LAST TO SINK WINS $10,000 - (ft Unspeakable)

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what's up guys welcome back to the vlog i am here with nathan from unspeakable and we have a bunch of teams because we're all gonna be building boats today to be competing in today's last the sink challenge and the winner will be taking home the ten thousand dollars surprise so the rules are pretty simple we've done these challenges before each of these three teams will be building a boat whoever has the best boat and is the lastest tank will be the winner we got team number one over here team lizzy we got bailey let's go and gabe from unspeakable over here we got team number five we got stoked why 185 your team too because we got to choose our numbers yeah stove myself ryan and john's from us and last but not least we got team number three you know we actually can hold the winner yeah we're gonna be taking home the winner and i'm already holding the prize money so we're actually only a team of two but it's because we are the most talented boat builders right yes i mean look at liz she's like oh man she's not gonna win oh yeah we got this in the bag all right guys the rules are simple we're all gonna have one hour to build our boats and then we are going to be testing them in the water competing in different challenges and whoever's boat is the last to sink is the winner that was the only rules so you can't really cheat unless you somehow break those simple rules you have a question ryan uh yeah when do we start that's a good question ryan the 60 minute timer is gonna start in three two one let's go should we just like use the trampoline it's a boat all right [Music] like 15 people on two of these so we want we went we won we're done this is all we need all right what was your design this time uh cool so much duct tape we got all the supplies i mean this is all hot glue sticks oh they are wait why do we need hot glue i don't know but we have it okay so one time i built a canoe by gluing these together and putting a hole but obviously we're gonna be too big for that work yeah yeah it actually wait liz question if we're on the boat and we fall off in the water are we out yeah we can't fall off wait we have to float we could turn the jet ski into a boat because nobody ran for the jet ski okay well the thing is is all the supplies are gone there's no more supplies literally they literally took everything so we're gonna have to go find them we're good to go like look around the house guys we can use any supplies that is located on in the house in the backyard tennis court garage whatever we have all those balls over there but take a long time to glue those together yeah that's that's not gonna work we only have 60 minutes and um we have a bunch of okay so the jet ski is not bad it doesn't float that well that's the thing like it it's just so small if you stand when it sinks i think it has potential but it needs more flotation because it only works if you're moving and it sinks otherwise team rory's got the biggest saturday drop of all time we are dropping a ton of cool t-shirts like this awesome design and check out stoves it's like almost the same as the pool so guys go to right now because we just dropped a bunch of shirts don't miss them yeah we can like glue these together and build a platform and just put these on top of it if we like interlace these kind of like uh like fabric is in our tweet we can just um glue it okay right sure let's let's just go for it all right so i did not account for this all the other teams literally ran and just scavenged all the supplies we're gonna have to just find something that nobody picked yet we have lego blocks back here we have a lot there's a lot of legos a lot and we've done lego boats they do but they kind of slowly sink they take on water all right boys i'm taking the ship down i'm going with it that could be definitely something we use or we could steal materials you could steal one of those i will still i would steal anything let's do it what do you want me to take i'll take it right now all right guys so we found this manual to make 50 wooden boats and i decided we're going to build the one that's on page 81 the plywood seat it didn't work that did not work that did not work so i'm gonna need you and james to lock it down i'm gonna go get some more duct tape i know there's a hidden stash somewhere and then we'll start attaching everything those flippers all right hold this put it back we have a lot of material right now i think we can build a whole cruise ship over here with all the materials we have oh yeah for sure we have a few boxes [Music] all right our only option is to steal that piece of foam because we've looked all through the house gotta see where that piece of foam is we gotta locate it and steal it from them i'm sure it's over on the side don't let them see us oh wait they're taping them together right now this is horrible oh he's guarding him he's guarding him with a stick ryan what are you doing where are you going i need to talk to stove and i need to talk to the team sorry carter ryan i need to talk to them i'm sorry you can't you took all the supplies that i bought this morning for this video that's how this works that is what do you