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what's up guys welcome to the vlog this video is sponsored by audible and we are doing the can you drive on water challenge the way this is going to work is that four of us are gonna have to get a vehicle like a hoverboard a skateboard a car a bicycle scooter something like that modify it in sixty minutes so that it can drive across the pool on the water without sinking falling it or getting wet it's gonna be crazy to see what we come up with so let's meet the contestants up first we got Ryan pronti going on Stowe boo okay Lizzie and last but not least I will also be competing in today's challenge so let's get right into it we all have 60 minutes to grab a vehicle modify it so I can drive on water and the winner of today's challenge is going to win a mystery prize is gonna be wrapped up in wrapping paper but only the winner of today's challenge will going to unwrap it and receive that gift oh that's actually okay I'm excited so nobody knows what it is but it is something that you're going to want to keep this really height the only winner gets it gets unwrap it so should we get into it 60 second o'clock doing this dude here we go 60 seconds on the clock and the time starts now let's go let's grab our vehicles and start building I think this would be perfect I'm going to try to modify them modify this in travelling water okay let's start building I'll take this spot right here right in the middle let's do it Oh sixty minutes all right so everyone's already building mine's pretty simple I got you guys I don't know what this is it's the bubble ball aah I'm gonna put the car inside the bubble ball the only thing I need to get now is the blower here is the one all right so I have a pretty out-there idea I'm not sure if it's gonna work but instead of modifying a vehicle I'm gonna modify the whole card and say anything about that hopefully this grass is long enough to reach the length of the pool which it is if I can make this grass float on the water I can fly across fast enough we'll make it the whole way okay I don't know why okay anyways I'm gonna make some giant styrofoam wheels for the hoverboard how do these pink foam pieces by stacking up like this and gluing them on to the floor that's the plan we'll see if it works I don't know this crazy works the defensive alright guys so I am going to be building a motorboat or uh I don't know it's called but I'm gonna be building a hard boat thing it's gonna be amphibious actually it probably would be amphibious but basically what i'm doing here is i'm got all these phone sheet who was at the car on top of it but hopeful and that's gonna allow go-kart I want to thank audible for sponsoring this video of making all of this possible I recently listened to an audio book that really inspired me called be obsessed or be average by Grant Cardone this audiobook is all about being different and how to succeed at whatever you want to do whether it's being a youtuber entrepreneur or doctor I'm not the best reader but I love learning new things to improve my success in life and that's why honorable is perfect for me because I don't have to be sitting there staring at pages I can be anywhere doing anything and enjoying the content that I want audible has the world's largest selection of audio books and audio entertainment including audible originals right now you guys can sign up for a free 30-day trial and enjoy one audio book and two audible originals guys go to slash partners share or text Carter share - 5 0 0 - 5 0 0 and uh oh wait we're running out of time I gotta go start building my finish okay guys I'm almost done I'm just gonna add some paddles to my wheel that took a lot longer than I thought ask-ask so what's the chance to think that I'm gonna be able to do this and he said zero when he wasn't filming which means he really believed the 60-minute build is coming to an end everyone get the machines by the pool and we're gonna get started on this challenge Oh careful Liz whoa all right it looks like everyone is done let's check out all the machines and see what everyone's built starting with Ryan what did you build this is just a bike so you got a grass bridge the swimmers language I think Ryan took this challenge quite literally riding on water go figure so you go ride your bike on the grass on the water yep that's interesting very literal we'll see if it works up next we got Liz what did you build so you got this on a raft with paddle tires that stick through okay that's pretty cool this might work I like that it's like an afib es car that's really cool check out what I bought guys this is the hoverboard I call it the ripsaw it's got crazy paddle tire wheels on it that should float and I should be on a stand on it I should be able to stand on it and ride it just like a normal Harbor beer hoverboard on the water and hopefully they'll turn and push we'll see this is totally crazy I've never seen this before we'll see if it works and last but not least we got stove and might be the least actually the least yet you know how hard this car would took me like almost an hour - okay so stove is just doing the car is that a bowl ball also don't know if that's gonna work it works with Liz on the video if you guys see that but we'll see if it works with stove all right so Ryan it looks like you're set up to go first so why don't we just start with you and you're gonna try to do your driving on water machine first which is a bike on a grass bridge on the water so you gonna be literally driving water I guess I guess it works it's different than all three other approaches of something that floats that goes across you're literally just driving a bike on the water on a bridge all right guys Ryan is about to go place your bets right now so what do you think he's not gonna make it no no yes yes really okay I'm gonna say no so we have to nose and one yes let's see how far he goes I think he was about five feet that's it I think it goes to you all right well let's set up there's only one way to find out Ryan are you ready nope are you gonna go though yeah okay so you're not ready but you're good if there was like a lead-up space that'd be great now this is a launch you got to just take off accelerate Ryan is set up he's about to go so this is your last and final chance to comment down below if you think this is actually going to work I just don't know but we're about to find out Ryan you want me to give you a countdown are you doing the countdown okay it's a long ways to go look how long that is long and skinny all right I'm ready when you are come on right all right guys do you need some good luck smash the like button seriously it'll help him out let's go right yeah all right right what happened dude what do you mean it looks I got caught up yeah it started but I started to work though oh my I knew he was gonna stick to the fourth needle Ryan you let me down what you say you copied red in the face all right well we're gonna set up again for Ryan he's gonna give it a try - and see if you can go a little bit further Ryan said it for try number two let's go I ride on you you're going too deep 510 feet of warm-up I could just pedal across no problem I just make it the pedals going so we're just getting all of his garbage over to the last vomit hashtag Lizzy if you think