I Built A 1100HP Corvette ZR1!

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after a long headache inducing credit card maxing  year I just finished the build on my 125,000 Mile Corvette ZR1 the car is so fast it drives great  it's really only missing one thing mufflers a wash   the answer is clearly more power trust me I know but  I think we can all agree that project cars are   never truly finished last time our goal was simply  to join the four-digit horsepower club we did that   1047 horsepower but now it just doesn't seem is  cool so this time we're going to shoot for 1100   we're going to spend the next day squeezing  every bit of power we possibly can out of the ZR1 now I have to imagine that some of you guys  might be thinking that this is a bit irresponsible   or God forbid unsafe not to worry that's why we  bought these guys right here 17-in bead loock   Wheels courtesy of Forgeline and some big sticky  mickys to go along with them it might seem like   kind of an excessive setup but we had to do it  in the name of safety that's not what you saying here well I suppose the reason's up  for interpretation but one thing we   can definitely all agree on they're going to  look sick which we all know is the reason why   99% of people buy belock regardless of  the reason These Fine Wheels came into   my possession one thing I have not done  before is Mount belock so I suppose it's   about time we struggle through this together  based on the extensive research I've done   in the form of watching one single  YouTube video this should be pretty easy this is actually my first time seeing a beadlock  up close and personal like this and it's pretty   impressive how they worked I don't know what I  assumed they were going to be like but it wasn't   this you see that edge of the wheel right there  it's heavily beveled on the inside of this lip   here it has the same kind of markings the idea  is it's going to clamp the tire to the wheel   with so much force that when we launch it the  drag strip it's not going to spin on the wheel   like it may if we had a traditional wheel on the  car of course the performance safe benefits are   awesome but an even bigger benefit in my opinion  is that because there's no outer lipless we should   be able to just push this tire down over  the wheel and mount it at the track if need be all righty then now we just have to get it  situated around this inner part of the barrel there as far as I'm aware that's pretty well  how it should be this may be the first time   and it may be the only time you see this  on the channel but we're actually going   to read the instructions here these need to be  torqued to 18 lbs after a certain sequence we're   not going to skimp out we're not going to ug a  dug it we're going to do it the right way for once first set a bead loocks down and I have to  say I greatly prefer this to using a tire machine   but enough talk about the wheels themselves now  comes the important part do they make the car look faster side by side they definitely look tougher  if you guys hadn't picked up on this yet they are   the same wheel there's just a 17inch version with  a beadlock thrown on it one thing I thought I was   going to be giving up is a bunch of section  width this is a 305 that one's a 345 we're   definitely going to be losing something but I  don't think it's going to be as horrendous as   those numbers suggest once we deflate this one  to I don't know 16 lbs 18 lbs whatever we're   going to be running I think it's going to look  a lot more like the contact patch of that one   one other really key note here even though we're  going from a 19in wheel down to a 17 we actually   pick up height because how tall the tire is at  this point we obviously have no data on these   tires so I don't know what that extra Height's  going to do to our trap speed but one thing I   do know this big soft sidewall is going to help  us from blowing the tires off in first and second   I'm really hoping this is enough to allow us to  safely pull the front tires when we launch at the   track because unfortunately we're out of going  down on tire size with a car making this kind   of power it makes all the sense in the world to  go to a 15-in tire but unfortunately we can't do   that without giving up our carbon Ceramics with  these brakes being so big we couldn't even fit a   17 without sending our calipers out to get shaved  down so I'm hoping that this is the perfect happy medium I had to take it for a quick spin around  the parking lot to get that ride height settled   but after some quick consideration they look fing  awesome not only that but I'm pretty positive we   don't have any rubbing we don't have any kind of  caliper clearance issues the car is definitely   loud so we could be missing something I suppose  we'll find out if we rub through a brake line   but we'll worry about that later is it actually  rough oh I know oh so we'll get into that here   you know what we'll just talk about it right  now I did decide to go out last night and do   a little bit of uh onroad safety checking  and it turns out that we're rubbing pretty good we left a ton of rubber on this upper side  skirt piece here so we have a couple options