I offered to Mod his case to fit an AIO... things got a little out of hand!

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Not gonna lie, Jay knows how to paint

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/TopXKiller 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

This might be the coolest build I've seen in a while. The rgb worked perfectly with it even.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/pens717 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not just a cool project, also a heart warming gesture <3

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Kason_ 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Post Malone build was one that's never going to be appreciated, but this actually makes the owner happy.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/goondu86 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is a really cool artistic mod job.

Not perfect in terms of ideal cooling and volume, but very cool designs.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/faizimam 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's a very cool mod. I would have LOVE to see this custom cooled tho.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ggalaxyy 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Amazing work. Really should be commended for his time and effort in all his builds but this just looks incredible

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Marenoc 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is definitely my favorite build he's ever done. I've dabbled in 40k mini painting and there's some seriously talented people in the hobby.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/guernica88 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

I may need to get an airbrush for my next build...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Ericshelpdesk 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right so we're starting yet another build even though I'm in the process of my personal bill but that's okay and that might probably sounds really bad that far away but we're just doing a bit of a vlog this right here is an ode to o2 built this belongs to Phil's friend and we are going to be doing some case modding to this because why the heck not he is a huge destiny to fans we're kind of going with sort of a destiny to a theme here while also upgrading some of his parts without him really knowing because that's what we like to do around here so what do you say we go ahead and start tearing it down Coursera is proud to present their new Hydra X line of custom water cooling products the new XG 5 series radiators offer the perfect balance of finden s'ti and airflow to keep your loop cool and quiet the XG 7 water blocks feature full-coverage cooling for GPU while also maintaining an aesthetically pleasing design while the XC 7 and XC 9 cpu blocks keep all your modern CPUs nice and cool to see the complete lineup of high directs cooling products from Corsair click the link in the description below so one of the major issues with the note 202 is the fact that there's not really room for an a IO or anything like that you can see he's got the small cry or a cooler keeping a 6700 K kulish to put it mildly so we're gonna be doing an external radiator on this we ask them like hey are you cool with J like putting external red he was like yeah I don't care so here's what we're thinking this is of course I reach 100 I I'm not doing a full custom loop or anything on this is really not any room for it to be honest and I don't want to mount all kinds of things we still want some portability for him because he does like to take it to friends houses and do little LANs and stuff what I'm kind of thinking is that we'll have it the externally mounted ram ram rad that's a really big stick around the idea here is that this is sort of a weathered spacecraft if you will we have to do right now those we're gonna tear this down cuz I think as far as we're gonna get today and I sure hope that he backed everything up because you never know what happens when you start taking the scenes part you only want to probably get done today is some of the painting but this is this is more about case modding what what are those are they even matched they're not the same shade of green yep those we gotta go yeah there's like no chips anywhere except for there this could have been sowed in memory so as you can see yeah this this stuff is definitely worthy of an upgrade we're gonna be keeping these parts though because they could be a perfect use for something else boom that doesn't have a computer at all and Phil is on a mission to get all of his friends with computers to start playing playing during them in the PC master-race Phil's I dimension [Music] like that so we literally are gonna have the hottest part which is the GPU we're to have fans here pushing air in just right into the GPU the GPU fans are right there so this is gonna be forcing like GPU fans face that way so this will be forcing air right onto the GPU pants and then the backside of the GPU is exposed to this cover so we're gonna do now this is gonna be opening here with the radiator pulling heat out but Jay it's good pull hot air from the GPU it's gonna pull some pretty fresh air to be honest from here from there to there it's not gonna be too bad it's obviously better than anything this chassis had before because it had no ventilation no active ventilation in terms of like fans moving air inside of it the only fans in here with the GPU fans and a CPU fan which takes heat pushes it away from the part but then convection does the rest which is non assisted this is assisted it's gonna be better no matter what so you're gonna have fans here fans here and it's just gonna watch it do the top stop trying to help me I got thinking my own brain yeah like poof did my face that lines up it looks like it looks like a face with the eyes on them - don't be cool literally cuz it got right here now I think those two marks are good I want to overdo it oh there's still gonna be a lot of detail showing and painting which we're now preparing for now which is the part I am most excited for so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna use that trusty painting rack