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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Zigtronik 📅︎︎ May 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

Close enough 0_0 wow it's darn cool! <Timestamp 4:18>

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SunsetRiderRadi 📅︎︎ May 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

not even slightly a yoyo. its a fun project, though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/suburiboy 📅︎︎ May 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
(Theme Music) I have no clue how this has happened, but it has been over half a year since I built your ridiculous redstone ideas that you submit to me on Twitter. So today, Well, today I'm going to try my best to build TEN of them So as you can see I sent out this really, pleasantly-worded Tweet just asking people to send over redstone contraption ideas that I was going to be building inside a video. And, within 49 seconds of that Tweet being posted, I took this screenshot right here, in which theminimg_kid said 'nope' That they weren't gonna be submitting anything, they didn't want any form of build of theirs or idea of theirs to be featured in the video. So despite them, I have built this! A big flashing sign that says nope, so even though they specifically responded to my Tweet to say that they didn't want to send over a redstone contraption, they are now in my video. I hope you're happy. The RedPanda14 requested I build a rocket ship Now originally obviously I was going to create some form of flying machine that was going to fly up into the sky but there's actually quite a few flying machines in today's episode so instead I decided to do something just a little bit different this is my rocket ship and it is powered by MooShrooms Now I have to say alright, It may not be as dramatic as an actually flying rocket ship but I'd say it still looks pretty impressive thank you! oh I should also mention we've got sort of rocket flying sound effects as well yeah a cool detail that it appears to be quite quiet. YSBoom has asked for a live subscriber count for Mumbo Jumbo now this was incredibly difficult obviously you know actually getting that data from YouTube and in putting it into the system and doing some serious redstone work has been very complicated but as you can see it is working and well I mean we're going pretty well we're gaining a subscriber approximately every second in fact it seems to correspond really nicely to this hopper clock over here but I can promise you it is genuinely connected into the Internet and this is my genuine live subscriber count... onto the next one! EnderJus has requested that I build a spoon flying machine I have to say this is actually a little bit challenging because as you guys know I'm not the best at building flying machines but this is what I've created now looking at it again I built this yesterday it definitely resembles more of a scorpion than a spoon to be honest with you but there is there is some level of spooniness there in a sort of kind of way and if we ignite the front of this observer we should see that yes, it does actually fly amazingly enough and it is traveling through the sky both elegantly and gracefully James has actually come up with a really really specific contraption that I think is genius which is a staircase that's impossible to walk up and if you try to walk up it it just pushes you back down so I did a little bit of redstone work and if we run up here you can see that lo and behold if we walk up our staircase it will activate and we will get launched back down to the bottom now as you can see this was a little bit of a headache in terms of the redstone it's nothing too complicated we just have a double piston extender we also have like a pulse expended retraction of these stairs right here so that none of the blocks get pulled around too much by the slime blocks but yeah that there's quite a bit going on so thank you ever so much EpicJames for the suggestion James your suggestion was epic by far one of the most frequented suggestions I going all of this Twitter thread was build a fidget spinner in Minecraft now I thought to myself you know this is perfect this is a massive craze right now I could put the fidget spinner in there in the thumbnail I could say thousand mile an hour fidget spinner in Minecraft just go with it so I built this thing and if we hit this button right here you can see that yeah I mean that happens and then that happens I destroyed it much like I want to destroy pretty much all fidget spinners and all the fidget spinners videos that I seem to keep seeing ReneAnd suggested that I build a working yo-yo now I actually spent a ton of time on this I really wanted to make it perfect I went through a ton of different designs and everything like that none of the ones that I thought of were working and I ended up with this which isn't particularly glamorous it is kind of a working yo-yo there is the yo-yo going yo and then yo I think that's the terminology that you're meant to be using but as you can see there are some stop and start stations which I couldn't really get around which is a bit of a shame so I kind of challenge you guys to try and create an awesome yo-yo I just like to see if you could do it just as a little bit of context on the Friday I sent out this tweet asking for redstone contraptions and on the Saturday I released my what's inside in an Iskall video that I have recorded on the Monday so way before this tweet was sent out but the mechanist one-one-one has asked me to make a massive what's inside in an Iskall here is the Iskall from Saturday's video and I have to say this has got me a little bit scared either this person is from the future and they knew what video I was going to be releasing the next day the day after they send that tweet or alternatively they've been camped outside my house watching the videos that I've been recording but both those options are quite scary so I'm going to ignore them both and just say if you do want to see this video I'll put a link to it down in the description Jan Siegmund asked me to build a toaster so here is a toaster right here now I have to say a I haven't decorated it particularly very well it's a little bit of a boring and bland toaster but more importantly B I haven't actually tried this thing out so this is going to be new for me but if we flick this even right here I mean it's pretty burnt toast I'd be a little bit upset if my toast came out looking quite that dark but we have to admit that was a very good and very rapid toasting pop-up in it awesome Tareq has asked me to build a tree that opens itself a bit like a trapdoor now believe it or not this is actually something I get asked quite often to build hidden tree entrances and everything like that and it's actually something that I've done in the past first off it was one of my most successful early redstone videos but then recently I came back to it and built this absolutely tiny design right here which I did a full tutorial on as well as all of these other hidden entrances and I'll put a link to that video down the description if you do want to check it out there it is the tree opens up and you can drop down through a bit like a trapdoor I hope that satisfies here so we have a guys that runs out today's episode of me building your silly redstone contraption ideas I guess the next one will be coming out in six months or so which is strange is that that is almost 2018 that is horrifying anyway I hope you enjoyed if you did please hit that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this has been Mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later oh and by the way check out the latest film on the filming Channel it's I mean I'm happy with it I think you guys will enjoy it as well. (Slanky music)
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,032,301
Rating: 4.9188957 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: IAMImUmjaPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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