650 hp Track Prepped C6 Z06 Corvette

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e [Music] hey guys before we jump into today's video quick announcement we've got a new merch item a T-shirt and a hat atlam merch.com personally it's my favorite one we've done yet especially with the performance driven so that's it let's jump into today's video man hey guys what's up it's Sean autotopia LA today we're back here at the Marone Automotive Museum down in Orange County and it is a freak show every time I come here that has never ever ever gone away this is my friend John Marone John is part of the family that created the Marone Museum I was saying it to Vincent actually your son he's talking to me and I I the whole time I catch myself looking around it's hard to focus on anything but how sen his cars hanging on the wall you know there's a Pagani off in the background here there's so much to see by the way you guys I highly recommend every dollar that comes in here gets donated to do cool things for kids bottom line Marone Automotive Museum badass so this is a fun one dude cuz cuz these two cars and you guys we're going to focus on the red one today but there's a reason for two cars being here so why don't you give a bit of the backstory of why the yellow bandant car and how it gave birth to this transition yeah yeah it's interesting oh by the way welcome thank you say bud it's good to see you again Bob and Pat bant were are very close um they're like family I was there when Bob started the school so the big picture is this was Monique's bant RAC driving school car O2 obviously it's a a C6 and what happened was I said Pat and Bob when when you're done with a school done with a car I'd like to buy the car because it's it's a commemorative deal it's a piece of you guys it's a piece of piece of of Mo'Nique and and Hur Street yeah so we bought the car dialed it all in and um did a lot of work to it you can imagine it was a school car so it had a lot of stuff that needed to be fixed I'm sure it's been beat on so what we did is the family Monique and Vince and I and Colton we just made a decision and Michelle um we're going to go build a track car cuz all the kids raced and we all raced I'm retired from racing you know since I was 6 and I'm 66 now yeah so what we did is we dialed in the car and built a race car what we did to the car is all stuff that could be repaired we all decided said look we don't want to cut this car up it means too much for the family and it means too much to Bob and Pat and we lost Bob this last year you know he finally passed away and he's the first American to won Daytona SE and Lal and he's history in that blue stripe car behind us Legend legendary driver what do you do do you hack this car up no you don't you don't cut it up that's where the transition happened here I'm looking looking forward to talking about this I mean for one it looks it's funny as painted up as that one is this one looks dramatically more radical the big splitter out here the wing the so let's talk about what have you built here there was a key decision making that we on this car we were out there at Willow with the family we're were doing it and buzzing through and having a good time on a track day and don't get me wrong it's not a play car it's serious yeah what happened is a guy in a C7 he came out of the pits cold tires had never taken a lap on Willow push that magic button that magic button shuts on all the traction control still track everything ABS off yeah he goes out there turns the corner loses it instead of Feathering it while he's moving out and just keeping it straight he bailes over rotates spins back around it goes off One backwards hits the corner flips it flips again and flips again the thing in with this car is you've got this Halo back here and this Halo okay is got two roll bars in it basically what they are is inch and a half seel tube and stitched together well what happen is the first hit pushed this thing down almost at a 45° angle then it hit again and it hit again it flattened it right to the SE plate so proving what you were saying before in order to make this a true track car you got to cage the car you got to cut it up you don't want to do that with this car that inspires you to do this seeing what happens when you put this thing on its top right yeah nothing scares me but a bad accident due to lack of proper equipment and fire and that's what you'll see on this car our fear and that's a that's a race car driver's greatest fear so walk us through what all you've done to the car okay LS3 that has a seven in it which is the Z6 comes with the rumor has it with the car and this is like I said this is a rumor that a guy owned it and he put a blower on it what happened is he didn't tune it correctly and he ended up putting Rod through the side of the block it was detonating pretty heavily Mike from Redline took a look in Salvage as much as he could and he built the motor so that's where the major expense was in this car what does this make power wasse 6 1/2 it makes 656 uh at the crank so you know you're looking at 575 you're also in a car that weighs what 3200 lb you guys have caged it yeah this has aluminum frame so it's immediately 300 lb lighter so then we gutted the interior pseudo we didn't tear it all apart I wanted to make it so it looked nice and so we know took a lot of the carpet the back so what we ended up doing is taking all the racing suspension we took off of this car and we moved it onto this and the unique part about GM and I don't know whether they had this in a plan these are carbon composite Springs that have been in there since the' 60s it's got a leaf spring sitting sideways transverse mounted you're