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this is a regular lego block and this is a giant lego block and behind me i have a huge pile of over 700 giant legos we have used these giant lego blocks to build all kinds of things we built a giant three-story lego house that could hold six people had a rooftop and a basement we built an entire lego city and i even painted my entire body to camouflage into a wall of legos i have also built a lego boat before that was large enough to hold two people but it didn't float well and it ultimately sank to the bottom of the pool that is because just like regular legos these giant lego blocks sink to the bottom of the pool you guys might be wondering why i'm taking on such a crazy project and that's because i love to build things that people think are impossible or that i've never done before i've been building and doing crazy projects for as long as i can remember it's one of my favorite hobbies of all time so let's get started on this project and prove everybody wrong and build the world's first lego yacht this lego yacht is gonna be much bigger than the last boat and we're also gonna put two electric outboard motors on it so we can actually drive it around the water in order to pull this project off we're gonna need to collect all of the giant legos that we have lying around the house and sort them by color so we know how many we have and since these lego blocks sink we're gonna need to come up with a really good waterproof solution and if that doesn't work we are going to be adding custom bilge pumps to try to pump the water out of this boat so hopefully it doesn't end up at the bottom of the pool and this is our scale model i know it doesn't look like much actually this looks really dumb matt how is this gonna make a lego yacht what do you think okay just trust me just build it we're gonna do it all right matt i'm trusting you i think it's gonna work so let's get started block by block let's build the giant lego yacht so this is the scale model and this is the full size so that's what this builds but we did the math and you know what we have enough blocks we need to go bigger so we're gonna rip this apart and make it even bigger we got them all built guys look at this thing these are the pieces for the fuselage take a look at the size of this thing it is long it's wide it's deep it's a lot of blocks we actually still have quite a few left so we're gonna have enough to finish the rest of the pieces well look at this guys i am getting excited this thing is the size of a really large boat aka a yacht i'm so hyped this is the next piece we are going to be building this is the nose of the boat it's a huge piece and it's also a huge potential for a lot of water leakage based on its design so we need to be very careful with how we build it but uh here we go [Music] before we can even bring the boat pieces up to the pool deck so we can start assembling it we need to think a few steps ahead so we are building a platform that is going to be the same height as the pool so when we put the boat on it and it's built we can just push it in because otherwise you'd have to lift it up this high but lifting a real life-size lego yacht a few inches might not be possible [Music] remember how i said this giant lego block sink we need a waterproofing solution well this is my waterproofing solution i got this clear tape and i'm just gonna be sticking it on the seams like that and hopefully it'll prevent the water from slipping through the cracks and this thing will actually float plus i really want to make this thing a hundred percent out of lego so i figure you know this isn't really cheating it's just some clear tape let's see if it works here we go one seam at a time [Music] this thing is so large that just trying to figure out how to tape all the seams and maneuver it is crazy because it's getting so big that we can't even pick it up and move it anymore so we have temporary braces in there we can roll it on the side to try to tape it all in one piece to try to waterproof the entire bottom because we miss even just one seam it's going to leak a lot check it out guys we have team raw plushies i am so excited about this this has been a project we've been working on a very long time these are completely custom made team roar monster plushies they're super soft they come in a bunch of different colors we got green blue there's even a pink one as well these will be available very soon and in super limited quantity so go to tumblr.com at the end of this video and go check them out [Music] so carter loves building things and he spends so much time just like building things that are bigger and better and stronger and he built this huge bridge that honestly didn't think was gonna work but it worked and i just feel like the bigger you go it really just starts to get like impossible and i feel like with this lego yacht he's kind of gonna hit that so if you guys didn't know carter is actually building this yacht for me and i think he's trying to like impress me or something i think it's gonna leak it's that's good the legos have cracks unless you like glue it together or like put some kind of like paper on it carter's always getting into something something big but i don't think it's gonna work to be honest carter nah dude