I Cheated with NATURAL DISASTERS in Minecraft Build Battle

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these are my friends and today they have to build bunkers to survive these natural disasters each round the natural disasters will get harder to survive but what my friends don't know is I work with a team of developers to create secret illegal blocks to help me defend my base the video ends if they can find out boys you get 5 minutes to build a bunker to defend your bie at the end we're going to be tallying up the points you get from surviving the winner gets $1,000 $1,000 oh $11,000 let's go all right boys we are starting the round first one acid rain 5 minutes starting now ladies and gentlemen welcome to the natural disaster build battle you guys have absolutely been loving these build battles so if you do want to see more smash like with your left nostril in the center as you can see we have a wide eyed cow named Bessie and after the 5 minutes is up we need to make sure that Bessie survives the natural disaster luckily for me I have access to the disaster device and there's a couple secret illegal items that I had made what is the best way to stop acid raid or rain at all it's to make ginormous trees so we make giant jungle trees to protect our Bessie yes oh look at all those layers of protection I just need to get layers on layers on layers on layers because really no matter what block I put I feel like acid rain is probably going to get through so my strategy just to get a bunch of layers of different blocks okay it seems like solo trees might be the play here and then at the very top want to put even more trees oh yeah look at this Bessie is so well protected and I'm making the biggest tree Tower you've ever seen why is Bessie's eyes bulging out of her head I'm going to defend you not for you but for me because if you have the most health after all these I'm almost positive that acid cannot go through dirt and dirt is one of the strongest blocks in the entire game so if I just go like this then boom Bessie's protected I think I'm going to do a couple layers of these just to make sure Bessie's protected protected Now by putting the gaps in between I think this is going to help a lot with the asset rain getting through we got three layers of dirt protecting right now Bessie how you feeling if I die you die okay thanks Bessie so we need to protect our Bessie we need to cherish our Bessie we need to grab our Bessie by the neck and cherish our beautiful Bessie we're not allowed to use bedrock and water so we're going to start out with some obsidian I think here's my theory rain has to come from a cloud what if we build h higher than the clouds so the rain can't theoretically get my Bessie I am literally a freaking genius Adam and Alec and Jack they would not have thought of this this is genius look at this okay we're at the building limit so now we just grab this we go down there we go there's Bessie boost Juice drink to give your Bessie core invisible armor that nobody else can see and we also have an umbrella oh wao wo whoo whoo whoa whoa wait a second y I think the boys might notice something all right I need to make sure to surround this entire umbrella so the boys don't see it we'll do an inner layer of obsidian and then an outer layer of cobblestone we need to make sure that Bessie does not get touched by a single thing of acid don't worry Bessie I will protect you like you are my baby I won't let the acid rain or Alec get to you the acid rain is going to come from the sky so I honestly think that we might want to make the roof really really thick like bigger than Adam's nose and Alex forehead combined okay well that is a lot of tree I figure I should probably add some other stuff as well I feel like this copper copper should burn an acid right I'm scared of acid rain though because I do know Adam has acid farts and boy oh boy do they stin so bad but you got to think right like acid there's no way acid can burn through copper copper is so strong there's no way I lose this boom baby look at that we got 1 2 3 4 four lasers of dirt all right what does acid look like it looks like slime I'm feeling like we can confuse the acid and put these bouncy trampolines on top of the dirt so that when the acid falls down it literally it just balances off this is genius I have no idea how much time we actually have I'm pretty sure it was 5 minutes so time might be running out there we go boom we got ourselves the dirt Fortress of Doom if this doesn't work I really I don't know what will Bessie how you feeling now now that we got the Slime roof I would feel safer with someone else trying to protect me okay all right we're going to surround our beautiful Bessie with this glass right here I think after this we will be good what else can acidic rain really do now we do have to be careful in this challenge because we can hit our Bessie actually I might actually go to Adam and Alex build try to like you know punch their Bessie and make it on a date I have an idea let's get some bodyguards too I feel like Bessie would feel more protected if she had some bodyguards like some big strong honken men near her hold up ladies and gentlemen I have an idea what if I put a bunch of boats on my base maybe the boats will absorb all of the acid okay time is about to be up okay well also get some