I Drove a mini bike 24hrs Hrs straight through Los Angeles!!

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oh stop stop stop okay let me just grab it let me just grab it i need this from my road man i think i got mine but i'm kind of stuck no [Music] what's up guys welcome to the vlog today we're going to be doing everything mini on this video and we'll be proving that size does not matter so today we got the giant lambo but we also have two small lambos and by proving that small things are not necessarily worse we're gonna be driving these mini lambos we can pick whatever right yeah which one you want all right i'm getting this one yeah well this one's actually really small and does it even work okay i almost moved uh i forgot stove broke this one okay it still works but even without the wheel oh in today's video we're gonna be going on an epic road trip driving these mini cars through los angeles [Applause] okay let me just grab it let me just grab it matt you're stop i need this from my road man it's unbreakable it's an unbreakable lambo get out of here man back up back up i think it's still good it's unstoppable not even the hummer can break my little lambo let's go on this road trip okay well so the wheel broke off and it turns out the hummer actually did break off the side view mirror so i'm gonna be picking a different vehicle luckily i got this the world's smallest motorcycle i think this will be even better because it goes super fast no road trip is complete without some cargo storage so i got one of these that we can tow behind the tiny little bike i think it's going to work so let's unbox it [Music] [Applause] all right guys i'm calling liz hey carter hey liz oh what's up you at your house can i come over i'm in new york okay well if i leave now and i road trip to your house it'll probably take me i think about 24 hours about one day of driving because i'm road tripping the little the little mini bikes to the girl's house to the girls house but if you're in new york when you fly back maybe we could race you'd race from new york to the girls house and i'll race from down the street at the teamwork house to the girls tomorrow at night house i'll be home in 24 hours okay so we'll race i'll drive a few miles with the mini bike so you gotta go over 3000 miles you're like so crazy okay well i'll see you at the girls house we'll see you guys there first all right oh it's on we're going to be racing liz to the girls house we're starting here at the timber house we're gonna be driving to the girls house and liz has to start all the way from new york over 3000 miles away but she gets to use airplanes and real cars we are left with the tiny little mini bikes but if we leave soon we'll get a head start and i think we can probably beat her as we were packing up guys look at this you can see there's a gasoline puddled inside the body of my bike and it drips and it's dissolving the paint i don't want to touch that but you can see the paint is bubbling up oh man guys so this is going to be interesting i think the engines on these little bikes are just not really built to last so they're kind of just slowly falling apart but it'll make it interesting if we can get it started and it gets running i think we should be good there is gas in the tank on both machines i think we got this we just gotta load it up let's get it since this road trip is likely gonna take probably many hours and through the night we're gonna bring some sleeping bags some tents they're probably just gonna pull over on this out of the road at some point and just go camping i don't really feel like driving today are you down to drive me in the back no way is this going i'm not liz but i still fit i think we need to try this i'm still not carrying any weight yet though i know all right then we're talking yeah am i held on by three zip ties yeah pray i don't get it's hurt it's definitely working but i'm definitely super scared this is terrifying these wheels don't have enough air oh oh oh oh so this is so scary i definitely need to go my own lambo because this is not the move at all so the bike keeps cutting now it's leaking feel so it's actually not looking good this red bike is just not running properly okay we have a bunch of other ones we got this bike ryan broke it yesterday this one is just dripping fuel like crazy this one actually is good even though we jumped in the water [Applause] [Music] it's a miracle but the bike for some reason is working now there are no drips of gasoline it's idling i think once it's warmed up the seals might be like working better or something so i think it's going to be good to go original setup so last step let's load the trailer we are all loaded up we got heads and everything guys then all we got to do is strap this back on we should be good boom just like that we got our storage and our luggage let's go and hit the road this is it guys we're going on the road trip of our lifetimes the mini road trip with the mini bikes we're going to be out there driving for hours it's going to be hilarious we got the tmr hoodies on if you guys want