as   of right now the fender sits down below the  tire slightly so I do want to raise the car   up I think that's necessary unfortunately it's  not going to be the easiest thing and I'll tell   you guys why in a second in addition to that  I think we're going to go ahead and cut this   s skirt piece here just to take that out of play  I know it kills you that I'm about to raise this   thing up a little bit I thought you going to  say you're going to lower it more how would   that make sense in this scenario because  look good look look at that look at that   filing it looks sick but it doesn't matter if  we cut through the tire and wreck it it won't   look sick on the back of a trailer you got  to drive her slowly you know stance guys be   that we have such a beautiful day out here we'll  take this opportunity to work on the car outside given that we've driven on it a little bit  since we made that hit it doesn't look that   bad but when it first happened it was nasty you  can see right there a little better now that we   have the wheel off exactly where it was rubbing  not only that but the car is so low and the tires   are so tall that was rubbing the fender liner  itself on the old tires we could get away with   this sick nasty stance but now that we have some  real sticky tall tires on there it's pretty clear   we have to raise it up on a functional normal  ZR1 it will be no problem it'll take us about   2 minutes we just have to to spin that bolt right  there it will raise the car up done unfortunately   on my Noto normal ZR1 those bolts are so blown  out the bottoms can't twist anymore you'll see   exactly what I mean once we get them out but  we have to do a lot of extra work I mean a lot based on what we're doing at this very  moment I probably don't need to tell you   which LEF spring came off my car and which one  I just grabbed out of inventory look at that   this is easily one of the most destroyed  lowering bolt pads I've ever seen luckily   we had this one off of stock grandport it's  actually really nice unfortunately the leaf   springs themselves are different so we do  have to pull these bolts out and put it   into the ZR1 spring these do have a tendency  to seee so we're not quite out of the woods yet I knew they were bad I didn't know they were  this bad if I did I'd have probably made it a   point to replace them a lot lot sooner I know it  might look like this whole situation we got going   on out here is pretty bad but it really wasn't too  awful we had to do this at some point and now the   next time we have to adjust the heut is as simple  as putting the car in the air and spinning a bolt oh my God come on man it's a race car not  an Offroad car obviously I'm sure we all saw   that one coming from a mile away but we did  have horrible issues with this car squatting   terribly last time we're at the track I think  that's going to be fixed at the very least I'm   hoping we're not going to rub anymore and it  doesn't look that bad for a race car I suppose   this is a form over function situation so as  long as we're not rubbing through the tire as   long as we're not having blowouts at the track  and wrecking the car I'm going to call it good   there is a chance this may settle down a little  more anyway and kind of Aid in the Aesthetics   department but as far as right now the height that  we're at plus what we cut off there I think we're   going to be gold and now that we got that knocked  out of the way I guess that kind of does it for   the whole safety aspect ECT now we can get to the  fun stuff pull it inside and install some Go Fast Parts as is the case with any supercharged car  if you want to make more power assuming you   already have your cooling system figured out and  everything else is working properly you're going   to stick a smaller pulley on the supercharger  and trust me I know if you're not a supercharger   guy you're probably thinking why ises putting  a smaller pulley on it make more power this   is the old pulle on the car 2.625 grip test by  Kong this one a 2.5 it's not that much smaller   but even to the naked eye you can see there's  a bit of a difference there this supercharger   pulley mounted directly on the end of the blower  every time this spins the rotors inside the blower   spin keep in mind the numbers I'm about to give  you are by no means accurate but it'll give you   a basic understanding of how this works say  every time this belt completes one rotation   it turns this pulley 10 times this one here  because it's a little smaller it'll turn into   11 the other method of increasing how fast we're  turning this belt therefore blower speed therefore   boost is increase the size of the lower pulley so  remember this for more boost on a supercharged car   bigger lower pulley smaller upper pulley when  I first got into the supercharged stuff I of   course thought let's stick as small of pulley as  possible in there let's make a ton of boost let's   make a ton of power well unfortunately that's  not quite how it works the two byproducts of   increasing blower speed downsizing that pulley  heat belt slip neither of which are conducive to   a healthy engine or making power so you tell me  that just changing this