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why why you why you building this this house why I had just had the perfect start I want to transport loot safely but I thought you would betray me and you did betray me that's why I built a door for my protection why how do I keep finding myself in these kind of situations where the base owners are so angry at me well these are the bases in question and this is the story grab that popcorn sit back relax and get ready for a whirlwind of Adventure just raid it take it back yes yes I need I need to raise this base you today we start fresh and as usual I go looking for that base to exploit to get that head start start oh no it does does it Le somewhere it leads nowhere I farmed the road until had enough resources to recycle to craft a repair bench a tier one and a couple of swords and I went looking for an ecor rable base sword crafting two let start this Eco raid I've literally used these swords what the hell man dude why you trolling me like this what is this troll bet you were watching from your security camera weren't you oh I'm going to have to go through that door let's find some more blades and as I go looking for a few more blades to continue eading some gunshots are heard they shooting the deer [Music] they're cheating what the hell that's dodg as hell they're awful now I decide to stash my Loot and see if I can make a play on them so I start stalking them with my water pipe you to live here chase them Halfway Around the map now something tells me these weren't the guys I was following hell of a raid base garage Port I've ended up at a raid think I can get behind the turret guys this is hard not an easy jump I need to build but I don't want them to hear me an online raid might be an online raid unable to get up I got a building plan of some wood and prepared to build when I heard some shooting I waited very patiently come over here hel where are you [ __ ] I missed my chance yeah over here over here come on heli no I need aerial [Music] support I'm going to let him Bank why did he decide to check around the side I spawned at my sleeping bag and came straight back I wasn't done wish I had a compound bow think he killed a Raider he's coming back naked they getting raided back the defender's raiding back go on the defender come on heli do something good come on yes who shot it is it line up a Rocket run yep you [ __ ] kidding me you [ __ ] kidding me right now no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way see it hold on let me get ready those of you wondering yes this is vanilla you [ __ ] kidding me right now you [ __ ] kidding me right now look at all this [ __ ] I'm going to try and make it play guys I barely had any wood in this base so I have to be very careful with how many boxes I crafted and how much loot I stored as I was going to seal this area off of my sleeping B inside just in case I died making a play oh did he kill himself do you think I think he might have killed himself oh no [ __ ] way I think he killed himself how how I just CED this raid no way I took this raid this whole raid is mine that is huge you just witnessed the play of my life I think I don't think I've ever done anything like this I need to be ready to seal I've been on the server for an hour and I've just counted a raid guns for days and on top of that guys 12 Satchel a stack of explosive ammo and 11 C4 that was mid Eco raid now my next dilemma was would I be able to transport this loot out of here safely would the people that got raided be friendly so I tried asking them in chat but I didn't really get much of a response can you wave at me nope that's not friendly [ __ ] I'll take there a no mute show chat off mute on I'm in a predicament he's not happy I don't blame him he just got raided but I didn't do it now I can either make a run for it secure this base the issue was this base had no metal and barely any wood so I couldn't secure it with doors or anything like that and if I removed the windows they would be able to get in as the windows were very badly damaged you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] is L you [ __ ] I did not raid you I countered raid this is not my base we'll have to excuse the voice changer but I do tend to get noticed if I speaking game I try to do that to throw them off the scent very bad English why why why why who how you join this base this right base I went I went deep deep I went deep I think you liar no liar why youate my base offline offline rate why wait wait wait wait I'm coming stay there one second I'm coming coming coming oh need to run over now don't raid me in the meantime hey hey hey it's me it's me it's me look look look look look look and look I sealed I se I sealed it I sealed where where are your base they took car man they took car ah your door this is my ah yes it's my door where you home no base I am a fresh born I had died to an auto T his compound exploring it a little bit earlier so I went to grab my body to show him how trustworthy I was by grabbing a gun and sneaking up on him okay um and I have some metal I want to make base I got no metal my base is RA all metal in repair my my my my base in building it appears he's being nice and he gives me a tool so I can Farm up and make my own base I'm grateful for the kind gesture but I'm also not letting my guard down do we trust him not to [ __ ] me oh my