I Built a Secret Gaming Room to Hide From My Friend!

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yep everything in the store is 100 off 100 off so that means they're just free yeah so if I wanted I could just take every computer in the store I mean if you wanna sure oh my gosh that seems like kind of bad business for your boss though I don't really care about my boss really oh well then can you help me get all these computers then yeah sure I'll pack them up for you I can't believe I have to pay zero dollars for all this stuff what am I gonna do with this many heads anyways I don't know usually people make gaming rooms gaming rooms uh I don't really have any space for my house for that I don't know where I would build a gaming room uh just find Space I'm sure there's somewhere uh the only space I could think of is underground but that would look so weird I would have nowhere to hide it yeah you've got this all right well thanks for helping me so I don't even have to go to the register nope just walk out oh let's go this is so awesome I don't know why they would ever have 100 off sale but I don't care anyways I have so much stuff to build with but where would I put this gaming room uh I need money I need a job well who are you I've never seen you here before Oh I'm blocked Brett nice to meet you I'm cash I came from that Lego store that closed down Lego Store what are Legos oh never mind anyways what's that item in your hand oh this thing this is a computer I got it from the tech shop oh looks pretty nifty yeah and look I have like 30 of them in my inventory geez You Must Have Spent A Million Dollars nope it was actually all free and um I don't really know where to put any of this I don't really have a gaming room to build with maybe I could build you a gaming room no wait really yeah I'm a builder you know that's true but how much would it cost I feel like that's expensive I don't know maybe like a sandwich or something I'm hungry just a sandwich uh yeah or maybe one of those computers I don't know that's super cheap okay well where are we even gonna build this thing though I don't know where I could put it without anyone seeing I don't know I'm not your friend yeah but you know who is my friend Nico he could definitely help me whatever you say Nico are you in here I need ideas beautiful day today oh Nico uh hello what are you doing I'm busy today unfortunately you're busy with what I'm about to get the mail oh well can you just help me real quick bye bye wait Nico where are you going bye so what she was supposed to help me figure out where to put this gaming room well I get it Nico you're going geez uh so what do you want me to do I don't know help me find a place to put all this stuff gosh you act like I'm some architect or something yeah you literally said you were a builder all right true well I guess are we building it in here wait no this is my friend Nico's house well you gave me no choice so let's build it somewhere no we can't Nico's gonna find out and he's gonna go ballistic trust me well does Nico like gaming yeah oh you're not saying we should hide it in this house I think that's what I'm saying oh my gosh but where would we hide it I don't think we have any space down here maybe I can call a guy call a guy what which guy you might recognize him he's pretty frequent around this area uh hello oh you'll be here I don't know what you're saying but just come to the Bluetooth house what all right yep see ya who did you call uh just somebody you should be walking down the stairs any second now down the stairs um I don't see anyone wait I think I hear something wait what Miner hey you here what can I pay him cookie cookie okay why'd you call him though uh he's gonna mine out this space for us to make that gaming room not that way hey not that way no I have a better spot here come do it over here Nico would never suspect it right here just dig like a tunnel there that would work yeah just uh mind this whole thing out bucko okay well what are we gonna do in the meantime while he's mining that out I bet you just go give me that sandwich oh yeah all right fine we'll go get it good luck Miner oh nah uh I'm gonna stay here and watch this guy make sure he doesn't do anything bad ah so I have to get the sandwich myself yep jeez all right at least I know a place I'll be right back hopefully Nico doesn't come back to his house while we're trying to do this that would be really bad but I think he's still gone yo perfect okay let's go get this sandwich quick and I'm gonna grab my hoverboard real quick this will make the ride much faster let's go ah the coffee shop they always make sandwiches super fast for me over there okay pillow is anyone in here hey cash nope hey Ella I need to be quick with this I need a sandwich for this Builder that I'm working with oh all right what kind of sandwich ham sandwich toast normal chill let me get a bag for you oh cool thank you so much huh she's gotta hurry I can't let Nico get home while we're trying to build this gaming room all right thank you man oh wait what the enderman's working today okay cool thank you all right that'll be 20 diamonds hey hey what do we talk about business that's 200 200 listen can I just um hand you a couple of these computers oh shoot yeah okay cool that should pay for it all right I'm out of here I need to go back to that Builder quick I hope they already dug out the space by now ah I brought your sandwiches guys whoa you cleared out a lot of space all right great job here I didn't really know which one you wanted so I got you all of them sweet hey oh you want to go Miner oh what you're saying you just want a sandwich how about you get a knuckle sandwich guys split it up stop yeah yeah cut it out uh jeez Brett can you just give him one thing sandwich please oh whatever okay you know what Miner you did a good job thank you I'm gonna start building now um Brett do you think you can help me yeah I mean that's what I'm here for right okay cool