mean i said go i did say go i should have put more rules right here i need one of those sheets you can't have both we're already already deep into that i can easily separate that i don't think we're gonna do it i'm gonna need one of those here's what we'll do you guys took both the sheets i'm shook we'll come well what about their stuff go take some of their stuff no i just need one of those let's come to the consensus that you can have beautiful noodles all right we're gonna have to go trash cans i'm gonna do the trash well make the trash cans work i have a why is there so many chickens in here look at all this chicken look at all those chickens are these ones empty oh yes sweet there probably were lids for these at one point i'm literally finding stuff that we found in the backyard okay so we're gonna tape these to the side now we need to make sure that that is very very secure no if water gets into here we will sink yeah because we know that that jet ski does not float us yeah give me some tape right that's empty tape it's empty so they both went to go grab materials and now i'm just here in the sun with a bunch of parts one's bad [Music] [Applause] more layers more layers better right we were able to get one of the trash bags onto the this way we're trying to make the way we don't have lids for these so we're gonna just try to now tape this up and hopefully this will hold it this can stay airtight then we're gonna be attached both of them to the sides of the jet ski like outriggers and i think we'll be able to make a more stable version of this jet ski and hopefully have the best boat today we got one we got two now we need to attach it to the jet ski which is definitely the most important part and one rider is supposed to stand up right here we're gonna try to make it so we can sit and maybe put one trash can here and here to make it like triple wide all right guys i'm gonna uh put the jet ski in the water we're gonna see how this thing floats next to the trash cans okay so the jet ski floats but here's the problem once you start putting pressure on it it just starts to sink i'm not even putting my whole pressure see that's the problem it doesn't it doesn't float very well all right we got our roof on right now okay so we don't get a sunburned and we could last forever without having a dehydration problems all right guys we're really working hard out here and i want to make sure we secure this wind because we've been working so hard i'm gonna go sabotage ryan but don't tell him i did anything let's go we're gonna poke holes in their boat no idea what hit him i'm just borrowing a little foam [Music] what are you doing i just needed some extra foam so i'm just grabbing a little no blaze is literally cheating right now because you know everyone's mad about it you're putting a hole in it i'm not putting a hole in there this is my boat what do you mean get out of here what's going on guys comment down below if you guys what you guys think of that guys thanks i'm good i just needed some foam we found these pieces of wood we just need to cut them to six we could screw them together like this with these scrap pieces and then have like a platform oh wait what if you no no what if you did that in the what if you did that in the middle so the jet ski could sit on it all right guys it is in one piece i think we're going to go we're in business let's go work i have a feeling that when people see this they're going to say something so while josh is working on the flag uh ryan's over here chilling because um you can't really go in the pool today i cannot go in the water today i recently had some very nice delicate eye surgery but i can't get wet for a while still aren't you getting the same surgery actually yeah if you want to hear about my surgery just go watch stove's video it's over on his channel right now i'm pretty sure it is it's like something like ryan got surgery or something like that it's uh ryan did what ryan did what and that's a picture of me and if you want to see um my surgery check out ryan's video which i don't know what it's called yet because it hasn't happened yet it has it hasn't happened and it's gonna be it's gonna be in one of his videos a small section of it so good luck finding it what the heck is that what is two trash cans you don't know anything ryan oh i got it wet shoot why did you get it wet i was trying to prove to ryan that it would float it floats ryan wood floats didn't you go to preschool for anything did you graduate preschool because i wanted to get it wet so the tape wouldn't stick look their boat is not going to work it's on two pieces of foam that's it yeah another boat is the worst bite i've ever seen we just got to figure out how to now attach this to the jet ski and uh yeah [Music] all right we got both pieces on so now the moment of truth we're gonna put this in the water and we're gonna put the wedge the jet ski in there and then uh we have ourselves a jet boat i think it's gonna work i think it's gonna work yeah guys nathan thinks it's gonna work which is a good sign i think it's gonna work the only thing i'm worried about is i'm worried about it coming detached from the jet ski that's true we need to make sure it's super super secure on the jet ski