God God scripted oh my God Salvage tools yeah build transfer that's what I'm doing a plan build a base secure it move the loot simple right just need to keep checking this base cuz look at him see he's eyeing up the base he's eyeing up the base I do not trust him look at him he's eyeing it up oh he's actually helping me okay we trust him we trust him do as a decoy actually I'm going to build a small decoy base here I'm just going to secure the main one I want to know if he's if he raids me hey hey hey hey maybe a misunderstanding or he just wanted to see what I had on me who knows imagine this is what I'm making right now for survival they're just watching my base I don't like it I couldn't be more more scared chat however I had no choice but to let this situation play out for itself because I had no metal to secure the main base and I had no metal to secure this base so we just had to wait for the furnace they don't know I've got 11 C4 in there I do not want them to know I've got 11 C4 in there I did another Farm while the furnace was smelting metal just watching me he's just watching me what's the plan for after metal doors okay we got metal door now alien CU it's banter goes in there and then it's 1 2 3 so it's there I'm not mistaken quick quick quick quick quick they never knew man they never knew they never knew as I said this is a game of chess I prepared a little loot room away from where the tool cupboard was just in case they came raiding I'm grabbing the best Loot and move it up hey why are you building in R house I am uh just making sure that I can transfer loot safely okay we got one metal door on there now I don't think he's happy is he well the question is is he looking to [ __ ] me while the metal was smelting I decided to try and get some information from him nice nice you have a boom to raid them back if I find their base you want to raid them I have explosives I I I don't know there you go guys he's got explosives I and my friend just leave leave the server maybe maybe I'm not are you buying it he pretend he's going to leave the server they have explosives but they're leaving the server I'm not buying it he basically said I have explosives then realized why I'm asking so now he backtracked I go build a little base I stash some loot didn't I and then I'll do a one loot run in a minute cuz I got one metal door down he's he's snooping oh I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I'm too far away to hear explosions that's the problem made the decision to risk it I spawned over by my stashers to try and claim the loot and make a new base that way I could slowly transferred loot when he wasn't looking [ __ ] right off traitorous scum I knew it you liar why am I lying what are you doing man what why why you why you building this this house why man don't [ __ ] with me because you liar because you raid my my my my base because you I don't have codes man don't make up [ __ ] if you want to raid me right I I need this I need destroy I need destroy this [ __ ] house I need destroy absolute betraying piece of [ __ ] destroy why you building why you building destroy [Music] [ __ ] me for if I stayed I was a Sitting Duck and I'm out but you know me I wasn't happy and I wanted to save as much of that loot as possible but I had to get the best of it to Safety First and you won't believe how I do it I don't know what to go with this loot I just want to like hide it in in a corner my goodness this is stressful I can't believe I got out with the loot I can't believe I got out with the the loot I'm greedy guys this is why I go back for more I told you we couldn't trust them I told you we could not trust them [ __ ] oh my God [Music] oh my God what is going on right now I'm going to try and make it run for it some Stone and this gear set build a base quickly thought he'd think I'd be in there with my dead body still full of all the explosives I spawned back where I knew there was a hatchet so I could Farm some wood so I could build a little base boy does this base exceed all expectations this swipe oh oh my God I thought it was gone yes and hidden away in the mountains are built a wooden one by one Shack will they ever find it Well that is a story in itself okay blou is kind of secure kind of oh my God you betray me I [ __ ] you where's your loot [ __ ] where's your loot [ __ ] I then had a plan to bait them and get another gear set so I spawned in grabbed a gun and then kill myself against the wall watch this now I'm going to pretend to be in the base hey man look at all this juicy lose oh C4 Rockets M tasty you oh that was fun it was now time to invite Sora to the team I would need a teammate to take on these guys and there was definitely another raid coming even if there was or wasn't we were going to raid them he's on his roof yeah and we could have got and raided a base to take it over but I'd rather save the explosives to raid those boys i' had seen an Eco raid right around the corner from where they lived so Sora and I got to work to Eco raid in and I recap I'll recap for both streams I started doing an Eco raid it led to nothing then um I got shot at by some AK so I ran away and then I decided to follow the sounds of the AKs and that then I ended up at a raid then I died at the raid then I found a crossbow on the road so I came back to the raid then heli came and started [ __ ] up with the raid and the