I Built SECRET Restaurants in My House!

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I'm building three secret restaurants in my house to hide from my personal trainer recently I started working out and my trainer made me get rid of all of the junk food in my house so to eat all the junk food in the world without him knowing I'm attempting to hide my favorite restaurants inside my house so to be able to hide this restaurant in plain sight we're actually going to build a fake wall right here and add a hidden entrance later so we can hide it for my trainer if you're wondering why I'm hiding these restaurants in my house my trainer is super strict and always checks in on Matthew used to work out quite a bit last year but then he got lazy and he quit that's where I'm going to step in and I'm going to make sure he doesn't qu I'm going to put a home gym in his house and I'm going to be there every single day meanwhile back at home I was making some real progress now that we added this massive wall right here you can't tell there's a room behind me this is going to be perfect but first I have to put a hole in there so we can go inside oh so we're going to put a massive 7-Eleven back there filled with all of the snacks in the world and we still have to figure out what other two hidden restaurants we should put in my house and I brought my friends here to help me build these rooms faster without my trainer knowing I'm getting sick of this food let's get building what if I took all the cushions off this couch cut a giant hole into it and then made a KFC underneath it but we've done couches before I think I'm going to find something else I could open up all these cabinets and put a huge Burger King inside I got to clear everything out nah never mind I'm going to be transforming this room in five steps starting with the 7-Eleven Stripes going around the entire space much better now I just have to remove this tape prepare to be satisfied this looks so good now we just have to add the giant 7-Eleven glowing sign right there and all of the snacks to make this super legit with my trainer on the way we look throughout my entire house as fast as we could to find some hiding spots I actually have a hidden room under my stairs right here but since my personal trainer watches the videos he probably knows that so we're going to seal these up and actually make the hidden room in that wall right there let's take a look wow I envisioned this room to look like a McDonald's we have all of these McDonald's foods from across the world these are exclusive just to these countries we have the United States Japan France and even Mexico I want to see what's in the Mexico one let's open it up oh that looks so good this is the McGriddle Al Mexicana I'm getting a doorbell notific my trainer's out front you're our food review are you serious we have to cover the hole tell them to leave I don't we're going to put these right here and just cover up this area he keeps knocking that does not look good gr you might actually have to put the camera down and help I don't know uh uh you could use that supram logo how does that look good enough sorry here I come took me long enough why do you have a goat we have a surprise workout plan for you did I just hear a goat so the first thing we're going to do is get into a plank position let the goats climb all over [Music] it we got to get you in shape all those hidden gaming rooms you guys did Oreos cookies chips I did my research I've been watching you Matt so my plan is to show up randomly random times I'm just going to hold this real quick they all keep trying to go back there for some reason come on over here guys we're going to stay away from this wall all right I want you to do a push-up be careful right there oh yeah yeah uh you don't have to touch that it's my trainer got extremely close to our hit at McDonald's but he didn't notice anything that was close we almost got caught so many times meanwhile Aaron used a secret room from a previous video under my bathtub and start transforming it into a Subway with these colors it's already starting to look like a Subway in here we still have a lot of work to do so let's finish this up we're each going to go to the real version of our restaurants and take notes to make sure our restaurants are exact replicas inside of my house well Mt and Aaron are going to their stores I don't have to because I worked at McDonald's for 4 years I'm an expert and I kind of got fired so I'm not allowed back anyways this is the only entrance to the room we got to make the hole a little bigger I can fit now welcome to my super top secret McDonald's since we're turning this room into a restaurant I wonder if the paint tastes like McDonald's no this looks great I'm loving it I'm going to go kind of fast I'm going to need that chip rack I'm definitely going to need a Prep Station if I'm going to be making sandwiches every Subway has the green and yellow color scheme so mine's going to have it too now that I've got my sandwich and drink I can get started we're at a real 7-Eleven right now now getting slurpie I'll be honest this is the main reason we're here we're definitely going to need a slurpie machine inside of my house we got to get one of these a Gizzy roller we're definitely going