is going to increase 50   horsepower no it's more so this right here this  is what we're counting on doing it and as I look   at it I realize it's not much of a difference  but I think it's going to do the job that's   for a different reason we do have a massive  advantage using that 2650 blower because if   we were using say a ported stock blower like I  was on my last car you have to go down to a 23   or 2.2 pulley which is tiny belt slip on that  is much more prevalent and on a build like that   this piece will be even more key but this is a  new tensioner setup from Kong performance that   adds an extra idler and changes belt wrap the ls9  is notorious for belt slip even with this massive   11 rib belt it doesn't contact the pulley enough  once you start downsizing let's say theoretically   with this tensioner the belt wraps from there  to there with this one here we're going to pick   up an additional 55° and put it to about there  now could we have ran this tensioner with this   pulley yes I don't think it would have been  that big of an issue but while we're in there   which is of course the famous last words why  not install this if we can reduce belt slip by   even a small amount it's going to let us make  more power this does all seem easy enough but   this is where we might run into a little bit of  an issue here there's no solid data about which   belt we need to use so I ordered two that might  work of course I only have one in my hand in the   dinos tomorrow one of them showed up at Mr Amazon  Bezos lettu us down on the other one and shift   it to Wisconsin so basically there's a 50/50 shot  this works and if it doesn't we're all boycotting Amazon that smaller pulley same as  last time this tensioner is going to   be a little different though we can  access two bolts now but because of   the different design on this one this bolt  here we're going to have a little trouble with slowly release team work making the dream work right  just like last time before we can toss this   belt in there which I'm not looking  forward to we have to do a little bit   of modification I believe these things  are made for like tractor trailer maybe   actual tractors I don't know but  they're 12 rib we have to cut one off you know the drill Yank on this do not let  go because if you let go I will lose a finger   the only thing I ask is if I yell right here and  next video I'm walking around like this please   just smash that like button it never fails  every holiday season we all all have that   one person we need to shop for that seemingly  has everything now you could certainly buy them   A500 horsepower twin turbo Audi R8 car which they  probably don't have or you could buy them a gift   that's Ultra unique super high quality and won't  break the bank from the sponsor of today's video   Hol Kern Hol Kern started as a small family  business in Austria they make insanely cool   watches bracelets necklaces even sunglasses and  Handbags out of wildly unique natural materials   which means every piece is different you guys see  the kind of cars we build here you know I like to   do things just a little bit differently which is  why I could not think of a better brand to partner   with my personal favorite is the canopy it's got a  super solid wrist feel it's Unique in eye-catching   even from a distance and I mean where else are you  getting a watch that's made out of zebra wood and   marble and not only that every watch comes with  a certificate authenticity and a 24mon guarantee   add to that the fact that Hol Kern is a One-Stop  shot for men's and women's gifts meaning you can   spend less time shopping at the mall and more  time watching mediocre YouTube videos made by   yours truly it's really a win-win for everybody  Hol Curr offers free Express worldwide shipping   and they guarantee every order placed up to the  21st of December do not sleep on it if you're   ready to knock out your holiday shopping replace  that boring watch or do both at the same time   head over to hur.com scraplife garage and use code  scraplife 15 for 15% off your order and then come   back and watch the rest of this video that part's  pretty important is that all you got yeah we might   have a problem here here guys noo let me go get  him let go unfortunately it's not even close to   fitting we're like an inch off on the water pump  our only option was to find that original belt   somewhere that I can get it today all the local  truck stores here in Maryland nobody had anything   AutoZone Nappa all The Usual Suspects NADA but  our good friend Eric back there in the shipping   Department happened to look on a old truck site  called Tri R truck parts said they had one in   stock and it said they're in Pennsylvania we're  in Maryland pennslvania not too far away turns   out it's only about 2 hours and while I can't  make it up there today my boy Gregory from LIF   here has the belt in his possession and is on his  way here right now $120 lift ride for a $100 belt   not ideal but all we can do now is pray that  it's the right one or else we're boycotting lift lift saves the day today hopefully I got to  admit I do love the fact that this package has   obviously been sitting on the shelves for years  