cauldrons on top so it'll fill up with the acid and boys time is up W okay wait this might be genius is the Slime going to bounce back all the rain that's what I thought so ladies and gentlemen this is still a build battle so you guys have to vote for who you think builds the best bunkers today oh this might be in like the last play wait what not this is pretty artistic right guys super artistic Adam but the question is can it survive against acid rain all right look oh yes it's bouncing off it's bouncing off let's go it's breaking through n it's bouncing it's it's it's bouncing it's actually doing pretty good yeah I told you guys dirt is not affected by acid all right Adam doing pretty well with round number one let's go it's working it's actually bouncing off are you freaking kidding me Bessie only looks slightly concerned only 10 more seconds Bessie dude there's no way what the heck how does dir survive ASD rain what dirt is the strongest item in the game dummy since Adam's Bessie survived he gets a Point let's go all right boys next up me wa bro if Adam's bie survive there's no way that yours doesn't survive why are there boats though what's up with the boats so I was thinking that the cauldrons and the boats they'll fill up with the acid so that you know bie doesn't get filled up with the acid I don't see any dirt here I think you're going to lose get inside of a boat Adam and shut up all right boys here we go acid rain coming in hot oh no no why is it it not working why is it working wait it's actually breaking through boys I'm muted I'm using the Boost juice it has to get too by Bessie so far so good let's getting there come on oh my gosh Jack that was so close yes I survived you you can see Bessie right here how did she not take any damage I honestly have no idea but she did it so I get a point on to the next build why yeah here's the idea like if I built higher than the clouds with the rain then theoretically it can't get my build dude that is the biggest longest thing I've ever seen thank you I'll take my point that's like the third longest I've seen if I had to guess this this is going to pass with flying colors but there's only one way to find out well maybe it it's going to be windy out and the the rain will come in at an angle and break the glass and then get into Bessie Alec is a meteorologist this really seems like someone may have used world edit when I thought that we banned world edit but wait do interesting H all right just give me a half a point something like that just just it didn't I mean his best he survived so I think he gets a point well if you guys want to see a real Tower without world at it this is how you do it you built the tree Fortress of the century you just build a bunch of trees and then it gets up really really tall yeah here we go will any Bessie get touched today by the acid raid I'm worried that my leaves might deteriorate like instantly upon contact with acid come on this should get ran through right now Adam stop you might have protected Bessie from AET but did you protect Bessie from me uhoh wait a second the oh the rain almost got through Alec one hit oh how did it take one D damage Adam might have got a little handsy in there Adam well Alec your Bessie survived so you still get the point yes let's go next round the natural disaster is a tornado so far round number one I honestly don't think I needed to use any of those illegal items but let's see round number two we have access to even more we have blast resistant wooden planks and also temporary obsidian force field okay let's make sure that we get both of these just in case we need them okay they honestly they sound like slime blocks but they look like wooden planks I to make sure I surround this with something else other than these fake wooden planks because I feel like the boys might get a little suspicious and if they figure out I'm cheating the video ends so I'm actually going to build Bally a nice little cabin made out of brick if the little piggy story was true then that means that this thing is pretty much Invincible there is no way that any amount of wind can blow down an entirely encapsulated brick house I'm just going to continue to make it thicker and thicker and thicker because why not I will show you guys what happens when you build a house out of hay and when you build a house out of wood what a tornado will do to it so here is a fake Bessie that is in the wood cabin we will see the pig with the hay get destroyed the Bessie with the wood get destroyed and then the real Bessie in the Fortified brick bunker be totally fine he's going to be totally fine someone call Peter the stupid cow I can't I'm trying so hard to be friends with Bessie but she hates me Bessie can see look everywhere return B he has little Lookout station honestly I don't think we have to overthink it I'm pretty sure that that's going to be enough we're going to be two for two we're going to build a nice little lava mode I feel like a second layer of protection would be ideal we could distract the Tornado by putting in different mobs my gosh this is genius if the tornado doesn't know who the real Bessie is then the tornado won't know who to go after we're going to outsmart the flip a tornado take notes ladies and gentlemen cuz this is how you outsmart the man I just got to make sure this fence actually