I broke it... F*@K!

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it feels like a hot minute since i've worked on this system that's for a few reasons one i did my whole video about 12th gen intel and uh it's nuances two i'm just lazy and slow [Music] with its updated design offering support for large gpus the all-new h1 from nzxt brings big performance to small form factor gaming the new h1 features larger ventilation for improved cooling and a new exhaust fan to increase air exchange efficiency helping it to keep even the most demanding components cool taking the guesswork out of parts compatibility the new h1 features a pre-installed fan controller 750 watt power supply gen 4 pcie riser cable integrated aio cooler and pre-routed cables to see the full list of features of the all-new h1 from nzxt follow the link in the description below you know here's a reality when you have an entire business based on building computers and stuff the one thing that you're not lacking is computers and i haven't had an urgency to get the system done because of the fact that this is going to be replacing my gaming rig at home which i've mentioned a million times it's built on intel's 10th gen it's got a 3090 in there ddr4 64 gigs of it there's plenty of power on that system there's no reason to replace it it's just given the fact that we're you know pc builders and such here on this channel we like to build computers but i wanted this one to kind of be something unique so we showed you how the 3d printer started by allowing me to make this bezel which not the biggest fan of the way this one turned out um this was actually printed on our ender and the texture on it's kind of weird i still need to paint it to smooth it out and we'll see the screen looks all broken and stuff i'm just leaving the plastic on otherwise the screen will probably end up getting pretty scratched i showed you guys how i want to mount it here in some way as you can see the back of the screen this is meant for like a raspberry pi to literally mount to it and become like an all-in-one nick is kind of researching right now what he can print to make a bracket for me to be able to mount this to the base plate i had this idea of it going on the gpu i'm just not entirely sure how i would mount it to the gpu i mean i could take a piece of flat abs screw through it and then literally two-sided tape it to the graphics card but then that would look kind of cheap just like all the things i do around here but one of the other things that quite honestly has kept me from moving forward is um the fans now i am running the lion lee uni fans these are the al no the sp 120s the original ones now these are the als because they actually light up the blade so these are sls which still dub the side light which means the slides light up right here so one i'm thinking about changing these out with okay i actually i asked for these weeks ago from lee and lee they're just that short on inventory if you've ever tried to buy any i'm waiting like everyone else i thought maybe it would look nicer to have the sides light up rather than the fan blades themselves because i don't need the fan blades to light up to eliminate this case because there's rgb on the card that's already be on the block rgb on the motherboard the actual power board has rgb the reservoir built into my spectre 3 has rgb there's rgb everywhere in this i just thought it would look neater if the sides lit up ironically the exact fans i need are on my system at home the thing is if i take those fans out then i'm completely out of commission until this is done and at the rate i build computers i wouldn't be streaming for another year if i did that but the other half of that is the fact that the lienlee fans have proprietary plugs so they use a standard four pin pwm fan header which is fine because i have fan headers all over the power board but the rgb cable as you can see uses this different style 3-pin plug now these are argb which means addressable so there's three pins for addressable these five volt and then they have a signal wires that basically communicate with the pcb that's built into the light or the fans and the light boards themselves to tell them what effects to do as you can see the ones that are mounted in here because of the way that the end cable connects they have to come off in a very specific placement so if i want these to be pushing air up you can see they come off on the side that's very inconvenient they face me they're not very long which means if i put the control box down in here which has both six pwm fan headers on it and six rgb headers on it so i can control a total of uh no i take that back four i apologize four there's four channels per so three three fans per channel which means 12 fans total can be controlled off of that i have three fans two different channels here and here but that's not long enough to reach down in here well i know that leon lee makes an extension cable kit that allows you to lengthen this but then i just happened to be cleaning up yesterday and was tossing stuff out and i came across this wire and i went this looks an awful lot like that lee lee header this actually came in an asus motherboard box that's an argb header and i went i wonder so then what i did was i took this and i put a whole another giant system on here remember this one here that we were doing our little 3d print of bracketry bracket i went ahead and plugged it in and i went will this one of two things was gonna happen well i guess three things could have potentially happened one and give me a second to try and line this up the shadows make it very difficult i kind of am i'm jump starting rgb where did my power cable go so i went one of three things is going to happen the first nothing the second that was gonna light up or the third it was gonna blow up because if the pins were different for some odd reason well that i went holy cow they actually light up which is awesome because that means now i can move forward i lost the other one hold on so that means now i can move forward because one of the things that i was sent with the spectre case is a whole bunch of fan and rgb extension cables not the these extension cables which match these proprietary plugs but extension cables that allow me to be able to plug everything into say the power board because that was the thing i was waiting i was like i don't how am i going to get all these wires going because if