going what kind of antiquated technology is that but Chevrolet managed to do a really nice job with it they put a big cevus over the top it incorporates the shock and on top of the shock is the bump rubber so they got this big bump rubber perch is sitting right in here on both sides and on the back you put Pensky double adjustables in the shock Tower perches and guess what you got you got a car with coilover suspension fully adjustable very cool ride height Corner weights all the stuff you can do anything you want and rebounding compression dampening which is critical when you're setting up a race car what's your transmission in the car it's got the standard transmission it had the transmission within it it had 25,000 Mi on the car and it grenaded the motor but it's amazing that you can put about 11,00 horsepower through these transmission the transaxle assembly and they hold it so it's phenomenal transmission so we put a short shift in this we then put the half cage in it because I didn't want to go upside down and have a problem sure as you can see by the everybody thinks it's a nitrous bottle in the back it's got nine spets on it and that's a fire bottle it's cool how you guys brought the cage all the way back here we mounted up the adjustables we put the big sway bar it's got an inch and a probably I think it's a 2-in bar in the front Hollow and it's got a solid inch and a qu in the back and the interesting thing about the Springs the stock ZO6 comes with about 25300 lb Springs in the front and 200 lb Springs in the back we have 600 lb Springs in the front and we have 550 lb Springs in the back back and the reason is you want to level the car your critical mass is leveling that car during in in heavy corners and why because that tire remains straight if you get into the corner like Willow Springs Willow Springs other than two turns are all right-handers you're loading the left-and side of that car so what happens is you want a lot of camber in those left-and Wheels because when that tire starts to roll under the suspension starts to push now you have flat unified all the way across your contact point so and then on the right hand side you put instead of one and a half degrees you put one degree because the right hand side is always on the trailing side of the car when you're loading it so if you load it too far you're constantly wearing the inside but if you stand it up you're wearing the tire all the way across you guys can see how he losted me at this point right the people who are watching this there's somebody right now I understand what that guy is saying totally this this is all race terminology me being just the Enthusiast guy I see stuff like like I love the wheel tire setup on here that's not what was on this car what happened is the car usually came with a they came with a 19 and a 20 this is 188s so that's 1811s this is 1813 so what happen that's what allows for you to put the big side wall on both the front and and they're critical because this has ZR1 brakes on it you can see it's got a 16 1/2 in carbon ceramic there's six Pistons front and rear wow so when we take the car for a drive you'll understand it you get to the end of the street and you going to go Marone we're going to die and I said no you're just going to hit the brakes and then when you drive it today you're going to understand whoa okay and I'm going to tell you just stand on the thing thing and mash the brakes and what you do you get it still have does it have abs it has the ABS has been tuned out of it inside for the traction control um for the yaw sensor or stability track and for the ABS they're all hooked together what happens is there's a big bus that runs down the the front under steering column you take that bus and you disconnect it and it negates everything now everything's shut off now your dash lights up like red lights but you ignore all that stuff so this car has no assists whatsoever no assist you got nothing you have nothing I have nothing I'm curious about some of the the whole Arrow package cuz it's it's pretty radical dude we talked a little bit about the wing but this is almost like heading into the realm of time attack we've got the side skirts on it and then we've got this um Ryan at C6 carbon built this for us this was kind of the Prototype that he did for it we took it and built all the all the cuses on the front and then this unit is normally is hollow so what we did is we filled it we back filled it with resin in here to make it solid right here where we bolted in and then we took these cat whiskers and we moved yeah we moved them up and bolt them to the radiated core support so you see the little holes in them you put a drill bit through them so you can tighten up the bolts the nuts on both sides got there Jam nuts and then Ryan what he did is I said look I need these these canards on here I want to play with the canards and play with the aerodynamics yeah so we did is we put the canards on it he 3D printed them for me and shot him up here he hasn't got the carbon one done yet these are the prototypes oh got it okay and they're on with plastic ribbets so all you can do is get underneath you nip them off and then put a new rivet in right now we tried this out we like it it works at Willow the car is normally capable of right now with a motor probably 212 M hour okay when it's arrowed out holy crap now as soon as you hang all the ground effects on it the car will do about 175 180 because you're taking all this ground effects and you're stuffing this car into the ground sure sure but it goes around the corner like a go-kart well better than a go-kart I'll bet Bruce Meers you know him of course Bruce has been a friend of mine for a long