works oh yeah that tornado is not going to know who the real Bessie is nobody's going to know where the real Bessie is if this doesn't work I don't know what the flip will uh okay so we're not going to use world edit this time so a tornado are you freaking kidding me okay so we need to go fast then we got to go really really fast especially since we don't have world at it this time I have an idea we can't use water or Bedrock but he did not say anything about lava I think that could stop some of the tornado okay so we're going to build an extra layer cuz you know like one of the blocks break in the lava hits Bessie that that's going to kill her instantly guys we're so close the time is about to end my and is cramping so bad okay so we'll cap it off right here feel like this is a solid bunker now I do kind of want to see what this temporary obsidian force field does I think Bessie now has an invisible force field around her I think she likes it I am kind of nervous though because my entire house looks like a Christmas tree that's lighting up I honestly don't know where this came from but we have a block called minable water let's make a moat around my bunker we are almost out of time boys let's add some slabs right here all right time's up Bo well all right Adam can you explain what the heck is happening here it's a th000 IQ play I guarantee you don't understand it cuz you're stupid I don't that's why I'm asking the tornado it's designed to go after Bessie so I'm tricking the Tornado by making a thousand bessies the tornado is not going to know what who's the real besti or who even go for it's genius well the thing is I don't think that tornadoes discriminate and they kind of just go after everyone and everything Adam so Adam it's a creative idea I don't think it's going to work no oh my God you made a tornado M my B's taking damage your B your bie got sucked up into the tornado Bessie Adam's Bessie has died on a good note we got meat that is so much meat since Adam's Bessie died by the way he doesn't get a point oh thanks dude I didn't know that he stole he stole my tactic do you guys know the little piggy story and the the piggy and the Wolf where he blows your house down well I took that story into consideration you see here is a is a hay house with the little piggy inside and then in the middle is a wooden house with the little Bessie fake Bessie inside and then at the end is the real Bessie because in that story The Wolf can blow I mean he can blow hay he can blow wood he can blow it all except for Brick let's see if it can blow the brick here we go see watch it's going to destroy the hay easily and wood yep wood is getting wrecked but now it can't stand chill got B Bessie might survive oh what HP are you oh no B he died right at the end let's go you're kidding me bro I just feel bad for you at this point bro Alec what happened bie got sucked and because she did Alec does not get a point all right let's go to the next build Alec uh don't go back to your base coming up next we have Christopher's lava bunker oh my God there's a tornado oh my God where did that come from I just saw an iron golem get sucked where did that come from I'm not worried never does lava get sucks wait lava's let's go wait bie took a little bit of damage dude the lava prevented the the the wind bie survived yes Bei survived which means Christopher gets a point we might have to ban lava that seems crazy op lava is officially B all right boys this is my little base and stuff there's a tornado coming so let's just get it started wa this base is like really symmetrical you did a good job building this thing oh is it surviving it's getting destroy a little bit oh I survived let's go why is why is there so many boosts is that some sort of glitch easy peasy I get a point on to the next round all right boys 5 minutes until you get blasted with fiery meatballs guys that was close Okay the extra blast protection from the wood honestly that that worked wonders I took zero damage that round this round I have access to some pretty cool things I have a block respaw and fake explosives let's see exactly what they do before I decide if I want want to use them explosions in a 20 block radius will be fake for 20 seconds let's build respaw I think that'll rebuild my base during the round okay I don't want to use it if I don't have to but I might have to especially because we have meteors coming and what I'm thinking to do is we'll make this the base of a giant umbrella I mean umbrellas work against rain so they should kind of work against meteor showers don't worry Bessie it's going to be a okay all right that'll be the base of it and then big bada boom we're going to have a giant umbrella sprouting out of this guys I don't know what else to do other than do my same strategy again of the tree to I know like you guys are probably like wow you're so lame why like you can't do the same exact thing that you did in round one well the thing is I can and I will do the exact same thing that I did in round number one because you know what that is the only round that I felt like truly confident that I was going to succeed and so I'm going to do the same thing okay besti is now fully encapsulated in Wood the problem with meteors is I feel like they might come in at different angles because meteors don't come down like straight