I BROKE MINECRAFT Using Realistic Physics! (Teardown)

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ah just another day in minecraft oh look a tree i'm gonna use my pickaxe to break that tree all right and wait this isn't my what wait so if i uh oh and then i just do a bit of whoa the tree's falling down why can't i get whoa oh oh i think the tree is floating away yeah this is not real minecraft i'm not really sure what happened and i'm also too short to get up this block hang on let me just uh oh there we go that's easier well it looks like we've i accidentally booted up an ultra realistic version of minecraft and a phone down again okay all right so what if we go and hit other things like can we hit this uh and this okay well that doesn't seem too bad can we go in the door oh okay we can but what if we just oh and we could just break the door okay of course oh this is a nice house oh hang on gotta climb up these steps this is so cool all right just go through the door so do we have anything else we can use oh okay what does a blowtorch do oh we can just blow torch holes in things wait a second um is is that gonna spread wait uh what if i oh my we can just set it on fire that looks so realistic oh my that is so cool um yeah that door is gone i don't think that the uh stone is burning but that is oh that is bad okay you know what let's uh let's help this out a bit a little bit here can this burn no this sword just breaks okay little bit here can you get out my way dumb grass all right now we're cooking let's get a bit up here this is terrifying imagine if this is what it actually looked like in minecraft when your house burnt down oh my okay so i think i did notice i have an extinguisher could i can i save this house can i save this house okay that works there don't worry house i'm not gonna let you burn down i was just experimenting okay actually this is getting a little bit out of control and luckily i've got unlimited ammo in this thing this is the last bit oh no it's still burning over here i thought i'd put you out oh no okay fire's getting out of control now maybe we just need to put it out of the misery did i see um bomb all right we just well put that there oh oh oh uh that was only a tiny little explosion what about a rocket oh now we're talking all right let's just take down this entire minecraft house oh my this is insane all right um you know what let's just set fire to a little bit more in here and let's just let it burn we will continue on and have a look at some more things in this minecraft village can we burn the crops or something oh wait we can mine them we're like we're literally collecting a wheat when we can make bread we could also set it all on fire oh wait i guess this stuff doesn't burn what if we use the minigun though now that is an efficient way of collecting your wheat in the morning although i think it's all destroyed and we sort of shot this tree up over here can we just shoot a hole through the middle oh okay the whole tree fell down i'm not sure what we expected wait what happens if we burn a tree is it flammable i guess it's not flammable okay that that bit is so if we burn from the bottom that would kind of work but apparently the leaves themselves aren't flammable interesting okay what else do we have we have uh a laser gun what if we use it on this house the heck uh what did that do let me open the door that oh it went straight through it and now we're burning this house down so we can just laser beam through things what if we just went i'm just trying to like chop the entire house in parts and now it's just sort of burning wait we went through really slowly is the house not disconnected yet eventually what is holding this house together seriously oh there we go now it's disconnected okay that was not as interesting as i thought it would be maybe it's a good time to just throw some pipe bombs in here all right we're gonna leave that house to it i think we've done enough damage to it how's the burning house going uh not looking too good okay all right is there anything else or shall we move on to the next area oh a sniffy let me open this i mean you know what that's how you open the door in this game there we go all right what is in the chest what is this where are the diamonds all right you know what for this the house deserves to be minigun whoa look at that all right don't think they're gonna be smitten anything anytime soon okay we should let's head on to the next place so now we are in a desert minecraft village now obviously things don't burn as much as a normal village because well there's not much wood around here but there should be some interesting things to find also i've got a couple more weapons like a railgun i'm not really sure how powerful it is though but we will see uh um wait a sec look how much damage it went through absolutely everything whoa that is cool okay we do have um a physics gun as well which i think we can use to just pick items up so if we if we just and then there we go and and then we can like freeze it and oh yeah you get the idea wait is there going to be diamonds in here are we going to finally get our diamonds so i think if we just uh boop okay we don't want to fall down here ourselves how do we get through oh i see something okay i'm trying to uh maybe we should place something in here that sounds good all right let's run there we go now we're talking okay we just need to get down there we've got to be careful though because we might activate the trap ah okay there we go we made it okay luckily none of this uh activated the pressure plate so what do we got here okay nothing in there a bone um more bones wait what oh ho are you kidding me is there tnt under this oh i think we activated the tnt okay let's get out of here all right what oh i was about to say what other things are interesting we found some cows are these like props that we can move because then we should be able to pick it up with our physics gun oh uh i'm sorry buddy i think we might forgot a leg you're okay all right oh oh oh oh all right on to the next cow all right let's be a bit more careful how we bring this one out oh [Music] there we go hello muah we definitely didn't find someone else first okay what are we gonna do with why do i want a railgun it i really just want a rail gun through the side of it oh that's mean that's mean what we can do though place a bomb on its face why do i do the things i do okay all right anyway what other things are there we've got some nice houses oh a piggy how do i get in this gate you know what that's how you get in the gate i hope that doesn't kill the pig pig are you okay ah you're fine all right um i couldn't rail gun the cow so i'm sorry but i'm gonna have the railgun the pig all right where should we stand here okay that should work well that just deleted that wait what if we rail gun like down how deep did that go can't really see this rail got in the same spot um okay oh there's bedrock down there i guess it can't break bed right that kind of makes sense all right pick let's get you out of here this is an evacuation all right what are we gonna do the pig wait what happens if we bring the pig to whoops let me do it uh i think it's oh no you're fine buddy you look absolutely fine there's not a single problem wrong with you right now wait we can put it up on the tower so it's safe actually i've got an idea what we could do hang on let me bring you in a bit closer so i can get up we will on the not now we are going available place a bunch of bombs and see if we can get this thing to collapse oh i think i might have died never that was possible all right where's that tower gone all right piggy is up there we just need to get this thing to collapse we could just mine it with our pick accessing i guess so when does it collapse because i feel like it's not being held up by much right now i guess this sandstone stuff is pretty strong okay i think we're just going to break every single part of it for it's oh oh there he goes oh that was weirdly uneventful let's have a look what happened to our piggy friend oh uh pig are you okay let me get you out of there um well i won't lie to you guys i think piggy is uh seen better dates let me get your parts there you go is that your head we'll pretend that's your head all right well i think that's where we're gonna leave this episode uh wait it says click like well i guess you guys have to click like now as well and if we get enough likes i'll play some more of this game head over to slogo.com for the merch and click the video on the screen if you'd like to watch more right now
Channel: Slogo
Views: 641,127
Rating: 4.9439225 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, teardown, tear down, real minecraft, realistic, physics
Id: dXIEsB2e9BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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