he might have went to school for engineering but this lego yacht there's no way he's gonna be able to pull that off did you say a lego yacht that's that's impossible i think he could definitely build it because he always says do crazy stuff but like i think it's gonna sink i don't know here is the waterproofing method it's almost invisible as you guys can see if you look closer we just put some clear tape on each of these seams there's a lot of seams and that's where the water will leak but it still looks like legos and from here you can't even see anything which is exactly what i want because i want it to just be legos and nothing else time to flip it down matt do it it's heavier than we thought here we go and we are back down i think it's a little bit easier now to see the size of this thing we're gonna actually take out some of these cross beams i don't think we need this middle one that was just more for windows on its side but this is gonna be the hole and then the nose is up there look at this thing it's gonna be amazing i'm so excited this is the final day of the build we have to finish everything tonight so we can launch this thing tomorrow it's really starting to shape up the nose is still in a bunch of pieces and the back also has two wide open holes and that is definitely not going to float so that is why i got these two clear pieces of acrylic and i was thinking instead of putting legos back there it'd be kind of cool to have a clear window so i could have filled it in with legos but i'm going to give this a try and hopefully this will work without a clear window into the water [Music] still in pieces that has to go in tomorrow the nose is definitely the trickiest part for sealing and we are saving that literally for tomorrow morning and it has to go in the water tomorrow no matter what we're pushing this thing in [Music] here we are on the last day guys and we have it down to two final pieces we just have the nose and the hole we just gotta put these two together and once that is sealed and ready to go whoop we're launching this thing in the water and guys no matter what we are pushing this thing in the water today even if it's like in two pieces i'm still pushing it so you guys will see this boat in the water today and uh we honestly don't have too much left and i'm feeling pretty good about it you know with a little bit of waterproofing put these two together a couple bilge pumps maybe some outboard motors we'll see it's gonna look good in that water oh [Music] the last step before we launch this thing in the water is to install a bilge pump system because i have a feeling that there's gonna be at least some leaks in the boat which will then ultimately cause it to sink but if we can install bilge pumps to pump the leaking water inside the boat back into the pool i think we might both stay afloat for long enough to actually have a working boat so i gotta solder some wires to make the electrical connections and we should be good to go [Music] it's amazing that we made it this far but it is so exciting we are finally putting the boat together in one piece we got the nose waterproof we just need to lay it down and stick it on and then put it in the water here we go guys [Music] the boat is in one piece guys this lego yacht is huge i haven't measured it yet but i think it's over 20 feet long all the way from the back all the way to the front and we haven't even built any of the interior yet like we can build a tower in the back so you can walk under we could make like a i don't like a downstairs area if we like sealed the top off you could like go inside the nose area where like boats usually have like a bedroom or something down there wow we could put seating we can do all kinds of stuff unlimited possibilities in the whole of this thing that's if it uh actually floats we're flipping the boat guys this is the last thing we need to do is flip the boat tape the bottom seam that joins the two pieces the nose and the bow together but i have a feeling something might go wrong but here we go [Music] and we are touchdown we literally just flipped a lego yuck guys oh my gosh i never thought i'd say that sentence in my life here it is in one complete piece it looks like a giant toy in like some kid's bedroom like i shrunk down to like an ant size or lego man size guys this is insane wow liz we got to join that scene a little bit first yeah this is it guys we have it all connected you look up close we got it all waterproof to every last seam and connection i'm hoping that's all it needs to seal it's not the best tape in the world but it is clear so it still looks like legos we got our windows in the back so i thought that was better than putting lego blocks here if the water's like up to here you'll go to c down it'd be really cool plus we can also mount the outboard motors to this if it's strong enough it's been like two weeks in the making of just working really hard on this thing and we're putting the final thing of tape on [Music] feels good to have laid the last piece of tape on this thing hopefully we didn't forget any uh spots because then it would sink this is the official measure and it looks like it's measuring about 18 feet maybe 17 10. so almost 20 feet long guys this is actually crazy how wide is it that's also pretty wide too