NOOB vs. PRO vs. HACKER Arrows | Flying Arrow

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gamer charlie plushie is here and it is incredible you should get one you should also get the lo-fi gamer charlie t-shirt and hoodie they're available now today we're gonna shoot bullseyes with arrows not like bulls eyes but bull's eyes you know like the target thing we're not shooting at balls don't be weird [Music] hello everybody i'm kindly key and welcome back to mobile monday we're trying out a new game for the channel it's called flying arrow and the title pretty much says it all uh you shoot arrows and you try to get them as far as you can and i expect that by collecting money we're able to spend it to make our shooting arrows better and shoot them further and become the greatest archer the world has ever seen that's my expectation now will that actually happen i don't really know but i have just upgraded my arrow strength um i'm very bad with the aim here though like it's kind of oh my gosh i just shot that tree sorry tree like maybe maybe if i do one of those whoa okay i've beaten my previous record so that's pretty sweet and i can get even more strength oh my gosh i'm so strong i'm not very good at aiming i'm not gonna lie like maybe if i cool it i haven't actually hit one of the bullseyes am i really that bad at this try like that oh my gosh how do i aim at the bullseye that's right in front of me that's what i want to know how am i so bad see try oh there okay i got one and it gave me times two oh okay i understand so we really want to hit the bullseyes but we want to hit them after we traveled a distance i get it let's go like that let's go that was actually incredibly satisfying give me that money and give me more strength i don't care about offline earning i guess you can make money while you're not playing the game who cares i want to make money while i'm playing the game now with our newfound strength let's see if we can hit a new target i mean that was pretty incredible we kind of weaved it right through the bullseyes but we did make it further than we've ever made it and i think we just leveled up oh my gosh a new skin does this make our arrows better or does it just change what they look like what's this plus arrow thing oh level three we start shooting axes that is notably not an arrow but that's okay because it looks like at level four we're gonna shoot a cheeseburger which seems weird either way i'm having a great time let's see if we can get this arrow flying through the sky even further than it's ever flown before obviously not i hit a leaf just like the very edge of the tree stopped me i like that oh oh oh you stinky tree okay so the bar at the top tells us how to get to the next level so we need to hit 50 to get to the next level 40 was the furthest we got before i feel like 50 is really doable but how am i supposed to get around that thing do you think i can control the arrow a little bit once i let go i i don't think i can i'm gonna try oh my gosh well i feel real dumb but also at least i figured it out now and not at the very end of this video you can actually control the trajectory of the arrow charlie you're a pro gamer why didn't you tell me sooner you're embarrassing me in front of everybody you were just gonna let me flounder like that he was totally just gonna let me flounder he was totally just gonna make me figure it out myself maybe this is his way of training me to be a better gamer of course as a quick reminder you guys can still pre-order this guy he's available right now but only for a very limited time only two more days left to pre-order him and the lo-fi charlie t-shirt and hoodie get them while you still can links in the description down below let's continue shooting arrows but this time we can guide where they go it's almost kind of one of those things where it's bad that i know how to do this now because i feel like i'm hitting more of the objects that i was avoiding before maybe i shouldn't okay and then just move him off to the side there and there you go look at that maneuver let's upgrade our strength let's continue this chaos through the sky fly there you go there you go that's what i'm talking about level 48 so close i wonder if i can drag the arrow like upwards so that it flies further we need to try this go go my child my beautiful arrow son i failed but i can't upgrade my strength again so that's a good good thing to do go okay yep dodge it oh did you see that there was like a golden bullseye over there i don't want to hit the golden bullseye whoa we're shooting axes yes please equip axe oh my gosh someone's gonna lose more than an eye here fire the axe oh my gosh that is terrifying not the way i was expecting an axe to fly through the air but still very scary i want to hit that golden bullseye so i'm gonna yeah there it is oh my gosh that is really hard um this thing flies super fast way too fast i need to go a little bit more to this side and then we just need to guide it oh my goodness come on man you can do this yeah there you go on the bright side i am still making money even though i'm making it very slowly oh my gosh i was looking at the golden target and it just it mesmerized me i lost track of what i actually needed to do it's okay i i still really want to hit it i don't know if i'm gonna be able to hit it honestly maybe if i go like a little bit slower no that's a bad move you know what i'm sure there's more golden targets on the way so let's just ignore the one that's in the forest because it's too hard to get to i do see another golden target on top of the well i was nowhere near getting to that let's continue this madness and try not to kill anybody with this flying axe i do see there's a person over there i just i just hit that cowboy i think i chopped his leg off i'm so sorry now i really want to hit him and see what happens let's hit mr cow boy just just pretend that never happened i didn't get anything extra for hitting that man right in the head with a giant axe just kind of disappointed so i just spent money on this game to give myself a times 15 multiplier that seemed pretty cool and then we can upgrade our arrow very fast let's just see what this does for us real real quick i did just make it to the next level um yeah i just got 900 coins uh for for that that's that's pretty good i would say that's pretty good i could even double it to 1800 but i'm not gonna so now i can increase my strength uh by two levels and uh we can get ourselves to 65 which is gonna be the next level in this this beautiful experience i didn't make it try again watch out don't hit anything dodge the well 67 that's going to take us to the next level and now we can shoot hamburgers yeah yep that's a hamburger we're gonna shoot it we're also gonna upgrade and upgrade and upgrade and upgrade this cheeseburger is going to fly further than any cheeseburger has ever flown guaranteed go oh my gosh oh wow the velocity on that thing was incredible let's do more of that go go my hamburger destroy all records that's amazing and we just made it to the next level which kind of bums me out because we're not shooting hamburgers anymore now we're shooting weird like skewers fondue skewers i want to keep shooting hamburgers so i'm going to keep shooting hamburgers i'm also going to upgrade my arrow strength and we're going gonna launch this thing