I bought the cheapest liquid CPU cooler on AliExpress… - Is it any good?

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hello everyone and welcome to another video now once again I've decided to go shopping on AliExpress to see what cheap deals I could find and in today's one well we'll be looking at the cheapest liquid cooler this is the I wongu integrated water cooling uh I apologize for the pronunciation I've probably butchered the name but let's get it open and see what this is like now a lot of you ask if these AliExpress videos are sponsored they are not I do have to disclose such information and I'll be sure to tell you but these are aren't sponsored at all I just like to buy cheap things because there's lots of cheap things on there traditionally I am a fan of air cooling but when something comes up at less than 20 well I have to just jump in and purchase it to see if it's any good first of all then we have the instructions these aren't really good for much we do have some diagrams on here but they aren't all that in depth thankfully this thing is pretty easy to figure out so first of all in the box we have the 120 mm fan this is also branded with i wongu as well or whatever it's called again I apologize for the pronunciation this has a four pin connector on the end here which is always nice to see will it be quiet or will it be incredibly loud we'll find out later on we also have an accessory pack here with all the necessary brackets and screws we also have some thermal paste which is a nice addition this is not pre-applied to the liquid cooler itself as you can see we have the bag of screws now this is compatible with Intel and AMD systems uh the full compatibility list is on the website now the instructions don't actually say this they just give details for either Intel 2011 or AMD but of course you can use it with 115x socket 1700 1200 am4 apparently am5 as well but I'll be testing it with socket 1700 today as that's the system that I use on a daily basis along with the I5 12400 F now there are a few options you have 120 mm aiio 240 360 RGB or ar argb this is the cheapest of the cheap so it's the 120 mm RGB option cost less than about 20 quid I've seen it anywhere from 18 to 22 the 120 U mil option that is I do like the reflective top of the pump here we also have a copper bottom here with a sticker that says please peel off I have actually left this on accidentally before with different units you'd be surprised how many times actually but yeah nice thick braided cables here connected to the radiator not much to it just a simple 120 mm unit looks absolutely fine out of the box now the instructions aren't that clear as I said before but the first thing we have to do to connect it to my system at least is attach these two side brackets which slide in and then screw down with the provided screws as you can see here so basically they hold it in place on the motherboard we have the two little brackets we attached just now once they're screwed into the pump this screws directly into this adjustable bracket underneath the board itself as I said although the instructions aren't uh all that in depth it's pretty simple to get the hangle and once this is screwed down we're basically ready to go we just need to attach the fan to the rad itself and then power up the system when it's actually installed as part of the system it should look something like this I've installed it tubes down here in some cases you may find that you have to install it with the tubes facing upwards um because some cas have a little section at the back where the PCI brackets at the back here are actually sticking out a bit and this can be somewhat of an obstruction so you have to install the tubes up but not a massive deal it all depends on your case of course now on first power on I wasn't expecting this we get the logo of the brand here on an RGB background and the fan is also RGB as well I know it said RGB on the website but it didn't actually sink in until I turned it on and I actually really like the colors here it looks pretty good in terms of noise there is a gentle hum from the unit as a whole but it is incredibly quiet whether your system is in basically idle you're not doing anything or you are underload it's very quiet considering it cost me less than 20 before taxes I'm surprised by how decent the noise level is I'll just play this clip again this time without me talking so you can hear for yourselves now as I mentioned before I use an i5 12400 F system system so the idle temp with the liquid cooler here was 30° this is after the PC's been switched on for 30 minutes and basically doing nothing this is the temperature according to MSI of the burner I also ran the CPU Z CPU stress test and we saw the temperature increase to a Max of 54° when it came to actual gameplay I played cyberpunk 2077 now my system is pretty mismatched here the I5 12400 F uh can't quite keep up with the 4070 super at 1080p of course that's not the point of this video really but just worth mentioning in the cyberp punk 2077 gameplay test after half an hour of gameplay the maximum temperature we saw was 52° now I live in England of course where the temperature well you're lucky to see at least 20° even in the middle of July so yeah it's a pretty cool environment that my PC is in I'm using the open test bench as well so we have no other fans in the system this is just the liquid cooler hooked up to the I5 sitting on top of my desk now you might actually be wondering well have you got any comparative results and what I decided to do next was compare this what is one of the if not the cheapest liquid cooler I could find to the cheapest air cooler now I use the thermalite Assassin King 120 SE these days and it retails for about £15 here in the UK on Amazon and for that price I mean it's it's very good it's very quiet underload or at idle of course and it's an ideal CPU caller to get if you want something that's probably going to be better than any boxed caller and you want something that's not going to break the bank either yet it will improve your temperatures this is actually perfect especially if you have an entry level or mid-range CPU I've used these before in a couple of budget builds and I've always been impressed with them especially for the price it just goes to show that a decent product doesn't have to be too expensive now the Assassin King 12 SE is going to set you back about £3 less than the liquid cooler at its cheapest price I could find on AliExpress and in terms of comparative results we saw an idle temp of 34° this is up from 30 from the liquid cooler under the CPU Zed stress test the max with the Assassin King was 58 compared to 54 and in cyberpunk 2077 our temperature max came in at 2° less 56 compared to the 52° again this was 2° less than CPU stress test with the liquid cooler so cyberpunk 2077 with the Assassin King 56° Max with the liquid cooler 52° Max so there is a little bit of a difference here but whether or not this is going to sway you towards a liquid cooler as opposed to the cheapest air cooler whether it's entirely up to you but what I will say for this 120 mil AIO is that I'm very surprised but that's all for this one leave your thoughts down below of course leave a like if you enjoyed this video leave a dislike if you didn't let me know would you purchase one of these to be honest I think for the money I'd stick with the air cooling I I just prefer it that's a personal preference of course I think the simpler setup in a lot of cases but if you do want a liquid cooler maybe you build pces as well and you want to make it look a little more impressive visually which liquid calling can often do then this really isn't a bad choice at all just like the cheap assassin King I think this is best suited to those uh lower-end or mid-range CPU but there's no reason why you can try it with something high end and perhaps that's something I'll do in another video maybe we'll put this thing at top the I9 and see how well it keeps it cool compared to some beastia liquid coolers out there I think I'm going to do that actually so hopefully you can join me then thanks for watching again and I'll see you all next time
Channel: RandomGaminginHD
Views: 26,689
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Id: fj9SA5CY_uw
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Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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