we're like seven and a half feet seven seven foot four and a half inches it's definitely the biggest lego boat i ever saw and it's supposed to and it's going you know it's hopefully going to be functional where it actually floats are you impressed or what you've been putting a ton of work in i've never seen you put more work into anything seriously this is she is the first this is insane so we're down in there yeah what really doesn't get the first ride she's the lightest okay fine she's she's going to be our guinea pig look how big it is this is not what i thought it was going to look like this is sick liz i am scared i know me too but we gotta put it in one way or another this is two plus weeks and hundreds of hours of hard work all coming down to this moment right now i am nervous because i don't know what to expect and there's so much anticipation but we're gonna push it in the water and hope for the best all right is everyone ready all right we got a lot of people to very carefully lift and cradle this thing into the water all right on the count of three very gentle three two one go easy okay [Applause] i mean i'm honestly amazed well i i at least got my hat too you didn't lay one brick oh matt hopped up we got three people there you go matt let's go and you got the purple hat oh that's so bro stove you look shocked right now i'm gonna go slow to start we are we're moving oh my god yo we're literally sailing right now are you guys seeing this we're gonna hit it reverse the front the end of the pool all right we're full throttle here we go whoa here we and that's only one of the two motors that we were intended to have like a jet boat as captain of this ship we were gonna be doing a speed test with only one of the two motors installed and uh that means we're actually gonna be able to go twice as fast with two motors we have one motor for today here we go here we go there's not even one sign of a leak now this thing is going to be living in the pool for a long time i think we could easily do it last to leave that may last for multiple days and then i think if it really works we got to take this to the ocean or something and go set sail in the waves jojo's hopping in whoa hop aboard the uss lego liz come on the uss lizzy here's your captain hat lizzy thank you we're all captains out here on the lego boat should we do a speed test with all this new mass yeah nice reverse oh my goodness all right guys here is what it's looking like it's well above the water i mean it's only a little bit in it's doing well we got a bunch of people just chilling and it's actually it's actually working all right we decided that it's actually floating better than expected so we're putting the second motor on because we want to do a full speed test how fast this thing can go i don't know if we can get up to full speed in the with the length of this pool so we probably have to take this out to like the ocean or like a big lake or something and really test it but we'll get a good idea what it can do with these two 55 pounds that's 110 pounds of thrust that's pretty solid [Music] all right we got this one going in reverse we're gonna let's reverse all the way back oh careful they got power matt oh my gosh moving quick stop stop stop you're gonna hit the wall part is actually falling apart on the top that lego is not even attached anymore carter it's sinking the front the nose oh wait it's taking a walk is it this is bad if that nose goes too deep in the water it's going to titanic rip off and then when it rips off the rest is gonna flood liz i need your help this thing is literally going under and everybody went inside this is just a silent sinker but we need to save it we can't let this thing go under otherwise it's gonna be impossible to get out we can't let it go over these cracks we got the build guys this is how much water is draining right now look at this guys that is a lot of water it's like a hose well the village is almost done so we're actually faster so the bilge is effective oh my gosh matt it is taking on water quite heavily right here i see it from here so this boat is literally sinking as we speak guys but i would say even though this boat is literally sinking as i'm standing on it i would say that this project has been quite successful guys it's so cool it's so big it's much bigger than the last one with two outboard motors on the back i'm really putting a lot of trust in that bilge pump which hopefully will turn on any second and start saving the boat otherwise we're gonna be sinking to the bottom of this pool guys the next video we're filming with this thing even if it sinks is last to leave lego boat and it might even be last to leave the sinking lego yet depending on if this thing is just gonna sink the entire time but either way guys it's gonna be awesome we'll see you in the next vlog thank you for watching bye the boat is draining guys but it's still pretty deep in the water in the front compared to the rest of the boat so far we need to put this out of the water before it keeps filling let's put the nose on the plank and a foam [Music]
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 2,997,857
Rating: 4.8502188 out of 5
Id: zPnvZj5Geeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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