Roblox But You JUMP HIGHER Every Second!

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Joey watch me what are you doing whoa I could jump so ya how did you get that high I don't know uh Zoe I think it's because I have premium and players with premium get 1.5 x then jump power every second oh my that's crazy so I'm kind of getting tired jumping I already have 350 jump and look it says finish a tower and I guess we're just supposed to jump up this but wow my Jumper's already getting so high what I've got to get stronger I guess I could just finish this in one full sweep let's see how big this is wow enough I just gotta wait a little bit and then and perfect and then now I can jump up here oh not just quite yet Zoe I'm waiting for you well it takes me a while how did you get so Roblox premium so now I can just jump and stop it let's go now oh touching I get plus one win and everyone you get your jump reset so oh gosh I am not having very good jump anymore Zoe I'm not gonna lie oh good finally I'm someone ahead but for every when you get that means you can open some pets so hmm we could get a new bag but do we want to get the new bag so early I don't know if we want to do that I think maybe we want to try this one and Zoe where are you oh my gosh and I'm done wait what that was pretty easy wait Zoe how are you getting jumped so fast oh it's because I found a secret but I'm not telling I'll tell you why oh my gosh oh wait times two daily premium Awards plus two two okay that's much better and then now wait so we go into the moon one oh okay okay oh my gosh wait no we've unlocked the new area and there's more areas where as we unlock more wins but I think we should work on this one more Zoe yeah that's a good idea actually I don't know if you have enough wins for any of these so I guess the moon one is the one we should go to okay so yeah you're right at ya I sure am let's go oh my gosh I'm just jumping right over all of this oh and watch how high I go what what are wait where are you I'm going all the way up oh gosh I don't know if you're taller than me or not one thousand jumps that's a jump too wow I did all right past it oh and now let's see what this is everyone's at school and that means if we go to the very start again Zoe we have enough wins to enter these ones and this one says four wins to unlock the red Tower jump to the top for the reward and wait oh gosh show me there's no lunch for this one which means that we're gonna have to wait to get more jump oh yeah that looks a bit hard but do we want to wait nope I think I'm gonna buy five thousand jump real quick right here just for a thousand Robux you know what let's do it and then we could go over here and then jump and then we should be good are you ready and oh we did it smoke a touch and more wins let's go whoa this one looks pretty fun four wins and walls we gotta jump over walls Zoe whoa I just jumped over two walls at once uh and then nine for a third wall time for a fourth wall oh gosh Come on another one let's go oh I'm flying in the sky wait you are wait what happened to my stand on top of a wall let me try doing that which I sitting on this pickle I'm just sitting on it come on come on come on can't stand on it oh that's unfortunate ah wait did I finish it so I think I finished it oh really and that means that I couldn't unlock more wins now at this rate where we are improving very fast we already have 17 wins and Now Zoe we could buy some rare eggs but do we want to buy the eggs here hmm I don't know they're kind of small let's go over to the Moon let's see if we could buy the Moon yes Ted wins so now we can open this for 10 wins and do something good let's go over here jerk wolf I can equip the best pets right here and this gives me plush 70 jump a second well no actually it says times two jump which is we're still really good but I think we should just grind this a little bit so we and then we'll have enough to get to the next area okay oh yeah that's a great idea but I'm gonna get there first oh wait oh gosh you kind of look like you're gonna get there first yep gosh dang it come on come on come on come back and I got there first I'm coming I'm coming oh and put five words again okay now I can unlock another Pro egg just like this come on be good oh and another weird Dark Wolf I feel like our jump is still taking a while to improve so you know what I think I'm gonna buy a times two jump multiplier just like this times to jump power oh my gosh this is gonna be so overpowered now I'll be able to jump at Double at two times and also I might as well buy two times the win so when I get to the top I can get two types of wins just like this and then now if you see how much jump I'm getting a second I'm getting like 20 to 30. I'm Zoe where'd you go I'm on the tower I see you wait what oh sorry I just went right past you oopsies oh I'm gonna catch up now you remember let's go let's go and I think I beat it Zoey oh man uh well I'm gonna get there oh I see you okay puts five jumps in it resets this is honestly really fun I think it should grind to 20 wins and then I think we could go to the next area do you agree yep what are you doing