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today we're gonna test out in Minecraft I'm not even joking these missiles are gonna blow up we're gonna start easy with some smaller ones we're gonna get bigger and bigger explosions you guys know that the like button explodes when you click it give it a try three two one Wow Oh so make sure you guys go to jelly sorter come I'm not wearing merge right now but make sure you are jelly sure calm you guys need to shoot okay no no we're starting we're starting Loki was already here 1 1 wait a minute jelly crap missile guy yes grab a missile out of the ball wait till he stops ok jelly shoes the first one then you get the second one so this thing is supposed to be a little bit better than TNT that's ok for you fire we need to set the GPS coordinates ok radar gun yeah so just right-click somewhere over here yes don't do a stall come on there we go GPS right here just a bit close jelly maybe over here somewhere could you just put it away some consciously ok we don't want to blow up a stalling area right here ok sure the beautiful Carton okay now bring that back over to the launcher all right on my way okay you see this green panel here you need to right-click that jelly way up just right click it yeah huh whoa fart of data transferred from tool oh I hope there's a correct tell Eva see what's gonna hit correctly guys that is so wrong Jill you have a worse day pretty sure you missed that but I guess it's the missiles fault I don't know I landed here okay okay well that's the shot number one all right my turn my turn okay good nice we're gonna play you're gonna grab a new missile out of the box okay okay Ratman missile wait why trap no missile all right okay you need to set in the rate wait you want to shoot in the same spot okay a new spot okay I want it to go all the way over here on me seriously okay what if there's gonna be pedestrians walking on the road jelly this isn't about it now put the data in the machine yep this rock is gonna be a little bit different work are you kidding me I'm really bad I was trying to look at the console and misbeliever by X landed in water no no that one doesn't damage anything it just was my miss I accidentally hit the spot that you had dilly okay for you to show your aim yes incendiary missile oh my gosh what does that do I mean it probably likes things on fire chase them okay let's mom let's mark these trees over here okay wait you're gonna blow a tree up yes and then it's gonna start a forest fire that's a nice idea can I put lever cuz you didn't let me do yeah you can press it [Music] I need to keep some distance guys nice good back back today's not oh that is actually insane that was way more intense than I expected okay break some of the leaves so it doesn't spread too far Josh how do you think we're gonna stop yesterday we have to clean up Josh's grass jelly to make sure it doesn't spread that far fire extinguisher guys we have two more in Tier one one right now that I'm gonna send up is the chemical missile guys maybe let's do that a bit further away cuz these are getting oh yeah missiles gonna do much damage I don't know either can't play if you can only find out one way right we gotta we gotta walk in it guys and we got a little carried out okay we want to put it here then right here you know how all right somebody's a problem is about to get clear this is gonna be interesting yeah just sitting in my do [Music] oh oh that is terrifying survival I want to see the damage well that was deadly what last areas probably unlivable it's the a a little missile the last one only says what doc like what does that mean I guess it's gonna find out obviously I gotta find out yeah wait a minute oh I'm actually gonna shoot this pretty close oh wait hold up I'm sure I've still got leaked hang on a second I need to fix this this bubbles alright okay they're gone now all right turn away you're gonna set this one off okay so I think I'm gonna go for like maybe just right here honestly all right if you say it's an invalid location come on just bigger and further away when you aim Creina there we go are you guys ready are y'all ready really sure this one does alright I think it's a direct punch and it kind of laughs yes and becomes an anvil like strike if that makes you feel better spy alright we still got more Michelle to check out a lot more to check out we are now officially done with tier 1 - definitely the cool so we just did the weakest tier wait yeah I mean yeah that cool correct not because it was just I'm gonna be using actually the rejuvenation missile okay I apparently rejuvenates the ground we I don't know we're gonna find out till Josh well I'm actually gonna do it on the spot where we blue stuff up I wonder if he'll fix it Josh come on get this and all where's this all can fish send it on its way that's transferred you guys ready for launch ready three two one I can't really do all these [Music] what Oh guys I know what this does watch it a pre-sentencing no it resets it to how it originally was in the seed this is this is hikes level 22 I think this it must have been like a flatland Oh God that's kind of cool guys it's my turn to sanitaire to Missa okay what you [Music] don't know clear cluster yeah that one sounds okay we're gonna have to probably move that one away jelly okay jelly jelly we want to see this one like really far away okay chilly I wanna see it on a building guys I want to see I'm construction damage all right this is somebody's office and I hate this guy yeah okay I don't like this guy either super guy now let's see how this damage is gonna be interesting yeah come on yeah let's get him dude let's go jelly let's go let's do this through yep two to one what a nuclear bomb oh my god oh oh oh I can't see it where is it I can't see it mom oh yeah I saw all my goodness there's a huge explosion at the bottom guy in the subway hang on hang on I'm coming I'm coming insane man oh it's completely wrecked my job I do have some bad news though the guy's office is still standing we got another one guys look at actually uncovered the subway system of this city yeah we can see the Train here now we need to take it up a level - that wasn't high enough for you - oh boy I mean there's some insane nuclear bombs in tier 3 but with I know exactly which one I'm gonna choose sorry Little Miss Isle I think I can see this a little blue thing sticking out I'm looking for it wait don't be so landing on the roof I think lying yeah very effective guys all right guys