48 HOURS of only ECO RAIDING! This is how I did....

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ah wipe day the craziest time to play but also the most interesting not really the best environment for e raing that's because whilst bases may be weak they haven't had a chance to farm up any loot worth getting yet but I thought I'd try my luck today and see what I could do in the first 48 Hours of white day would I be able to survive would I be able to raid and would I be able to get rich okay let's do this let's go looking for Eco raids so just to clarify in this video I'm only going to be doing Eco raids but if I get any selfa from raiding I can turn that into gunpowder and then in turn make explosives and do raiding with that but as I said it's WIP day it's going to be Manic and I'm really intrigued to see how I do because eade you generally need some peace and quiet and you definitely can't do it when they're online or can you hey everyone welcome to chat good morning just a reminder I do stream all my content live over on Twitch so don't forget to come over and say hi and most of you aren't subscribed watching this video I can't believe I'm still saying it to this day please don't forget to subscribe love you all mind me I will just hide here run oh did the DB win interesting I'll take this free loot though why would you push me man right I'm doing kind of good already and I don't even know where I'm going I decided to head towards Outpost as that's where a lot of people like to go and live I was hoping there might be a few unfinished bases around there here we go why do you have an overhang thing is though has an overhang let's see I get in they'll have another door into the base I don't think there's any point to that raided my goodness recently [Music] raided what is what a [Music] start these furnaces are worth stealing oh no youp GG he got me it was upon respawn when this base caught my attention how did you catch me you weren't next to me a second ago why is there a wood door down there GG oh you live there interesting now you [ __ ] off I feel like he doesn't own all the doors he's dead go on [Music] bear after getting killed by the bear I expected him to spawn and come out again but he never showed up so I thought I'd Target his base as my first base to Eco raade he had a lot of wooden doors [Music] there's definitely some bases here worth doing he come back wooden door bases here lots of them yeah maybe we should make a base in this area this area has a lot of juice we'll throw down a base I always get told off for not doing this so I'm doing it lack of stone notes Here is unnerving I chose to build my base quite close to mining Outpost hoping there'd be a lot of PVP and a few more bases to pop up overnight as well as I said I'll be doing this for 48 hours what I didn't expect was to have such a toxic neighbor that guy just logged on and opened his bunker we have a base we'll learn sword and we'll do we'll do an E raade here and then um we'll go down south and do an eade do those e raids there we'll just run down you remember when you killed me when I was naked I just had a rock remember that do you remember that oh wasn't you I got some sulfur though we got some sulfur yeah life is hard yeah life is hard I know I know I know I thought you were someone else I'm sorry regardless he had 487 sulfur which will definitely help in the long run because we can't Farm it no TC this is this is is worth stealing that was [Music] worth stting tier one okay we're we're on track now we're on track now we need scrap to research sword okay we need 170 scrap we got 50 we need 120 scrap 120 some Stone would be nice this guy just opened his he opened his bunker I heard him log in and I heard him break it is a solo okay not too threatening I did a quick Farm of the road and then went to recycle at the mining Outpost 104 scrap we might will we have enough we might get enough we might get enough this run might give us enough yes we got enough now we need the metal to make the stuff last one don't get jumped now not now's not the time run we got what we needed our base is a shambles but learning sword crafting three swords and a repair bench and a repair bench and do we have enough and we have enough metal still oh my God huge right wish me luck we you can ra this guy we saying in through the roof what are we saying or through his his front do he have metal door off through the front door I'm saying in through the [Music] roof this is on a busy server like this doing this is freaky look at the amount of bags in this area can you tell I'm near [Music] Outpost that's the way in right okay okay oh oh wow what the the [ __ ] has just happened we got a gun okay the answer is there is loot we got two guns answer is there's loot I need to be quick man I need to be quick wow what a start S a bit [ __ ] boss is nice L is nice why did he leave every door open this guy's a donkey oh that guy attracted my attention all because he hit me with a rock killed me sorry he killed me when I was farming with a rock e raids nil SE K1 let's get this home safe before I celebrate two guns though huge gains please tell me he wasn't e raing me whilst I'd been doing that eate I heard some Yoku shot actually was what a [ __ ] prick he took one door though only one door I knew was my base was he doing this door no okay okay okay I don't know for sure but I have a pretty good hun there was my neighbor that did that to my base and now it's time to quickly upgrade before he comes back I got the stone I desperately needed there see if I can make a play with whatever's going on out out there do you think someone's deep honestly the Primm life e [Music] woo the server then restarted I thought I'd just quickly show you this so you can see how many people are on the server cuz I'm getting a bit bored of people going oh play dead servers when I rejoined the server I went back to Eco raing and this was one of the bases I'd found down south looks very open in there this base looks like it won't have much because the outside but I think it will unfortunately this base was too secure and I just wasn't in the mood to salvage Hammer through a metal door just yet [Music] [ __ ] hell I spawned back in base to find this my neighbor was expanding but I had no reason to take him come on we haden't done anything to each other and we're going to live peacefully well that's what I was hoping anyway this is interesting place I really want to check [Music] that [Music] Me decade this guys this is this is the base this is the base man the bunker base he's got twig there will I to squeeze in just maybe might have another door though what do you think I continued my hunt for Eco raides and as the day was progressing the server was getting a lot busier up to 500 Pop right now [ __ ] hell get off your roof he's literally built a roof it's a roof Camp all right our mission for white is just to evict our neighbor we need to get satchels from Eco rating won't be an easy challenge now you're probably thinking this guy hasn't really done anything for you to Warrant this but I needed a challenge to build up towards and his base wasn't too big and I could anticipate how annoying having a neighbor like this was going to be as you'll soon see let's see you have a big problem now big problem why do I have a big problem you're the roof camper literally a window facing my door so I'm guessing he's the one that tried to raid me when I first set my base he Eed my eco raade I really wanted his s but that was going to have to wait I backed off oh and finally I get a name hi Preston these clowns he's calling me a clown honestly I don't know why he's so cocky what has he accomplished nothing right he's not actually done anything like of Worth next eate oh I want to check out the base up the hill didn't I let's go he was on his roof like a millisecond [Music] [Music] [Music] ago [ __ ] [ __ ] I went to check out the base just up the hill for me to see what kind of Base it was and maybe there was a weakness I would need to get a few Eco raids under my belt otherwise there was no way I could take on Preston how bad trap base is this how bad is this trap base unfortunately there was nothing I could eade in it I want his gun he's annoying me now with this roof camping poke out the window I'll [ __ ] put you down yo [Music] [Music] zero awkward that he's decaying I need to find some Stone soon mate oh my God I could pin him in his base for 4 hours his base will Decay how funny would that be I don't need to eade him I can starve him not so cocky now is he where's the old oh you have a big problem DB is so op not today not today [ __ ] you got the door closed yeah not to not today [ __ ] not today today yeah look this is what you got zero [ __ ] zero he's so dumb he's so [ __ ] dumb now I'm pretty sure you all agree that I could wipe out Preston simply by Satchel raid him especially as now Sora has joined my team but I'm going to do this the way I said I was going to do Eco raing only to get sulfur otherwise I'm going to have to tear his base apart Brick by Brick let's see if I can take him down oh my God the guys on his roof again yet another roof camper around my area and this guy killed me and I had a bean cam which was desperately needed considering I can't make boom yet where the [ __ ] was he on his roof at that very moment okay these guys get raided as well unfortunately the area I lived in was really scarce in any sort of node or resource so I couldn't really get metal easily but eventually I was able to recycle enough to put a code lock on the door so Sora could access my base can now access the air lock Sora while I waited for Sora to get to me I heard some commotion so I went to investigate just made a huge [ __ ] play [ __ ] yeah look at that say we needed that is an another statement um I can't fully run over you yet butd uh there's three people heading your way um five diesel loads of comps the [ __ ] was this guy doing probably going to buy some [ __ ] with my spirits lifted I went to visit the other roof camper I wanted him to know that his roof wasn't a safe place to be [Music] I can't see [Music] [Music] anything he literally came to the roof to roof camp at night that it's a special Cannon dick Sora attempted to go deep while I banked the gun this was a nice little win and hopefully the guy will think twice next time he goes to his roof with still being the first 24 hours of wipe there weren't that many bases I could Eco just yet and the server