counter destroyed the Tet protecting the front door and ran over and then I crossbow the counter guy in the head and then the heli finished him I grabbed his gun and then as the guy came he was trying to loot through the door he closed the door accidentally and I went full deep on the raid base and now I have 12 C4 20 odd satchels AK and guns I think that about sums it up and guys I really enjoyed making these videos for you and it would mean so much to me if you are new here or You' forgotten to subscribe and smash that button ooh tier one and boxes there was no loot here but it was a base and we could take it over these se's unlocked so it's just a furnace base fre out the other door and take it over but before we could do that I heard some shooting over our base so I went back over there you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you yeah you cheater I don't [ __ ] listen to you you you [ __ ] cheater [ __ ] liar you cheater [ __ ] off I don't give a [ __ ] I have so many loot I then kill myself against wool again with the gun so I can grab it from the outside here we come incoming s I'll tell you yeah Rockets I'm waiting spawn in there please s go go on 52 okay I'm going to come from behind him okay once I I'm dead okay he got him as well he died around the corner Sora I I walked out and shot you a saw [ __ ] it saw naked saw hey on the road Sora in front of the camper van there's a gun okay yep K the AK did they see it uh where they blew in yeah upstairs is still open there one inside do you know yeah one is inside the bag just G got him on the roof he's on the roof don't know what my play is here so I load up on Loot and waited for Sora to get a clear chance to run in here they may have got the TC room but they didn't get any of the loot I'm going to run out drop your ladder as I go okay there you go go go go and I took the first load of loot to the W one by one this was probably the richest one by one you've ever seen yeah behind you it was now time to escape with the rest of the loot in the Box BL oh he's dead see run well that was fun while that lasted we move into this one Sora it's probably more space right now come here there'll be more space right now if we move into here all we need to do is just break out door and then there we go we got a furn bace sealed up the furnace space and began to make it our new home I didn't move any of the loot from the one by one in just yet because we didn't have a metal door our aim of the wipe is to get revenge on those guys you now Crystal must have realized that we' left because he was out hunting for me now I had to make sure that I did not lead him to the wooden one by one hello [ __ ] who was just outside a one by one hello [ __ ] is there metal do on it no did you come out of it no I stayed in it I have one kill I heard shooting I have one killed hello [ __ ] hello [ __ ] where where is your home yeah so I'm going to need you to get bags out out this area ASAP now so while Sora worked on securing the furnace base getting metal door down getting some Stone I decided to launch an assault on their base just to keep him busy [ __ ] all the commotion with course had attracted some AK guys to our area I'm dead he's going to pick her dead how many only one or two one only one only one someone else is here where are you I heard someone else jumping there you go he's out as well one AK yeah yeah I know Anon and his group were living just around the corner and they were online now he's dead oh there's two no there's no one I'm [Music] dead him K two oh have bullets no it's a [ __ ] base owners now leaving Crystal and Irvin to mop up all the guns but we did find an AK on the floor okay on the way home we saw somebody scouting our base no please no please Lynn on the same team as Antoine for some reason begging not to be killed yeah I'm not going to bring anything from the other base right now guys not while it's hot M oh so those guys now know where we live get get yourself killed on the entrance [Laughter] oh my God front door can't even take AK got three bullets all our good loot was in the wooden one by one oh my I got it I got I got I got it I got it watch out please they're coming in through outdoor yeah yeah nice more you make one more I'm making another single door I'm dead me too ah is it damage no it's the other ones raided and evicted by Antoine but I still had a base wooden base with guns so I took a python and went to see if I can make a play got Rockets I got [ __ ] Rockets I got [ __ ] Rockets oh my [Laughter] God this wooden one by one was getting more and more stacked and as time went on it was becoming more of a risk surely they would eventually find it but we couldn't upgrade it cuz then they might notice the change in it honestly my little one one is so [ __ ] stacked it's not even funny right now it all begins to cool down and then I noticed Christen leaves his base in the car so use this opportunity to check his base for any weaknesses I want to um try oh yes I want to see what I'm dealing with here I our saw to come out with some guns and we thought we'd use this opportunity to raid the base as no one was home it was getting late and we thought best use some of the stuff from this base otherwise it's probably going to get raided overnight I'm back of it you first she met a wall so far all this C4 I'm using pains me to do because all of this was