uh how are we gonna make this into a gaming room I don't know it looks like buns in here right now yeah obviously it's just a ton of stone I think we should make the gaming room this last one over here so what are these other rooms gonna be uh I don't know I thought the whole room was a gaming room dude yeah it is but the actual computer will go here maybe here we can have a cool bed with like maybe an aquarium and then over here we could have like a foyer I don't know all right well the best thing to do is just get started we can't keep talking about it true okay we need to find some way to dig out this floor so we could replace it do you have a pickaxe I could use Brett yeah I'm a builder so here you go okay cool whoa It's Enchanted too oh it's a really good one trust me oh my God this thing is super fast yep I could dig whatever I want okay what should we make this floor out of I think this first area should just be a little lot lobby area what do you think I think that's a great idea okay do you have any quartz blocks um hang on let me go check my bag outside wait you brought your bag yeah it should be around the corner here all right here you go should that be enough uh I might need more can you just go get more from your bag yeah all right I'll start building out the floors this is gonna work so well this entire part's gonna be a Lobby and it will even hire receptionists that can come and greet people when they walk in here's some more blocks thank you and when we show Nico this it's even gonna be funnier because he's gonna be so confused as to why this was under his house yeah I think your friend's really gonna like it yeah obviously okay can you keep building out this floor I think I'm gonna start on the walls all right sounds good what should I make these walls out of oh gray concrete would look nice Builder can I have some of those blocks oh my dear God hang on oh gosh it keeps having to go out to his back why don't you just bring your bag in here Mr Builder man right I should just put it on hang on oh okay all right here you go oh cool nice bag dude okay this is perfect yeah let me know if you need any more I've got some right here oh okay okay I'll probably need it in a second I'm definitely going to use all these blocks let's just build the walls all the way up to the ceiling like this and um while I'm doing this can you go get some sort of person who can work the receptionist job we're gonna have a receptionist down here yeah I want to make this the coolest gaming room ever so when Nico comes in he thinks it's awesome ah you know what I'll just go do it can you just keep building these walls up yeah sounds good there's got to be someone out here who will help me no hey you excuse me lady hello do you want to work with me uh what type of book I need a receptionist for the secret gaming room that I'm building oh video game yes do you want to be at the front desk I'll pay you like uh one Diamond a day okay awesome let's go come down here we should have it all set up for you oh wonderful wonderful it's under this blue house you know this is my friend's house and I'm gonna surprise him oh interesting come on just come down to his man cave down here and we put the entrance over here somewhere wait what's what happened to the entrance where'd it go oh you saw this is a job I could have sworn we put like a hole here somewhere oh my gosh the Builder installed the Secret Door interesting that's actually pretty cool and whoa this place looks awesome you did all this yourself yeah that's pretty cool okay we need to make an area for the receptionist this was a weird looking receptionist oh death uh he didn't mean that don't worry I'll just start building out a little area for you oh gosh I hope that doesn't peek out into the cave it won't look I'll be careful with it see this is perfect all right now we just gotta put the back wall in like this and take out the floor of course we can't forget about this part all right and now for the rest of the ceiling and the walls just like that okay now we can just add a little front desk portion and there we go how does that look wonderful I know right this is perfect and over here is where you can guide people if they're lost I see do you like the chair yeah can you put a chair there for her yeah I'll get that for her okay cool all right does this chair look good lady wonderful and then I'll add some flowers or something wait flowers okay I think you're doing a little too much I mean does the dude like blue uh yeah he loves blue all right does that look good that's perfect okay now we can move on from the receptionist area what should we put here maybe like some gaming photos or something some gaming photos uh I don't know what that looks like maybe like that that is not a gaming photo what that's literally a Fighter fighting a finger no it's not okay you know what here I got a better idea we could put some sort of TV sitting area another part of the lobby you're saying yeah do you have like a couch or something yeah I could just do that right yeah that's pretty cool and we need to place a TV here I have an idea hand me a TV all right we're gonna make this thing gigantic oh that TV looks pretty small yeah we're gonna have to readjust it and move it okay can you do that yeah whoa wait how'd you do that oh I just flipped it around oh well can you make it bigger like the size of the wall yeah you might want to look away this is going to hurt your eyes what what oh my gosh okay that's perfect wow that looks good and how do we turn this thing on uh you need a controller please tell me you have one of those uh-oh oh gosh all right well go get a controller I think I left it in my bag there you go oh cool perfect and uh we'll just put it on this video game perfect now I think we should move on to the next room what's this next room gonna be I think we should make some cool walkway area to the final gaming room here are you sure we don't need to add more to this room it's