I built the most OVERPOWERED BUNKER with this GLITCH in Rust

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this is a typical rust bunker high quality metal fully sealed with no way in or out and the only way to transfer loot is through a Dropbox this isn't a very practical way to live what if I told you I found a way to have a fully sealed bunker that was easy to use well rust recently introduced the piping system this allows you to transfer loot around your base with ease the only catch it has to go through windows or doorways but I found a way to make it go through walls which is why this bunker is so great this is the most overpowered bunker base you'll see today but we'll get to that we first need to find a base location and as usual we start naked on the beach decaying or raided server's not old strange that you are decaying you know me I like to start with an EC raade so I continued roaming the lands looking for that weak base I wish I had a bow I wish that was a head shot that would have been so good that early on but I respawned and continued my journey that's awkward I feel bad when you kill naked but like got a fair bit of stuff I didn't like the area I was in so I grabbed all this random loot that I found and I grabbed a train looking for a new base location and specifically a tier 3 area because I wanted to test my base against Clans I wanted them to try and raid me and then come across my bunker and think wow we don't have enough explosive well that's the plan Garfield [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you get out we're going to live in between gas station and power plant I think turret oh my goodness that could have been bad while we're on the train don't forget CK's got merch merch merch merch ck.com I'm deliberately going to to a high tier area guys cuz I want people to want to kill me you know what I'm saying I need to get this base raided okay this is actually our location got gas station and we got power plant Outpost isn't too far away High tier area so I'm more likely to get some aggro people on me not much wood in this area which isn't ideal quickly make a bag need a nice area of flat for this base design oh my God I found a satchel huge huge huge I need space for a 3X3 in between the tracks here I think this could work right yeah this will work I just want to secure the area do I build up or do I go looking for my first Eco R straight away look at the Clans there's so many big groups around here this is a perfect area for my um um my plan it's eerily quiet as well oh rifle ammo don't worry that would soon change thank you for 5,000 scrap do you want to get ready today I'm just going to examine the bases I know I'm living with a wood door hello man oh no oh he's online I think I should leave that base alone he will have a gun pissed off person number one I decided to still explore his compound after all the aim of this wi was to annoy people into raiding me just so you don't forget this base belongs to the guy called Eric there appears to be no weakness now [ __ ] it I can't be H with Eric I'd rather secure this metal door courtesy of Eric we have a metal door with my base location secured and an enemy already slightly triggered I went to do a bit of farming so I could expand my base that way I wasn't a one door raid that's the footprint for the base we got the footprint wanted reward for this guy interesting feel like this base might be worth a little raid he's a solo though right okay we got tier one boom tier one and I can craft everything right everything down I can oh revolver the reason I chose a server that had blueprints on was because I wanted to go raiding so that I could annoy people to want to get revenge on me and I also wanted to learn all the electrical components so to do that on top of raiding you'd need a lot of scrap as a solo and even though my base wasse secure I crafted revolver and went straight back to annoying Eric [Music] Colton H there two of them Eric and Colton okay I would intermittently Farm to upgrade my base but I find that so tedious and boring that every now and then I'd go and annoy Eric again yes well I was on my way to annoy Eric but there some collateral damage into my very very secure base do I roam it or do I hold off for now before roaming it oh he's mad I'm going I'm going to try and get a s now I'm going to try and like upgrade to a [Music] s pointless fighting a roof camper I ran away only to return in a hot air balloon he knows I'm coming these uh damage ones are really hard to control this low altitude approach is best that's so that's [ __ ] please get up sebie 24% oh my God it got base owner then goes completely quiet and goes AFK who knows why I was in his compound and I wanted to make him play but without wood I wasn't able to get out but I did see some boxes so I came back to destroy them okay I can throw my stuff out of the window here oh wow that fell down here too come on let's go B yes and at that point I had to leave so I logged off for the night in my very badly secured base and hope for the best okay we survived the night great news woo somebody did come in my base somebody broke my seat feeling okay we are secure guys much better than yesterday already yeah that's going to be that will be the Dropbox room that's going to be furnace room this will be main room and this will be like living area and we are going to ramp it we want make it secure this will be interesting I have a good I have good plans for this guys good plans I actually need to destroy that wall that ramp might not work either oh I hate this base already I I need I need to really do Renovations desperately it's always good to get a farm in when