Corvette ZR1 vs Audi R8 | Top Gear | BBC

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[Music] standard r8 as a 4.2 liter v8 this has a 5.2 liter Lamborghini v10 that means 518 brake horsepower enough torque to tenderize an elephant and a top speed of about 200 miles an hour 60 is dealt with in 3.7 seconds that's their 8090 eight seconds the handling is pretty epic as well [Applause] [Music] as a driver's car this is spectacular it's like stole at your houses lips or the roof of Paddington Station [Applause] Dobies good nice car and unlike most supercars it's not even desperately impractical you got a boot which is big enough for three medium-sized goats you get a usefull shelf behind the seats and you get room inside to move about and breathe so our a couple of mistakes I admit if for instance you have a a can of tangy refreshing drink here in the cup holder and you go to change gear your elbows going to knock it over and that's annoying and as long as I can work out the trip computer isn't working I don't like to say that obviously if it would have been installed by a German we'll be shot at dawn for his mistake but it it doesn't and then there's the biggest mistake of them all the price it's a hundred thousand pounds and that's just the start if you want ceramic brakes 7,000 pounds flappy paddle gearbox 5,000 pounds if you want the boot lined in fake suede 1600 pounds bucket seats two thousand three hundred and fifty color-coordinated seat belts seven hundred and fifty quid if you want these panels here finished in carbon fiber your mad mad as a Mexicans dog they even charge 500 pounds if you want to pick the car up from the factory yourself that's like charging someone ten pounds extra bottle of wine if you tread the grapes yourself I'd tell him to get lost strangely however it's not the money that would stop me buying this car the trouble is is it's a big team jealous a bit too like Scarlett Johansson's lips you can never imagine this thing smiling I mean law hammers okay if I hit this button here sport mode on exclamation mark stick on an exclamation mark for you put this sport on in this super guy you mad crazy fool you look at the sat-nav okay can take you to a bank or a bowling alley or a bus station I'm sorry Golf Course historical monument yes I've got a super car but I'm gonna stop off and look at this Neolithic thought we are eight v10 then doesn't really do fun it doesn't do pantomime so if I was spending a hundred thousand pounds on the car I'd think very seriously about buying something worse [Music] this is the call that said r1 which is extremely fast [Music] [Music] as a supercharged 6.2 liter engine which is a turlet compared to how these 5.2 liter own jobs Cobb put it in a drag race with the r8 and the results are inevitable I have got plastic it's lighter as well if only America could win its war so convincingly however there are a few problems I tested one in America last year and after three days it was starting to fall apart and then on the fourth it refused to start it's also insanely vulgar it's only available with left-hand drive the luggage cover looks like a motel shower curtain it's much too wide and in the corners it's a complete madman [Music] when we drove misleading California right now bit thinking I terminology romance let's be kind let's say difficult [Applause] remember I've got more power than a Ferrari Enzo no my god I may have more firepower but trying to keep up with the Audi is electron to win the grand national was riding a lion but slay those of teeth and jelly and then if you're not careful the thing is though despite the way witness and the terrible danger being strangled by iron seatbelts and the ends come off it all be in no doubt then the Audi is a better car it's better built better to look at better to drive more comfortable easier to park and in the real world faster you'd have to be bonkers to buy the Corvette and that is why he should [Music]
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 7,178,746
Rating: 4.7343049 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, Top Gear, Cars, Transport, Jeremy Clarkson, Supercars, Corvette, Audi, Video, Motoring, Driving, Top, Speed, V10 Engine (Engine Type), Audi R8 (road Car), Corvette ZR1, Audi R8, V10 engine, Lamborghini, 5.2 litre
Id: g4CPBfpnye0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2010
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