Real working Grappling Gun

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ever since i was young i've always wanted a real-life grappling hook khan after seeing them in things like just cause sas creed batman overwatch titanfall the list goes on but although they're everywhere in fiction they're not everywhere in my local grocery store for some reason so i figured if i wanted one i was gonna have to make it myself g'day i'm jt and about a year ago i had an internship with the youtube channel hacksmith industries i started work on this a real-life grappling hook gun that can shoot a hook up into the air and then winch you on after it and since then i've made a series of videos on my attempt of turning it from that proof of concept into the greatest grappling gun the world has ever seen and you can find that in a playlist in the description down below if you're interested now let me demonstrate its qualities for you so it's got a lightweight aluminium chassis that supports all the components including a really hefty electric skateboard motor which gets a torque multiplication of nine by a gearbox there's a compact co2 launcher i mounted to the side made from hydraulic and paintball parts and the motor controller sits on top the whole device can be enabled or disabled with a small high current activation key the grappling hook is a tiny reliable and safe design that i invented for my spider-man project and the whole device is controlled by your thumb operating a small throttle wheel on the side of the handle two pulleys are used to keep the rope perfectly in line with your hand to stop it twisting your arm learn that the hard way the handle is wrapped in leather for grip and style and the motor controller is in turn controlled by a custom circuit board with a microcontroller that i programmed there's an aluminium spool to hold 14 meters of paracord which is nice because it's strong cheap and stretchy the whole winch is powered by about 50 volts worth of lithium batteries while the launcher is powered by 12 gram co2 cartridges finally for extra comfort a harness can be attached to a loop at the back anyway let's go give this lovely piece of tech a proper test so this device is very cool but two things that it isn't is well tested and safe and so for the first test involving dramatic heights ideally i thought i'd like to keep the risk of serious injury or death towards the lower side of the spectrum if possible so i rang up a local trampoline park and ask them hey do you mind if i test this out using your airbag and auto belay units and surprisingly they said yes absolutely even during opening hours if you like which is pretty unexpectedly generous so let's go once i arrived at the trampoline park the manager gave me the rundown and understandably i had to minimize or avoid shooting the grappling hook near lights or people surprisingly so for this first test i climbed up the wall to place the hook manually then i hopped down and clipped in for the first big test and [Music] pretty good is right i got 10 meters up the wall in just over three seconds that means i could travel up a building at about a story per second the manager was a bit concerned about the slack left by the belay unit but on the plus side this way it's clear that it wasn't assisting me in any way we added a chair to give me a bit of space before hitting the ground if something were to go wrong not that i have any experience with that i also tried a hybrid of winching and climbing but yeah it wasn't great spiderman next i wanted to go safety line free over at the airbag and as long as i was careful with my placement i was even able to shoot the grappling hook there and with the hook up i was free to saw gracefully over the airbag [Music] nice until the sharp edge of the ceiling beam cut the rope that's the downside of paracord except way more exactly i'm going to want to strap a rocket to my arms okay so let me tell you something fun i've actually only been using this at about 75 power and right now i can actually reprogram the esc to allow me to get to power so we'll just try that out and see how that goes don't want to break my erc so having tempted fate a little bit there i thought i'd just throw a quick intermission in here before finishing the rest of the testing because basically i'm not the only one to try to make a combined grappling gun winch thing and i thought it'd be really cool to highlight some of the other attempts i've seen and also point out what makes mine different to those the first actually comes from one of my favorite mythbusters episodes along with the paper crossbow and the leaflet hovercraft and in this one they tried to build a grappling winch gun combination same as me and although they couldn't quite get the gun hook part of it working they made a pretty cool motorized grappling winch i do reckon one was technically superior to theirs for one it's a lot faster and it doesn't require a battery pack on your belt so it's fully self-contained and also it lets you go back down again which was a bit of a problem for theirs jamie has no choice but to sever the line but on the other hand i also have 14 years of battery technology improvements on my side as well my second pick is what actually appears to be a commercial product from a company atlas devices and this one's you know being a commercial product it's got to be a lot safer and more reliable than mine by quite a long way but without the launcher and rope added it's still huge and with the launcher and rope added the thing is absolutely enormous can you imagine batman carting a trailer behind him everywhere he goes another great one is youtube's very own colin furs who made one out of a cordless drill it looked really advanced as far as the launcher was concerned he made this like custom spool valve to keep it compact but also make it really powerful but the hook did seem a little bit finicky and it didn't store that much rope like a couple of meters maybe so he didn't have the greatest range seemed like there was a few belt mounted components too so not self-contained either also cordless drill like six seven hundred watts this is 10 000 so bit of a power difference there but nothing against the guy because colin made his in like a couple of weeks whereas this has taken me about a year and plus he left a really nice comment a little while ago which i found really encouraging so if you're watching this colin cheers mate i'm standing on the shoulders of a giant here and speaking of youtube giants hacksmith industries also gave it a shot with a batman grappling ascender this one was like the atlas devices one in that it would let you feed rope continuously so you could use a rope of any length but it was still pretty big so a bit later on the hacksmith channel put up another video of trying to make a smaller more compact one with uh some random intern i don't know so there were definitely some solid creations there but i do think this one could potentially be the best anyway i'll let you get back to testing or let me get back to testing okay we are now running at 10 kilowatts that's a lot of watts cool so i'm just going to see if i can go and get up that wall again pretending there's overlay here just for my safety all right let's go [Music] well there you go i reckon that was a pretty good test big thanks to olivier and the rest of the staff would be up for being such a great help but still kind of want to try it out a bit more in a real world situation okay so out of the park and gonna aim for that fairly high tree branch up there so see how it goes all right well wherever beautiful and that is now hooked on well i guess i'll see you up there beautiful just like a real superhero with slight coordination issues all right so you may have noticed that for that last shot you made it over started going up all was good but i wasn't wearing the harness and that's fine but you can probably imagine it's quite hard to precisely position your thumb when you're hanging all of your weight off these four fingers so the harness just makes that a lot easier there we go and then attach that back onto the carabiner and now i'm hooked on [Music] this inconsistency that started showing up earlier is getting worse so it turns out i think 200 amps was a bit too much for the esc it said it could do up to 600 in short bursts but ese's are always finicky and it's just slowly be getting more and more unpredictable as you just saw i really would have liked to have gotten one final scene of like shooting winching up climbing onto the branch then returning back down to the ground all in one quick shot but unfortunately i think i missed my chance for that there are a few small things i would have changed like i wanted to clean up the wiring just that bit more and i was also going to add a spring-loaded cutter so that even while winching like halfway through i could cut the paracord that would have just given me a bit more freedom to not be tied to a tree the whole time but generally i'm really really pleased with the work that i put in and i think it's turned out really well i'm very proud of it and it's kind of one of a kind and possibly even best in its class so i think i'm happy to put this project to rest now and the next one is going to be resuming spider-man so check back in the next video if you want to see some of that all the best guys thanks a lot i'll see you then okay uh i'll stick with my e-bike no no this is the future i tell you but the future's not quite working right now just give me a second oh yeah
Channel: Built IRL
Views: 2,296,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IRL, In Real Life, Make it real
Id: c1fxO0bGGps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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