time but Bruce has something very he has the original Trifecta car that won Daytona Sebring in the one Johnny O Race with Indie lights with Johny o Connell so I asked him I K Bruce to call I said hey can you take some measurements for me I wanted to know where he put the wing and this is the identical the same wing and everything else that that car uses it's a 72in wing across now the distance between the under part of the wing and the top of the car they had it at 8 in 8 and 1/2 in so I put it at 9 in but what I did with the arrow I wanted to get the back open with the rules and regulations you can't have the back any Wing you can't protrude it any further than the back of the car but I moved it back cuz your focing point is here at the axle so you talk about leverage the further back you get the wing the less Wing you have to apply to get the same amount of downforce because you're further away from your fulcrum point which is the axle so the further you get it back the more downforce you make with the less amount of wing and because we're not going for any Seca Championship we're building a car that works that you go on track Dan this is a track day have fun card that's why you're not worried about the rules frankly to me the most the C6 is the most beautiful of all the Corvettes other than the early Corvettes a 623 the front section has the beauty of the dino the Ferrari just it's got that Unique Look the problem is with Chevrolet they cut the butt off this thing and they made this big old brump on this thing so what we did is we moov the wing back if you stand back and look at the car lens the car it lengthens the car yeah let's go for a go take it for a ride [Music] you know one thing we left out in the in the interview you guys um how the exhaust on here is stock Z6 exhaust minus cats we got 3 in all all the way back and the reason we did that and left the buffers on is when you're coming out of the Kink at Laguna sa Raceway they got a DB meter there and the problem is with a DB meter you get over a certain decel and you they'll take you off the track we just left the buffers on and then we we don't attract too much attention on the audio portion like I was saying to you guys when the car was just sitting there idling it sounds holy John holy John Jesus we didn't do anything yet you're not going to tell me ahead of time that you're about to do that you kidding me why would I tell you ahead of time that way it wouldn't be surprised holy crap God dang this I mean that's cold tires that's nothing well that just gave me a sense right there seriously a little [Music] bit it's really funny we were talking about it race car driving seat time right when you've done just thousands of miles on the track your Viewpoint of one's fast and called the average Enthusiast guy like me my view of what's fast very different worlds holy John holy crap Jesus oh my God holy jeez Jesus oh [Music] [Laughter] see Sean a little bit about differentials you know I know you know a lot about differentials and how differentials work and everything else with a differential how it works is on your tip end and you got a posy it grabs that clutch pack or that gear pack and it extends it to both Wheels the problem is is it's neat when you're run in a straight line or a drag car but when you're in a road race car you go around a 90° corner at 45 50 mph like we're doing you tip into that throttle it locks up the diff so the right wheel and the left wheel are spinning the same speed in the back so it's immediately tearing the carres loose one's trying to go one speed around the corner the other's trying to go the other right right but if you go into a corner and you're off the throttle or neutral throttle where you're not engaging that differential it's a pack up that that posi you'll find that the car goes around the corner beautifully and the asend doesn't want to step out you ready Sean I don't know W whoa who oh oh God holy [Music] crap God got him oh there goes the [Music] radio [Music] Jesus that gets the pucker Factor up a little bit you got you you you got me paying attention over here but did you feel in any way shape or form that the car was getting out from under us or was starting to move it all no it absolutely felt dead planted no this got remember at about 60 M hour well actually about 45 mph up is where all the aerodynamics start to take effect right so consequently what happen this is even playing in right now you're not going fast enough to get any Arrow right now the car is generating probably 80 to 150 lbs of downforce that rear wing right now at speed at 165 70 mph that Wing is generating 3 to 400 lb of down for wow dude and the front end is doing about the same so it just takes it and plants it on that contact patch all the way around in all four tires yeah you're planted oh [Music] God now here's where the ground effects really take [Applause] effect Jesus the car pushing down whoa jeez you were cooking dude I just looked over at your Speedo and uh you don't want to talk about it no my friend Jeremy from Roadster shop says many miles per hour tires are probably spinning at wood many miles an hour and it's still it's still going many miles an hour come up on the bumper all right tell them to hold steady I trust your driver oh God okay okay oh you're freaking me out Jesus okay he's a driver holy cow you guys haven't figured it out yet John's trying to see what will it take to freak me out which was turn one by the way car hits hard dude yeah it does I mean I've been in the overpowered cars this car hits really nice it's like it's got all the juice in the world you know the nice part about of it you can feel the car and it's in control it's not like oh my