across the planet oh my goodness it is glorious dodge everything dodge them okay we're going through the native american camp level 95. we need to hit 95 to get to the next level we were actually super close um i think that that's gonna take us there um i only did one upgrade although i am really messing up this burgers trajectory there you go 96. we've done it what am i going to shoot now a normal arrow that's super boring i don't know if the skins actually have benefits though that's the thing like if i'm shooting a cheeseburger chances are a regular arrow would fly better than a cheeseburger but it's also a video game so logic doesn't apply i'm very confused let's just keep upgrading our strength because that seems pretty sweet go cheeseburger go all right dodge the targets so what's our next goal 110 i think we can get there pretty quick oh my gosh that was a terrible shot i actually just noticed that the things that you've shot before are left behind oh times five times fifteen holy cow we've got six thousand coins for that oh i have to double that i just got sixteen thousand coins that's kind of insane um let's use them to upgrade our arrow strength oops yes please thank you thank you i will continue upgrading until i can't anymore level 29. let's see where this takes us this cheeseburger is going to outer space oh my gosh i launched it directly into the tree let's just pretend that never happened go cheeseburger go become the greatest and mightiest cheeseburger arrow the world has ever seen you're beautiful i will say though we could have gone further and we hit that dumb rock i can now shoot a lollipop i am going to equip the lollipop because that seems dumb and i love dumb let's go lollipop some rainbows galore we're flying through the sky and we're making history oh my gosh oh my gosh just keep it going we made it to the swamp incredible and we've leveled up yet again and that's a needle like a sewing needle i don't want to shoot a sewing needle that seems dumb all about lollipops and hamburgers basically anything you can eat is probably what i'm gonna go with now that i think about it go lollipop so so it would actually make a lot of sense to hit a golden target oh my gosh because the golden targets give us a times five multiplier on top of the times 15 multiplier that we already have so if i can hit that one that is kind of like in the desert i think that would be kind of ideal to to get our strength way up but i do have 11 000 gold so i might as well use it oh my gosh okay so at this point it's actually almost harder to stay like on the trajectory that i want to stay on because there's objects in my way that weren't in my way before like these like these weird like sand dunes and stuff i can't get around them do you see that that's annoying we need to take our strength even higher just go over the town gosh okay so i have to figure out well you know i could just not shoot at full strength that's an option that i hadn't considered until this very moment maybe that was only a times two multiplier but still it was pretty sweet a stop sign can't eat stop signs that i know of but i am going to equip it because it seems funny here we go fly through the sky stop sign oh my gosh you're beautiful you are truly glorious and majestic and nobody can ever tell you otherwise that's amazing so our next goal is 170 i feel like we can get there um i just need to avoid hitting stuff that is the key oh oh oh i almost hit that golden target that would give us so much money i kind of need to do that i kind of feel like i have to do that so let's upgrade our strength and let's try to hit that golden target that was in the tent i just kind of have to thread the needle dodge that oh i hit the tree stupid tree this is okay we can work with this we can definitely oh come on just clip the top gave it a little bit of a haircut where's that tent where's that tent there it is there it is oh went past it you know what forget the tent we're going past the tent we have the power this is the greatest stop sign the world has ever seen used as an arrow which is a very specific criteria we can do this just oh don't hit the palm trees no no one more that was 169 170 is the dream this is the one we're getting past we're getting to 170 though no dodge the trees i'm telling you it almost gets harder the bigger i'm telling you it gets harder the greater your strength is because you're you're dodging stuff that you didn't have to dodge before very tricky it's a weird problem to have i'm gonna be honest okay how do i get around these trees that just go that way i guess that works but those branches those stinky branches let's go to the right let's see if the right is maybe a little bit easier maybe we can we can find a path nope nope that's not gonna work there is a golden target in that hut in the swamp but i don't i don't know i don't i don't feel like we have to aim for it there you go there you go oh yeah this is what i'm talking about look at that 177. let's go we've unlocked it's just a yield sign you know what i thought that was at first i thought it was one of those things that you used to like turn on the gas on a fireplace you know what i'm talking about it's like the little key that you put it's not it's a yield sign of course how could i be such a fool equip let's upgrade our strength and let's fly to 185 i mean we were almost to 185 we were at 177 i feel like 185 is a joke at this point just dodge the trees the trees are the greatest evil in this game they are the boss all of them every one of them dodge the boss okay okay all right find your path why why game 185 come on just felt like that was it i was in the zone it didn't happen go yield sign go there are pirate ships out there we need to see them we need to take out the pirates before they get here they never they'd never see a yield sign coming oh here we go here we go hit that target or the pirate ship that's fine too actually it's not a pirate ship it's a shipwreck someone already took out the pirates wait equip this rifle and we'll actually be shooting a rifle like as an arrow that's confusing i like it let's equip it yeah that's real dumb i like this i like this a lot we're shooting a gun but not the way you think we're literally shooting the gun so aerodynamic look at it spin it's incredible quite impressive honestly i've been recording for 30 minutes i've made it i've made it through the barricade okay two seven we made to the next level what did we get a bat that's dumb but not in the funny dumb way that i want it to be it's just done either way i like this game a lot where am i going oh my gosh uh okay we've made it to some kind of deserted island somehow against all odds we've made it and now we can shoot a bow with a bow yep yep that's that's a thing that just happened it's actually amazing honestly it's amazing [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,004,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, lip art 3d, lip art 3d game, lip art 3d gameplay, lip art, lip art 3d hack, lip art 3d ios, lip art 3d android, best games, top games, android games, ios games, noob vs pro vs hacker, art 3d, lip art 3d app, noob vs pro, flying arrow, flying arrow game, flying arrow mobile game, archery tips
Id: 1DSsGgs4Rjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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