you're most motivated and that's when you first log on so I went out to do that and around me a lot of bases were decaying which was weird as the server was only 3 days old the core itself is still sealed oh wow look at this I need sulfur let's get this grab the sulfur need I keep getting distracted I need to check out this eade my next move was to check out the base I got the tier two from as I saw a lot of weaknesses in the design in itself so I headed in that direction that's on my buildup guys they haven't been online boxes are showing oh no why is he shooting arm a horse oh if you're if you're that weak that you di to a one hit head shot that's not oh wow what are you shooting at what is he doing that's what he's doing that's what he's doing doing let's see light down there he might live down there oh [ __ ] [Music] me oh [Applause] wow I need I need to oh my God guys I I need to grab this run that base is absolutely loaded [ __ ] hell run run run guys if we get this loot I want the tier three I need if I get the tier three three we're [Applause] laughing why does he run [Applause] away huge guys tier three as well tier three only thing we haven't found is guns we got tier three now oh my goodness why didn't he come back like [ __ ] donkey was shooting explosive ammo at the shotgun trap and all he had to do was jump through the side by the time I'd come back again he had been there and he had looted some of the components the base was now completely ransacked so I turned my attention to the base next door which looked like the external tool cupboard was decaying the external TC's metal is [Music] decaying oh my God what is going on [Applause] today he's back look at him he's back let me go Depot need to confiscate his gun now the day was off to a great start and I'd soon with all these resources I'm getting be able to start work on the ultimate bunker base that you didn't need a door for those you that not understand the story line yet I actually want to get raided these guys are going to come online and be so pissed that the whole base is decayed this side is also decaying how did you not sort your external tool cupboards out mate like come on this is where I got to before I was going to Eco raade up so I would have got to the same place regardless oh I guess we'll do a stone run and then we'll come back with wood I hate loot transfers [ __ ] I can't afford to lose this base to this prick these guys look like kind of guys to bank oh my God the other side's opened up as well the other side just opened up loot boxes on the other side why hasn't he jumped in where is he hiding Frick this pig is really throwing me off I will bait you forever James I know where you live I would come back [ __ ] yes that's what I wanted I wanted someone to threaten me I wanted that the rest of the boxes were actually empty but I've gotten enough loot from this base however I contemplated raiding in through a door boxes up there I think we should raid a garage door guys okay so we're into here we need to raid a garage door I think okay I just got lucky with those few boxes I think yeah they're all empty actually you're right that could be a bunker I try and um yeah it is a bunker you're right who said that Kudos respect that's a it's bunker loot room I don't have much moment I want to see what that is I want to see where I I need to find where s lives cuz if he does launch an attack on me I need to retaliate he's [Music] dead please be S please please be S It's s he's got oh my God he's got [ __ ] Pure Healing tease as well he's so mad oh my goodness s Corney and a jackhammer oh my God these two are so angry oh my God I'm definitely getting raided Courtney and sa are pissed all right before I do anything we need to do some securing to our base a little bit of securing our base is EST State okay we are rich and our base is not secure so let us secure our base real quick watch what I'm about to [Applause] do this is wait till you see this is going to be my main area guys it's going to be beautiful my stream chat decided that they wanted my base to be green oh my God it's horrifically good I need to move the tool cupboard can I create Molotov did I learn Molotov no [ __ ] I never learned molly I got a lot of scrap can I learn Molly oh my God I did not go down the tier two on this last wipe I don't even have garage door let's let's use all the scrap we have I use that scrap to learn electrical components because I would need that to make the piping system go through the wall the sooner I got that set up the more secure I'd be how do I know the glitch still works we we'll test it right now actually chat that's a really good question actually I should I need to stop doing what I'm doing and test the glitch industrial input was that fixed looks like it is fixed when was it fixed cuz it was working like two days ago we got it to work we got it to work upgrade it make the pipe disappear I don't believe so that actually wasn't the way to do it in that moment I thought I'd fixed it but actually I was still doing it wrong you'll see how to do it a little bit later when I build it for real but I'd spent a lot of time doing this and I was a little bit bored of being in my base so it was time to raid that garage door oh TC's just decayed that's going to be annoying my ladder's gone it's locked oh hang on let me in please let me in who is it Geraldine I'd found out earlier that Geraldine lives with Eric so I ran intercept towards his base but he actually didn't come home to Depot he jumped in he jumped in y's in the base the [ __ ] what's just happened what has just happened he's got my Satchel on his hip hello oh wow you're out farming you decide