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this is hide and seek but extreme you'll be able to find power-ups across the map and the hiders can find a secret pearl that when used on an altar will completely wreck the seeker so that's gonna be the goal of the hiders and the goal of the seekers is to find the hiders oh and it's pirates yeah there's like a bunch of secrets laying around okay so technically uh [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait i see someone oh who just is on the pirate ship walking up no oh that was jelly oh look at him go there we go you're mine now sorry anyway so jelly's on the on the secret team now right yeah he's on the secret team so where was he hey jelly give me a second i got another upgrade i'm sorry what's going on you gotta give me a second here radar where did you go jelly who you wanna maybe you can hit me and i turn into a lighter again or something where did you go i don't know what happened i just saw a bump tell me how much you love me i love you a lot dude ow okay all right well that was a quick first round uh not gonna lie all right we're hiding you on the same team again follow me i know stuff wait what wait wait this is the first time you're hiding i should know stuff yeah but i had a time to think what and you don't know how to do that what do you know that i don't okay this is the altar that we need to put pearl in but we can't do that now you are literally telling crainer where we are uh yeah but there's is there more than one you have to find a pearl and then we put that in the oven where'd you go what and then there's another secret over here and this is me chris this is where you can get a pearl from by the way up here are you guys going to talk to me at all or we can go further looking for pearls pearls well they haven't spawned yet do not get a pearl where did you go somebody just use the jumpy jump um jenny what are you doing i use the no are you kidding me you didn't even give me a chance crainer how did you find him that quick i see because i thought it was you jelly i didn't realize it was like kidding me hey am i the only one alive yeah we see you too you could have given me an opportunity and you i know i panicked you made me panic where did he go jelly oh man you can't run that way are you kidding jelly get back here you land scrubber oh my god scrubber i cheated you cheated there he is guys this round's going quick oh josh yeah i can see that if it's like that easy of a spot then it's probably not a good spot is it well jelly's an easy mind he won't know an easy mind okay i want to get a pearl yo where am i dude all right i am dude i might have actually found the best spot ever i should have just i should just stay here shouldn't i where did you go um where are you below me jelly is ah man he got me josh he got me i'm running like i've never run before yeah come here what are you doing you landing lover what if you guys don't find me trainer i fell in the water okay i've been reset i fell in the water i've been reset so what if i don't get found then jelly jenny what do you do what do you do what do you do did you use it he chewed you on the trampoline i saw that happen where did he end up going he's here he's here he's so cool this doesn't feel like i see this feels like run away this is chasing c this is chase down slow go back it still hasn't been any seeking miss me i don't miss you dang it guys so you guys are hidden yeah i saw it it worked your disguise is working jelly you fooled me pearl's been spawned no do not find the pearls well no it's only i'm just looking at us and it's kind of boring slogo has used their fireworks okay let's give him a hint wait a minute let's give him a hit ten seconds to the clock let's give him a hint here okay josh i'll give you a hint listen this yeah okay yeah come on josh listen that is definitely not a hint uh the hint is that we are on the ship okay are you on the side of a ship is that the whole thing we nope are you at the top of a ship we are i'm not giving any more hints right now stop asking questions just find us mr seeker i put myself in there one job only you only gotta seek to see she what [Laughter] are you up high or down low no what okay he's gonna come now you can't really lie we're we're down low we're no we're in the ship now get out come on jelly we can't stay here you're in the ship still 211 seconds crainer we can i know but i'm getting tired of not being able to look into the fall down into the ship yeah [Laughter] [Applause] why did you chase me crainer i didn't try to he turned around and chased me all right jelly it's uh uh hide yeah okay all right good so where are we gonna do that what pearl can you speak english please okay what what that's not a good spot like this is we've already been here i actually found a really cool spot oh this is actually a good spot okay i think i've got a good spot i think i got a good spot i think i've got a good spot i don't think you're supposed to be seeking kratom hey crainer what's up i can see you a few inches later we need to get the pearl josh josh doss oh cradle can tell you i wanted the pearl i found something really cool something magical it's a punch bowl oh i found the pearl no where is it no i'm not telling you sorry okay so just the only one like you use the pearls yeah but we do have another round wait who's the hunter in the next round uh jelly yes okay yeah yeah he doesn't need to find it then no jelly where are you well i'm looking for a pearl okay okay so he's running around josh oh i fell in the water you're so lucky jelly you are so lucky oh where did you see him he saw me he was on a boat he saw me rr well that's josh sorry josh why did you punch me he's on the map he's on the top of the ship yes do you think he's i can't tell if he sneezed or shouted i think that was a sneeze jelly where are the pearls jelly come out come on wherever you are buddy where are the pearls essentially he's robbing a bank i think the mall i mean i feel like i am at this point the more you ask the more they appear jelly so keep on doing it where did you jump off jelly uh josh i had an invisibility potion [Music] for how long josh if you tell me where the pearl is then i will go get it okay okay it's in the ship we got 15 seconds he's on he's on the ship he's on the ship yeah no serious curious where is he where is he he went down here i can't see my screen stuck [Music] he was at the back of the ship yes i got him so close oh man a really great swap there good job silly trainer our whole goal in life is to get the pearl so we need to hide until the pearl is available yeah yes oh i have a spot oh yeah you should probably get that checked it's in here oh um nope but not here okay hopefully the pearl was born quick but i do see a pearl save and that's the thing i gotta check out right uh yes but yeah i got i got spot but wait until there is actually a pearl there you know welcome to my world i mean you just came to our world yeah you kind of joined ours right now so i'm not the one killing you here yes what does that mean yes josh got the pearl what does that mean okay josh now bring it to the altar i'll have jesus christ what does that mean run come on josh you got this the pole did you bring it yay oh all of that for nothing why didn't we even try that i don't know well uh i i guess jelly one i i don't even know hey uh go check out slogo.com if you want the merch and click the video on the screen if you want to watch another video right now
Channel: Slogo
Views: 969,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, power up, powerups, jelly, crainer, hide and seek
Id: Yf_AB6qr0JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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