I Built an Illegal Minecraft House

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this is the world's most secure illegal Minecraft bunker and my brother dirt boy thinks he can break into it so dumb over the years my brother dir boy has broken into and destroyed more houses of mine than I can count so today I made a deal with him if he can break into and Destroy This illegal Minecraft bunker I'll give him anything that he wants but if he's not able to then he can never break into one of my bases ever again we got a deal dirt boy we got a deal every single round we're going to get access to Stronger weapons and items that we could use on the other person will he be able to break into my bunker probably not but let's find out 3 2 1 good luck dirt boy you're going to need that all right ladies and gentlemen right here is my illegal Minecraft bunker let me give you guys a quick little tour there's lasers on the outside obsidian pillars and a giant dragon egg as my core all the way over there in the distance I put dirt boy in his cage where he belongs let me out of this cage he looks so stupid right down here we have a coin pile I can mine tons and tons of coins which I can then use to buy upgrades all right so right here we got the core Buster we got the potion of stomping not really sure what that does we got the Mud Digger and the medicine ball what do we even do with the medicine ball oh what I can ball blast the medicine ball and it blows up okay what else we got the potion of stomping oh oh ow our head's in the roof okay what else we get we got the Mud Digger I'm going to guess this digs mud and we got the core Buster which is going to be used to bust Jack's core Jack's core is going to get busted all this trash talks making me need to use the bathroom I'm going to need a second round one is starting in three 2 1 okay boys we need to go ahead and buy barbed wire fence yes that's going to stop their boy okay here we go I'm going to try one of these portals it TPS me a different sides of the map oh that's good ooh we can get some cake don't mind if I do oh no these are cookies cake cookies my favorite and it looks like I have a speed boost too I can run pretty fast what does this Mud Digger do I guess this is my sword what else can we get an assault rifle don't mind defu and also a Katara I still have a little bit of money let's see can I get ooh a mud wall for 10 coins that'll keep dirt boy out wa Jack already bought an upgrade oh no all right jack probably doesn't have many good stuff right now because he has to earn gold so I'm in great shape I have everything I possibly need oh this is awkward Adam I see you over there wa is that a gun if I kill you Adam I get coins and the round ends oh you got to catch me first who should have stop it baby you have explosive fors oh wait what if I can find these two things no no no no no no chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I didn't know you had explosive farts and giant balls God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God where's KO today yeah you're not getting through this Adam you're not getting through this I literally just got through it oh crap wait I think I did I lock myself out of my own base how do I get in here it's it's not even funny he can't jump back in oh let's go wait a second wait this is bad this is really bad I'm going for the core no no no no no no no you're going to be done in one round oh my gosh oh my gosh he's destroying it this is going to be so easy I found a way in oh crap where is he Adam he's lying Adam Jack your base is getting destroyed you're already down to 100 how did you get past my bar wires die Adam die eat Katana boy Adam you might be my brother but that doesn't mean I'm going to take it easy on you see you ah take it easy on these that's fine all I got to do is run out the clock and then the round is over oh 92 seconds perfect he went over the wall again he's so dumb no I got to go all the way back around don't touch my gold Adam oh this cor is looking fancy oh my god oh wait the round timer is not your health no Adam it's at the top of the screen idiot I don't see him I don't know how much help here yes I got him let's go get out of here dirt boy in the meantime let's go ahead and we're going to to get some more coins I don't have access to that many upgrades right now but by the end of today's video I am going to have the most overpowered illegal upgrades you've ever seen I got some big hits in on Jack let's go I wish I knew how much health this base had apparently he does though and he's getting nervous okay we're in the portal he has no idea where we're at we're going to be really sneaky this time let's see can I get anything else grass block mine oh yeah oh yeah okay wait a second let's just place that uh we're going to place that right here and right here and then right here and then right here good luck getting past that dirt boy what can I do with this why would they give me a mon that can't take mud oh we can get Bessie minions Bessie minions have spawned in there's only 20 seconds I got to go the round's about