I Built a CREEPER FARM in Minecraft Hardcore

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i have a big problem i'm over ten thousand blocks away from home and i only have two fireworks left i should really build a creeper farm to craft a firework in minecraft you need one piece of paper and one gunpowder you can even use three pieces of gunpowder so in order to make unlimited fireworks i need to make a gunpowder farm and a sugarcane farm let's start with the creeper farm oh hello what are you doing here you knew what video i was making please go away please don't blow up okay yeah you can't scare me so i need to find it are you kidding me what are the chances of that but the best place for me to build this farm is over the ocean somewhere because mobs can't spawn and most caves are underwater let's build it right over here okay i made a square i guess proud of me right now i'm just working on an outline where the creepers will fall and die sounds pretty harsh but that's the reality of a creeper farm harvesting their guts right now that that just sounds cruel [Music] i just need one more block are you kidding me well that's gonna bother some people i'm leaving it there for me to build this creeper farm i'm gonna need a lot more materials and uh yeah i'm kind of i'm kind of poor running out of a lot of stuff so let's go grab some stone i wonder where we could get it huh what a scarce material [Music] when i make a creeper from guess who shows up a bunch of creepers yeah that's what i'm gonna do to your family later hold up i just realized on the last episode i built this diamond beacon right here you should probably check it out it took me a very long time but i haven't put an effect on it yet so why don't i try to put haste two like this and now i can mine faster but if i get efficiency five it'll be instant stone so let's make it diamond pickaxe oh i don't have any diamonds what yeah i'm gonna have to take one of this sorry uh sorry beacon i'm just kidding i saw this don't worry i'm not blind let's make a pickaxe and get efficiency for are you kidding me there we go oh wait i can't combine it with silk touch or can i oh if i come down here whip up my pickaxe and i have haste too and yeah that makes my life a lot easier life is good life is good all right that should be good i think all right let's start building this thing and i just realized i need to fill in this entire area with hoppers and uh that's kind of a second problem i have i don't have a lot of iron um yeah i might have to go mining but first let's fortune all this ore and see how much iron i get [Music] okay i don't think that's enough i thought i would get like five stacks yeah i'm gonna need to do some mining by the way please consider subscribing i'm trying to get my dad a new car right now he drives a 30 year old honda it's basically older than a dinosaur and i told my dad if i hit 3 million subscribers by 2023 i'll buy him a brand new car so help my dado by subscribing hey there's a bunch of iron here and creepers which is perfect because i'm already running out of fireworks oh well over there let's just farm all these creepers oh my god please go away let me live and get off my cheek gun it's okay george all right let's grab some iron i'm guessing i'm gonna need around two stacks so that's ten stacks of iron oh i can't do it man that's just way too much like no way i'm getting ten stacks psych [Music] hey hey buddy i i need what's in your hand just drop it drop it you don't you don't want this to happen fine you won't give it to me i'll take it from you bro i'm getting farmed where did all these zombies come from oh hey at least he gave me iron only one iron nice oh yeah oh yeah forget iron i got me some diamonds not like i spent four days of my life modding diamonds for my last video but you guys should totally watch after this video oh my god even more diamond oh my god yes only time i don't look for diamonds when they just show up at my front door i thought they'd be more uh climactic but hey at least it revealed more iron oh maybe i can find some iron inside these chests if me are it oh yeah two pieces i mean that's better than nothing go away oh mob spawner spiders give me iron hey i got i got a bucket at least that's made of iron and iron horse armor they're teasing me like i was saying before when when i ah why why the only time i'm not looking for diamonds okay i literally can't make this up look at this what is this generation look how many iron ores there are right here and one diamond again this is unreal [Music] bruh you've got you can't make this up i'm gonna make another diamond beacon at this point holy cow you gotta be kidding me more diamonds what is this i mean i'll take it but like why can't they show up last episode that should be enough iron holy cow why just fly here and sleep nice they're on private property you think you're sneaky huh say that to your brother too oh i missed and now i gotta smelt all of this up and i don't even have enough coal good thing i have a blaze spawner oh yeah all these blaze rods will come in handy [Music] while wait for all this to smell let's go for a quick snack break grab some water hydrate yourself and i'll be right back all right i got the hoppers and let's have it come into here at every single corner or side and this is where all the gunpowder will be heading into and being sorted just like that and now i just gotta connect it all in [Music] wow i already ran out of hoppers and i just ran out of hoppers again i wonder where we could get wood hmm all right there we go wait i messed that up [Music] i just realized i totally messed up the dimensions of this build everything is wrong literally everything okay i'm breaking this entire thing and i'm restarting because i i just messed it up so bad [Music] get up all right