to jump in I'm out here what are you doing why are you just exploring that base with a full infantry of farm you prick no ammo for your gun anymore a Depot and went straight back to do the raid I think that's [ __ ] up that Satchel is on the ramp oh please D yeah DED on the half floor no please pick up pick it up yes oh my God the luck interesting I got lured in by those boxes nothing there but nonetheless the sulfur was all free and it was worth checking it was now time to concentrate on my base and I bagged my friend Richie in to show me how to do it okay we'll try it and nor normally it wants to go straight to a box remember I say the other day it doesn't like you I'll test it with here and then it doesn't like you putting it on points on the wall if that makes sense okay yeah I think so and there you go going both ways no there it goes pipe is blocked if you try and do it if you do it straight to the industrial in it'll let it go through like that nobody's ever going to know nobody's ever going to know yeah can you can can you put the bit on the back of the box here look yeah there there you go yeah can you connect I'll put it on there for you yeah connect it to that if you don't mind I should be able to so you're looking through the you're looking through the wall to grab it no it works other side that's [ __ ] insane okay so put that there oh no the okay no we defended The Raid guys we defended The Raid let's go back to our normal living quarters yeah there we go okay yeah cuz we hav got a box connected it works it works yeah thank you so much Richie no problems you [ __ ] [ __ ] now we connect all the boxes so some of you may be lost the way this works is you you place a conveyor right in the middle of where the wall goes then you go on the other side of the wall and connect the pipe to the box that way it goes through the wall because the pipe itself is actually starting in the middle of the wall am I in a situation now where I can see all this I can see all this now right let me just double check it works the other way again quickly in blue is the loot coming back in no it's not why is it not coming back in luckily I checked because I found out the server restarted and therefore the electrics were glitched no longer did the switch turn it on so I had to put buttons to reactivate them it's coming in all the loot is coming in all the loot is coming in right stop move all the loot out a completely sealed off bunker g g now we go piss off a clan exactly we need actually we have a cloth I need a bed whil I was doing this Eric had grown some balls and him and his teammates were raiding this decaying base but as I said it was now time to piss off a clan so I headed towards the shops selling a lot of things and these were three big bases right adjacent to each other a lot of groups over here this is who I want to piss off the W of hqm Quarry horse means they're pretty active I think two door raid to get to their crops what do you guys think I need clo I need I should kill this bear right these are the guys I want to piss off there you go I want that AK I want that AK keep going brother keep going so if I wanted to get raided it was these groups that I needed to aggravate including Eric I think my chances were quite High considering but back at my base Eric and his crew were absolutely dominating this area they were roaming and killing everyone so was this the base being raided is that what was happening no chance for the next hour it didn't matter what I did or where I went these guys were killing me every time this was a good sign in terms of me getting raided though don't really know what to do now I'll have to craft stuff me gun it lags so much every time but then I strike gold the base next to me had decayed and I had a box full of guns this would assist me in all the aggravating I needed to do oh it was back to Eric Bas let's see if we could trigger him in his group to raid me first [Music] he this was never about the guns or the loot this is about trying to trigger them into raiding me so I think Mission successful and we go Blue turn on and all the loot should come in W that was very quick wow instantly transferred in bang I logged off hoping that this base would be raided and let's see if the bunker survives that's good news we are not raided and we need to move all the loot out um Al is pink let's go is no it's not going out so we got to press this button Now is it going out uh-oh why is none of it working there's no there's no power does that mean it's working now [Music] no there we go I think we have power now there we go we have power we have power is it working please work please please please please and now it's working Eric was also on early so I went to pay him a visit hello James how are you feels bad [Music] yeah what feels bad I waited a while but he actually logged off so I left him alone for now I went to R the Clan's Farm base I had a lot of explosives and a lot of gunpowder to use surely somebody would be triggered wow that's just the water pump room naturally The Next Step was to eate [Music] up here we go all right oh my God the mixing table Gore all right I came here for cloth guys I needed cloth please please please please berries okay we can grow cloth we can grow cloth Advance Max Health basic wood basic basic not great I then eated the tool cupboard and made the base my own Perfection I would come back later for the cloth but for now I need to see who was online and who I could mess with this Stone which is a huge weakness for them and I want to deal with this turret oh my God I could probably bypass everything go straight to the roof 1 2 3 4 5 6 or eight ladders should I do eight