was popping so I decided to log off now and come back early I'd had an okay start a good first e raid but not too much sulfur which I will definitely need tomorrow oh my God we survived the night how is that possible our neighbors online brilliant B hasn't changed as basically a 10 satal raid still I went out on my morning Farm while the server was a little bit quieter than normal before the rushed later and I saw some Eco raids that I could potentially do today we would need to get some sulfur from Eco raids to raid Preston we just did a successful Farm I got enough wood for three furnaces let's go get that smelting and we'll get some blades unfortunately the first e raade was a bust it's like you guys deliberately build with wood on the outside to make me come and try and EC raade it stop building a Bas is more secure these days that is not what I was expecting I'm not going to lie it's bunkered as well the second e raid I tried to do this morning ended up with me dying before I even got started there was a group active in this area and they weren't going to let me start it oh come on I just got these guys will appear in the story a little bit later on a decayed base had an exposed tier 2 but this base was overlapping privilege but I realized if I could destroy this twig I could get it the twig it was a Twi wig you [ __ ] Legend of a man who was that mystical gamer [ __ ] Chad it's broken but I'll take [Music] it oh my neighbor's door camping again let's do this Eco [Music] raid [ __ ] man we have to try right this base had an exposed High Foundation which I believe LED in oh I'm [ __ ] awesome aren't I [ __ ] awesome there's sulfur fre [Music] scrap and it's a wood frame [ __ ] wood frame let's go we need to get this soul for home now then we'll look for blades he says as he runs up to the barrel [Music] [Music] [ __ ] Preston I guarantee you guarantee is Preston I let myself bleed out so I can find out who it is all right watch me stand up [Laughter] I'm actually going to take this time I'm going to take a Tommy for protection reason I was taking this gun was because I was about to eade into the tool cupboard area and if it was juicy and somebody came along I want to be able to protect myself that's that's where I'm going I no he hasn't honeycombed [Music] yet I'm dying outside his [Music] base honestly I don't think I have a way to kill him I don't think I have a way to kill him you better raid me first cuz I'm going to [ __ ] destroy [Music] you yeah man run run listen oh [ __ ] [ __ ] PRI coming out naked to loot I was determined to finish this Eco raid you got no skill zero skill every every shot yeah from your [ __ ] roof you [Music] nerd invite you for what just lost all my guns all right night time at least we can do the Zade at night right guys prediction will there be loot will this be worth it here we go the [ __ ] the chainsaw that is horrific that is what you call a disappointing outcome nearly got th000 sulfa though overall I decided to change my Approach and I went to destroy Shacks oh [ __ ] that's a lot of loot oh [ __ ] another tier two what the guy doing with all that loot in there wow okay the Shacks are the way to go eade the shacks and we got 50 more sulfur all metal but it's a stone stone wall into the core he hasn't honeycombed it why I need to get enough EAS just to just to raate that one wall H right here we go really okay little bit of sulfur which is what I I do need but ultimately it's terrible it was after depositing that loot though I heard some explosions so I went to investigate you just killed yourself satch what did you kill yourself satch gabbage tools I'll take that I mean it's not great he's already milk this place dry but I will take it these jackhammers are seen better days how much how much damage will one sat will do okay tells me he's not going to take all my loot I mean he didn't take anything from me my limited GP is being used on this oh he did get in I want the tier three I know I know my base is a mess but we're finally beginning to gather some momentum now I need to stop jumping when I get shot I grabbed some more scraps from the base and then I went to farm some wood to see if I could figure a way to get the tier three are you an idiot what the [ __ ] are you doing mate you like an actual idiot oh my God Scarlet how have you found me I deped again and came straight back hey Scarlet I got a s now got a s I'm happy I couldn't figure out way to get the tier three so I went looking to see where Scarlet lived and the base i' eated earlier had decayed a bit it's still sealed hold on okay nothing to get excited about 50 sulfur that's that's important to us Auto turet yes aut turet will be huge for us yet still no sulfur but I stuck to my goal of only e rating to get it [Music] moleto tier two what are you doing with a tier two in here me 00 sulfur blue is so random that night I went to recycle all my components and this is what I got um let's see if I can buy explosive ammor or something don't explosive ammor for 350 sulfur 300 sulfur then with the help of my stream we had an idea on how to get the tier three let's see if it works [ __ ] okay now I didn't even know that was up there box of DBS do we want it go on you're a [ __ ] genius no you're