looking a little Bland in here you can add whatever you want but I want to start working on this one already all right then go ahead and I'll clean up this room okay Nico's gonna be home super soon so I need to work on this fast and I could fill it with something like water wait what did I just dig into oh no hello uh hello what are you doing in there what are you doing in my house your house this is uh under my friend's house well this is my house Finders Keepers well I'm sorry to say but I have to get rid of your house I'm building a gaming room here hey you know what I'm taking your house now wait what you don't even know where I live I'll figure it out okay uh good luck with that little mole I guess uh what is that thing just forget about it I'm gonna break all this stuff out come on gosh I need to keep digging out this area this is gonna take so long ah it's fine okay this is enough space I think now um Mr Builder Brett sir do you have like white concrete or something oh hang on let me just grab that out of my bag whoa what is this area oh I just made a little shop for people that want to buy something this is so cool and our actual gaming room is gonna look so awesome with that stuff yeah no kidding okay yeah give me all that perfect and can you help me build this aquarium out yeah what do you need I just need it to be in a glass frame and I need you to get a bunch of fishies all right I'll get started on the glass oh okay and can you build the rest of this out while I go get the fishies all right so sounds good okay cool I'm gonna get them ah oh hello Jessica oh hello hello did anyone come in yet um nope just a move running out okay uh if you see a boy in a blue onesie can you just yell the secret code uh what's the secret code again um waffle oh right right waffle okay perfect I'm gonna go get some fishies now I don't even know how I'm gonna do this so here we go Nico's Pond this is perfect I could just pick up all these axolotls hey do I have more water buckets yes I do okay Mr Fish come here oh and another Axolotl this is perfect get inside the bucket yes trust me you guys are going to a good home do not be scared Mr Cash is here okay I can go put these guys inside the aquarium that Builder better be finished because Nico's about to be home and he can't see our progress yet okay whoa this looks sick yeah I threw some lanterns in there to make it a little cooler yeah that's awesome okay can I put the fish is inside uh sure let me just put some props in there first oh yeah I think you forgot to place the sand and like the little sand castles and stuff yeah I need to go in here and do that hang on just watch me so okay how are you gonna what whoa what are you doing uh you might want to replace the floor with sand in there uh I don't think you can breathe oh gosh okay yeah you just get to that I'll start decorating this room because it looks a little weird right now let's see um do you have black concrete I don't understand what you're saying at all okay just go yeah that oh that looks cool how are we gonna put the fishes in there though oh okay I'll just hand them to you then here take that and then ah oh gosh uh are you okay oh gosh I just inhaled a bunch of water that's disgusting can you just place all the fishes in there and then get out yeah let me just get one more breath okay that looks really painful I can't believe he's doing this for me don't place the Axolotl please the axolotls kill the other fish so I can't have them in there okay perfect all right you can get out now sir okay now get out yes perfect geez yeah you probably should not do that anymore wow um I think I just swallowed a gallon of water yeah no kidding but at least our aquarium looks cool yeah it looks pretty good okay well can you finish polishing up this room so I can get started on the gaming room yeah I'll get started okay cool I think for this gaming room I'm gonna need some gray concrete so can you give me some of that um yeah here you go okay cool thank you yes yes this is perfect do you not have more ah all right hang on let me just yeah are you serious uh I'm ripping it all out of my bag okay thank you that's perfect okay that's way too much now you can tap some of that back oh my goodness don't worry I'll clear out this floor this pick actually give me really does help yeah I know it's the special Builder pickaxe yeah of course it lets me rip out the floor as fast as I want and then now once all of this is ripped out I can just use the gray concrete and build the entire floor out I wonder what do I want to make these walls out of now I think black concrete would look the best hey Mr Builder what'd you do hang on oh my gosh you blocked it off do you have any black concrete by any chance black concrete probably can you hand me some I need to make the walls out of it yeah let me get that for you okay cool all right here you go thank you this is perfect I'm gonna have the best gaming room in square City oh gosh my inventory is filling up get out of here perfect and now I have to do this entire walls with black concrete but this should be super easy so let me just do this real quick boom this thing looks sick Builder you're gonna want to see this what's up I built the walls for the gaming room doesn't it look awesome whoa it's nice and dark in there that's what I'm saying do you have any red carpet that I could use for the floors um yeah I should here you go buddy oh thank you perfect and now I can just build this entire floor out like this and I need some gaming items now can you just give me a shulker box with a bunch of stuff inside of it yeah one second okay just place it at my door whenever you're ready okay then now the carpet is done this is gonna come together so well but I have to go check and make sure that Nico's not home yet Builder can you hold over the place while I'm gone sure I think the receptionist is doing her job too oh yeah thank you no problem if he catches me in the act right now this is gonna ruin the