to need some prime I'm turning my house into a 7-Eleven what's one thing that I need to put in there slurpie slushy machine how much do those machines cost probably run you like 5K I'm willing to bet this 7-Eleven is going to cost a lot of money I just made it back to Matt's house I've got all the Intel that I need now let's get down there and change the room into a subway now it's time for Matthew's favorite color yellow look at that this is starting to look like a real Subway we just need that iconic brick wall this room is clearly missing something I have this super big custom 7-Eleven sign right here that lights up now I just have to hang it on the wall this thing is massive oh this sign looks amazing but I'm a little bit out of breath from putting it in place and I'm very thirsty that's why I think we should put our slurpy machine in next so I can get something to drink but it's also very heavy so I'm going to need some help we got to make sure this doesn't this thing is massive yep the whole goal of this video is to not work out but I'm getting a workout bringing the slushy machine downstairs okay here we go guys watch your fingers is that bottom corner just put it down okay St trying is it up there no 7-Eleven is complete without the iconic slurpy machine and this one has four different flavors cherry Mountain Dew Coca-Cola and blue raspberry this slurpy machine machine is so big we could put a hidden restaurant in here I never would have thought you'd have a slurping machine in your house next we're going to add the iconic 7-Eleven soda machine where we can get all the different beverages my Trader would be super proud that I'm working out right now but I don't think he would like that I'm building a 7-Eleven so we just got to the grocery store looking around I see a lot of healthy options first thing we're going to do is grab a basket and get started all right Matthew so today I brought with me three delicious meals from cook Unity no no no no no I'll make this for you you're taking a nice bath I've seen Matthew take two ice baths in the past and he's failed every single one he's not failing this one if I have to get in there and hold him down that's what I'm going to do cook Unity is a unique meal delivery service that bring Chef prepared meals to your doorstep I am not excited for this unlike typical meal kits who cook Unity offers dishes designed by local chefs with fresh ingredients go Matthew your 5 minutes starts now come on all the way all the way get in there oh my gosh so while he's taking his ice bath I'm going to prepare him this lemon rosemary chicken over parmesan mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus it's so cold all right Matthew here's your chicken and mashed potatoes at least this is warm but while you get back in I'm going to grab one of these cook Unity meals and I'm going to go make myself something to eat I just got g a tub oh it's so cold I can't even go for the drain as soon as this tub drains I am going down there this is actually really good I'm going to go with the pesto chicken breast with roasted potatoes and baby kale salad every meal is a culinary Adventure no cooking no cleaning just pure delicious enjoyment I'm inside of our secret room okay this is perfect my trainer has no idea I quit my ice bath and I'm hiding I told him to stay in there for 5 5 minutes and it's going on 10 this is the first time he's ever listened to me the best part about cook Unity is they have a ton of vegan gluten-free and paleo options plus plenty more he's above me I need to start buying some of these for myself what's Matthew's discount code go to cook unity.com be50 or click the link in the description below and use code beam 50 to get 50% off your first order thanks cook Unity I hear my trainer Matthew Matthew unlock the door all right Matthew I'm coming in [Music] this guy always finds a way to escape the water is gone the ice is gone there is literally no way to escape except the window all right Matthew I don't know where you're at but I'm going to go and get your stuff for your home gym I know all the gym equipment is upstairs so I'm heading straight there oh you thought I was going to take the easy way out let's go over here oh no I definitely need to get M some of these dumbbells this right here is perfect so now that I know that can hold my weight I definitely know it can hold Matthew's weight these are the same size as Matthew's arms and legs we're definitely getting these just got everything we need let's get back to Matt's house I've got to bring a lot of things into my hidden restaurant but first I need a uniform that's more like it soon we're going to cover all these up with hidden entrances so we don't get caught hi welcome to McDonald's can can I take your order time to get my ice cream machine in I wish my Trader was here to help us lift this because it's so heavy but he would kill me me if he found out there was an ice cream machine in my base H right now push watch the handles the handles yes yes it's fitting let's go the ice cream machine's actually fitting it's so heavy now we have a hidden ice cream machine and our hidden McDonald's this is exactly how it looked at the real subway we visited earlier and these even have LEDs on the back just like the real story it's