to end okay I'm going to take the potion of stomping and I'm going in in the meantime let's spend a couple more coins oh was that messy no wait that's got to be dirt boy dirt boy's coming set more mines oh gosh he sees me oh somebody's guarding the entrance oh no yes I got past round one let's go R out of time I did some serious damage though uh you did around 30% wooo let's go I don't know if you know this but I actually get upgrades every single round I had no idea I got to go to the bathroom I have a toilet here if you need to use it Adam I don't need to use your bathroom you have to prepare for round number two shut up okay boys Adam did pretty good in round number one and he's going to get access to upgrades but luckily for me I don't think Adam knows that I also get upgrades we have a machine gun turret diamond sword mode flamethrower oh oh oh heck yes I am getting a flamethrower and and I am going to set Adam's hair on fire all right round number two let's see what we get oh we got two new upgrades we got the Mario mushroom okay and we got the wait what the heck a gim bro minion yes all right and of course we got the medicine ball we got the potion and we got the core Buster we're not even going to use the Mud Digger it's terrible it can break mud it says no it can't also in the meantime I mean it is hard work destroying dirt boy so I need lots more cookies and round two is about to start okay wait we need a couple more coins here oh gosh Adam's going to be coming right for my base okay Jack's going to expect me to go through a portal but I'm going to go directly straight through I'm going to be so quiet oh my God wait what the heck are what the wait they're coming did they attack me they hurt me they hurt me they hurt me they hurt me they hurt me oh my gosh what the heck it's a pissy minion are you flipping kidding me I got to take the portal okay let's get the diamond sword moat and also one of these turrets actually oh okay I was going to say two but we don't have enough let's jump over my grass mines and let's see where is he oh oh he's right over there no wait that's oh that's a little Bessie baby minion all right all right all right stealth mission is out the window I'm taking the Fifi F I am mushroom ma'am and I'm going for your thumb D Bo giant I get it those are your pronouns waa wait where did that go you think your bestie minions are good have them face my gim Bros okay one of my things maybe didn't work as intended ah I need more coins I'm coming for you oh my god Adam's coming okay okay we have another one I don't know where I'm able to place this okay pushing and stomping I should be able to hop around here let's combine these two things and let's go that did not work why can't I jump oh dirt boy oh oh oh dirt Boy's over there he's getting destroyed by the minions wait who does he have with him look at this idiot flamethrower oh I got the power hammer yo when did I get this dude he's a giant Mallet oh my gosh bro he's got gim Bros ow I'm I'm going to I died wait I can't I can't get more gim bro eggs I used them all I thought I would get them every time I respawned oh Jack died Jack died to the gy Bros I'm going in they're on top of me right now bird boy boys you guys might pump iron but you can't defend yourselves against Flames the gim Bros have infiltrated his base they're going for the kills look at them oh they're right at the front door this is perfect oh my gosh dude there's actually so many of them what the flip bro he's shooting my gim Bros yo chill don't shoot the gim Bros yes dude the grass mines are working yo ah the gim Bros they're all over me how do I get in here waa how did I just blow up get these J blowing up suck it there boy I got mine set everywhere dude get these gimos away from me why are they so strong get out of here oh Adam you're running out of time I see you oh you saw me no this is getting serious now oh there he is what's up little dead boy how do you like a turret he doesn't know I have the magic mushroom I said how do you like a turret turret do something what the heck I will set you on fire boy I'm going to make you look like your best friend Alec I'm going to try and stop on him that's right that's right you can jump but you can't get pass my diamond Mo Juno oh my gosh you got past my diamond moat yes how how how go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh yeah oh yeah we're getting hits in no no no no no no no no yes yes he burned to death absolute scrub I only have 45 seconds just going to go back I'm going to go back and I'm going to go around stay back get away from me shooting that gun at me it's scary this is what you get for breaking into my base so many times Adam this is what you get you think you're good at breaking into bases no you're not where is he he going how was he able to to do this did he buy portals okay he's going to think I went through is he trying to Juke me out right now I got him I don't care guys the round is about to be over I am going to use this time to get more coins come on 8 s we're close where's the front I really up the front the time four