ladders just climb to the roof and have a look how to piss off a group jump in front of their base Garfield [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you get out I would definitely be back to mess with him but first I wanted to check out this other base and I climbed to the roof oh I've got the perfect bait on it oh as I said that he's home oh wow rock is strong against it I am Ninja can I make you shoot yourself nope I cannot make you shoot yourself this is awkward oh my God was working I am ninja I am ninja with that done I couldn't help but start raiding the base oh come on I got it oh my God this is hi Jerry I'm watching you while you sleep I would continue raing this but it's important to keep your enemies on their toes and I went to pay the other boys a little visit again there's no look on that garage door pick up the AK pick up the AK how quick did he get into the roof camper Tower I need health and just like that I had two AK sets and on the way home I harvested all my cloth now I had more cloth than I'd ever need and after taking her home I continued with the raid it's going to be expensive when I'm raiding like this I like to raid bit by bit because I don't want to get counted and lose all especially as I'm so close to the guys that I'm pissing off so I came back with some more but this time I took an AK Ione see chat raing solo ain't easy he sounds naked to be fair [ __ ] me the [ __ ] is the play here it's open and I saw electricity I need F1 grenades right the Tet had a [ __ ] gun in it for the record I've got enough for that garage door question is can I get underneath the turret look at that this is the one time in my life I'm not going to get up when I need to get up the boxes look at all the boxes please go up please [ __ ] fuing hell where you going [ __ ] where you going [ __ ] huh okay he's on 40 Health that's why I shot the [Applause] car I knew I heard him he just jumped down oh my God he's more of a donut than I thought he just jumped down what absolute he jumped down I don't know what to do I'm just going to go for it I'm going to I'm hoping boxes are destroyed and find Space to hide in there whoa don't jump sebby [ __ ] shoot it's nearly out as well holy [ __ ] 1 2 3 5,000 um um um um um wow wow wow wow wow wow okay Eric you're in trouble mate I have just learned everything on here wow wow I actually have never seen 5,000 scrap on a in a in a raid before this base is going to be loaded I went home to craft some Rockets with the leftover gunpowder I have and whilst I was crafting I made myself a compound we have have a compound I never get to a compound stage in Rust tell you that much it makes you instantly feel a lot more safe doesn't it chat I had to go home and get some more Rockets I was also running out of gunpowder at this point online [ __ ] they're online they're online that was so unfortunate it was all or nothing now but at least they'll know who's doing this to them and hopefully they can retaliate I got locked in 178 I was officially stuck they real real rocket pvpd wasn't hvs that was real rocket PVP that's brilliant this would be my last attempt at getting raided I came back to torn them amen man thank you for 5,000 scrap it's nothing man that's nothing man that's nothing that's nothing my boy I can take it more and more from Outpost where is your base I want to send to you where is your base yeah my base is um you see the you see the shop saying yeah cheap cheap loot in h18 okay you're cheap you know you're cheap you come raid me I fight you yeah I kill you you come waste your Rockets of course of course and you come all this long way to raid us yeah don't you have any any other objective you like my base mean this is your base yeah this is my base do you want to get ready today if you give me online yes if you offline me that's [ __ ] I'm solo well I have to say it you got big balls to try to raid Us by by yourself alone yeah why I'm not scared of you you going to come and get me uh you're not scared of us okay we don't going to online you brother we don't going to raid you because that it's it's not worthy you know we we're going to raate the our neighborhood I will offline you if you don't raid me okay if I will offline you with what Rockets you're running out of rockets brother have you heard have you heard of farming you can you can you can start to farm it you can start to farm it brother it won't take long it won't take long go farm for and because he laughed in my face I did this let's see if they raid me tonight and here it comes all the loot is coming in now okay we are not raided though I as Sora to come and help me and we went to go and raid Eric we ripped this base apart but believe it or not he had despawn there was nothing in this base can you believe he actually despawned when he logged off guys I hope you enjoyed this video I've honestly tried so hard to get raided but I hope you learned something new about the bunker and hopefully doesn't get patched too soon enjoy don't forget to subscribe
Channel: SebbyK
Views: 426,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, sebbyk, rust movie, rust gameplay, rust sebbyk, sebby k, rust console, blooprint, eco raiding rust, code raiding rust, sebby, rust trap base, rust eco raid, wally1k, willjum, sebbyk rust, rust wipe, spoonkid, rust base, rust hardcore, rust base design, rust tutorial, hjune, rust solo base, rust update, facepunch, rust trio base, rust bunker base, rust duo base, rust legacy, rust gambling, rust hard mode, rust pvp, base build, best start, eco raid, pipe glitch
Id: 298YLgqIOKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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