever so if you can please subscribe that would be amazing anyways goodbye [Music]
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 9,507,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie god, acookiegod series, acookiegod hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft warden
Id: 9rYUknDHobk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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