Eco rable Garage St Tom me drop close garage door you want to go um a turret right underneath lots of boxes um um um um yeah y meds as you can see their base was loaded with gear sets but it was a bunker design we weren't going to have enough so we tried to figure out which one to go through and if anyone knows what design this is I'd love to know in the comments this is this is this here what what's our foundation on how does this work what I'm dead I'm dead son of little [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] online raid online raid [ __ ] go online raid offline M were online what are you talking about go go online ra [ __ ] go online ra I did go online fuing [ __ ] we did we did we oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] I see I I listen I don't understand as you can tell reasoning with these guys was going to get nowhere so we called it a night and was going to set the mission to wipe them out the next day we still had a wooden one by one full of guns High Velocity rockets and a load of other things go tell me why [ __ ] [ __ ] oh so we we need to wipe these guys okay this little Bas has survived look what few things but overall we've been hindered we're going to raid these boys we're going to have to make a proper Base by the looks of it naturally the first thing I did was go and check out their base and it looks like they've secured up and let the raid base Decay I'm going to Rocket raid these boys today the problem with C4 raiding their base was the design of it it was Secure so we would need Rockets to Splash damage everything oh what [Music] what OD okay wow did you get mest the hell it must have been what oh has it been mlr what has just happened the stone decayed dude ah the base next door to us was decaying if this base had a load of Rockets or gunpowder or something like that we could skip all the farming phase and raid these guys extremely quickly I was turning my attention to this my one by one can't fit all this so with the resource I just found I threw down a tiny base right next door to store all these guns and [Music] bullets this Bas is op compared to the old wow I've never seen T with so much ammo we need to Nick this oh it's low Health we need to we need to Nick the heli that is going to be huge for us as [Music] well sorry horsey having a miniopterus well for farming sulfur in the snow I build a makeshift heliport on top of my base with the heli relatively secure I went off to counter the train yard crate I would use any opportunity I could to get guns AKs armored doors explosives okay I got past the scientist he's up there he up there he might die himself killed him Unfortunately The Loot Crate wasn't great on the way home I came across this gentleman oh my God you're [ __ ] and then I hear this it might be time to go guys that might be the base rockets in the direction of my base got they M ra the wood one i' cry yeah g guys there they were they were raiding it or me two guys in the mountain [ __ ] Gina man how are you bro oh my God you [ __ ] we [ __ ] off is that the turet there not they were carrying all the loot from my base they just raided and look who it is it's Antoine they raided my [ __ ] base these pricks hello man oh [ __ ] the one by one I got I got my bag still in the base they just raided with no real option I spawned back in the wooden one by one risking it all just to save my loot cuz if they found it it was game over you found the box they had found my box I would need a new hiding place one the GU banked as well leave that there I need to move there was still a lot of loot scattered around so I kept banking it in my outdoor stash area but they' banked a few of the AKs they're back up there they need to move the wood one by one now oh my goodness I didn't have any extra bullets for this gun I only had the 20 [Music] my goodness what the chance I just got raided just started the wooden one by one they were raiding the wooden one by one I really needed to protect this they ready my wi one by one they keep banking the AKs where they're taking the ak's to F I'm living out boxes now makes you nervous I have nowhere to put this loot chair it's not a challenge I've being raided it's so far from a challenge it's not even funny fre in [ __ ] raid me stop raiding me bro bro bro help me please help me help you [ __ ] off you prick imagine the audacity to say please help him after he's just raided me twice he's watching me to see where my base is right I'm I'm officially baseless I have a minic copter though I used one rocket on Kristen's old base to see if I can take over that but the tool cupboard wasn't in there anymore he moved it somewhere else so I was forced to make my own base why am I even building these weird Halloween boxes I don't even like them and by the time daytime came I'd moved all the loot in and I had a new base now antoan and Marcel were definitely out to raid me they were a bit pissed I could tell by the fact they kept coming for me so I need to secure this Base ASAP Sora hurry up and get online oh my God I went looking for Marcel's base and I had a sneaky suspicion of where it was and it didn't take me long to find it hi want to come out talk now these guys weren't my issue I wanted to raid Kristen but if they kept coming to raid me I'd have to deal with them and let's see if we can figure out a truce every day you raid me what why