some team run merch guys go to teamroad.com at the end of this video the velcro patches these are sick you can stick it on that one oh yeah yeah let's go i sure hope the lambo starts oh we're ready baby ready and we are off bailey and i are driving the tiny machines on the big roads the goal is to go from the teamwork house all the way to the girls house but we have to use back roads only this is gonna be the biggest mini road trip of our lives let's see how far we can make it oh yeah and we want to get there before it liz that was a lot of riding we're taking our first pit stop we're stepping on the side of the road you can tell the people that it's been over an hour we've been riding yeah i kind of lost track of time we've definitely clocked a ton of miles it's been over an hour of just non-stop ripping through these roads i don't know if your bike's going to make it it's starting to overheat the clutch is burning but we're at the top of the mountain guys we're at the top of the hollywood hills here in los angeles california it's a little cloudy today but views of downtown l.a are just past there so we went up the mountains we just got to go back down the other side i wouldn't even say we're quite even halfway yet on this crazy road trip i wonder how far liz has gone in that same amount of time alright guys i'm at the airport it's gonna take about six hours to get home and i have millie in my bed hopefully we beat carter to the girls house we are ready to go home see you soon carter yo carter honestly this is like a cool pit stop and all for uh our road trip but i i'm getting kind of hungry and i kind of want to just like chill somewhere because riding's easy but i'm gonna yeah i feel it i'm getting a little hungry too well good thing i packed the camping stove we got some food in there but we can't stop to eat we gotta keep riding we're not gonna make it in time the next pit stop is probably another 10 miles down the other side of this mountain and we have a camp we got a campsite waiting there for us no we're not there yet we can get back in the lambo and the bike and we can start flying i want to beat liz to the girls house so let's get back on let's go we got the road trip camera set up we're going for another 15 miles down the back side of the hollywood hill this is gonna be crazy bikes [Music] after a bit more driving guys we actually found a nice little park and uh really nobody here hey don't worry i got a tent oh that's the rocket thing i saw a rocket play i told matt to pack his hands and this is what he gets us as a kids wait are we bonuses that's what i see you and me i got this one matt practice these tents oh no way yo check this out okay so the tent that map pack for me i told him to get his camping tent this is not what i had in mind so matt if you're watching this this better be big enough for me to climb in excited about that well i can't play with this oh dude it opens up wait this actually might be big enough yeah i got a hat too let's go i mean dude carter i'm kind of chill with it being like this for now like i can just go anywhere yo i'm comfortable i thought these were going to be easy to build but they're actually kind of parks you get to go from the inside all right i'm setting up camp right here you're gonna have to just sleep on the ground if you can't get your tent together my tent is set up i got my chair even came with a little unicorn might as well wear it let's see if i even fit in there all right well the unicorn's falling off i'm climbing in oh my gosh am i really sleeping in this tonight yo i actually fit though this is legit i could for sure sleep in this i'm gonna bring my sleeping bag i'm gonna have an awesome setup this is not gonna be an issue i got the stove i'm getting hungry we got the sleeping bag and everything in my town i think it's time to cook some food bailey did you get your tent put together yet no but just start cooking the food because i'm oh no no no i'm dying i'm tired oh my gosh i'm almost out i figured it out yo what are you doing in there what do you mean i'm getting my tent set up bailey this is not put together this is not a ufo look at it clearly it is yo you finally got it heck yeah dude you might have two tents in one come on all right well check out the campsite before dark goes we got the lambo too many chairs two mini tents love that side-by-side and of course the road tripper hole pulling the wagon full of our gear i think it's time now to start cooking bailey and i are starving i don't know what it is about road trips but it always makes me so hungry are you gonna cook yeah what what did you bring bro burgers you brought them oh it's been a long road trip let's get the stove fired up we're kind of missing a piece i think we're missing the you packed everything don't blame me what did you forget well let's see if it'll still light oh no what i think we hit a bump really bad back there it's like this thing's kind of jammed are you serious the propane's not going in if i hold it it might work get a little bit of fire but i can't get it to stay lit well what did you bring to