I made by fractal logo are we trying out vinyl and fabric paint I don't know have any idea that's gonna work mostly cuz it's the only gray color we could find that doesn't have a metallic in it this is our undercoat though this is stainless steel we imagine this is the color the parts would be this is what we're gonna be doing some chipping effects and some weathering effects down to this color so this will be underneath this color and this is what will show if you've seen kind of like a starter jump ship in destiny - that's sort of the effect we're going for although that one was a green color it's not my bill but I really didn't want to do green I didn't want to commit him to a color that made clash in his space I have no idea where it's going I've no idea what his setup is like so that's why we're just going with this so now what I'm gonna do is a nice maybe two thin coats of this color see how it looks and go from there dude I'm gonna remember this paint look how even that is and I did one coat and I got even though the tile and you were intentionally speeding through it because to see more 316 stainless steel the inventor and aerosol spray they invented seems like whoo I should've Congress to begin with right anyone that has done any sort of model-making knows what I'm about to do with this frizzies hairspray you can actually spray paint using hairspray so where you want the chip you put some hairspray and stuff what this will do is it you let it dry so it hardens just like it would your hair what this will do now is it will create a barrier between this paint and the next paint I'm gonna put on so that after it dries the next layer I then take just regular water which I have in a spray bottle spray water on it let it kind of soak and then take a toothbrush a sponger toothpick whatever you can start chipping off the paint because it can't adhere but you can eventually chip off all of it if you wanted what will happen is you need to seal it when you're done with some sort of a clear coat which I do have a matte clear puss I'm thinking around here and chip on that obviously corners ain't corners make the most sense right i legit just chip through like I've got to poke a hole basically what I'm doing is I'm loosening it up in areas that I want it to chip yes I know that's why when you showed me a picture of it I was like I knew that oh that's a sick I don't think a lot people know this about me I'm an enthusiast painter detailer like this and I've never in the seven years that I've been doing this channel shared this with anyway maybe it's time [Applause] so the idea is that the corner here cuz it's a leading edge right now watch here Iori that's gives it the hairspray oh that's so cool now this will continue to chip until you seal it with like clear coated stuff so what I'm gonna be doing next is I'm gonna do all the chipping where I want it then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to clear it clear it all with a matte clear then I can start doing detail of the airbrush not bad for a few hours on a Friday morning so far so it's turned out really good I'm really happy with how these gouges turned out and actually smooth they're not gonna cut you so because we still have the possibility of chipping we don't want that to be the case so we're gonna do now we well it is the case what we're gonna do now is we are going to seal this so I've got clear coat this is a satin crystal clear so it's not it's not matte it's satin which will give it enough of like reflection a little bit but it's gonna seal this all in and we've still got more to do on top of it so I'm using this as a sealer we're basically building a like a pink shell on this so that we don't accidentally chip off more it's painting on top of the hairspray it means chipping won't the clear coat just chip yes which is why we needed to all touch why it's called sealing so we just got some really good news Micro Center who you guys know are sponsors of ours just randomly were like you guys doing anything right now any projects you're working on and I was like that's a matter of fact we do instead of getting a 70 700 K now he's gonna get a 99 hundred K the reason why I'm doing this for him he's a special ed teacher he works with special ed and needy kids my dad did that for years after he was retired and that is not an easy gig so I figured why not spoil someone who literally is taking care of other people's kids during the day and trying to give them you know an education and a quality of life so why not give him a quality of gaming we made it look really weathered right here because our idea is that this taking a beating as like space degree in whatever is coming into it I'm gonna do some black soot and stuff on this to make it look like this is some sort of an exhaust phil was like you have a giant roller toolbox dedicated to nothing but your model building tools and i was like of course who doesn't alright so as you can see we've got the exhaust effect here like I mentioned this is just the black airbrush spray paint you see the top - I mean it look like this is also an exhaust vent and this is just the same technique that I use with the model boats I mean it's just black and then you fade it and you get a real dark and real kind of carbon looking and so it actually looks like exhaust get to imagine over time they probably would have cleaned this and scrubbed it and stuff which would have left grooves and such not only that isn't perfectly uniform as it goes up so I'm sort of paint and putting paint on a rag and then I'm just sort of brushing lines into it and I'll just do this a while till I get the effect that I like and I'll go way up with it cela okay so as I said micro Center asked if we were working on any projects and we immediately thought at this building I thought instead of doing a 77 ok I explained all that maybe they'd be willing to set us up with some hardware for him so this is this is what we've got no longer are we going with that 70 700 K we are going with the 9900 k and yes there are lots of options especially for enthusiasts great stuff the problem is ITX options are definitely limited but because this is a gaming machine we want to max out games we are going with the high core clock of the 9900 Kay I kind