starting to look like an official Subway and we underneath my bathtub right now it's only missing one thing I need to take my shirt off why you'll you'll trust me bro how long were you wearing that all day we also got a bunch of snacks from 7-Eleven from around the world for some reason this one's open oh uh that was me those things are good comment down below your favorite 7-Eleven food from your country we taste tested a lot more snacks from 7-Elevens around the world no my trainer could be here any minute we need to do this quick oh my trainer didn't like my cabinet before and there wasn't even half of the snacks that are in this room if he finds this he is going to be mad right now this room is missing one thing that I really want I'm going to go grab it now I have a giant ice cream freezer I think I have just enough wire to do it so close we got it oh you can hear it working I just have to let this thing get freezing in there and then I can load it with ice cream I'm checking my photos that I took earlier at 7-Eleven it seems like we're missing the Red Bull machine this thing's Giant every single gas station has one of these and we managed to get one right now I'm installing the menu that shows you all the items that we have like breads chips cheeses definitely smells like a Subway in here but we need to make it look more like a Subway that's why I have this the Crown Jewel I bought a giant sandwich making station from a real Subway hopefully it fits down this hole it actually works it's a perfect swirl garage door's opening could be the trainer well match trainer's here so I got to cover everything hey that's covered sweating so bad hey buddy I literally thought your trainer was here bro it's was just me bringing this McDonald's thing oh why are the stairs like that I was panicking and trying to replace him to camouflage this giant hole for my personal trainer we're actually going to be using a massive TV that opens up as our secret entrance and on this side over here since it's a secret 7-Eleven we're going to put freezers right here that'll open up as our entrance is inside my trainer is currently on the way so we have to finish our rooms up quickly welcome to Subway what can I get you how about a room tour this is where all the luxury sandwiches are made that we're going to feed Matthew we'll start with one of the coolest things the eat fresh sign we've got our vegetable pictures my favorite part the LED sign I made this sign from scratch to make it look exactly like the one I saw at Subway got a real fryer from McDonald's don't ask how I got it stuck still oh we just broke Matt stair more there we go we got all the heavy stuff in there now we got to cover up these stairs before Matt's trainer gets here this is the last addition to my McDonald's before it's complete oh when I went to the real 7-Eleven earlier they had a Mr Beast chocolate display with his face so that's exactly what we're going to be add since my trainer is on his way to build me a home gym right now I'm covering my giant hole with this wood board and then the curtain just in case he opens the curtain you [Music] he I'm back so now it's time to get this gym together these are the rest of the foreign McDonald's meals that we're going to try France Japan and America oh the France McDonald's comes with a MC croissant a MC macaroon wo it tastes like a pop part all right so the trick here is to lift with your legs not your back right so you want to get as low as you can okay so stupid all right the Japanese McDonald's let's see this I think this is is the healthiest thing a McDonald's has ever had Matthew what is this how long has this been sitting here there actually is a 7-Eleven really close to my house is it the one yeah yeah I just yeah it's right over there yeah I went there on the way here to get gas how about Subway Subway's all right in moderation it's finally time to make our sandwich at a regular Subway they charge you extra for meat but here we can have as much as we want and some cheese now we get to try all the sauces from the secret menu no are you okay when my trainer started to bring the workout equipment in my basement I ran to the secret Subway let's grab the elliptical and we'll we'll put it here for now where did Matthew just go what happened down here check this out this is a brand new item from Subway their giant cookie Matthew was just here helping us the moment we start lifting all this heavy stuff the guy disappears Matthew I'm coming right there you just left us here to carry all this heavy equipment in I'm you show up now that it's over you had to go replenish on snacks or what as soon as my trainer went back outside I ran into my secret 7-Eleven I have no idea how hot these are I am not good with spicy food these are actually so good it's really risky being in here right now he's outside of there I could get caught must be nice to get a free home gym and not be here to help set it up hopefully when this is all said and done I can actually get Matthew in here and we can get a workout in have not seen that guy one time so I'm going to go see if I can find him I know he's in the kitchen can't be that far away I'm honestly super shocked Matthew is not in this kitchen I figured he'd for sure be sitting at that table eating