I Broke The ENTIRE WORLD In Half! | Tap Tap Breaking

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today i'm gonna become the world's strongest karate chopper and i'm gonna attempt to chop the moon in half yeah it's [Music] true hello everybody i'm kindly keen and welcome to tap tap breaking yeah that's the name of the game and we are going to become the strongest karate chopper the world has ever seen and of course the best way to become the strongest karate chopper the world has ever seen is to get to chopping and as you can see we're chopping now i've destroyed 15 planks and i think that now that we've done that we can spend the coins that are in the upper left-hand corner yes to improve our power we can also increase our maximum hp but what's that for wait do we have to like battle against other karate choppers let me just uh upgrade my my strength okay you can see now we're doing times two damage to the plank also i have 300 gems that i can spend on making this process go faster which seems pretty awesome what the heck holy cow i've gone into mega mode i'm chopping those blanks two hits that was awesome all right let's check some of the other menus just so that i can get a grasp of where everything is and what everything does okay this is my power ranking i am power 2. like vegeta has the little like scanner thing and he's like his power is only two of course this is where we upgrade our power and our hp which i still have no idea what any of that stuff does what a skill mode purchase what are skills i don't know i have diamonds to spend but i don't know if that's what i want to spend them on they are a fairly rare resource also oh while we're doing that i can turn on auto strike and then he can just kind of do his thing while we're figuring things out what is this menu what chopsticks what in the world okay so so we can upgrade the things that we're actually breaking which i assume gives us more xp to get even stronger even faster i can add oh after a hundred breaks i can add more layers to my my chopping have i not done 100 i've only done 45 wait what is this thing i'm destroying gold cool dude oh oh oh okay all right i'm starting to understand now i know what the hp is it's your hand my dude just broke his hand like three times so you can see that green bar it's regenerating health at one per second which means that we kind of have to like slow down and manage that which kind of bums me out but we now have 17 000 gold and we are going to spend our 17 000 gold in order to upgrade our hp and we can worry a little less about it let's go critical hit chance sure destroy delay delay to next breaking what sure okay so i can upgrade that multiple times i kind of like the idea of the skill mode thing so i'm gonna upgrade it pressing and holding the screen will activate the skill break mode release when gauge is green then the power is stronger and total combo will be increased okay i'm very excited to try that out but now let's spend the rest of our money just upgrading our power why not all right we got this look at that two strikes we are now destroying planks at a very fast rate i love it now let's try this power mode okay i'm bad oh okay so if you have multiple layers that's probably what that's for that's your charge up what is auto picking what does that mean i don't even know what that means but my dude is breaking some planks let's continue upgrading let's increase i i don't feel like our hp has really been a problem but let's just increase it before it does become a problem right and i feel like once we start adding in more uh planks it's probably gonna start ramping up pretty fast okay we've broken 100 which means we can now add another layer right so we should have two yeah and it's it's getting a little tougher but it's definitely going faster and we're doing a great job it is time to upgrade let's increase our power i feel like if we can start breaking through those planks in one or two hits look at that two strikes two planks we've also broken oh oh he's going oh my gosh i love it he's so focused laser focus but check this out i think we can add another plank now how do you unlock other types of planks unlock wooden chopsticks breaking king what does that mean challenge breaking king is that my opponent i think it might be but first i want to go gold mode now this is a dangerous one because you know we we take some serious hp damage you can see our our gauge our health gauge is definitely dropping pretty fast but hey we maintained it and we made quite a few bucks there which i'm very happy with i'm gonna upgrade this destroy delay which i feel like is really valuable oh no no no no okay you got you gotta you gotta cool it man you gotta get your health back that created a problem we are striking too quickly so now i need to upgrade my hp which is fine we can do that let's get our overall hp up to level five and then the restore hp is actually way cheaper so let's let's upgrade that okay that's as good as it's gonna get now can i add more planks i can but i want to know what this challenge breaking king thing is break wooden chopsticks in 30 seconds okay i i think i'm i think i'm doing a pretty good job i'm i'm striking i am striking like an absolute madman okay my health hurts okay let's turn off auto striking i gotta turn off auto striking we gotta re regen some health here okay get get back to it oh my gosh this