of feel like there's other options that you can use if you wanted to do an AMD based system if you were kind of following along with this sort of a deal so we'll put I'll put a link to an alternative motherboard and processor for AMD fans to kind of get something that's comparable to this so we also need for him a motherboard and that is once again like the third time the trusty rog swift z3 90 I came in so we're going with 16 gigabytes of Dominator Platinum RGB using the new cap Elex LEDs they're extremely bright and IQ although needs polishing but the amount of features IQ has in terms of making the Lightspeed blinky we think will definitely fit the theme of this being a spaceship inspired inspired build and then we ended up going with the intel SSD 6 which is an nvme drive it's a 2 terabyte not the fastest on the market but definitely the best value now we decided to go ahead and unbutton that cos gaming experience by upgrading his panel he's using an old full HD TV I 60 Hertz nothing special gaming panel or panel that now we're using the AOC AG 24 1 QX which is a 24 inch LED freesync g-sync compatible 144 hertz one millisecond for TV huge Thank You Micra Center or sharing all that with us and now we've got to go finish the casemod put it all together and get it all installed and tested and benchmarked before he comes and picks it up in 24 hours so Phil over the weekend got these stencils made from the Warlock logo thingy I like I'm building computer for thing I don't know so I'm gonna do right now I'm going to kind of do a light clear on this there we do the hairspray and then we're gonna spray the logo and then we're gonna chip the logo and make it match the weathering that's on the rest of the rest of the case the water just sort of gets in there get started and then I dab it off with a paper towel give it a little wipe I love others like so many different colors and textures going on now I'm trying to do right now it's gonna clean up in between and then make the paint look like it ran just a little bit and girl everywhere and now what I'm doing is I'm dry brushing that black into the groove so the grooves are gonna turn let's see how it's putting it like the black inside the holes in the holes are getting darker it passes the 5 foot rule that's for sure you bent the wool mogul we were doing a test fit right now with the crack in x52 that we got for this I would really have to open up that hole more to make it fit and I really don't want to do that I know that sounds like a lazy cop-out thing I feel back is Micro Center you know paid for this but I don't want to make that hole that much bigger because I had to really sand down these edges to keep them from being too sharp like right now you could touch them and not cut yourself and with how thin this metal is that wasn't easy to do so we're gonna use this on a different build at some point put this in our inventory real quick game sorry Micro Center you guys are still MVP though so that's on us you made a very good point it was like this is gonna fit crap the answer was no I know a lot of you guys would like just make the hole bigger but I just said I don't want to do that I mean I would almost have the whole entire grille removed and at that point that's right [Music] I saw these guys which now just makes those look like black fans but whatever I can still scrape them up and stuff but these are also going to be chipped in whether these are the exact same paint as a base coat on that but with the same undercoat so I'm gonna chip them whether these now now to inspire corsair fans first you punch a hole through so we made fake wires to represent the fan wires i went through trouble of hiding but because it's a much smaller neater hole with a much nicer looking cable then the fan wires see why would you put your part to inside the Capitola stupid idea this is so much more but our origin of the entire idea of this bill literally stemmed from me telling him I could just externally mount your radiator and then we can get better cooling for your computer we switched over to the good mic because that means end camera too because that means today is delivery day so what we you know when you put the two halves together what you're gonna notice is there are some effects that don't carry over into neighboring panels like this is the idea of being an exhaust vent so so would be coming up over here so you got too much of a harsh line I don't care for the black cages on the fan so I'm gonna be putting some this is just called dark gray so original but I think it's gonna blend in nicely and just by dusting it it's gonna take away some of the super clean look of the fans which in this case where I guess would be engines and then I do you can see I weathered the base but the base does not match up with the system because the system has a lot of black kind of added to it where this is just the chip paint and it still has to clean of a look so I've got to play around with that and then we can start assembling the system one thing that we also did that we didn't even talk about yet I Phil loves effect - these are two different colors right here I just put these here to kind of hold down the grills for these wires these wires right here although they look like the fan wires that we ran through are completely fake they go to nothing I cut these off of power supply and it's just like it needs something else here so I went to the trouble of hiding these wires just to add fake ones but it's much cleaner looking than if I drilled a hole for the fan cables cuz to put the actual fan header through would have been too big of a hole and I'm too lazy to deepen it it was much easier to just as Phil calls it kit bashing where you just take things from other things and put it together the tubing has got a lot of paint on it the idea is that this is supposed to look like this has been exposed to these space elements so the shiny paracord wasn't gonna work so this has a lot of layers of different color base coat primer black just to give it a very onion for MOOC and I think it looks very much like a rubber tube would probably look if it were exposed to space although I don't think we exposed rubber to space but that's besides the point that's the touch we were missing right