God what am I going to do next yeah you're a hell of a driver dude ah it's just it's all the car you're about to see how quiet mellow a driver I am that's okay okay so we pull a U-turn then yeah yeah oh yeah yeah for sure I want you to do me a favor though before you hit the U-turn go down here get it up to Top Gear in in second gear and then cram on the brakes just go up first gear what do you mean cram on the brakes cram on the brakes is hardest you can pet him second gear keep going second gear harder harder harder now brakes Jesus is that amazing oh and that's with no ABS so it's about 10% ABS we put in this we backed the computer system out and detuned it or deprogrammed it but not deprogrammed it backed them off so you get about 5 to 7% ABS towards the end that's it got it boy that's a serious stop now you could do that at 140 mph I mean you could literally do that at Buck 40 m hour and it will come to a stop like you can't believe wow I you like that shifter God I love just right away I'm look where you are are you relaxed your arm is laying here you're just right this is just bitching is so [Music] slick that's the power range I personally love where it's purpose full usable power yeah the nice part about it is the better your suspension the more usable the power is for sure god wow this car you really can tell how planted on the ground it is is it a stiff car yes it's supposed to be it is but we but we just rode on bumpy roads and everything and nothing about this was bothering me you get up above 100 100 40 150 mph everything gets softer very fast does it so that's why you want a stiff suspension to keep the car off the ground and out of the deal with it when you get with the ground effect well I love the pedals are so easy to do a pretty cold blip you know I mean I mean I'm half on the brake and just a little blip like that for a downshift I set those pedals up Chris added the pedals he widened them and then put the throttle and the breake Closer by a/ inch so what happens is you can heal and tow it a lot easier and so and then he put the grip the the grip pedals on it so it makes it real simple oh my God this car is pretty cool huh this car is so easy to drive I knew you'd have a [Music] blast holy cow what you just did is where people get in trouble is the car starts to come loose and they let off well it's the F exactly but I know what the car is going to do the car is very stable it it'll tell you exactly what it wants always yeah you just got to have the skill set to know how to listen yeah [Music] we didn't talk tires by the way 345 rear 35 front and they slicks so they're picking up everything they're also making life super sticky goodness man that b to Gnarly pop when you shift at the top of it the braking is so crazy on this [Music] thing [Music] wow I know what it is it just makes me smile I'm it does like a little kid with it I'm not [Music] kidding holy cow this car gets up to many miles an hour very quickly it really does yeah I can tell you enjoy driving this car don't you immensely it's something you've created you know and it it you've sorted it out because being obsessive compulsive everything's got to be just right yeah and it it does exactly that well and it's built to do what you wanted to do that's the thing and for like got to admit kind of crazy how small amount of money you have in this car yeah 52,000 and it's more than that it's probably about 3,000 more because the LS motor the LS7 you couldn't get [Music] [Music] right it really does eat the bumps it's there's a lot of bumps I see on the road where I'm used to other cars that where the suspension's not dialed so you get not enough compression and too much rebound and you get a lot of hopping around on the road you know yeah it's they're not set up properly that's not at all guys get in the cars you put big motors in them and they and they step it to the floor and okay I'm going to haul ass now that's not the way it's done I just enjoy being in cars that are power to weight is balanced it's not overpow I don't like overpowered cars they scare me personally and I don't like cars that don't handle I mean simple enough you know I I like cars that handle well where you can go for an enjoyable fun Canyon Drive drive it 610 and you have a great time have a great time you're not on the edge of your seat that's this car you'll go up to Willow you'll be able to drive at your 810 and be a very comfortable place sure and that's what the car is designed for that was just a great time man shooting with John is always a good time being here at the Marone museum is always a treat and getting to ride with John in this car I mean you got a car that's properly set up to be driven with a guy that really knows how to drive it so that was just an extraordinary experience now if you might have noticed we've been gone for a couple of weeks we're back so I'm asking you going forward here if you like what we do like the video subscribe comment share the video and please check out atla merch.com if you haven't gotten any of the autotopia LA merch we've got some really cool stuff so head over atlam merch.com and check it out and as always you guys a massive thanks for being here watching and supporting us as we continue to grow Happy New Year to you guys and I will see you in the next one all right man later
Channel: Autotopia LA
Views: 91,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autotopia, Autotopiala, Autotopia LA, AutotopiaLA, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, Hoonigan, Race Car, Street Car, LS, LS Swap, LS7, Naturally Aspirated
Id: rig6AUXZw9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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