from the top they normally you know have different ways that they come down and such so I feel like I need to Branch off a little bit more than I did in round number one and get like a nice like little variety a protection net if you will I going to build a bouncy ball Dome this is flipping genius all right I'm just going to start spamming until we get to the top here there's not a lot of time that should do the entire Fortress is made out of slime every meteor that hits down is just going to go 10,000 Mi the opposite direction see if I do this then the meteors will get stuck inside of the cobwebs and not even be able to make it I'm trying think of like a block that kind of like water lava just anything weird to bug out the um the mod that we have we have to be careful too cuz meteors explode we're going to build up to here and then what's going to happen is I if I build like an outside layer they won't hit the ground cuz if they hit the ground they're going to explode and kill Bessie but if we if we do this then we might have a chance we might and then we're going to put cobwebs on top I don't know if that's going to work but it's worth a shot okay so far I don't know if this looks like an umbrella but I mean we're going to have to rock with it this was a very ambitious idea and I mean I'm an ambitious guy but this might be too much okay at the very least we need to make sure that we complete like this inner area with the white concrete that way any meteors coming down will at least hit this before they hit Bessie smack in the face this might be my worst build of all time ladies and gentlemen and honestly this is going to have to do let's make sure that I have my extra devices just in case we need them reinforced deep slight I didn't even know that this thing was a block we are going to use it it sounds epic okay I feel like I've expanded way too far in One Direction and kind of forgot about the other side but that is okay bases are like onions they have layers and that is the best way to make a solid base is you just have to have a whole bunch of different layers and then it tends to work out very well especially when almost all of the natural disasters are coming from the sky but guys I really feel like the spiderweb is going to slow down the meteors a lot we're going to have to survive 60 seconds of full meteor torture and don't forget they also have flipping fire on them this is a little Overkill but I got to be safe to sorry hey yo this is looking good this is an R piece right here this is flipping art what else what else could slow down a meteor oh magma block okay they definitely can't break through magma block because it is magma block this is going to be the Bessie protective layer all right I think we're getting somewhere I'm liking this the only thing I'm kind of worried about is like what if the meteors go through the the the cobwebs cuz basically certain blocks and entities and items can go through cobwebs so I don't know if that's going to be the case here just in case we're going to put some more obsidian on top and we'll put cake on the top just for the ls basically oh plus we have we still have our thing up there too I forgot okay I want to try to build a little more on the side like just a little more protection quick just a little more and time is up boys stop it I'm I'm TP Al he's up to something Shady no no no no I'm good I'm done heck what's up with you in trees listen I have only had one successful round so far and it came during my tree round so I've decided to run it back and if this works I'm not going to lie I will get continue to be the tree man get up there's meteors oh oh my god dude wait wait wait wait wait oh GG's your tree Alex Bessie is still 100 HP yo yet dude this reinforced team plate is crazy dude trees are the way to go let's go Bessie is to 100 HP Alec get a point wait where's Adam everybody go over to Adam right now where is he bro there's no way that that was not there there's no way that was there yeah this is my build how to go to the bathroom real quick Adam made a slime volcano I'm not even going to give him a chance to explain let's see the meteors oh oh wow it it went directly through Bessie is getting blasted right now the Slime was supposed to bounce the meteors the cobwebs didn't stop it it was supposed to slow it down it's going right through the cobweb no Adam it was a good idea but kind of a trash idea the cobwebs kind of worked but it didn't work so far only one of us has survived the meteors Adam did not so Adam is not going to point what the heck is this this build Jack yeah I was trying to build like an umbrella but then I kind of realized an umbrella takes a lot of time and effort to build so it kind of just turned into this all right boys here we go a it's already getting through boys I'm muted I'm going to do build respaw please tell me does that do anything what about block respaw down go spe bro Jack Bessie bie that was an awful build that was worse than mine Jack shut up Adam shut up she can survive she can survive down she goes wow that was your worst build ever in all existence think that my build honestly like 90% of it got deleted next up Christopher has made a can you explain I know I got really hungry towards the you know building this thing I added cake on it added cobwebs crying obsidian honestly anything