there [Applause] so underneath this blanket quite honestly I think is the coolest computer I've ever built and it's not even my paint anyway you guys want to see it that's it no you can't see it before the owner sees it so the problem here and this is mark by the way mark say hi to YouTube hi the issue the issue with your node 202 was the fact that you had that cryo red cooler that you had to like smack it to make the fan keep going because you realized one day we were playing battlefield 5 his framerate went to crap and he realized his fans stopped working on his air-cooled CPU and so it was causing you to drop like 99% of your frames yeah so I said well that's fine we'll just cut a hole in your case and strapping a i/o to it and you're like ok that's fine so I think we went a little bit farther like just a little bit past that but as long as doesn't catch fire although no promises all right are you ready close it close your eyes close your eyes all right open them up [Music] [Music] [Music] no don't touch it what's wrong with you no guys hit it I don't even know what that's really cool so if you look at your screen oh we took inspiration from the Wonder Wing I've never had anything water-cooled before so this is my first sucker but I've always wanted to like a themed casemod of some sort so I kind of went all out on this and I see my CPU it won't die your CPU and stuff are here wait what so micro Center was like you guys working on anything we were like actually so you now have a 99 hundred K 16 gigs of DDR 4 z 390 i motherboard the same one he has in a 2080 super but no not to embarrass you or anything I just I I did I did explain that you work with the special need kids yeah and that's a tough job that my dad did that we've had conversations about that yeah yeah and so it's one of those things where I thought why don't we just go like over the top you're a newlywed yeah you've got a lot change in building something like this for yourself would probably have not been anytime soon so why don't we just go ahead and do something nice for you who takes care of everyone else's kids who needs it and do something nice for you so I thank you guys I wasn't expecting any kind of you were just expecting an AI Oh strapped to them no overheating anymore but Wow speaking of cooling are you ready for this your graphics card is overclocked and it's max temperature is 60 C your CPU is overclocked to 5 gigahertz and it's reaching about 86 C under stress test Wow you also have a 2 terabyte nvme SSD in there well bit thinking that my build was a budget build of your budget build exactly couple years ago and the funny part is Phil said you guys built all of that by having going down to my Crescenta and picking out the like what's the cheapest of every component well the mother where I think this was used like it was a h1 10 and I was like what is Victoria it was one where the pin was bent yes it did back yeah it worked it worked well you don't you don't have any not to worry about anymore so thank I hope you I hope you liked the theme I I titled I love it I don't feel I said I hope he doesn't mind that I'm like really just sort of you're tearing this thing it's AI can touch it so it looks techniques and stuff I did on the painting you can see it all in the video but this I basically took everything I know about like my model building good threw it into a computer but you can see the inspiration of destiny yeah yeah I like yeah you played with me the other day I don't know I just need to say I play I might maybe a little too much you know that's my wife but uh yeah but yeah it's it's amazing I love it so now when you go to land parties and stuff you're gonna kind of be like we do that's why we do the smaller pieces so we can carry it around I'm not I'm not gonna lie I'm a I'm a bit jealous of this computer because it turned out so good I'm like do something yeah this no it's yeah it's so yeah it looks you know I told Phil your biggest problem is gonna be deciding what side you want to look at it looks really cool we even did it we even did pre pre weathering of the power button as if you were pushing it a bunch though but yeah it's not even Weathertop smacking it up so I mean that's a lot of fun doing this we we spent about three days but three solid days of build time on it and which is funny because it's probably one of the fastest builds I've done in this Cheerilee oh yeah I think it's one of the coolest looking ones perfect it's thank you yeah I love it I can't can't wait to play all right guys well we're gonna go ahead and get on out of here thanks for watching this video this is the first time you guys have seen something this custom from me and it's all in one video and it didn't take a year and it didn't involve a celebrity I'd much rather build something like this for a guy like you than any celebrity so we'll say thank you I will get it we'll get see what happens when you come help me put up walls and stuff yeah you guys need more help man sir oh now that you've said that you can you can start by packing my other CD all right guys thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one oh yeah just like Apple but there's more oh wait wait it's a but one more thing one of the one of the worst things you could possibly do is take all of this hardware and hook it up to a monitor so here is a 144 Hertz 1440p LED one millisecond free sync panel that is g-sync compatible so that'll firm I get to do so no no I don't say that yeah he picked it as a Oh see again Micro Center toss our way well I'm not used to display poor it I'm still on TV I so thank you guys you are welcome so yeah now we can go if you want know why we gave this to tho go watch my video about bottle knocking your system with the wrong monitor
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,406,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom pc, custom case mod, case mod, destiny 2 themed pc, destiny 2, destiny, destiny pc game, destiny 2 pc game, custom case painting, custom case paint, case modding, how to mod a pc case, how to case mod, how to do a case mod, microcenter, best case mod, jayztwocents custom pc
Id: JbCv9ux77L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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