yeah we might even want to tape it or something i think we just try to uh put it all together right now whoa liz you really outdid yourself on this one when i was out here working away we basically have like three individual boats that we're just going to use and tied together with a string yeah it's a it's a boat island yeah exactly so they can't be mad it's all separate parts yeah all right guys ten seconds left stop is your boat done we're done all right eight seven we have to be six no five okay four liz are you done two one and stop are you done yeah well you have to be done now all right guys the one hour build time is now complete and we're gonna now introduce all of the boats that were made and we're gonna be testing them to see if they float and pass the first float test one by one hi liz you guys are team number one so you need to be testing your boat first deceiving a past float test wait is this your boat all right is that your boat part of sections liz here do you need help with that section it's like a boat well no more building is allowed because the build time is over but we are now testing the float and guys remember if you sink your boat then you are eliminated from this challenge and you will not be winning because it's last to sync so they're going first we've got like a transformer wait what how many boats don't ask too many questions now please i mean team one has like three oh i see two wait what is going on we've got this was you have to build you have to build one boat i'm seeing three days they have three boats it's one mega boat this is all connected in any way it all connects the string i guess technically if it connects with a string and they're connected it's one boat so you guys are gonna test it we only have to test it with one person oh for the floating test okay so just go on the one that's the most sturdy just for the episode all right team one pass the first float test oh i don't know exactly what all this is we're gonna find out soon probably at test number two but now we're moving on to team two aka team five five all right team five you guys are up next we gotta test whoa okay have you got a little shade canopy you got some you know some little outriggers safety vests but is it going to flow i mean it's only made of styrofoam so i mean i'm a master in this come on stove is the master but here we go guys you have stove on there is it floating easy so that's a pretty cool boat guys i gotta you know i can't lie and now last but not least we got team number three which is me and nathan we gotta do a float test which we kind of already passed yo easy dude do the honors is it still floating you're standing easy standing up i gotta say it's dirty all right guys so all three teams believe it or not actually passed the flow test i don't know if i've ever done this well on just the float test and i'm actually really curious about team one's other pieces of their boat all right guys test one is complete we're moving on to test number two and so for test two all team members have to float on the rest some teams have three people which means three people want to float on their boat but hey they had three people to help with the build so i think it evens out so team number one three team members you have to float all on the boat let's see one by one oh we're going to oh wait hang on and you have to stay 50 and dry for it to count all right so we got two members liz but that means you need to float on this boat for this i got you to pass this test otherwise it's gonna contin it's gonna it's gonna sink if it doesn't float at you all right so liz is hopping in one of these other pieces of the boat it's gonna work oh wait it works oh my gosh this thing works well where the heck hold on surprise too surprised as you are yeah whoa what it's just hot glue hold on someone else can come in here team one pass test number two we're moving on to team number two all right stove your team is up for test number two all right all right josh you can't float three people then it's gonna sink let's see if their boat is gonna sink us i don't know about this one it's big it floats well but it's only styrofoam so it might crack in half if it breaks right away yeah looking good hang on we gotta get his feet off the wall so guys ryan can't get wet because he has uh new eyes and they can't go in the pool for two weeks so i'm gonna be filling in for ryan as the third person so ryan where would you go you direct me because i'm gonna be you all right nice and easy to be fair oh my gosh it's working oh wait we're bringing on the water though we're still floating i wonder if it's just someone cut a hole in our boat i think we're good all right so i think this counts i mean team three's got three people on their boat so we are good to go team two passed the float test of three people now we're moving on to our jet ski boat we haven't we tried one person we haven't tried two so you're saying i should go on this side yeah so this side is kind of up higher yeah it is you're a little heavier than i am so you sit on that side sit towards the front and i'll sit towards the back whoa all right i'm on are we on we're both standing off the wall yeah we're off kind of push up we're off yeah this is impressive