I Built a Race Track in My Backyard

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Westin is hilarious. Great channel, and he usually sticks to domestic cars. However, he buys a WRX and builds a rally track, and it's fantastic.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/NomadicLogic 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies

New follow from this. I was rolling while watching this lmao

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BNinja921 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies

That was funny

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KeaganExtremeGaming 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2022 🗫︎ replies
I don't know guys this is the car that Dodge gave us to go race we put twin turbos on it we put bullhorns on the front we gave it 12 1300 horsepower but now it's a sad day because Dodge called me and they said hey we're sending a truck to come get that car Monday that's four days away from now but they said Weston you can keep anything you want off that car so we're gonna take everything we want off of it but before we do that we got to give her one final send-off we got to give her one final show of force one final big Smoky burnout foreign thing off this bathroom first that's the full one I think it would be a dis service to mess up this good zip tie job I put a lot of effort into those zip ties right there what we'll do is we'll just go ahead and unbolt the k-member we'll unhook the ECM everything and we'll just drop the whole K member out the front of it [Music] foreign turbo supercharged 1300 horsepower machine to a piece of metal in the end of Oscar come on dude I never thought I'd be staying in my shop with a brand new Hellcat sitting up on the side look look at this it's gonna line up perfectly put it like that bolt it on bam instantly rolling chassis are we gonna get it back down these wheels out hitting the [ __ ] potato carefully carefully is not in our vocabulary damn it what the hell doc what kind of game are you playing here your wheels just fall off like that oh look that side's still on this side's the one that fell off up our good self-tapping screwdriver I think we screwed it up why is the car inside I was driving it and I turned too quick and it was up on there before I knew it but look it's the easiest way both wheels don't do it there we go they ain't going nowhere it's a rickshaw now hold on foreign chassis Dodge and they are going to be here first thing in the morning to pick her up I might cry but it's okay guys it is a sad sad day oh no the truck is here to get the hell jet here's the good news though we'll have to worry about fixing that scratch I put in it she's loaded up she's going away [Music] look at that there's my new rally machine right there did somebody paint it was for stolenium why does it look so bad so here's the deal I figured out I want to be a rally car driver so the first thing you need to be a rally car driver is a rally car the only thing I can say about is it's cheap it's like 4 500 cheaper than it should be I'm actually working ready to go find out why it's actually not as Rusty as I thought it'd be nope what is that a Plasti Dip was a rally car before I got it how you doing you think this car can get me I don't think so what's it what is it called oh see corn cob exhaust bro my name's Kyle I drive a super woo I'm president WRX I don't want to flex but it's got a Cobb corn cob exhaust or something on it it's got the wing on the back because it's fast it's [ __ ] boy it's just so fast I think he's wrong I think we'll get did I just see the interior on this one shut up I've seen it too it's not good no we'll go with that foreign oh yeah it's just a Subaru thing don't worry about it somebody shut the hood before it flies up it destroys the front of the car [Music] hey kind of fast [Music] dude this thing's kind of cool don't tell anybody I said that's kind of cool bro you want a monster while I'm in here dude yeah I forget you actually are a Subaru guy thank you there we go got it yeah how you doing good how are you doing one day in my Subaru look in the interior see what you think of it oh [ __ ] no sit her up on the red one what are you doing there no no wait that's why I say you start to go get in your car and I'm like this is definitely how your car gets stolen I wouldn't really be that sad try to be nice to it this time yeah Lauren doesn't do that all the way into gear right now and I've broken the shifter off in fourth gear dude I'm serious it's it'll only go into two for an R this reverse word oh [ __ ] it's smoking in my defense I didn't do anything I just drove it okay so the problem is the shifter still works but you got to put your hand behind the radio to put it into first gear now okay so that's the bolt that holds the shifter on there's chicken back together with this I knew what I was doing look at that they say not to open this when it's hot but I don't think it's that hot Tada she's ready to go rally racing you've got the best rally car anyone could ever ask for now what we need is a rally track and that that is where I bring you to here it might look like trees and a field to you but to me it's a big block of stone just waiting to be carved into a beautiful woman or a beautiful rally track trees shall we and that's it we got us a rally course baby right here at this big clump of dirt right here is the starting line from The Starting Line we finished down the straightaway to the s-curve so you go right then you go left you go around the tire come back to the curves and back to the straightaway and that is our rally course so how we're gonna do this Parker's gonna do a stopwatch from the point where I leave to the point I go down there turn around and come back and we'll see what our time is I don't know how we'll know if it's a good time or not but we'll see what it is this is where we make history the first rally race of the Subaru foreign hold on my hood flew open when I took off what my hood flew open when I took off well that sounds about right out of my friends there we go [Music] I am a rally racer you need a breather um you know the car might need might need it might need a second you don't though no not me I'm ready to go so how'd I do how fast was that really 40 seconds ain't no way that lasted at least an hour that was our qualifying lap now it's time to see exactly how much better we need let's say 38 seconds is bronze 36 seconds is silver and 34 seconds is gold we are going for gold baby oh all right it's not driving very good anymore would I break that explains why I went slower this time we had these shitty continents how fast I go 37. I went 37 seconds with a bulldog tired dude I'm good at this oh yeah baby the car is currently smoking the front Bumper's knocked off and the tire is now blown out I think the WRX needs some upgrades and then we'll come back and we'll do this better she needs some Nitto rally racing tires she needs a little lift that way she jumps over the bumps a little bit better I probably need to fix the front bumper and for some reason whenever I drive it it smokes so probably need to fix that up problem and then and then she'll be ready okay I will admit that might not have been the best first attempt I've ever done
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 1,646,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vfnzbXbvkvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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