the package is yellowing but hey I guess it's our   lucky day wow you can see on the cut pieces that's  all we're gaining it's really really not much you   guys already knew the drill this one doesn't  work we're screwed we're not making the dyno tomorrow God oh it's so close it's really  not that close though the um okay it's way   further away than you think it is I know  I know need a smaller that's all there's   no there's no proper belt that's going  to fit this with stock ERS I don't think   I'm stressing where I can get a 76 mm iser  because realistically it's our only chance   we were talking about where we could find  one what other cars they came on if I could   find one locally the answer was no then  Austin goes hold on don't we have another   ZR1 in the other unit I mean it's Rusty the  whole car has been on fire but I think it's intact um that'll clean up right there's our difference  this is what we have I think that's all we're   going to need plus this one's like a pound  lighter this thing's heavy let go what look at that well it got on and it seemed easy but  it really wasn't that that easy it's like 3   hours after I wanted to get this thing done  but now that we have it wrapped up there's   only one more thing we have to talk about  and that's intakes this is the intake we   were running on the car 5 in con performance  carbon fiber it's an awesome intake it makes   a ton of power but we're going to try something  a little different this guy here is also a 5-in   intake but you see up here at the front it  has a wider mouth the hole in the filter is   massive it pretty much is no hole it's just  the entire face of the filter recently there   are some ZR1 guys that have made a ton of  power on this thing granted a lot of them   have bigger Motors than mine 427's running a  ton of boost but I figure why not give it a shot back for round two and I've already decided  if we don't make enough power we're going to take   the nitrous setup out of this car and stick it  right in the ZR1 we're going to go ahead and   ignore that I don't think I'm a visitor if my car  is already on the dyno friend how you feeling this   morning you got some more power in you another 52  to be exact uh it depends how much boost it makes   if it picks up 2 lb which I think it probably  will on the pulley swap that we did plus the air   intake blah blah blah I think it'll make 1100 I'm  optimistic I think it will it just can't be$ 1099   if that's the case we got to do some magic on the  dyo whatever you need to do to get it over 1100 we   got to do it I I I think we're we're in good shape  this go round as you might expect is going to be   a lot easier a lot simpler cuz we're just making  some small changes no starting from scratch the   car already runs pretty much perfectly hopefully  we just fire it up make a couple pools make some power oh so close so what do we have going on  here we picked up two lbs of boost not   one it'll make it we need four and a half  more horsepower I mean letting it cool on   these things generally picks up a significant  amount especially CU we just made what five or   six Dino poles in a matter of like 15 minutes  yeah she feels kind of cool I think we're about   to hit it in just theoretically for him if  we were to add like 5 degrees of timing to   skip right over the 1100s and go right to  12 uh yeah 12 horsepower is probably what   it would make cuz it would kick the rods  out of it I'm leaving motor in the ceiling yeah yeah three horsepower  away that's not going to cut it it is a pretty hot day out and  here we only have a couple fans   blowing on it try to cool it down  so I don't consider this cheating necessarily there we go 1122 I could not be  happier with that one of my favorite things   about the ZR1 look at that graph all the way  up no peak it pulls to whatever the red line   is 7200 7400 what did the temps end up being  there after the Ice uh at the end of the pull   98 and at the end of the last one they were  136 or something like that so w there you go   that's the good part about supercharged cars all  you need to make more power is seven bucks in ice well team this went about as well as you  could have ever expected we came out it   made really trouble-free horsepower we beat  our goal by 21 entire horsepowers and it's   going home in one piece pretty much I did  just find out that there's something wrong   with the driver window motor so we're going  to have to diagnose that at some point we   can no longer roll the window up now that  we can press pause on the endless Pursuit   for more horsepower the question is what do  we do with it and I think I have the perfect idea we made it out of the parking lot we  got teched in they gave us the whole how   fast do you think you're going to run tonight  do you have all the required safety equipment   where's your parachute of course my responses  I'm just happy to be here it's the first time   out for the car we're just going to launch  it we're going to take it easy I hope nothing breaks I got to give it to you you didn't miss you so  that's a huge progress is it though I mean it's   easy to shift this car the hard part's launching  it as you guys just saw I blew the