wait what you're doing done you're 30. wait oh my gosh okay that's five more now I just need one more come on I think my two times wins isn't nearly activating right now oh did I not even buy it that is kind of embarrassing you're silly Nico I got two types of wings uh oh wait I think I bought two times the wins to multiply them not to oh gosh uh that cost 400 Robux I guess I was wondering why that was more expensive anyways time for the love area whoa and now we have a bigger wall Zoe oh if you look the multiplier is more and also wait let me just use some wins real quick to buy an egg uh well actually wait I think we should finish this with that at first so let's go let's go oh my gosh okay definitely this is the harder will I can already see that this thing is a lot bigger what what are we not at the top already yeah this feels like it's forever we would have been at the top for the moon level but not on this one and let's go oh my I am just way too tall oh me too what okay now we can unlock plus dead words then I could finally unlock this time give me a good egg oh let's go we got an epic robot and that gives me times three the jump what that's even more overpowered I wonder what these upgrades do though grapple hook but let's see what the grapple hook does Zoe okay 400 Robux don't mind if I do and wait can we grab on the walls with this uh oh my God grapple all the way to the top additionally Zoe what I'm actually grappling onto walls so this is an issue just gotta keep going up wait I could stop drop if I want to stop that's overpowered oh I guess I just searched in love we could click stop jump oh and I just get 22 Millions I'm gonna unlock another pitch or should we go directly to the ice biome what do you think Zoe definitely the ice biome okay is somebody coming yep I sure am let's go and whoa this one looks so cool wait so yeah well I'm almost there oh my gosh I'm just gonna do it without you let's go I wonder what rebirthing does hmm oh an increase by jump bonus I don't think it's good to rebirth right now maybe in a little bit though oh Nico I'm right behind you wait you are yep oh my gosh shall we have you tried using the stop jump feature it's actually really useful oh I sure have that way we don't go to the Moon we're trying to go to the look stop jump and there we go put sweaty wins which is actually plus 44 because of my multipliers what else now we should be able to get the legendary egg give me something oh I just got a legendary duck I mean that's also pretty good let me try equipping the best real quick and now I have the best pets right here the legendary that gives me times four jump now I'm already getting like a thousand that is crazy now we can just keep going up and um is there any more upgrades I can get what's the speed one oh yes speed double jump wait double jump what does that mean wait could we unlock double jump so you can go twice as tall wait jump jump oh gosh that is a little overpowered that means we could jump twice the idea and Zoe I can already unlock the flower area where are you I just need to get one more and then I can do it too you got it oh this double jump is overpowered so I'm not gonna lie okay ready Zoe here I am let's go let's go yeah this looks like another crazy area and we I already have almost 10K so I could just do this jump once and then when I get slug you just jump again and we should be able to make it close to the top oh gosh nope this one's really high so we jump once and then jump again let's go like this double jump yeah it's awesome I have my grappling hook on me real quick oh gosh the grand figure is sabotaging me I don't know if they're gonna get that good I'm not gonna lie uh oh and I'm ahead of you okay I'm coming I'm coming let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh okay come on jump again I'm gonna get to the top before you no your dad I got it what gosh this top is so far away and I think I'm here plus 88 wins now and well we only need 200 wins for the next one Zoe I think I'm just gonna do that right off the bat all right let's do it um I might be a while let's go okay so close to the top and we're there okay plus another 88 wins which should be able to make me go to the snow area and I might do one of these and then get a Godly egg I wonder what those give I skipped the pets in the last area so you're in the god Theory yet almost I'm just getting some extra wins I feel like these walls are getting even higher and higher I'm not gonna lie this is getting super difficult we just got a car so we were yeah what oh I'm on the snow one oh you're in this new one let's go uh Zoe what's it like jumping so high oh it's super cool I feel like I'm on a giant trampoline and I didn't even realize this is the highest ship I've gotten so far it's like 50 000 50 000. yep and you know what I'm actually gonna buy a Godly egg now this has to be good and you know what I'm gonna do what's called they triple open which gosh oh gosh a thousand Robux okay triple open let's go unlock triple hatch now oh my gosh this is causing so much uh it's fine that's way too much Robux triple open this guy hour oh and I just got three godley's okay I