three I got to get another shot one no nice try Adam I needed those heads crap okay I'm going to have to do really good next round Adam what happened that round see I really thought that the gim Bros would would get my back but they stink those Jim Bros they were more worried about me than protecting you your Bessie minions were stronger than them they're they're all show of course they are it's Bessie Adam it's ridiculous no next round when I get the better upgrades you're going to get deleted all right boys yo check this out we got a temporary force field which is going to keep dir boy out of my illegal base stupid dirt boy doesn't even know what's about to happen and quicksand we're buying quicksand oh my gosh we got Al Al mom to be my own personal bodyguard you going be flipping Kidd me that's awesome we have a robot Miner mines a tunnel to the last line of defense okay the temporary force field I'm going to wait to buy that just in case I need that mid round let's see what else can I get uh we already have the flamethrower let's get a Minun for 20 coins and a sniper okay and we also have a whole another chest so we can get two of everything we get double we can get two Alex moms look at our lineup right now we are stacked to the brim all right boys round three is about to start good luck dirt boy we going down where's my strap get through the and boom first robot Miner down go robot Miner he's going to lead us right into Jack's base oh my gosh this is awesome Jack's going to have no idea just in case he's right outside let's activate the temporary force field dead boy you guys smell that it smells like dirt oh we build up I got to make sure Jack's not there there's even a Vine for me to climb up this is huge he's going to have no idea where we're at I wonder if I can break into dirt boy Area dirt boy oh oh crap ghost seems clear I'm going to make a run for it oh this is this is terrible oh oh no oh no way okay all right this is this is really bad um um um um um bro bro okay note yourself don't touch the quicksand Jack suffocated in a wall wait that means he's going to spawn back in his base we need put the gim Bros in wo whoo wo wo w w force field H where's my force field get him gim Bros minigun yes yes why can't J BR go inside ah yes all right maybe that's will do the trick get out of here dirty what is that Adam what the flip is that yes my mind worked and I just die did you summon in our grandmother that's Alex mom Alex mom should distract you for a bit oh my gosh bro oh my gosh I'm I don't even know what I'm looking at right now ja has no idea that I have this m directly to his base dude your gym Bros are insane they have six packs and they hit like a truck I know they're pretty cool okay luckily they're all dead now oh hey Adam what's up bro what's up bro boom snip you one shot me are you kidding me snip I got a sniper got you be my sight side oh I see Alex mom wait wait Alex Mom oh she's following you she's your minion yeah what's better than one Alex bomb please don't tell me to two Alex boms all right right now right now we got to do another robot mine I see you D but what are you doing behind that tree you're not going to be able to be that stealthy when you have two giant grandom Alex moms following you around okay this will lead us right to Jack's base hopefully the Grandma's distract him for long enough wo whoo wo whoo wo is what is this what is this no what the heck was that where's the front door where's the front door no way he just dug under ah oh my gosh yes he got exploded no no no Alex Mom's right here hey Alex mom nice to see you wow okay wow you look really nice today distract distract distract yes yes no no no no no where are you he can't see me you can't keep getting away with this dirt boy I'm not going to let it happen Minun I got to reload oh yes no oh I got in great shots so I got in great shots dude how did you dig all the way over here what the flip was that hold on I got to investigate this Jack's investigating right now okay this is this is the opportunity we got to go no way he dug under my base we got to start playing some offense here boys oh my gosh check is so bad he's not going to know that I'm going right for him who is this quicksand is he coming back oh oh oh I see you we got trapped in flipping quicksand got jumped in the quick sand no not the quick sand oh my gosh I had a direct line to your base am I going to die flip and the time is up anyway dirt boy round number three is over and Adam I'm going to tell you you got my base down to about halfway Alex Grandma stinks yeah that's totally not Alex mom she's deadly and fierce prepare for round number four Adam let's see what new upgrades we have super Bessie for 25 coins a laser wall and also a ray gun see what we get oh all right so we got Adam's wheelchair Adam I don't know what that's going to do that's pretty messed up I I tore my I tore my ACL my my knee a couple weeks ago so they they've been making fun of me the only way that I'm really going to get through is through the robots the robots are the best we also got the medicine ball and