i couldn't actually wire this up then that was going to be a problem so i'm going to plug this one in now i just want to see what the fans look like because this will give me an idea now do i want to keep them because if i go with the other fans then i won't have any lighting through the grille but i'll have lighting on the side so that's pretty neat looking okay so those are the only rgb fans i really had to worry about inside the case so that means we can kind of start moving forward a couple things i'd like to maybe get done today um i can finally wire these up i can get my pump installed see there's still no pump in here it's just it comes with a pump holder you know the housing but no pump itself and that has rgb as well so i can get those cables routed i can change out my riser cable again because remember how the last part i showed you that singularity sent me a usb or pcie 4.0 cable this is a 3.0 but it was all flimsy and ugly and red and stuff and then after my video went live they were like oh yeah the ones we normally use were out of stock so we sent that one instead but that one was garbage we'll send you the one that we originally wanted to send you so now i've got that one which means i can take the graphics card out again but that that's it that i mean once that's in i have not test booted this i have not fired up this motherboard actually i have fired up this motherboard but i've not fired up this motherboard with this combo assembled if you have not bench tested it i have used that cpu that's in there i have used this motherboard in our review and i have used this graphics card but i have not used them in this config together so knock on wood i also still want to 3d print something in here to stabilize the system i still think they made the wrong move in design on having these long pegs that stick out because once you add all the weight of the fluid and stuff in there it's very wobbly it's not gonna be that big of a deal though honestly um once i once i already showed you guys you know once i wedge something back in there without just my finger wow i mean that makes it better but okay we can actually get some stuff done and then maybe if we're lucky might actually get a tube or two bent [Music] so [Music] all right so i'm gonna finally do the test boot i never did uh but i'm not just testing the system so you might see in the b-roll i uh this system is fully wired up right now i don't want to say there's a lot of extra points of failure but there kind of is right with the power board i've never uh used one before so i don't know like there's multiple argb ends i already plugged the argb with an extension cable off the board to the other system like i should showed you earlier with the lights lighting up nothing happened i think that's because the power board is getting supplemental power from the power supply the five volt or something on there it's probably feeding the board which is how it's able to split the signal so many different ways i also don't know if everything plugged into one argbin header is going to be enough for that channel or too much for that channel and if i have to use two headers i could probably read the manual but i don't know where i put it lighting is secondary if the system doesn't post this is usually anytime i do this this is usually the time where people will also point out like oh my god jay your graphics card is not in the loop you're gonna kill it the graphics card gets plenty of passive cooling from the density of the block so i don't actually need to i mean the graphics card won't go up past like 300 megahertz whatever it is at idle just to give me a display it's not until it goes into like a some sort of a rendered scene before any of that will matter so i've done this before like i can i can run the block and everything will be fine if i run the card with just the block on it okay so far the only lighting i got is the block the cpu block and the ram so oh the arg be in oh no i have this one plugged in up here so i don't know like i'm about to figure out the wiring i guess for the lighting because none of the lights are working from anything that's plugged into wait the block is plugged into the power board oh we got a white light fans have slowed down we got usb there's display okay that makes me happy let's check my oh my cpu is at 25c right now at 4 900 megahertz 20c that's some good block right there if i don't do save my for my own blocks so we know we're getting a signal issue through the board at the moment because watch this the block my json sense block is plugged in over here behind the graphics card this is just the signal wire i have going from the board to the power board so if i unplug it look at the block it's just flat we're all nebula looking which is actually pretty cool purple and teal because that's the way i'm going to be lighting it that's where my my gamer home is but as soon as i plug it back in see so now we know that the board supplies power to the header so power is coming from the board and then the signal is coming from the motherboard and then it's uh relaying that signal around the power board so now we know the reason why it didn't light up when i tried to test it was because of the fact that it had no power because that comes from the power supply more than likely it's getting it straight from 5 volt from one of the 24 pin you know 5 volts right there so now i need to go online uh look at the manual and see what the wiring diagram is for this i have a feeling it is dual channel i bet you because i have some things plugged in down here on the bottom and something plugged in down here at the top or up here at the top i have a feeling if i were to plug in the second wire the other stuff might start working but i have the the piece up here that yeah that's direct on the motherboard okay so i i have both radiators front and top and their lights plugged in way up here right behind the eps power because i have everything plugged in up here and down here see how these sort of have a trace like this there's an ar arg bn down here as well it's it's uh that one right there the very far left one there's nothing plugged into that i now feel like if i plug something into that that the rest might light up so big brain big brain actually phil said this we just switched the input down to the bottom and look all the other stuff lit up so it's two it's two channels possibly even three because here's the thing