something a lot of veggies Tomatoes soup I heard you call my name PE Matt this is awesome I told you that I'm not shoting on my diet at all if I find junk food anywhere in this house you owe me [Music] $5,000 I'll be back here bright and early tomorrow morning and I need you to be ready for that first workout now that my trainer's gone we can finish our secret restaurants this is not going to cut it anymore I need something much better now I'm going to add a giant flat screen TV that actually opens up leading into my secret room now my TV actually opens watch this this is sick the only bad thing is this TV wasn't here yesterday but he actually did ask me why I didn't have a TV so I'm going tell him I got one to make my personal trainer happy we're going to be adding another weight rack right here but little does he know it's actually a secret entrance leading to a McDonald's I need to get into my Subway and start eating my trainer is going to be here any second and I need someone to watch the 7-Eleven I'm hiring my sister to take care of the 7-Eleven while I'm working out from now on I'm going to try all three of the restaurants without my trainer finding them all right Matthew so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to start off with 30 minutes of cardio 30 minutes where did that TV come from We Bought that TV last night because we've been doing renovations on my house you came to the workout with no water would you mind get anyone upstairs in the kitchen so you want me to grab your water set up your gym you actually want me to go yeah this guy's always disappearing yeah something's burning for sure and I know it's not Matthew burning calories does he think he can just keep walking away and I won't find him he's very good at building hidden rooms what's up buddy where were you I was doing my cardio you got my water thank you all right I'm keeping my eyes on you all the time you smell that it's sizzling so loud something burning what do you want to do now do you still got to go the bathroom I do but I could do the meeting really quick while you're in the bathroom I lied that I had a meeting and my trainer went to the bathroom so I can sneak in the hidden 7-Eleven now that I'm getting a workout for my trainer let me give you a room tour in my 7-Eleven while he's in the bathroom we have chips cookies brownies Prime beables and of course a giant Coca-Cola machine my favorite part about my 7-Eleven is these freezer doors right here also act as my Escape Route oh my gosh what are you doing down here I'm just checking on you I thought that was my trailer for a second this is sick cotton candy soda cheers we're going to go ahead and hit AB next break now you did three come on keep going okay what is that I'm on 11 right now no what is what is that 12 smells like fries forgot to brush this morning so I'm going to run upstairs and grab a yoga M we can lay down and do some stretches be right back that's on the top far left room my trainer went to get a yoga mat in the bathroom right over the secret Subway crazy the lch just broke it literally just snapped off I need duct tape I need duct tape duct tape brand new sh sh sh he's coming he's coming hold it hold it the latch keeping the TV shut broke so I have to fix it with tape this is not good I just escaped right do you hear [Music] that there's a a weird hole over here oh qu welcome to McDonald's how can I help you wait a second what the heck is this so disappointed in you oh I'll be right back no is this another hidden room what the heck is this hey welcome to 7-Eleven what is this we're going to Subway you guys have a slurpie machine this is crazy so you guys have a full size 7-Eleven just sitting in your basement yeah I'm McDonald's too yeah I just found that out the hard way M Matthew he's gone again he's probably upstairs in the kitchen did you hear that no it's somewhere over here what can I get you guys bro we just excaped earlier if you guys remember Matthew had me grab a yoga mat that was sitting right here on this toe now the yoga mat is completely replaced with a Subway swi this wasn't here about 5 minutes ago so now I feel like we're super close to him feed me some chips I don't know how you guys got down there but I see you he's right there try to oh there it is oh no no welcome to the sub boy can I take your order I'm coming down there we're close sorry all right I'll find a way down there bro nothing what is it bounc off in Te honestly guys this is so sick since my personal trainer found me I have to give away $5,000 so subscribe for a chance to win and click this video right here bye
Channel: Matthew Beem
Views: 1,260,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mbeem10, matthew beem, beem team, matthew beam, beam team, hidden room, hidden gaming room, secret room, secret gaming room, JStu, hidden secret fort, dream gaming room, gaming room inside stairs, morejstu hidden fort, fort under stairs, secret entrance inside stairs, Secret Room, Secret Rooms In Houses, Ben Azelart, I Built a Secret Room to Hide from my mom, i built a secret room, MoreJStu, FrenchieFries, 5 hidden rooms, 5 secret rooms, SECRET McDonalds, SECRET 7-11
Id: qmd5571wuow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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