I could think of basically and then I thought of uh you guys and you might like cake so yeah cake versus meteors bro literally has a build from round one still up there oh oh my God he does but the meteors are spawning below it's not getting through this crying not taking any damage at all this crying obsidian is actually really power dude I found another exploit let's go he he has another cheat block three for three this guy is cheated every single round ban the block now or I'm walking and Christopher survives with flying colors and gets a point do we have to ban those blocks um I guess next round Firestorm all right boys 5 minutes on the clock all right guys I'm not going to lie I kind of fumbled the bag that round it's honestly it's for the best okay I would love to see my friends win however I need to figure out what to do okay so next up we have a sprinkler and a sprinkler remote which is great because we're about to get hit with a bunch of fire now the only thing is I need to place this in a way that the boys aren't going to see it so I know that we may be bad world at it but I have a really good idea so just don't mention anything to them okay what is the opposite of fire water the problem is we're not allowed to use water so what if we try using some ice what the heck is this bro oh oh my gosh okay we're going to use wait but I don't want to ice them out because that's cheating if we use water so let's use a packed ice we'll use packed ice and snow some would argue that this is stupid because it will just belt to the fire I would argue it's genius because it's going to cool off the fire and make it so that the fire was never even a thing and to honor the Christmas Spirits I will make a Christmas tree a okay that's kind of a trash tree I'm going to be honest let's try that again okay that's a little bit better wait Firestorm Alec kind of looks like a firestorm so what is the one thing that Alec is so afraid of that if he sees it he'll run a million miles in the opposite direction I got to go quick if I want to make this build I'm not going to tell you guys yet cuz I want you to be surprised let's freaking go we did it again we found another exploit that is so funny they were so mad the boys are literally so mad at me I swear to God I'm not cheating I'm not cheating at all we'll try anvils ladders so we're going to start off again with this block this time we're also going to grab more obsidian we can't use crying obsidian unfortunately you will be the death of me I just know it a pessy I got you I'll take you on a cute little date I'll spend my paycheck on you we need to just oh wait hey wait hey hey I could throw back to this okay I got to get serious I got to get serious I'm I'm throwing it back too hard right now we're also going to add snow more obsidian that's going to protect it more we're going to try adding anvils now and see what happens that out of all the 20 build battles we've done I don't think I've won a single build battle so this is my time what I'm thinking we could do is go ahead and make the walls out of cobblestone just like this yeah that looks pretty cool we'll make some giant windows on the inside and right in the center what I'm thinking we could do is make a little area for this sprinkler system so if I go in here and hit the disaster device we can get the sprinkler and then if I place it right there hopefully that works and then if I use this remote it should turn on oh yeah yeah okay so it starts to put water everywhere okay so we'll leave that there and just in case Bessie starts taking damage we'll activate the sprinkler on the inside as well what I'm thinking we could do is use maybe some packed Ice Fire and Ice you know usually don't mix that well together so I'm feeling pretty confident about this this is going to be the strongest natural disaster yet so I need to make sure that we are prepared for any situation all right and I think that looks pretty darn good and if the worst thing happens and best he catches on fire we're going to have to use the sprinkler all right boys time is up all right let's all go over to Christopher I was having a lot of fun so I was like building with the amethyst and then it sounds really cool so I was kind of throwing it back to the amethyst like Jack just hit it back fire storm everybody watch out Alec is inbound he's inbound watch out Alex's coming down oh my gosh cold brown man down this seems to be oh wait Bessie is taking some damage only four damage though how what even is this this is the ugliest build I've ever seen minus one point for that what do you mean my Bessie survived though that was pretty good bie survived but since this is round number four only one person is going to get a point and it's going to be the person that has the most health it's got to be me then whoever is green is up next that is me I am Green Oh waa wait it's like I can see right through it thing all right so I did glass because glass can't get burned right glass is made out of fire and sand so maybe you can get melted but that would have to be pretty hot that would have to be like hotter than Alex mom and I don't know if that's actually even possible so I feel like I'm pretty good that's a good point Firestorm activated uhoh Jack you made it oopsy boo boo I think it hasn't gotten through yet what they don't even see the