is getting a little scary oh man look at how much health i have it's going away so fast okay yes you became wooden chopstick breaking king i can multiply my reward by three if i watch an ad yes i will do it oh my gosh thank you very much 38 000 coins let's spend it uh also let's turn auto striking and auto picking i still don't know what that is now can i change my plank i can so now i'm breaking an entire two by four which is crushing my hand oh my gosh okay we need to upgrade our health we have to upgrade our health it is too weak too flimsy upgrade your your restoring power okay yeah these planks are intense they are taking my health away so fast but now we're in mega mode he's just he's in the zone mega focus oh yeah that hurts okay you gotta you gotta stop man what's this little trophy thing what i get i i beat things okay thank you thank you for the gems i appreciate it let's increase our power i feel like the less we're striking the better it will be for our hp right that's gonna hurt i'm sorry now i can purchase oh my gosh we can just go to space that's ridiculous it's also a hundred billion coins i'm not even close we got some work to do we got some serious chopping to do i wonder though is it better to go back to the the planks how much money am i getting for this 1100 for every strike let's check the lumber here so it takes longer i'm only getting a thousand so yeah the the chopsticks actually right now are better than the uh the planks and they're much easier to break through i think we should add another layer there you go we got six also we can go into gold mode which you gotta love make some serious cash i'm tapping like crazy i am watching my health though that's the most important thing don't want to get too low okay we did it dang 155 000 less spend get this guy powered up more hp more hp regen okay i've ran out of money feeling pretty powered up i'm not gonna lie also i've completed more challenges i don't even know what i oh okay break 100 wooden chopsticks oh my gosh yeah um how about 700 let's add another layer add another layer oh my hand okay yep chilled guy shall we challenge the breaking king let's upgrade and then yeah let's do it i should upgrade my critical chance also you know what i'm gonna upgrade this some more now i have minimal delay that seems pretty good all right breaking king bring it on let's break some lumber this is gonna be interesting i wonder if i should do this nope that is not the way to do it that just led to absolute tragedy okay i gotta break 10 pieces of wood in the next like 15 seconds it's not good and they're getting more stacked okay just take your time you got this man you got this fortunately our timer goes back up as soon as we bust through the lumber but this is still a little nerve-wracking i think we're gonna get there i just i just need to take my time okay yep oh no i only have 20 seconds i don't know about this i don't know about this oh i should not have done that oh my gosh i don't think we're gonna make it my health regen is not good enough yeah no i messed it up maybe i could have done it if i didn't break my hand right there but i did challenge fail come with more abilities all right fair enough i'm bad you've proven it game thank you now that i feel deeply defeated i'm gonna buy gems and nobody can stop me yep i just spent 90 dollars on a free to play game and i'm absolutely okay with it so now we can redeem the 18 000 gems that we have to get gold like a lot of gold um so i'm i'm just gonna purchase quick 75 million gold and uh we're gonna spend span spent and it's gonna be awesome let's uh let's turn on auto strike while we're going through this process and um let's definitely upgrade our uh our health regen i mean obviously we want to upgrade our power i'm wondering how far do you think all this money is gonna get us i don't really know i also have no idea how much i should upgrade like critical strike and stuff like that i feel like those are less important but also they're probably still kind of really important so i don't know i'm just gonna upgrade my power let's take our power to 100 assuming we still have a decent amount of money after we do that i mean it is it is burning through our cash very quickly that's okay this is fine i'm i'm still going i'm upgrading my hp and remember for a thousand gems we can get another 75 million gold it's just stupid and awesome i've ran out of money look at that we had so much and we burned through it so so quickly and i do it again i'm still breaking okay i'm still like hurting my hands but now i have 800 health which is pretty sick should we change our level we actually get like benefits from this plus 10 hp restore plus 20 you know what let's do it tower crane let's go to the tower crane that's that's where you're supposed to chop everybody knows that's the best place to do karate chops oh my gosh look at that that is so satisfying just blasting through all those planks in one hit is beautiful okay so we've maximized our uh chopstick breaking oh hello yes i will take 1800 coins for nothing thank you let's turn on the gold bar get some cash now let's see how the breaking king deals with our newfound power uh this is gonna be so easy oh my gosh it's there's no chance man absolutely destroying okay yes incredible i love it oh now we can take on bamboo let's do it break away my friend break away oh thank you for the 66 000 gold