tires off well that's that right there from there  is Lee walking back it doesn't look good D back in a Mustang I know I'm never going  to hear the end of it Christ yeah I appreciate it be on race car they say he's going  to be fun they say don't build a race   car is it bad I don't think it's bad and  that's the good news we kind of leaked   a bunch of cooling all over the track what  happen if you see here we're missing a belt   the supercharger belt that one that  we you know Uber lifted whatever it was now it was pretty clear the car was down  on power but it ran fine idle find all the   way up the track what I didn't know though is I  smacked the coolant line it threw this thing off   it lightly watered down the track I kind of feel  like a for not pulling over but I truly didn't   know until I got up at the top tried to turn and  realized I didn't have power steering of all the   failures to have this is probably a pretty good  one it's nothing serious the only issue we have   now is going back to the shop and finding out  how much stuff that dry belt took off when it   threw if it's just this coolant line we have to  replace I'm going to to take it as a win there   is however of course a chance that it smacks  something worse and there's more damage that   I can't see right now one thing I know for sure  I'm lucky it didn't hit that hit a coolant line   not the fuel line we all know what would happen  if it had taken that out it sounds like we have   a little more work to do a lot of more work to  do well for as bad as last night ended and it   was bad two passes at the drag strip having the  toe at home not in running condition never what   you want when you take the car to the track but  after looking at it it doesn't look like we took   out anything major if you pull this straight  up hard enough it'll HP off without pushing   in that plastic tap and that's exactly what that  belt did when it flew off and went bam that poor   hose didn't get it just one way over on the  driver side where that belt wraps around the   power steering pulley you can see clear as day  that silver mark right there where it hit it on   this side as well don't ask me how but somehow  someway it didn't break this frail plastic line   but we are going to replace it just out of an  abundance of caution I'd hate to get this thing   back in working order and then lose the coolant  line because we were cheaping out over 120 bucks   I've already pulled the tensioner off that's on  its way back to Kong performance they're going   to expect it repair it if needed I do have a new  belt on the way this time via FedEx and not via   Rod share I'll order up a new coolant hose next  and we should have this thing back on the road   no worse for the wear for a couple hundred bucks  yeah something about leaving you guys hanging on   this one just didn't feel right we got it fixed  back up it took all of 3 seconds to get her back   on the road once we had all the right parts in and  now there's only one question left what's next as   you can probably tell by the trees behind me it's  barely even fall anymore it's going in the winter   at this point I got so CAU out with the other  projects that it took quite some time before I   had a few hours to put into this thing what do we  do it's certainly too cold in the winter to drive   this up here it won't hook at all maybe we take  it down to Florida for a couple events there's   some awesome stuff going on down there in the off  season or do I let the temptation of another build   make me sell it it's something that I've genuinely  always struggle with for me the build's 90% of the   fun and unless the car has some special meaning  like the 997 or the demon I'd hesitate to call   any car a true lifer so let me know what you guys  think cuz at this point I'm genuinely torn do you   want to see more Z One content or is it time  to pack it up and build something else either   way thank you guys so much for the support you  showed on this build it started way back in the   Channel's infancy and I know for a fact there's  a lot of day one people watching right now truly   thank you we won't be anywhere close to where we  are right now if it wasn't for every single one   of you until next time guys if I ever break one of  these at the track I'll be in rough shape dude did   these get thrown in are you [ __ ] kidding me  please tell me you got that on camera at least   yes wow at least you're cleaning the car that  was already clean shiny so much for that detail   you did the other day Jesus Christ you feel  something wrong on your car it probably is you   should probably stop pull over safely to the side  of the lane and we will come out there and get you
Channel: ScrapLife Garage
Views: 274,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Corvette ZR1, Corvette z06, C7 zr1, c7 z06, c6 corvette, c6 vette, c6 zr1, c8 corvette, c8 z06, c8 z06 corvette, corvette rebuild, abandoned car, abandoned corvette, corvette restoration, salvage corvette, copart corvette, copart rebuild, ls9, lsx, hoovies garage, auto auction rebuilds, rich rebuilds
Id: lpjW7icPp8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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