sprinkler it's like not your base it's like not attacking your base or something are you kiding me let's go all the fireb oh there we go he took damage he took damage 51 dude it literally busted in right at the end how is ice on fire oh right at the end he busted dude that's crazy I hate when that happens well as it stands right now Christopher is getting the point oh my God Adam what is this is this Alex mom dang it guys dang it so when you guys said that it was The Firestorm I I immediately knew what it really was it's Alec right and what's the one thing that Alec is so afraid of that if he saw he'd run a million miles in the opposite direction a woman oh what what happened to like her hips why does she have like kneecaps popping out here what is going on how do we know this isn't just a man with long hair kind of looks like Alec with a wig on though well all right Adam here we go I think it's going to work come on oh Bessie immediately died immediately died honestly at this rate let's just see if Adam's man survives I'm glad you got kicked out cuz you suck she was too hot well I mean Adam I'm so sorry but uh you are not going to be getting this point can you reconsider I'll get back to you on that I appreciate that no problem coming up next we got Alex build so I was thinking uh water is the opposite of fire but we can't use water so why decides to use ice and snow cuz you can't burn ice and snow Al is like freaking smart sometimes actually I even made a little Christmas tree because I love trees and it's the Christmas spirit oh God here comes the fire ouch about B he already took damage oh no oh that's really bad oh jeez 70 oh wa it's it's neck and neck right now Alec it's neck and neck and you lost all right Alec that was kind of bad you dang it bro come on we were so close you almost had it but unfortunately you did you didn't get it which means Christopher gets the point I win no do I still have a chance to win the entire thing maybe last round is worth two points and the top two people with the top two healths get the points yes all right here we go boys the final round volcano how do we stop a volcano what the heck the dinosaurs couldn't so I don't know how we can ladies and gentlemen 5 minutes is back on the clock thinking back on it I probably should have put more than one sprinkler system now it's kind of just like sadly raining on Bessie's face let's see what brand new items I just got lava sponge this is huge okay guys I think we're going all out we're going to use an umbrella we're going to use Bessie boost juice a temporary obsidian force field and we are going to surround Bessie in so much magma that she's not going to know what hit her you see what I'm thinking for this build is that magma is already pretty much like a miniature volcano so if there's one block that's not going to burn under a volcano's lava eruption it's going to be magma and then what I'm thinking is on the inside we can use the lava sponges there there I guess we'll make like little pillars of lava sponge that way if lava does get close it'll get sucked right up into the sponge I don't understand how we stop a volcano like there's a volcano come from the bottom to the top and if it does doesn't that just engulf Bessie and then we just instantly die magma if you can't beat him join them that's that's what you have to do our job is to protect besti at all costs it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to build an amazing Fortress for her but I'm going to do that anyway I feel like with this build we need to get the lava to like pour away from Bessie so we have to make like a giant pyramid thing that's my that's my strategy ell I don't know if that's smart or not but that's what I'm going to do T look at this giant pyramid we don't have how much lva Falls this thing it's just going to it's going to go right off it's going to slide right off like it's nothing and I will even create a bunch of magma blocks on it as well I will now build a giant pillar because if any lava touches the top of this pillar it's just going to repel right off that is 100% how that works 100% Bessie this is literally the most important round of Our Lives if I win this then I can win the $1,000 are you in with me or are you out I don't stand a chance with you protecting me I hate you byy in the nether the entire thing's pretty much a volcano we got the nether we got the Nether Bricks the crack nether we are going to bring the nether to here all right here's my plan splash potion of fire resistance that last 8 minutes so what I'm thinking here is that we wait until Jack does the volcano thing then we throw the fire resistance on top of Bessie so even if Bessie is in the lava Bessie can't take any damage cuz she has the Splash Potion of Resistance I like Jack's idea with these with these cauldron thingies okay that should work and then the boats I like the boat idea too somehow that worked for Jack I don't know how on top of that we're going to do a final layer here it just protect every everything wa this looks cool we are doing really good I feel kind of bad though like honestly like lowy I feel pretty bad so why don't we actually try to build like a theme this time let's like make Bessie in the end I could try to find another exploit but I don't think that's going to work what if we like use end portals on the