you raid me don't hit you raid me you raided me you and and him dumb him stupid I'm going to raid you now you raid me every day don't ra hello you lose I better you [ __ ] huh you [ __ ] you Noob man I'm a Noob to free Noob Rich [Music] n nob n one 2 three Noob Noob Noob negotiations didn't go well and they were quite cocky so when Sora came online we would deal with them because Kristen wasn't online right now he could wait hey Sora we've been raided so many times I know I'm trying s I'm trying there there's like h on you f we we're 1.5k solver we're still tier one [ __ ] this we're living in some shitty ass base I don't care why I'm building I'm just building however peace and quiet didn't last long Marcel and antoan were back and they were trying to take the heli they're going for the hel oh they're R the hel yep on head shot he's [Music] dead they got key cards as well do you have L grade on you s no he put it in he put it in he put it in he put it in and they called me a noob they had to go but then I did something stupid a Sam sit's over here I know they're active oh you could park them between these rocks for now I tried dead yeah I'm dead with no one on Marcel because they resorted to roof camping yeah they're baiting they're baiting [Music] us how much you got infantry now it was just a matter of time before we went raiding we just needed a bit of sulfur and using the rest of the explosive ammo I got for my RAID defense we broke into the decaying base move you need me yeah uh couple of gear sets nothing exciting so far yeah we could break us yeah yeah uh box of guns two guns another box here okay I you pissed off back on them yeah the rockets in the background you could hear was Antoine and his crew but we don't know why they were shooting them because they were in their base we transported all the loot and broke further in uh ammo he I was going to say do you want to come take a [ __ ] weapon and we'll like a python or Tommy and we'll jump their wall and see what we're dealing with you do that okay top oh he quit he rage quit I carried on to Anan space to see what the Rockets were all about and what we were dealing with in terms of raiding um Auto T off nice Z come back come back come back get back get back get back get [Music] back is this like how do I get into there oh there 3 6 9 10 Rockets damn Dam [Music] all grab grab grab grab grab you got the ring yeah so we need to go underneath this garage door this is huge this is just the top these guys are smart their cor is going to have nothing then that was no the core will have stuff yeah it just won't have the rust gods were definitely looking out for us that is exactly what we needed to raid Antoine but first we wanted their tier three from their core and any other loot they may have yoink t two rows of metal loads of meds kill us [ __ ] off shotgun traps shotgun TRS like PC some more stuff you want to gra it do the 2K scrap all in all it was perfect 4 C4 Jack Amma pure te's red key cards another th000 scrap and counter guns and more ammo yeah got 3,000 scrap from this the ammo is insane in this base the comps is insane mlrs man and not having seen Kristen today yet we went straight to antoon's base to check it out they were going to get messed with one way or another they got best pass getting R oh step step St oh my God you can take this over clear clear yeah all right give me a gun then give me a gun uh do you want the AK set or MP5 MP5 we can't build in front of it s we can't build in front of it yeah yeah no I know that that's what I'm saying we can put our TC around the back and take us over oh he's on the roof K he wasn't going to [ __ ] Thora went back to get materials to build a base attached to external tool cupboard while I tried to hold oh I'm dead s by the way got my gun [ __ ] Noob one 2 three noob I've got and this base the vending machine say controlling server N7 controlling server oh you're about to find out what control is really like yeah he has no idea where I'm shooting him from are you controlling server yet show me how you control server okay you showed me surprise [ __ ] you still bu yeah I needed Sora had built the base so I went home and grabbed some Essentials including parachutes stay holding please he don't heal up top left he's down I'm going to need a quick boost please or can you just build me up one I need to get hvv watch it an actual rocket yeah it was a real rocket yeah ow no here tree no I died up there you got cover you got me covered shot him well I can only see left side you can see right side you going for the other got him dead on the right of the compound you see that I see it yeah you kill him not sure you dead so yeah I'm just flooding it he's dead outside where that outside on the left he's down me I think can you pick me up with the turrets gone on the roof it was time to raise the stakes I'm going to just try jumping s the parachute killed him that worked all turrets on roof gone controlling your base woohoo controlling your base I can get out if you want me what the [ __ ] SS like shooting me in my parachute oh you're [ __ ] um I don't I think I am we've dealt with this bases on before s we have this is the um bunkers on the side what's he thinking he's going to get there remember to the right of you is a bedroom AR to the left I think furn is are full Sora I need to get out is it AK assault F and [ __ ] you