let's go far another one this is too good all right so next up we're gonna do the contagious what does that mean are we all gonna get ill oh my goodness Emily it has a logo on it contagious yeah I'm gonna do this on like directly all this everybody sick in the building job there's no one here don't know why you guys keep okay well I'm my imaginary friend is here Josh well well say goodbye to your nightmare friend because it's finding its heading where is it where did it go it's gonna hit any second now Oh baby no oh Delhi I want to know what it feels like really bad bill okay mail extent oh my good give me the milk I can't see anything yeah there we go everything all right guys it's multi waiting for this right here is the best tier what do you have on the left side with a new look at this thing look at that shook on it I guess what I guess that previous bomb didn't do any actual damage yeah we're gonna hit the building okay I put I put my data in from it yes there oh sorry oh that's right books you've been boiling for Kelly - it sure doesn't eat you it looks like it's going a bit short but it's gonna let now it's got it's gonna land sky I lost the here it is there it is oh my god that just fully opened up the entire roof of this place the sickest one jelly jelly jelly jelly fire front it's opened up does anybody remember what this building actually looked like I mean it looks great now it's my turn guys and this one is called the exothermic missile and it says I thought the Sun was hot so he's gonna burn stuff I think yeah we're probably gonna do it on a building and not the forest again yeah there's a bunch of wood inside of the library they can set on fire right again you want to shoot the same building again how much damage can you do to one building you know what I'm gonna pick this one yeah you're really going your way huh yep we're gonna shoot it Bob okay I mean it might be interesting to see what happens over further away do you guys stay there off yeah I'm gonna stay here I'll look from a distance three two one no I thought say it my goodness I see it it's bad any second now it's gonna hit I'm actually scared whoa guys okay guys we need it we need to sort this out hang on a second oh my god that was brutal that's one of the craziest ones we've had yet well that building is a bit damaged but we didn't know that was I have carpenters all right let's check out what we're gonna be doing next so we've got the freeze anti-gravitational and guess what it's like the representational salts awesome okay well I'm gonna go with the freeze one right okay we belong with that poor building though this we'll see what happens Oh Oh is gonna talk water oh thank you bad they'd like a nice but I think the lava probably melted all of it okay it did have like a blue beam on it as well that's pretty cool you know what I actually think that buildings had it too easy um what do you mean no Joxer little talks on fire and now it's been frozen and now it's gonna just walk away from it maybe it'll be like this building anyway by building okay the anti-gravitational missile Oh look around you we still have a lot of building standing so yeah you can keep the home from here by the way oh the gold one yes it's going we want to steal all the jolt of your market yeah GPS data save that says a great job many times guys are you ready y'all ready when you're ready they'll still very gently three two one fire there we go a little pool of the top of this I wonder what's gonna happen with this okay it's going quite low is scared to figure it here it is whoa go get up some of the street I'm J lift it up oh me too really oh my god yeah why is everything around it oh wait that was the trees arising as well I should have hit it on the top of the building huh should I do that Oh somewhat like down below is see if it rises jelly okay three two guys oh now we're really gonna see how this goes okay let's see that is actually insane okay what's next hmm by the end of missile let's relocate that face of yours let's see if we can relocate a building with it so you're gonna sand it all to some oh no I did the same thing again okay yeah okay well I'm excited to see what its gonna do is it gonna teleport the entire building that won't be sick um guys oh I'm getting dragged in okay Wow they're just killer point us how do we get back wait what is smell holy we're actually if we just go actually don't understand I just where where is home try and look for a lawyer building hold it got sucked into an alternate reality ding oh it must be around here somewhere gosh dang it ah there we go that was crazy guys that was a hell the last one guys I'm just gonna set something up so hold on my second it's gonna be good you'll see you'll see all right three news have been set up now we just need to pick a building or oh no guys whatever it is how to know why don't we just randomly fire it over here where this is a ton of buildings I I'm gonna shoot my right here at the glass building all right then I've got mine there all right and then you guys come over and pick a long-term wait what should I show you guys I see some wet clothes jelly somewhere closer we can see it when somewhere closer where we did maybe the gold building the gold building messed you up just building ask to go all right now right-click your missile okay what wait what do they get it they get eat close buddies is a big chunk taken out that is amazing about mine mine didn't do all that much cuz I shot too high you should have shown the side of it jelly jelly or don't worry we'll get you in another one we're gonna finish destroy at the base of this thing not safe anymore that thing is gonna someone's okay you know what let's just send a couple more you know that's that's not okay my goodness the building is headed off yeah oh yeah there's a lot of rockets attacking alright I've got a good way to finish this guy's it's already done it's coming down daughters yeah look at the thighs explosion sorry guys sorry click here to watch another one click here although I suppose I click this red bond right here I'm gonna do it click on this video right now or I'm gonna click the red button don't let me do it so let me do it
Channel: Jelly
Views: 7,352,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, mod, missile mod, funny, game, games, gaming, mine craft, minecraft mods, jelly, friends, FLYING NUCLEAR MISSILES In MINECRAFT
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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