my boat car is going torque you want to set up go straight through the water she's starting in the water at this one she's got the Hummer h2 of the yellow and mini Hummer h2 and she pública tattles on the wheels this could be genius and I've seen it first really do you think she took my idea look at that the foam the base of has all these three layers of foam service the king of making phone rest yeah we had a foam wrap that he built that held like 12 people because eight people eight people yeah it was like everyone on the team runs in rorish crazy all right well this is up she's got a little Hummer I don't know how she's gonna steer but at least it floats so we'll see seven feet is the distance to beat let's go let's see of Liz can make it all the way across the pool yeah she's stepping on I don't put a hand on it so it floats all right this is setup and she's floating it looks good I'm curious to see how it works I'm also curious to see how the hoverboard aka the ripsaw is gonna work the other thing just looks so crazy alright anyways Liz uh are you in gear you ready to try it she said she is ready let's see it I actually think this is gonna work I think it'll be slow but it's gonna work but also look at this guy's the holes not big enough the paddles are gonna hit the foam so they might rip off all the paddles and she won't have any paddles to push water and she might get stuck and she goes too slow well you know that gonna be the best set alright guys vote for Team Lizzie right now everything liz is going to work and if she's going to win with this attempt right now it looks awesome it's amazing that's floating but I don't know if that homers gonna have enough to push but we'll see I think it might alright give me a countdown liz is actually working Oh My look how much water it spit up Herbert so much going oh you're gonna get the motors all wet the motors get wet to see my brake kind of bouncing around she either run forward boys oh how did it break and you're almost done you almost made it all the way and you touched you got it all right so Liz does actually drove on water even though she couldn't really turn and she went front and back rudders in the front might have been a huge pallet that was pretty cool it was so it worked we actually have one of these contraptions that we built in one hour that actually worked at super height how long did that take maybe have to do it for time if more than one person crosses we're gonna there's only one winner here so whoever can do it the best Liz was the success guys and now we are up next with this guy we're gonna try the ripsaw yeah this thing will work on the water I don't know if it's gonna work but it looks so crazy I'm high so Mike the wheels are what everyone say there's no engine or this will work it has to here's the float n now let go of it to happen I gotta turn it on first it's a hover board you have to turn things on yeah okay Ryan saying all kinds of bold claims very bold I want to know what you think if you think this is gonna work and hit the subscribe button right now I think this is gonna get past it just has to work I work so hard a hot gluing us together here we go we're turning on ready I can't believe it floating like that so how close is it to the water let's see let's see how deep it goes it might go underwater the whole hoverboard might just try number two with the shoulder is a huge help here we got to control the Beast it wants to run see it oh and you're on oh I'm honestly impressed that it's doing as much as its do it's for real I mean it's like trying to tame a beast here than riding a bull all right let's see it come on come on what happened what's going on sir turn it on now too much water too much was that your third or fourth attempt right third or fourth attempt I mean it works I just didn't have enough time to tame the beast but it mean it literally I was clobber boarding on water has ever been done before so I don't know if this he needs to dry out or what but it's it's not turning on I tried taming the Beast there's a little bit more difficult than I thought but proof of concept it actually works it gets a little bit more practice it got really wet so it's not turning on I'm hoping they can dry this thing out I'll go to try it again another time but for now we're moving on the last contestant that is stove we're getting stove inside his contraption alright stove is uh he's ready oh my gosh I don't know if it's working very well stove oh wait the car is running so the car the bumpers are rubbing on the plastic I don't know if this is gonna work he's trying to copy what Liz did if this doesn't work about to show you exactly what all the different videos get away from the edges stove is in position to try to drive on water I don't think it's gonna work I think the car is got some the bumpers we're gonna hit I don't know if it's gonna work there's only one way to find out let's do the sink stove give me a countdown whoa he's on the water but it's not driving it's not driving I know it's I didn't work commuting and well you made it to the end guys I don't know if this counts I don't think he was driving it didn't work he was trying to do this let me show you a clip of when Liz was able to do that's what he's trying to do Liz's able to drive old water across the pool sheer easily he was inspired by that idea but he couldn't make it work for him I don't think he picked the right horse bigger car all right so we gotta get you out before you sink all right and that was a complete failure and there's a rip I don't think it's working very well huh all right well here you go come on so let's get you up on the hole I was burning up and I was like sweating I'm sweating right now Wow all right guys well everybody went let's check the scoreboard and see who's contraption was the best to drive on water so starting with stuff and he went last technically he was the fastest across the pool but it didn't drive on water your car got jammed and you just hopped on the water and floated in the rip the whole new bubble ball so I can't give you the W here so oh come on I mean I was the fastest I was driving for like a foot and yeah well in fact I'm actually gonna give you fourth place a seriously I think I have to and then in second-to-last it's kind of a tough one between Ryan and myself it's hard to say both of us actually drove on water for a small distance I'll be a good four and I'll say because I think you had two cooler invention I think that you should get sank I mean ripsaw is an absolute beast guys I can't wait to try to drive that thing out and try it again on a separate video and show you hoverboarding on water like successfully I didn't like a little bit of proof of concept here today so I'm gonna try that again and then in first place with the yellow Hummer h1 is Lizzy yeah you red and your Ivan's done looks like misaki modifying to make this work absolutely crazy all right what Oh tea Forte drying really one of the tea but the winner there's only one winner and the winner wins a prize on the next I'll do another prize we'll see you guys on the next vlog bye it's kind of working
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 8,554,159
Rating: 4.8745461 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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