entire thing I just gotta sneak around and make sure he's not actually here hmm it looks like the coast is clear let me make sure he's not in his room either oh gosh wait he's right right there what is he doing yeah this song is so good oh wait he's listening to his song he probably can't hear me now then perfect wait oh my gosh oh he just ran right past me that was so close I can't let him see oh gosh yeah yeah yeah yeah that was so close okay you know what I'm not even gonna risk it anymore I'm going straight back downstairs I can't let him see my secret project guys I just saw him who's upstairs listening to music oh gosh we better hurry yeah I know he could come down here any second Brett did you put the soaker box down there yeah it should be in the gaming room okay perfect you need to finish this aquarium room before he comes in all right I'm hurrying I'll start working on this whoa that is a lot of stuff okay first off I need to build the desk for this thing let's see I think I'll build it right over here and you know what since this gaming room is for Nico I'm actually gonna change this carpet to blue one second boom there we go and now we can actually start with this desk so let me build some quartz slabs out like this and I'm sorry I need to get rid of some of this so I can place more desks down okay okay boom there we go that's a pretty big enough desk and now let's see what options we have here we have microphones monitors gaming monitors and keyboards okay this is perfect I'm gonna play some of these gaming monitors down just like that what this thing is Tiny okay I definitely need a bigger one how about this boom what that looks sick and you know what we can even give him three monitors just like this oh these ones are actually pretty small never mind okay now for the keyboard right here oh my gosh that keyboard is Tiny compared to that what we're gonna have to make up for this for sure and this is looking so dark I think I have to get rid of some of this wall hold on there we go that looks way better now I can actually see everything how does this look I think this looks fine I can also add some more things anyways like maybe these gaming consoles of this camera this is perfect okay let's put this webcam right over here oh my God that webcam is Tiny are you serious we're gonna need a way bigger camera like that perfect and we can place the gaming system right down here let's grab some of these things I don't even know what these do then I'll just place these on the sides as well perfect and of course you can't have a perfect gaming setup without another one right next to it let's build one right here as well here we go building the desk out now let's make a little indent here for the monitors perfect and then of course I need my own keyboard as well and a little gaming console on the side perfect now we have a double setup gaming space Oh wait I forgot to place mouses here okay here I got it there we go boom now we have a keyboard and mouse and I think this gaming setup's done what do you think I think you're missing some chairs and some microphones oh well can you add those for me I really have to go check on Nico I feel like he's here oh hey why are you playing on the monitors uh nothing not playing any games you're supposed to be the receptionist um uh yeah I'll get back to work ah whatever you can play if you want but before I come back down here can you guys decorate this place with like paintings and stuff and just make it look good oh of course okay I'm gonna go get Nico I gotta check if he's still listening to music upstairs oh gosh oh hey Nico I totally wasn't in your man cave I can't hear you let me take these off oh what oh ah what okay that's good what were you even doing with that stuff uh just vibing oh okay well um I totally wasn't sneaking in your main cave or anything okay really sneaking into my man cave no I wasn't you know what I'm actually out of here what did you do down here anyways nothing nothing I did nothing gosh I gotta go I can't let him see the secret entrance come on normal wait secret entrance oh gosh you found it oh my gosh yeah what did you do waffle waffle yeah I kind of built a secret gaming room under your base do you want to check it out yeah but this is gonna be so cool I know here this is just the lobby area and this is our receptionist Jessica hello hello Jessica nice to meet you uh and then who is this oh that's just the Builder he's helping me build for a sandwich oh hello Builder what's up bro anyways whoa this TV is Daniel yeah this is the gaming console area where you can play video games with your friends here's the remote yeah okay come on what's up wait don't play by yourself Nico I need to show you the rest of this first oh okay over here is where you can buy items like these gaming computers and uh well what is that microphone whoa that looks so cool yeah but anyways moving on from that is our little aquarium room because I like fishies yeah it doesn't really relate to the gaming aspect but you know what does what the ultimate setup look how big these monitors are and maybe with all this equipment you can finally start that YouTube channel you were talking about yeah see there's a keyboard and a mouse and a microphone and everything you need yeah I'm gonna call my channel Nico I would probably call mine cash and look I even made my own setup over here so I could play with you Josh this guy stinks hey Brett this is my setup no no what's going on yeah I can't believe that he's destroying everything Brett get out of here well yes this setup was cool but we might need to do some repairs yeah no kidding well good luck [Applause] with you uh if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys
Channel: Cash
Views: 2,844,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, I Built a Secret Gaming Room to Hide From My Friend!
Id: 4Y7kSpCVtAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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