definitely still taking some serious damage so uh so yeah that's it's still hurting and it is time to upgrade our restoration powers let's do it we got money to burn i haven't actually spent gems to get more money yet emphasis on yet we can now add another layer of bamboo which is kind of scary and now we can challenge breaking king again which of course we're gonna do that let's see how we do against the bamboo so far so good we are definitely losing health faster than we are regenerating it the bamboo is no joke but i think we're gonna make it i might have to turn off auto strike i'm a little worried only slightly yeah turn off auto strike okay regen your health and then just take your time man there you go boom 200 000 and now we can break literal tiles that's kind of nuts let's do it gosh that's gotta hurt let's upgrade our health regen all right that's all i can do ouch super ouch the time has come i'm gonna purchase a cool 300 million gold thank you game let's upgrade our health to level 100. it's using money so fast i mean it's almost 5 million gold for every upgrade at this point okay and then let's get our restore hp up to level 100 as well although i will say like the restore hp is so much cheaper than the other stuff why don't we just crank that bad boy up as high as we can go and you can see this now that we have this much money we can actually multiply by 100 our power level which i'm gonna do okay i feel good about that and i have spent all my money but that's okay should we challenge breaking king again yes i think we can get through these tiles no problem we've been like mega powered up at this point yeah it's not even affecting our health look our health is regening faster than we're losing it that's a good sign destroyed destroy one more you got this [Music] beautiful i am now the tile breaking king so what do we break now bricks it's making my hands hurt look at how fast we're going i love it oh man this game is great it's like a roblox simulator just distilled down to the best moments and i love it also very specifically designed to make me spend money let's challenge the breaking king again and see what the next thing is that we're going to break get it oh my gosh he is just busting through these bricks like butter it it's beautiful what is the next thing marble that's that's pretty tough that's a tough material i i would say uh it could do some serious damage to your hands if you're not a trained professional like our dude here do i upgrade any of these other things i mean i guess we can i don't know if they're all that valuable but shall we challenge the breaking king yet again okay we're breaking marble slabs now it's definitely getting a little tougher but our health is holding steady so that's good well now it's starting to now it's starting to fall we're like at equal we're losing exactly what we're regening oh no it's actually a little bit faster but then if i start tapping with him then you can see the health going down because he's he's chopping way faster oh man okay we got to get through twelve thousand that's uh that's quite a bit okay slow it down just take your time pace yourself we're almost there okay he's gone he's gone mega mode this is beautiful the he's gonna get there the power of mega mode dang 1.4 million let's multiply that by three that's some decent cash and now we can do battle against granite sheesh look at all these gems i can collect now oh my gosh i mean yeah i have like 16 000 gems in my pocket but hey a couple here and there it ain't bad thank you game do you think you can actually break through this gold brick that would be kind of insane right so i've increased my critical strike chance to 9.2 which basically means like one out of every 10 strikes is gonna be a critical which seems good i think i think the time has come though let's spend more gems three billion we're actually getting kind of close to being able to go to space karate chop in space i would love to upgrade power upgrade hp upgrade restoration upgrade restoration again i'm doing times 100. i've upgraded my critical chance to 29.2 i wonder if you can just upgrade it to 100 so that every single time you strike it's a critical hit which for the record is the critical power right above it so it's times 24.1 of your standard attack that's crazy you can see we're getting crits in there [Music] that was like four crits in a row you think we can bust we just busted through the gold bar like it was made of butter that was incredible oh my gosh all right let's keep going let's let's take on the breaking king and um continue this chaos that was so fast let's cut through some actual steel with our hands yeah sure easy that's just stupid look at how long it takes to get through one piece of steel i mean it's impressive that he can do it at all but it definitely takes some serious work let's go back to the breaking king and take on his break steel challenge i'm not scared at all oh my gosh look at how fast we are busting through this stuff oh it's so good all right i'll take my 8 million thank you and now we're busting through alloy give me more money 15 billion okay and of course we upgrade our critical chance we're at over half which is definitely insane we're still going we're still going 93 chance a 98 chance that's basically 100 and then if i increase my critical strike power basically every single strike is going to be a crit