then we need that core Buster the Mud Digger is poop Let's see we can definitely afford to get our hands on that ray gun that is going to be my brand new bestest friend and also we might as well get super besy out there and a laser wall we're going to go to the other chest we can get that second robot Miner then we also have six gem Bros then we have a second wheelchair I'm not really sure what that does but I finally we have a flipping sword it's a Barbie sword though that's whatever whatever round number four in three 2 1 I maybe got a couple lasers ad him bro he has lasers how do I get through what the heck there's a sheep unicorn all right let's see what this does Adam you better back Out Boy charge what no you got it through why does my turret like you oh you're right in the quick sand Adam shut up chill chill I got a ray gun and I'm not afraid to use it just end me quick thank you that's what I wanted Adam there's no way you're getting past my mud wall my diamond moat my quicksand my lasers and my super unicorn Bessie oh the mud wall I know how to destroy the mud wall he just he just gave me information I had no idea I do now that he gave me the mud wall information we can finally win I know that he got some upgrades and I know he's waiting to use oh I see him I see him right over there I got my eyes peeled okay while we're working I'm going to have this robot Miner go to work that'll distract him he's going to think I'm going to go through that now guys I do want to see what his base looks like so let's see can I break in yes I can okay good my base doesn't destroy me because sometimes it does somehow I have to get through this laser oh I can just walk right through what does he even have in here guess this is where he's getting all of his things wait a second wait Mud Digger potion of stopping wait can I steal this and the medicine ball finally okay now I know what to do we could just dig past this the entire time the Mud Digger is actually a good weapon I never knew what is this do they have a they have a bathroom they literally don't even have a bed and they have have a bathroom what is wrong with these guys okay we're going to dig past this boom this is when we spawn in the gim Bros gim Bros go crazy okay now we have the Barbie sword I just got to not run into any landmines okay Adam is still I think trying to figure out how to get inside oh wait wait he has his gim Bros in there is he inside yep J br going crazy we're in we can break the core Blaster yes we're getting great shots okay let's try to use the potion of stomping does this work for me hey Jack where you at nowhere oh boys your core is getting a little weak what's up boy oh no I made a little trip to your base who you got the Medicine Blaster I do wait he's hitting himself he's hitting himself he's get out of here Jim bro get him ow oh my God wait a second you're doing so much damage now oh my gosh yes we're getting great shots here we can take this thing out gim Bros get him okay I got to get rid of the gim Bros first your gim Bros do so much damage yes chill what do you even have crap okay I got him wow you got my bunker down a lot actually way more than I would have liked all right that was great great though that was flipping great nice jobs Granny's okay by now my robot should have dug in a hole where the flip is it I need to get more things we need more Bessie minions I think I'm out of money all right I guess I'll send him in again I don't know where he went oh crap guys we only have 60 seconds left I'm going to have my Barbie sword out this thing is flipping op we got to get my money up oh oh oh I see dirt boy dirt boy's coming underground dirt boy don't you dare do it all right Jack's going to be looking for me up top cuz that's where the Granny's are but he doesn't know that I'm down below eat lasers dirt boy oh my gosh oh my go go I'm getting poisoned what was that okay wait I got a couple more coins I think what I could do honestly let's go ahead and let's get uh we got to go in oh Jack's right there he doesn't even know get in shots get in shots oh my go he's literally right here get out of here crap all right I got in good shots though Jack I had no idea you didn't see me there did you loser shut up got in three shots before you saw me shut up and and get out of here get a life we only have 13 seconds we just got to charge in I'm putting down the wheelchair and we're going charge charge he I keep getting trapped in the sand yes we survived the round boys that was a bad round to be back bro Adam Adam you did a little bit of damage there but I think I have enough Health to get me through this final round a little bit how much health you down to just tell me I got like 33% oh you're done ladies and gentlemen it's all coming down to this the final round okay we need to definitely see what kind of upgrades we can get we already got those we can get super bodyguards let's not get them yet let's wait for the round to start and we could also get nuclear bomber planes okay yeah I'm definitely not telling dirt boy about this oh my gosh we got a flipping Transformer