cook this is what i brought yeah where's the food i think it's in the in my bag didn't you put it in did you put the burgers in the bag you didn't tell me to put burgers in the bag dude what you said you were packing everything you're telling me there's no burgers in my backpack you told me you were packing everything bro they were on the counter i told you to grab them no you definitely told me not to grab them you said make sure you got your lambo and i'm good and i did our stove is broken and you didn't bring any food dude actually we're two hours away from what is this gonna do i'm starving you can imagine that this planet's that it projects his food dude i'm so hungry what are we gonna do i'm delusional i'm so hungry so here's the update guys we road tripped for like half a day hours and miles and miles i don't know how many miles we went because the bikes are like so small but they do go pretty quick we're starving we made it to this like little field of a campsite in my room yo bro we need food i'm not gonna make it through the night i'm not gonna be able to sleep out here if i'm this hungry so this is broken until you get food the lock doesn't go down i'm going to sleep and then of course bailey forgot the food he didn't put in the backpack so i don't know what to do at this point yeah this is the worst road trip ever dude i just if we had food we'd be fine we're making good time guys so far this trip is not what i planned it to be i thought it was going to be fun we're gonna be riding around i didn't even know we were going camping at first that was that just threw me off but the fact that we don't even have food super annoying but i mean bright side is we got these sick tents i mean look mine's got stars all over the back and it's getting even darker now i mean it's not much i can do besides just hope and pray that carter comes with the plan of getting food otherwise i'm gonna say you're starving i'm gonna go ask carter one last time about the food situation see if we can get some food in us because i am starving oh carter you got any idea about your uh food situation yo bailey you know what what i decided to forgive you about not packing the food and breaking the stove somehow what do you mean i broke this stove okay fine you didn't break the stove i don't know why the stove isn't working maybe your chariot not mine all right but look look what i got what is that 20 minutes dude we can get chick-fil-a oh we can order it to the park i think we throw back some sandwiches we'll be better off than cooking burgers out here we're gonna get delivery it's unbelievable then we'll definitely beat [Music] liz all right guys what's your favorite chick-fil-a food i like the sandwich i love the nuggets i think the fries are pretty solid but honestly the lemonade is a little sweet for me what you don't think so sweet yeah raising canes has good lemonade but chick-fil-a lemonade is like i only drink a little i honestly don't think it's sweet enough it's like sour it's like tangy i don't know sour not sweet it's a lot maybe i'll try it though yeah someone called the cops on us right now yo carter should we hide in the tents yeah i wonder if someone we're not allowed to camp here yo are they dude i hope not are we not allowed to camp in this park just for emissions for the night yeah oh wait they're gone the sirens are gone all right i think we're good that scared me for a second it doesn't say no camping yeah not at all and it doesn't say no mini lambos or bikes on the grass i don't see a sign we're about to place the order for chick-fil-a and it gives you an option of a custom specific location i'm going to say deliver to the tent deliver to the mini tent i'm gonna say next to the mini green lambo they're gonna laugh when they see this or probably think it's a joke it's not a joke there's a mini tent there's a mini lambo all right and done boom delivery accepted we are in business boys we got food saved the day because this park actually is i guess close enough to a chick-fil-a you know i'm getting kind of bored wait for the food should i try to rip my mini lambo in the park yeah what are you doing check this no way go go go go go no did you break it why the minion was dude you the chain fell off if you can't get it back on you're gonna have to ride in the back dude oh she's trying to have fun carter you gotta help me out guys that's the little sprocket right there and that's the chain the chain is over there though so this kind of sucks y'all my whip is officially just broken down in this park i was just trying to have fun i hope i can get this working i think we're in business the chain fell off guys and if that keeps happening that'll be the end of that thing because we don't oh no it fell off again we don't have tools so if something like bent because he off-roaded it he's not gonna no did it fell off again that quick that quick oh no dude you might have like shifted something hitting a bump you might have broke it no i i i guarantee if it's on flat ground we'll be chilling let me try a little you give it a rip oh my where did he hit carter