i finally fixed it this should be correct now i have to build something here along the edges and put trap doors on this side so the creepers in the platform in the middle will just walk into here and oh wait they build this really high up they die from fall damage all right now i need to collect some sand to make a lot of glass and some wood for trap doors so let's go do that but before we do i need to make some more fireworks because i can't even make it to my house i'm back to being a peasant i'm running on foot again what is this bam okay that wasn't a lot i thought it'd be a lot more i'm really on a struggle here but let's go grab some wood all right let's chop down this entire forest now i need some sentiment glass i forgot where that desert is or that little beach i found ah there it is let's destroy this desert honestly i should just call it let's watch it this desert you know cause wazzy just completely decimates his land [Music] [Applause] i wonder if you could take a red sand and smelt it into glass i mean it is sand right would it turn into red glass that was such a bad joke and oh it actually smells if it turns into a glass i'm gonna be kind of upset i'm not gonna lie let's throw this into the smelter now oh oh wait that's not sand and oh my god it actually turns into glass i'm so stupid you guys must think very uh very low of me uh you're back i'm gonna cry yeah i finally got all the materials i need i probably should have done it all at once instead of you know feeling a bit and then going back but let's finish this up [Music] there we go but i forgot one more material i need carpets i'm also getting something oh almost ran into the anchorage though i don't know if it blows up if you do but that kind of scared me it probably doesn't take my shears and uh let's just hey yo i know you're wearing chainmail armor but it doesn't help the camouflages like i can still see right through you you're not a sheep come on man use your brain oh my god there's a cat in here i need to take that cat and bring it to the creeper farm because i need cast for this farm so that's perfect all right there we go now i need to build the spawning platform that should be pretty easy all right and let's fill it in with some blocks lap down some more trap doors oh i totally messed that up i need to move this one later up ah okay there we go i fixed it let's add the trapdoors on the edges so the creepers will be stupid and just walk right off and now let's slap carpets down in here to prevent spiders from spawning i don't really know the pattern um i'm just kind of placing them all around and hopefully spiders don't spawn and right in the middle let's put trap doors and this is where the cat will be sitting in like a mine cart and it'll just scare off all the creepers and they'll fall to their uh their beautiful peaceful death and now the next step is to get a cat over here um i'm not really sure how to do that i think the best way is to either mine cart it up or tame the cat and then fly up here and maybe the cow will teleport to me i'm not sure but i'm gonna need a lot of fish to breed some cats so um i guess i gotta go fishing that's so exciting like i'm so excited for that this is what my videos have come to there's literally fish right there wait i could just kill fish what am i doing done done done done done done oh that was not a normal fish that was a puffer fish what if i just take my fishing rod throw it in and chant it and maybe this will help me get more fish it has leer too and luck with the sea too oh yoink yeah [Music] all right that's not bad i got a bunch of random stuff i even got a natalia shell i think that's pretty rare and i already have one cat in here unless oh no i just saw him camouflaging in with the sheep are there any cats around my villagers i do not see any oh another white cat i got fish come on buddy oh cow i don't want you yes go mr cat you got me oh the cat's as tall as you bruh oh my god imagine be three foot two i got myself a new best friend now hopefully the cat will just teleport if i go back home please don't teleport to me in the air you're gonna have a very steep fall all right if i land right into here with a cat teleport to me it doesn't seem like it all right i got him back just get into the boat please the cast in a boat it doesn't look like it's come on this sits in the boat i guess the cat won't sit on the boat i was gonna take her down the water slide it looks like we're gonna have to run back home oh i just spotted another cat as i'm running home this one got some color to it there we go that cat litter just disappeared oh my god we found a magic cat now he's gone forever oh look at them drop some knees in the comments guys they're so cute let's breed them too make a baby and yeah got a little baby cat oh too bad you guys are gonna be sitting up there scaring creepers for the rest of your lives i'm i'm so sorry i then spent the next hour just breeding these cats until i had enough for the creeper farm so far only bread six so let's continue working now and one of these baby cats followed me up here so i guess you're the first one to be a part of the farm i'm so sorry and there you go let's build the second layer [Music] and that is the second layer done i just need to bring the cat in and repeat this maybe a hundred more times all the way up to the sky and we're gonna have a pretty good working creeper farm i hope knowing me i probably scuffed it up so bad and it probably won't work if you don't believe me just look at that in all its history it's only given me three mobs like it even spawns outside of the spawner it's it's so messed up i just agreed to a whole bunch of cats i totally forgot i had cats sitting all over my bed please tell me they can eat salmon please oh yes they can eat my fellow cats yes make them