my graphics card i i had it plugged in right here in the same spot my block is like my cpu block and that's not working now because i unhooked it from there it didn't light up with either one okay all right and that's why i didn't put water to it yet because if i need to take it apart and check the wiring i don't know i just know it's time to eat so the system boots it works we know that i've eaten so i'm a little fatter we know that um i had nick print this little plate right here it's got my logo on there i sanded it smooth because the print lines on this printer pretty bad in my opinion they're really thick that's for this area right here i'm not a fan of this opening and i think that singularity i put that there in case you need to run those cables out to your graphics card so i'm going to paint this matte black that way it doesn't have the shine to it and then that's my logo as you can see right there just sort of extrude it from there and then that's going to fill in right there so i'll be adhe adhesiving that from the backside and you know painted matte black it should look pretty good so i'm gonna go ahead and paint this right now while that's curing i've gotta now empty this loop get it off the block take the graphics card out we're gonna take the block apart and figure out why this lighting doesn't work working because this will look really dumb without lighting up and i'm glad i tested this because the next step honestly after this because everything is wired like i said the next step is getting the loop done and once the loop is done this becomes infinitely more annoying to try and deal with if for some reason the lighting mechanism stopped working on here i'm going to remove it entirely i'm just going to entirely remove it because like i i think the biggest misconception people have is like oh jay's the water cooling guy on youtube he probably has every product you can imagine for water cooling chalk that up on the list of things i wish were true that everyone thinks is true that's why i'm wearing my performance pc shirts today because of the fact that they are always willing to send me something when i'm in a bind and usually i'm in a bind when i do these builds just like anyone else i find myself going crap i'm short on fittings or i ordered the wrong thing or some stupid thing it happens that's the rgb this has actually got a plug on it but i think it came unplugged see just a plug all right now when i took it off it just like pulled right out of there okay so that's all that happened is it just came unplugged from that piece so you know what i wanna do i'm gonna get the other i wanna get the block now and plug it in and see if the top part works if not then that has its own plug that might have also come undone and i can fix that while i'm at it yeah this just doesn't light up at all i've checked the plugs i've restarted it with it in there wiggled the plug i don't get any lighting so fixed it's just the law of probability if you deal with enough things eventually something's going to be wrong so this is what it should look like there you go see nice bright rgb to go along with the rest of our rgbs now let's gotta put it back together well a pin broke off the power board into the argb right there so if you look at this plug i don't know if you can tell the plastic is going at like a weird angle if that's level the pins are like that so when i was trying to get it in there i was like why isn't it going and i pushed it and then it popped off and then the single pin on the argb broke off into that right there the funny thing is this is something we could potentially try and repair like i bet you with phil's soldering skills this pin could be somehow soldered back on there because i now cannot get the rest of the rgb to light up because i have to have this in being fed right here so now i kind of want to ask singularity like can you send me another power board so the power board would actually be easy to replace that's not that big of a deal so i can replace i take these screws out and then there's screws in there there there there there there there there there there there there and there and then the power board will come out as long as everything's unplugged from the other side so i will have to take the top radiator out so i can get to all these things are plugged in right here and i can pull that out and put a new one in i'm starting to feel like this entire build is just cursed because every time i start to make some progress i come across something that just completely screws it up and then it puts me in like a really bad mood to where i don't want to work on it and then i bench it for months at a time but i want to get this one done already because here's the here's what's so frustrating about this is the fact that and i can't use the other power board um you guys are probably like well you had the other one with a different power board well that's because they changed the pins like the entire power delivery system down here so now you have a 24 pin and then you have all the pci express power plugs right there where the other one had like 324 pins which was really weird but all i had to do i was plugging in that power for the argb bend the tubes fill it bleed it and we've been done we were so close until a pin broke off i probably shouldn't have tried to muscle it i was trying to muscle it all right tomorrow okay stay tuned for the next video after this one yes the very next video two days top so you guys have to wait i'm gonna pull the power board out clean this area up here and i will film phil doing it because phil has all the dexterity with the soldering iron because of all the drone stuff he's been building i don't if you see my just ask louis rossman about my soldering skills heed the board probably really difficult for experts to watch hate the board so proud of that because lewis although the nicest fella is i just love to irritate him it is so much fun if you guys want to have more fun be subscribed to our channel because i use stupid stuff like this [Music]
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 399,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jayztwocents custom build, jayztwocents personal pc, custom pc, custom gaming rig, custom computer, watercooled computer, pc, computer, gaming, amd, 3090, rtx 3090
Id: 1mGWzCrnw2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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