yeah all right guys we passed the float test we got we could probably put another person on here it's amazing but all three boats have passed the first two tests so now we're moving on to the last and final where we're just to continue to add people more and more to each boat until it sinks and the purse the boat that can hold the most people in the most weight is going to be the winner of today's challenge and 10 000 cash let's do it all right so liz and team one we're gonna add another person to your boat to see if they can hold all right here i go wait what you're gonna add it to this one yeah this one in there just don't step on the middle wait what who do you want to play you don't want me what's wrong with me you should come on here all right stop we're adding you as the next body the other two boats are gonna sit idle while we complete this test we are going to be adding uh plus one to this boat so they already have three people so still will be the fourth here we go looks nice and easy can their boat which is technically it's technically connected so it counts is that four people all right i'm just gonna get it get on the back corner ready boys all right and we gotta balance we have five people on this boat guys [Applause] i don't know if this counts i think they're about to escape so nathan was the fifth person attempting to go onto this boat with the boat sunk so five does not count that is their limit so you get four people four and a half four and a half all right guys well oh my gosh all right guys so boat number one was able to hold four people successfully before flipping over becoming unstable before the people sunk off of the boat so they have a score for moving on to boat number two ryan's the captain of this ship wait ryan what all right i'm hopping on the boat right now we got two we're gonna go to three people right now right now all right [Music] [Music] oh guys this is actually outstanding they have five people confirmed so they are technically in first place beating team one we're gonna go for another person we're gonna see if we can squeeze liz now they are wet and the boat is under water but i would say that they're all 50 dry or more so it counts as floating all right guys here we go liz is coming out guys comment down below team two which is a team stove let's see if you can do it here goes liz oh it's going down no no no no no no no no no oh no it's going down guys come back coming back we're good i'm yeah i got plenty of room [Music] hold on i'm 50 percent wet that doesn't count [Laughter] five six seven but we stumped on seven so it's a final score of six which puts in the first place that's amazing wait is it back up it's back up next one i'm very excited about this next one i don't know how we're gonna fit dude there's not even anything well i wasn't really thinking about how he was people gonna sit on the trash cans i don't know okay i think two people should sit on the back one person should sit on the front and then two people on the trash [Music] so let's put all right bailey you go up first where in the front no climb one no let's just try middle stand right behind me in between me and nathan whoa okay that's three oh it doesn't feel that stupid all right so we got three okay what's the record what's the score to beat six seven seven all right guys here we go here we go here's four oh all right we got four on the jump score it's a one person jet ski okay uh one person can sit between yeah also carter don't run it because i'm good like this don't be too much of a stickler now if we can get up [Applause] you're underground [Applause] all right guys well we clearly didn't get as many people on the boat as uh team number two with the styrofoam boat here but they stole all of our supplies so i think the best way to settle this last to sink since both these boats they kind of seem to be unsinkable in some kind of way so we're gonna finish it with a race we're gonna do the jet ski boat versus the styrofoam boat it's a ten thousand dollar race across the pool one race one lap whoever wins takes home the ten thousand dollars cash let's go all right guys are you ready for your race it's the final race to determine the winner of today's ten thousand dollar challenge are you guys ready team carter team jet vote team trash team depot you guys ready yeah give us the countdown all right here is the final race in three two one go go go go go go oh i couldn't turn oh my gosh this is a crazy turn of events nathan fell off go back go backwards one of the most intense races ever hold on [Applause] i don't know guys team giraffes a really crazy race guys comment down below who you think won and who should win the ten thousand dollars [Music] we'll see you guys on the next vlog if you guys haven't seen unspeakable's channel make sure to go check him out he makes some awesome content let me have fun i think uh i think team trash won it was my my boat name was team jetboat i know but you didn't you lost nathan so that doesn't count don't cut don't put that in the video [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,674,529
Rating: 4.8318481 out of 5
Id: 6OY4iTHwhCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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