Warf Adam's leg what the heck okay that's too far guys whoever made this mod are you flipping kidding me my leg is injured I have a brace and everything this is not okay to keep making fun of my leg it ends here oh we can get a bazooka I like Bazookas okay so we're going to go bazooka Death Ray and sniper rifle as our combo oh my God all right let's Let's test out the Transformer more let's do we literally become P be can I do any moves oh oh my gosh what he shoots on fire from his chest all right we also have Adam's leg what happens if I right click what the is that a knee no that's messed up you made this personal Jack you're going down I think we have enough coins we just need to make sure that we can afford to get the super Bessie bodyguards which we might as well put them in and then we'll save up for the nuclear bomber planes and this is it the final round K der boy break in I doubt it there's no way there's no way guys did you have them install this Adam's leg where it flings kneecaps you know I tore my knee yeah it's special for you n you're dead I'm going out I'm going after the core then I'm going after your mama yeah you keep talking about it dirt boy dirt loser you literally wasted so much time gosh he's right I wasted so much time all right we're going to hide back here we're going to put in the robot minor right away oh I see him over there what's he doing oh he's going under of course he is of course He Is We have to get our Barbie swords ready I see Jack right there as soon as he comes up I'm going to have a bazooka pointed at his face Transformer morph inbound wa what the flip bro he turned into bubblebee yeah he's a Transformer nah bro dirt boy does not deserve that type of power he's got to be dead I'm going no I died to fall damage going to be flipping kidding me oh he he literally he died okay as soon as I go up I'm spawning the Chim brose he doesn't he doesn't know which one's me he don't know which one's me hey yo yo yo get these big buff buffoons out of here boy alex mom inbound I got Adam's leg on the count no no no no no oh Jim br's on him ah that hurt no wait that didn't help ah ah no no why does he get the spawn right away yes I got him I got him I got him only 130 more seconds there boy oh oh he's he's got to be right outside Alex mom is literally right there please please oh you know what I can get get the drinking of stomping I can drink The Stomping thing and I could be on his roof he's out there he's out there what is he doing is he on top of my house what the flip bro why is he farting on my house can I get in through here oh let's go oh my gosh he just mined through the roof Oh no I got to kill him I got to kill him no he killed me with the Barbie sword is that a joke okay that's good though now that we know now we know we can get him through through through through the roof where my bodyguards where are they dude I just bought bodyguards bro why do these patches these patches patch up no I can't go down again we're going to have to get through here this is going to be easy then we got to jump boom we got to land here boom jump again boom we got this in the Bag Boys we got doodle bob over here trying to get into my base I'm going to dig through the mud we got to get in what the okay I'm going to crouch Jack just know where I am wao wao waa wa I really hope he's try to chase after me no he got me no Alex's mom got me what just happened where'd he go oh he was slain by Alex's mom perfect we to get on the roof go through here come on we're in where is he wait he he's over wait no no no no no no no he's inside jack I'm outside if you want me bro I'm on outside if you want me I hear you inside where are you where'd you go where'd you go where'd you go Alex Transformers baby what the flip bro trans fliping forers I need money I need money I need money no no no Alex mom kill him nice oh yes we're going to win no no no no no I need bomber planes we can win this Alex bomb's got him cornered bomber planes attack do something this is going to be close 8 seconds no no no no no no no no no no no no 3 2 one more time yes come on yes wait what no yes let's go I had it I had it how we win Adam that means that you have to promise to never break into one of my bases ever again that was the deal I crossed my fingers no no no no no way no you're not getting away with this no no no no no no I'll see you in the next video you got to be kidding me I knew that dirt boy was going to pull something like that if you guys enjoy this video and want to see more like it make sure you guys smash like and click this video right here to watch me troll dirt boy because he deserves it
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,110,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, xray, minecraft brother, fooling my friends in minecraft, xray mod, minecraft prank, i fooled my friend minecraft, beckbrojack, illegal minecraft, illegal minecraft base, illegal minecraft block, minecraft illegal, illegal base
Id: i4a01pXEAkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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