all good yeah camper camper camper [ __ ] you I'm Noto sure this is technically camping if he comes I'm going for it they threw satchels at me did he kill you no de uh bottom coms coms coms coms I'm I'm I'm going to go deep now yeah come down to me they closed no no stop they they closed [Music] it [ __ ] you P you [ __ ] you your mother I love you keep controlling the server it's good for you I'm talking your mom Sora shot out a to and jumped out with all the loot almost died almost do you want to bring the what Rockets we have an expl ammo cuz I think we can do some Fair damage now I'm dead I'm dead on the roof in order to start this raid we would need roof controller again and I had a little plan yep go go go dead he's dead are you dead as well yep this was going to be the raid attempt Sora was burning down the wood walls so with had easy access in and out of the compound while I held the roof is where my parachute the prick they got they placed a t back up on the roof they placed two TS on the roof that's good one's in compound he came out the bedroom I'm pretty sure right can you one's up top nice them up right can you watch that spot for a second I need oh you know what I'm coming I'm coming yeah yeah good good yes you're right yes I yeah I'll force him up the with no access to the Peaks now Sora started blowing in his only way to that shooting floor is through this garage door here I died I'm here behind you bro why are you kill me he's saying help me yeah garage door they're going up oh saw counters behind three couns coming in behind you I'm dead don't com like [ __ ] demons we'll find out in a second is that all the boom gun no no not all of them he's out to the right of the B there's three of them I don't know what the players there was a stack of am exp ammo just okay we have no ammo in here no rifle ammo no no yeah you than you are ra thank you okay these boys who are controlling the server had called for backup they're not even doing anything they're just holding one full dead yep two full dead nice it seconds s Behind the B he's that there he's still there he jump it back in yeah you have enough time to get a body okay I got body he's healing head to the right he's still the door I think no he's outside just she with a metal jump up us I see him hold on all dead GG's two doors open just be aware are you dead as well mm he me I'm sry he's [ __ ] loaded that means all them would all them be reloaded did you get the explosive ammo now yes I hit in a bush making mince me of their backup we were now going to finish the raid hopefully we had enough explosives however they started ceiling up and even place an armored door dead Sora seen a potential weakness so we blew in through the non door route they don't know we here he closed it we can still break up we can break up this uh thing he opened that again did you kill him yeah he closed the door oh he [ __ ] missed is it it done yeah yeah done I'm to the left the other box has to go watch out oh no I fell down oh I'm going to go get ladder [Music] okay where do you want us to blow he just trapped me in here [ __ ] sake cover swi oh the but that's open we needed a bit more to finish the raid so I went home to craft as much explosive ammo as I could while Sora held gold were they despawning they're despawning something did they I can't even tell if they've despawned I don't think they are that was their Ms bag they probably logged out here that back there meal I'll be frank if you're sitting there saying you're controlling the server on your shops you got to expect to get raided and well you got to put up a better defense than that however we need to deal with Kristen so we went back to their base to turning everything into explosives we drilled in to see what we were dealing with using every last bit of our explosives box of [Music] guns it was a very secure base and we did not have enough explosives with us or in our base to deal with it right now and then they came online P me up they had heartbeat sensors all around their base and when they had people on their base it sent a notification to them and they logged on this way they could just defend and that's all they did they came on repaired the base defended and then logged off again so based on that we decided to leave them alone but they definitely weren't happy [ __ ] only online raid you're [ __ ] you [ __ ] liar you [ __ ] rat I'm not a rat mouse me you [ __ ] rat your mouse because they had quit the server officially and only came on for raid defenses we decided it wasn't worth our time we had a great time in this server and I hope you had a great time watching and please don't forget to subscribe
Channel: SebbyK
Views: 481,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, sebbyk, rust movie, rust gameplay, rust sebbyk, sebby k, rust console, blooprint, eco raiding rust, code raiding rust, sebby, rust trap base, rust eco raid, wally1k, willjum, sebbyk rust, rust wipe, spoonkid, rust base, rust hardcore, rust base design, rust tutorial, hjune, rust solo base, rust update, facepunch, rust trio base, rust bunker base, rust duo base, rust legacy, rust gambling, rust hard mode, rust pvp, base build, best start, eco raid
Id: VhaOr7x-RX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 37sec (3997 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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