top oh wait I just hurt my Bessie no I don't even know what this is I I wanted to build like an end City and I was like maybe I could maybe I could but it's it's no work it out yeah this is freaking horrible well boys here goes nothing I have a magma SL i/ laava sponge bunker I'm hoping that any lava that comes from the sky will get caught in this and then it'll flow over the edges like its own mini volcano and then just trickle down off the side and then leave Bessie untouched and worst case scenario I also have an umbrella a boost juice and a temporary obsidian force field so there's no way I'm losing this one time is up boys we're going to start up with the dirty dirt man himself this final round I I put it all on the line I know how much this is worth wait who's orange pessy orange pessy accidentally hit their cow I I know I know I okay I put it in Crystal down and that was like you did like a little good luck spank all right jack you have to warn me when the round started because I have a god Strat right before the round starts all right Adam it's starting in three 2 one oh that was going to be my strategy Bessie has fire resistance now she can't die she can't take any damage yeah res I'm I'm hitting her with the with the heal potion Bessie oh my God this is insane wait is she actually going to survive she's low surviving the fire resistance is working she's not taking any fire damage just two more seconds Adam might be a genius yes this respawn anchor actually did a lot of damage oh Adam out of nowhere somehow survived this was a big round for me and it's worth two points so you know the boy the dirty great job dirt boy great job dirt boy good job if we can beat atam then we'll get the points let's go this way to the red Squad what the flip my thought process is it's a volcano so there's going to be Lava so I decided to embrace lava become one with the lava and if the lava ever touches this thing it's going to fall it's going to slip right down it's not even going to do anything it's like a slipping slide genius how does Bessie breathe through her butt cheeks here we go the volcano that is a lot of explosion what how did she take damage already she's getting exploded from underneath wait the block isn't breaking though Bessie come on survive you only like 10 more seconds 10 more seconds Bessie dude he's got this are you serious and time is up time is up 74 7 no why why is she still going down there's still some residuals coming from the Volcano come on 59 HP lock it in Alec beats Adam all right all right jack wait you said top two though you said top two I did so you guys are currently in first let's go Adam good job Adam let's go we're in first and second place right now interesting build I like the style I felt bad cuz I've been bu you know building random stuff so I thought this time let's build like a random them thing wow I know big brain big Play ooh I think that these things are undestructible or indestructible so I feel like that's probably going to work very well that's what I was thinking to do uhoh boys well Christopher is starting out with 99 HP and he beat Adam and Alec yep it's coming in hot right now oh yeah no it's it's bess's taking zero damage oh my god dude keeps using his Invincible blocks it's not fair oh my God it's not even getting touched no I'm going to lose there there's no way he has 999 Health the only damage he ever took was when he hit himself it's not looking good for you boys you don't say Jack you don't flip it say come on something get in there something yeah there we go oh it's opening up guys it opened up screw you byy I'll kill you myself I'll kill you myself I mean as it stands I think Christopher locked it at 99 zero damage taken I can't even kill best she has so much f it heal Christopher's got them hacks turned on and this is it this is for all the marbles right here wow the jack is is so cool looking thank you I do appreciate all right I'm activating the temporary obsidian force field the Boost juice the umbrella oh here it comes here he comes another Invincible block wait it's not doing anything I'm lagging out right now oh wait no no no it's breaking it's breaking on the sides sides no oh my god dude that thing is faking hot that is the biggest fire I've ever seen it's burning Adam fart on it I guess we're having steak for dinner how is she not taking more damage her whole body is on fire okay Jack has an invincible cow I'm calling it and the entire thing is literally in flames and he still has 72 Health my whole game is lagging pessie looks so scared in here she's like someone please help me Adam did you Splash her with fire resistance what the heck how did I lose Jack just got destroyed and he somehow won do I get the v-bucks Christoph we we won that round let's go after calculating the scores it looks like Christopher is the winner and luckily for me the boys had no idea that I was cheating if you guys did enjoy that one make sure you guys leave a like and click this this video for more build battles
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,590,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, build battle, minecraft build battle, minecraft natural disasters, natural disaster, beckbrojack
Id: 40yWRWsXPUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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