got one demon and all those but I feel like I could get more pet slots as well and I could buy plus four pet equipped slots like this and get even more pet slots and then now let's see how much I could do now I have so many pets and it looks like I'm getting 2 000 per second are you serious oh my gosh this is the most overpowered I've been I'm just gonna finish this off and then we should be able to go to the next one but actually you know what I think it's time for me to rebirth Zoe oh you're gonna do it yeah every breath just now oh my gosh and I just instantly jumped and it got to the very end of the last one all the way to the top well no on the first level oh but that only gave me plus one win I feel like there's a better one that we could go to hmm I think this one is good this is what's called an Avi Tower I don't know what's so difficult about this I could just jump all the way to the top super easily and while we want to rebirth is because whenever we rebirth we get plus 25 jump and plus 25 wins we got anything to collect the winds oh my gosh I'm a Noob oh my you silly goose okay so now I could get plus 10 right here and then let's see if I can rebirth again oh gosh we need 50 wins you know what I'm gonna go over here just like this then we'll go all the way up come on I think I could do this all in one jump hopefully uh nope I don't think so oh gosh why did it take so much jump okay and that should be good now I get plus 25 wins and I could rebirth again no no I can't uh wait oh gosh it's plus 517 300 bucks you know that's actually better okay with your birthday again and then now you can see that I am getting way more second but but if we rebirth again we can get plus 75 so you know what I'm gonna buy a hundred wins oh gosh this is getting a little expensive but you know what anything to become the best Jumper in the world okay you know what now I think we're good I can just go over this over buying a thousand wins just like this oh gosh 1500 Robux you know what it's fine I could go like this boom flower snow and then dark and we haven't been here yet so are you here I am I'm on the tower wait or are you going to the void level nope on the dark towel okay and as you can see I'm already unlocked I'm already at 100 K jump what I think the goal to get to a million jump let's go okay now I can just keep going up this ginormous wall real quick and I could stop whenever I want huh how did you get here so here so do you have more jump than me what well because I'm overpowered Zoey oh Fair uh in the way it's because they did the reaper thing oh I didn't do that that means I become the chosen one so we didn't know what the chosen one is nope what is the chosen one it means I am the best uh wait no I'm the okay Zoe if you're the best in how am I beating you right now um it is for the best okay you know what I'm gonna see what happens if I just go to this one over here and then buy three of these void eggs now let's see what pets we get now now we can equip the best ones of these and then oh my gosh we are getting like 3 000 per second so you know what I'm just gonna keep going up this wall real quick and then hmm I think you know what I'm just gonna go down to the bottom and I'm just gonna wait a little bit I think I want to get to a million and then I'm gonna show Zoe how high my jump is then let's just wait till we get a hundred thousand and then I can do times two wins right here but buying them out for 200 Roblox just like this oh gosh I am a noob times to jump like this now I have 200 000 and then now you get 500 000 just like this oh gosh this is getting so expensive okay and then now time to jump again just like this and now we can just wait because now we only need 40 000 jump left when Zoe sees it she's gonna freak out yeah Nico where are you yeah for the Tower of the dark one oh my gosh okay I'm just gonna wait for you at the bottom and if you look at the top guys we are five thousand away from a million oh my gosh I'm just gonna are you here yet almost I'm at the last step and what's up Nico hi Zoe uh look at my jump level Zoe what I have one billion job how do you have that many many uh I think it's because I'm overpowered I'm not gonna lie how did you do that and you want to see this last part let's see if I can do this All in One okay come on come on one million let's go one million let's go okay nice nice time to activate the double jump let's go oh my God okay and I'm pretty sure this should be easy come on come on I feel like I'm slowing down now oh gosh I didn't quite make it up there but I know that I could get up here I could get up here in two jumps probably well it's taking so long get off this thing how tall is this thing okay that's funny and then now I just reset my jumps oh oh my gosh now we're the same yep now you're back to my level let's go which way to go box Adventures the click on the screen and if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: NicoBlox
Views: 710,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Zoey, Nico and Zoey, Roblox
Id: Fuqf0JNjcUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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