babies all right we got another cat i feel kind of bad i'm only using baby cats i don't have anything against the babies they're just easy to transport i guess even though it doesn't really change anyways let's just do what i was doing [Music] why why won't they make a baby why no baby oh there we go i thought i got scammed but i just ran out of fish what should i do now well i'm too lazy to fish so let's make um [Music] i spent all this time building this farm and a creeper just blew it up it didn't even work anyways but like come on are you kidding me well back to my lonely fishing corner see you guys in like 10 years later all right got a bunch of fish and let's breed these guys up oh no cross the bridge buddy here we go all right now that we got three layers done let's build like 10 more oh my god what are you do okay please don't do that again okay you gotta sit down all right there we go i have ten layers built for the creepers and every single layer should have a cat so now i just gotta build the rooftop so it's all dark and creepers will start spawning let's take all of my stone and make some slabs all right i have a whole inventory worth but i feel like it won't be enough i guess we'll find out ooh i might make it actually i have a stack and a half oh yeah i for sure have enough bam boom boom boom let's go and oh my god there's actually a ton of creepers i think those ones down there already spawn yeah they're for sure they just spawn because of the dark i do see some oh my god there's a lot of creepers in there oh yeah it's already working pretty well good job cats keep doing your work even though you're just sitting there first of all i need to get all these creepers out the way before they blow something up here and i'm on my last firework this is perfect timing to have this complete and there's a bunch of gunpowder here already that's good news but let's light it up and let's put some chests right here so i can see all the gunpowder i collect alright so far i'm collecting stone bricks i got myself a stone brick generator oh yeah 19 over here 13 here and 16 over here that's pretty good oh okay i just need to fix it up a little bit because some of the creepers are dying right on the edge and the gunpowder isn't being picked up so let's make some glass rings to help guide them down to the hoppers [Music] all right but let's take all this gunpowder here use my last firework so i can head over here and grab some sugarcane and make some fireworks and now let's afk here for about 30 minutes and see how much gunpowder i get i do see a bunch of creepers down there so i think this is gonna be pretty good i'll see you guys in 30 minutes it's been 30 minutes and let's see what we got oh my god this one already has three stacks of gunpowder this one has the same three stacks uh three stacks as well with some bones and yeah average is three stacks times that by four and that is quick maths of 14. wait what 12 stacks of gut weight yeah 12 stacks of gunpowder for 30 minutes of waiting that that is a lot that was a huge success okay now that the creeper farm is done that is one step towards fireworks now i need to upgrade this sugarcane farm over here i made this on like the first or second episode and it's not really doing me very well i definitely don't need to make this farm too big but i do need to collect some more materials like cobblestone and make pistons and observers so i guess we'll start doing that now [Music] wow what a beautiful place right here so beautiful let me just mine from it diamonds for peasants [Music] hello there um you just chilling or what just uh about you here oh my god i'm literally floating over this lava look at me look at me this is [Music] more diamonds [Music] oh my [Music] oh my god wait wait wait wait take a look at this it's a whole party over here because oh my god these guys are at the club oh my god i've never seen so many mobs before well well i i have oh my god look at all the fireballs look at all those wither skeletons yo yo yo yo yo come on come on leave me alone you scared of the cast aren't you buddy oh what are you gonna do what are you gonna do nope are you serious i literally tabbed out for three seconds and the creeper sneaks by and blows up my house and that is everything i need to make an automatic hurricane farm and let's build it somewhere over here so i can educate the shuriken farm and my creeper farm let's get to work [Music] [Music] all right that is the first level done it didn't make it as big as most people make it because like why do you need that much sugarcane um but it's pretty good i kind of changed up the design a little bit i combined these two together so if a sugarcane grows here it will activate both sides if you can see so yeah now i'm gonna just expand it up maybe one to two more floors and let's do that i guess maybe [Music] that is the entire second layer complete i just need a sugar cane oh i i really messed up there that's much better now let's add the sugarcane [Applause] it's looking pretty good so far i just don't think it's big enough [Music] and the sugarcane farm is all complete now let's afk for 30 minutes and see how much sugarcane we can get so far i have 11. and also how much gunpowder will get and 5 stacks of sugarcane and a ton of gunpowder now with all of this i can make more fireworks anyways thank you so much for watching we have unlimited fireworks and goodbye
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 4,881,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore series, hardcore minecraft, acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, minecraft a cookie god, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft survival
Id: h0J5VwhBs1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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