a genius give it to me oh wow I can learn [Music] Med woo tier three he things just took a great turn getting s is now going to be our mission now Sora was here with me we started M raing bases everywhere oh W tier two as well war with this server 169 GP Bean can oh s for th000 scrap what the hell a th000 scrap what's this kid doing C it's like it's like you always say oh no why would I read it there's no metal door on it I wasn't even going to do that base until you suggested it Sora Sora loves a random E raade I hate them well I I love them th000 scrap have you seen how much scrap we've got by this point we just about got enough gunpowder to make 10 satels it was tight it was all our resources but we were doing it oh my God Sora 3 4 5 6 7 I think we have enough I'm going to research s real quick bring that in hey guys how do you say you're rich without saying you're rich you're [ __ ] dick IO it I started sorting the base crafting some guns and repairing for the raid while s went out and roamed and he needed my help oh you in that b there okay yeah yeah is there where you getting something me to break STC yep we can go deep you know do was see two wood doors wasn't they yeah got it got battery should I go Depot no [ __ ] I just come over here okay we needed the battery to power the alterar that way we can be protected when raiding don't shoot at me next time oh my god oh so I have to get to base I mean an basic basically an imagry of wood that had to be done we were now ready to raid surely this wall didn't lead into core surely he's not that stupid right right Sora we have a tet and it's turned on right I'll make you some meds we're going to throw 10 satchels on this basement on on [ __ ] Preston's Bas oh this one think that is on go I think you [ __ ] him by building there as well you think no no cuz he just finished building it I told him I'd [ __ ] him he's taking this long because I've had to eade my way to get the sulfa but we got there okay I don't know where he is nor do I nor do I he's right a I see him he's on the right uh 330 I can't see him I need you to oh front door open okay you heard him there didn't you yeah give me your AK [ __ ] oh no there's two uh he's reloading he's reloading yeah I'm healing I'm healing damn it oh I'm on a far back [ __ ] me got him nice get all that [ __ ] don't forget Seb get that oh yeah 300 scrap as well I wonder why he never upgraded that how many Jack that is half M too yeah be I'll push this just you got scrap on you don't you on the left on the left on the left on the left he's dead nice yeah I do but I need it I'm taking the scrap off your body now you go y there another one that was that was me oh your name tag did not show naked The Rock system here they're Chads oh him in the head I no heit me in the head was him I killed a naked I don't know that's him killed one yeah these guys they live in a a base um N1 shop you know the see the shop in N1 that's where they live yeah yeah expect a raid they're quite chatty there's an axe there's an axe in my back he's so annoyed that guy don't don't shoot him Outpost timer so we bought loads of jackhammers in preparation for our Eco raid there we go nice guys that we just got all these guns from dominate this area so we upgraded the base before continuing with the Eco raid we still have the taret protecting us so tells me this Eco raid won't be the easiest Eco raade in the world to do oh you dead yeah I'm dead you don't know where from right they got mvgs no they have mvg he can get to my body beware and get to your body he dead once we get in there we should be safe yeah attack this you're so bad the same people night visions as well as daytime hit we started the E raade and we went with lesser guns just in case because we were sitting ducks watch not not good there's a guy ready set our base with a gun is pushing towards us we just delivered me um [Music] loot oh my God [ __ ] you Preston it all opened up your base is horrifically designed engine that chest plate look we're got check got some jackhammer air drop we got two satchels there's a garage door there's a garage door up here but it's bunker as [ __ ] 2,000 more so you good couldn't have happened to a nicer guy right guy was a prick from this point on WE snowboard hard we were Filthy Rich all these boxes are full of loot it was an insane 48 hour snowball guys if you want to see more videos like this don't forget to like the video and subscribe and let me know in the comments thanks see you next week you're [ __ ] dead
Channel: SebbyK
Views: 262,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, sebbyk, rust movie, rust gameplay, rust sebbyk, sebby k, rust console, blooprint, eco raiding rust, code raiding rust, sebby, rust trap base, rust eco raid, wally1k, willjum, sebbyk rust, rust wipe, spoonkid, rust base, rust hardcore, rust base design, rust tutorial, hjune, rust solo base, rust update, facepunch, rust trio base, rust bunker base, rust duo base, rust legacy, rust gambling, rust hard mode, rust pvp, base build, best start, eco raid, bunker eco raid
Id: fjqGTfWwC7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 3sec (2523 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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