A chair made for needy pets

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I watched the whole thing before noticing the dog had 3 legs.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/BenTVNerd21 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

anyone know that trumpet song near the end?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gmanfreak 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

God. She's the best. Always entertaining and the projects are always fun to watch.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/spicegrills 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I mean this in the nicest way possible... but didn't this girl die? Could of sworn I saw her with a "I only have 6 months left to live" kind of video.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Star_Tropic 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Did she ever figure out carpet would help the dog with the stairs?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GravitationalEddie 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by kiwiko i love my dog but she is so needy like she always just wants to sit on me and if there's any part of my body that's horizontal she will try to lay on it even if it's just like my shoulder or my head i feel like she would just prefer it if i was taxidermied and turned into a bed but since i'm not super keen on that project i started looking around for office chairs that are pet compatible because the thing is she wants to sit on my lap and then she wants to go down and then she wants to sit on my lap again and then she wants to go down so i was just thinking that there has to be a chair that has like a staircase that goes around it and a little bed on the side so i started searching for it and i got to the bottom of the google image search page when it says like no more results and it just always feels like simone this is a thing that's not a thing that should be a thing and you're our chosen one you have to build it it's it's like a bat signal also keep an eye on your delusions of grandeur because it's a little bit off-putting scraps come here hi let me measure you like a creep [Laughter] just keep you to stay stay stay 15 centimeters broad yeah good job you did great okay 36 let's call it 50. 50 centimeters long i designed these prototypes using illustrator but i've really been running into my cad limitations with this project so my teammate started teaching me fusion 360 and we made this model together so there's a staircase and then there's a little seat and i also added this little nook where my foot rest is so she has two beds the thing is that this is bar stool height because i have a standing desk so this chair is really big like it's going to be huge and i want to start out by just cutting the top seat and see how the proportions feel [Music] it's actually not as big as i thought it was gonna be so let's try to hey scrubs can i borrow your butt for a little bit yeah that's enough space for you laying down it's definitely it's it's pretty deep but so am i i'm just going to go ahead and cut all the other pieces of the model i don't think this is going to be the final version but it'll just be like a really ambitious prototype which is also what i call my older brother sorry leo i think i think you're great [Music] i just cut all these slots so that i can bend the plywood around the radius of the chair um and i just need to soak the wood so it doesn't crack and then glue it in place also a bird pooped on it we're taking elements from all of nature and incorporating them into this design scraps loves animal poop it's a feature not a bug [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh i'm really not doing myself any favors because i'm bending against the grain not like with the grain i'm wondering if i should just shove it in there because i want to see it all come together nope [Music] it's done so it didn't go great i'm gonna try the second bed this one has a larger radius so i think it might work better oh no i think i might have broken a bit oh i drove and i picked up a new cutter for the domino joiner but turns that i didn't just break the cutter i also broke the tool itself domino joiners are a lot like humans in that regard just exceedingly easy to break i don't know how to do this project without my domino joiner i think it might mean that i'm gonna have to learn a new skill of some sort which i would really rather avoid can i just do it only doing things i already know how to do i just need to learn how to join do it properly [Music] i'm just going to productively procrastinate for a little bit and build a pencil sharpener instead so this video is sponsored by kiwiko and the thing i'm currently building is just one of many hands-on projects that they have designed to teach kids about steam whenever i meet a kid that shows even just the tiniest amount of interest in building things i'm always like oh can i give you a kiwico crate because i thoroughly enjoy them myself and also because in the future when i run a global innovation house i need to make sure that there are people i can hire i'm only half joking i do truly believe that small lessons today can lead to big world changing ideas tomorrow and kiwico combines playing with learning which is how i approach things even as a grown up look at that yeah it totally works and i'm gonna sharpen this until there's no pencil left the crates include everything you need so you don't have to worry about running out to the store to get extra supplies and if you go to kiwico.com50 you get 50 off of your first month of any crate there's a link in the description thanks kiwiko so you know when i broke my domino joiner and i was like oh i'm going to have to learn a new skill um screw that i mean i'm screw it i'm going to use screws to put the plywood together yeah that's what i've decided [Music] [Music] [Music] okay did i just carry that out in the weirdest way possible [Music] not that bad okay what if i what if what if we get some muscle encouragement yeah there you go yay look at you no no so the whole idea of this is that you're going to lose your desk privileges i know you're you're not a fan but i promise you i think this is actually going to be even better because you can get up and down by yourself and if there's anything you value it's your sovereignty yay good job scraps i added this railing to see if it would make her go up and down the stairs a little bit more confidently it's still not great i have an updated model but i want to try to adjust this prototype before i cut into any more plywood [Music] do [Music] i call this version one point it i did this so fast and sloppily it kind of felt like the prototyping version of drawing a dick on a napkin i just wanted to test some things out before i made another rev i made the door in the front a little bit bigger i also removed the back and i lowered all the steps a little bit come here oh do you want this treat touch yes good job come on did you just spit it out it's an interesting thing designing products for dogs because if they don't like it they just don't like it there's not much you can do about it can i just plop you onto the stairs and see how the proportions work out i just need to borrow your okay so we have a little bit of an unruly participant but i think even just looking at it the stairs are still just too narrow i think i'm just going to go and make my best guess at a final version your service is not needed anymore i'm moving on so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] for some reason i decided to paint the chair in this kind of like moldy vomit color so the next step is sewing the cushion that's going to go on top of the seat and i went to a fabric store to pick up some fabric got totally overwhelmed by all the options and ended up coming home with three different colors i think i'm going to try the blue one though it's definitely the most fun of the lot [Music] so [Music] thanks i hate it i just i like both of the colors i just don't they're kind of like coffee and ketchup they're fine apart but you don't want to put them together i think i'm just going to try the red fabric instead yeah that's going to be better okay i feel a lot better about that we're almost done there's just one final very important [Music] step [Music] it's the grand opening chair day grand chair opening day no grand opening day chair we're gonna bring in our client and see what she thinks about it i gotta admit i'm a little bit nervous because sometimes she's a bit tricky so um fingers crossed scripts come on do you want to come here do you want to come here do you want a treat yeah come on oh hey oh yeah and all the way yeah you did it you're in the office with me easy she just that looked comfortable she looked comfortable i was nervous i mean obviously she's missing a leg and that probably makes it trickier like i think four-legged dogs would definitely have an easier time getting up and down here but then she did great i think she's okay with the design that was one of the main things that were the problem with earlier prototypes is that she just didn't look comfortable going up and down the stairs i wonder if she can go down as well scraps come on do you want this do you want this no she's too comfortable she just likes it too much she doesn't want to go down i feel like this video is only going to make sense for small people no who were small for people with small pets that want to sit on their lap if that's not you i'm sorry that i made you watch this video here is your time reimbursement coupon i am so excited to live with this piece of furniture i just want to see how we end up using it like is scraps going to be comfortable going up and down by herself i mean seemingly is she going to use the nook by my foot rest at all and would i maybe eventually want to turn it into a product i would definitely want to reduce the footprint a little bit because this chair is a fortress it's a warship it's the ever given stuck in my office canal also thank you so much to my teammate stuart mcconnell for helping me design this project it was truly a collaborative effort and he did the brunt of the engineering work and yeah i don't know what my next build is going to be do you have any problems that need unnecessarily ambitious solutions because then i'm your gal i'm the chosen one and i'm also really humble okay bye [Music] you
Channel: Simone Giertz
Views: 754,681
Rating: 4.9855628 out of 5
Id: XYqz1F6eAVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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