and we can see that we're doing over 10 000 damage with every single chop that is beautiful that is an absolutely beautiful thing look at this look at i'm busting through gold bars i i'm insane let's do another challenge king oh my gosh this is so crazy what is stronger than aloy i don't really know but i feel like we're about to find out oh diamonds yeah you know just chopping through diamonds as one does that's that's a thing very common using your hands to cut through one of the strongest materials known to man so at this point i'm just upgrading my power level of course my critical power upgrading that is a huge benefit as well man this this is just nuts let's break through a gold bar shall we get there you got this you can do this we're doing this come on you're almost there we did it incredible and we can challenge the breaking king again we will take on the breaking king's diamond challenge no problem we're still not losing health faster than we can chop now i will admit breaking through multiple diamonds at the same time is is challenging but not challenging enough and now let's cut through some titanium it's like literal spacecraft material just cutting through it with my hand i really want to go to space i mean it makes sense right we're cutting through spaceship material we might as well go to space it's time to challenge the breaking king again i think there are two more materials to break through and then we have to go to space this one's definitely putting up a challenge i mean it's taking much longer than any of the previous challenges that we've done up to this point but we're still fine like we're not at risk of losing it's just taking a little bit longer now that said the next two materials might put up a little bit more of a challenge which i'm okay with what's the next material chrome steel i don't even know what that is but i'm gonna break it in half with my hands dang this stuff is strong look at how long it's taken to chop through it it's still not affecting our health and i am tapping with the dude so we're tapping even faster or chopping even faster than we normally would if i just stopped and you can see our health is not going down but it's still taking a while to get through this stuff so i think that that's a sign that we probably need to upgrade our strength which is precisely what i'm gonna do oh okay i now have 150 billion gold which does indeed mean that we can unlock space i'm not ready for space yet i still want to get through earth so let's upgrade our power i can upgrade my power times a thousand okay sure and now let's upgrade it even more okay i've just spent 150 billion dollars this one's gonna be tough i have a feeling it's gonna be a little bit tougher than previous challenges but i think we can get through it if worst comes to worse i can also do that power times five multiplier on the left-hand side i can just use five gems to get that going that might be the play you know what i'm gonna do it just just so that we can avoid losing i don't think we would have lost but why not it's five gems who cares we win uh what end of mitanium what what is that it's just a it's a black hole am i am i karate chopping a black hole so we have officially chopped through every material on earth and now we must go to space the time has finally come i'm so excited look at how long it takes to get through this black hole it's it's a lot this thing is really really strong but the time has come to take on our final earth breaking challenge break and the medanium i don't even know how to say it all right let's times five this okay this is definitely not going great oh wait we only have to do two layers okay that's that's great news i'm glad we don't have to go up to 10 because that would have been a nightmare and there you go we've completed earth so this is our next material meteor from vega let's go to space i'm in space chopping meteors that's a sentence i never thought that i would say this thing has a hundred million health what but also i have almost three trillion gold which i am definitely going to spend my critical chance is now 100 well is it now it's 100 okay uh my critical power i guess i'll just crank that up a little bit up to a billion sure that seems pretty good i'm destroying meteors i'm challenging the breaking king of the moon and uh and destroying meteors with my hands it almost looks like a potato oh it's getting bigger that's a big potato dang are we gonna be able to get through this i mean we only have 20 more seconds no we're gonna get through it the problem is when it gets even bigger i don't know if we can do this without getting yeah i need times five power okay i absolutely had to get times five power to do this which is crazy it's crazy that that's where we're at i've upgraded this much and yet it's not enough let's let's crack through an alien skull shall we all right i love this video game and i hope that you guys enjoyed it as much as i did let me know if you want to see more
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,124,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, tap tap break, tap tap game, tap tap gameplay, tap tap breaking, tap tap breaking game, breaking stuff game, mobile game, weird game, weird mobile game, funny game, funny mobile game
Id: q_9Ll5FuAPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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