i chucked it well i saw the dirt from my eyes just fly up i said no the chain popped off but if you get your speed up you could drift that's what i'm saying you're ripping but i thought you were gonna hit this oh my gosh that was sketch i thought this was made to go off-road look at this clean turn drift from you that was sick all about going right turn you got a lot of speed through there it's so fast but if you can hold the power band oh oh my gosh dude this thing is too much lambo looks a little rough that gas tank looks bent but how are you doing i got i got a couple scratches i i don't think my whip's gonna be able to make it yo what no way no way how did you even know we were here i don't know i had a hunch he just showed up in the go-kart i've been out searching he might be our saving grace because we flipped the lambo and broke it we were rallying in the grass and he drifted in the dirt and it caught and it flipped over and it's not working oh no [Music] yo what was that your biggest fan yeah what what are you guys doing here we just got back from skydiving you went skydiving why didn't go skydiving they weren't scared that you were driving right next to this park you guys are going back to the house yeah i think we are yeah well it's really tempting to take a ride but we got to stick true to the mini button don't have any more seats in here there's no rope there's no seats no more spots all right whatever get out of here that was so random what are the chances that matt and ryan just pulled up right this second oh no way dude the guy called me do you think he's here yo bailey dude's here you won't believe it wait what yeah food how's it going good thank you welcome thank you take care unbelievable two lemonades how shock are you right now i can't believe that you did that [Applause] what'd you get you know i got the classic macaroni and the nuggets oh my gosh i got a large fry and a chicken sandwich chick-fil-a sandwich in the middle of a road trip could not get better than this i can't i can't even eat it and vlog at the same time [Applause] later i got a stomach full of delicious food i'm going in for bed here's the setup that we're working with tonight it's not perfect because the tent is a little small but i do have the blankets i got the sleeping bags let's see laying down i mean it's definitely a little small but uh it's not gonna be that bad i think it's just for one night we'll wake up early in the morning it should be dude yo fine what the heck yo come on let's go what do you mean we gotta go why because we need to get a license hurry up get out come on i thought we're just come on dude we're gonna leave in the morning no we're leaving now i have too much energy i can't sleep that food just like got me healed so we're going to pack everything up we're going to be literally driving through the night yeah i know we have no headlights big whoop we'll be fine quit stressing here start packing let's go let's go change the plan guys bailey says he'd rather drive through the night than sleep in the tent that's too small for us so murder hurry up i'm down for whatever so we're going dude just leave it let's just go we'll come back on the way back or something we'll get it you think yeah here it goes nothing it's not running dude dude you are low on gas you said you refilled me right before we left mine's a two-seater we'll leave the gear dude you'll be fine mine's a two-seater we'll come back and we'll clean up the park we'll just tuck it all in no one's going to touch it yo you're crazy dude we got this are you serious yes don't worry guys we'll be back for the tents we'll use those at a separate time but we got to just get moving if we're gonna it's gonna be really dark so i want to take advantage of the little bit of light that is left oh man here we go i mean it's all right until it breaks carter this is such a bad idea this is a send if i've ever seen one oh my god [Music] hey we made it right back to where we started unfortunately it was a little it's a little bit of a fail but guys i think it was a success we underestimated just how difficult a road trip would be on these little bikes one broke down you flipped over i need to go bike next time i think this isn't over y'all this is only the beginning to a bigger journey because i can't be going mini lambo i thought it would work but the bike last salon it did guys so guys stay tuned for part two and also i wonder if liz ever made it back by now all right guys subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next vlog you guys peace for the next video click right here or right here also check out steamroller.com we got some awesome stuff like this plushie this backpack shirts have everything that you could ever want if you guys haven't already hit that subscribe button right here and i'll see you guys on that next vlog click right there go right here do something
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 3,595,031
Rating: 4.823885 out of 5
Id: UzXxt_9xrMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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