Is this $99 360mm AIO any good?

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well unless you live at the bottom of whatever shape you think this floating thing is that we're going through space on it's probably getting pretty dang hot where you are so today we're going to talk about water cooling but we're going to talk specifically about aios and more specifically the aw4 from ibby power they sent me this but I'm intrigued because of the fact that its price point is extremely aggressive and its quality they say it's pretty damn high so we're going to talk about this today we're going to put it in a 1300k system and we're going to push this thing to see how it actually performed so understand aios or all-in-one or closed loop systems however you want to call it you have to understand a couple of things one there's only a few Brands really making them so you've got ASA Tech you've got your custom one-offs which brands can come up with on their own and you got appletech appal Tech I can't I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce it but it's appal Tech I believe uh which is actually what the aw4 is now you might have noticed when I did the iby Power Tour and we built the system there was an iby power branded a in there but that was actually a deep cool cooler which is made by whoever deep cools was made by um and then it had an iby power custom cover that went on the pump to basically make a collaboration between deep cool but it was still a deep cool cooler with whatever odm that they used obviously with all the Deep cool stuff going on they're not using those anymore but they've been in development with aptech I'm going to say aptech aptech to develop the aw4 for a while in fact they even sent us footage of their like assembly tour because one of the main concerns people might immediately have with aptech is the fact that in the past they had some quality assurance issues they had they were they made the pumps that were inside the radiators right for the aios that were designed to kind of deal with the problem of air collecting in the pump and the cold plate at the CPU if your radiator was at the bottom or somewhere below the pump or Bel yeah below the pump or the CPU block um but they ran into some problems with that and they've gone through a whole lot of redesign and in fact a whole lot of effort to really increase their quality assurance now one of the things that happens with aios over time is because they sealed you can't go in there and flush them and clean them when things start to inevitably happen and what I mean by happen is because of the process of assembling a radiator and the flux and the solder that's used to get all the radiator tanks everything put together over time that can break down and that sediment can start to float around in your system and by in the system I mean get in the pump and in the cold plate and the Jet plate and all that and that's really the number one killer of an AIO more so than the electronics failing or the pump failing or um evaporation through any of the rubber tubes stuff where the coolant starts to evaporate through the system so they've gone through an entire process of just basically going through extreme cleaning Links of making sure they AIO and the solvent and the flux and all the solder material that they're using is as uh solid as possible so that it won't dilute in the system and then make its way into the fluid so that's that's one reason why I'm really interested to see how this unit performs over time U but the other thing that finds this this unit completely compelling is the fact that the 360 AIO is $99 and the 240 AIO is $79 we live in a time right now when you can buy a $400 closed AIO I closed loop that's ridiculous so if the price to Performance is here this makes makes this an extremely compelling option for uh putting it in your system the other thing too is yes it's RGB but it's extremely simple so they're not you're not going to have a ton of wires going everywhere we've got pretty decent fans but you can see the fans themselves are also not RG they have a lot of design put into them in terms of keeping the uh noise down or the Acoustics down and their blade pitch design okay here's the first test is the fan sticker centered I can't see it so Phil will have to nod yeah say it's pretty oh yeah it is very centered wobbly stickers bother us dang pretty good oh that one's a little bit more wobbly but acceptable okay so inside here also is our installation manual this is going to show you how your bracket goes together um it's Illustrated as you can see so it's going to show you how to put the pump bracket on based on the socket that you're using um as you can see it obviously includes uh 1700 115x to 1200 for Intel and then obviously it says amd1 and amd2 well I was just showing the steps to put it on so for the AMD bracket it does retain the clips if you can see so the AMD boards have the standard Clips on there it does include the clips I would have preferred the mounting mechanism to use the four hold down screws and the back plate one it's a cleaner look two it's easier to install and three I think it gives you better tension and mounting Force I would like to see that revised at some point but then obviously here's our list of parts and stuff pretty standard when it comes to installation hardware for Intel and LGA 1700 we've got our backing plate and our proper height uh standoffs LGA 1700 um is slightly different in terms of the back plate that's why they give you a separate back plate so instead of having a back plate um that has the adjustable screws on there they give you one that works for 11 XX or 11 5xx and 1200 then they give you an entirely different one for 1,700 so you don't have to worry about that thing the screw sliding around and not lighting up the holes just use the right one here is our fan splitter so that's nice all three fans will be controlled through the same header AMD retention bracket right here radiator mounting screws and that's it pretty simple congrats on your new gear scan the QR code to learn more rewards gear and whatnot if you guys don't know iby power and height and all them Height's a a brand Under iby power they love the anime stuff they put it everywhere so pre-installed on the it's actually pretty weighty it's heavier than I expected it to be so we got pre-installed screen printed thermal paste which we will be using for this test cuz we want to know how it performs out of the box and then for our pump connection it's very simple we have a pwm a three pin actually no it's just three pin interesting we have a three pin pump so it's a DC pump not even pwm so that'll be interesting you can still control it through DC or any sort of fan control software it's just not specifically pwm and then we have an argb with a pass through pigtail on there because the only thing that's on here that's going to light up is just RGB underneath their little ventu cover here so it's very simple and one of the things I don't like about a lot of aios these days is they have a whole bunch of harnesses and USBC or you standard USB 2 plugs I have to plug in you have to download standal software to make it work or if it's got other um proprietary RGB plugs on there for Blinky lights or LCD screens you got even more software you got to run this is just going to run off whatever is controlling your fan header is going to control the pump and the fans which I think is great and then the radiator quality what I'm looking for here are pre-bent bent fins looks like they they do a pretty good job it is very normal by the way to get a brand new AIO that might have one or two fins that have gotten bent that is extremely normal during the manufacturing process these fins are very very delicate so it's it just happens sometimes if we look at the other side you can see it still looks absolutely brand new so it's important to note that the aw4 that you're looking at now is built on an entirely new platform it's a whole new redesign that offers some of the most reliability and highest quality that app Tech's actually ever created so that's why they're also able to offer a three-year standard warranty on this aiio because they're that confident in the new process and the new platform that they designed that's pretty much it for the unboxing let's get it installed because I'm highly curious as to how well it can cool our 139900 [Music] K so something I want to point out too is their screws which I like are not threaded all the way down the shaft they have just the right amount of length that you need so that you can tighten it down till it stops and then know that your fan is fully mounted and I like that the fans also have rubber isolator pads to cut down on vibration so and it won't d damage any of the fins or anything underneath the fan because the screw is threaded to just the right length little things like that are very important to beginners who sometimes will crank this down and either snap the corner off their fan or if the fan is solid on the side just go drive it down into their fins or if the hole is big is just barely bigger than the screw head I've seen people actually pull the screw head down into the fan and just smash fins in their radiators now the only thing I'm using that is not officially from their kit are these zip ties it would be nice if they included some zip ties most AO brands do include at least four zip ties this is minor this is on the side that you're not going to see anyway and this is my cable management you know retentiveness that just can't let it go but uh yeah including some zip ties would have been a nice bonus touch so here's the back side of it right here here's the three fan wire harness that's going to the CPU header the three pin pump header is being occupied by the AO pump and then you can see these are the only wires right here I have them kind of looped back that's it no controllers to deal with no nothing if you look at the front side it's extremely clean obviously we have swivels on the pump if we need to swivel them out of the way but we have plenty of clearance this way um and then that is obviously going to light up RGB um because it's plugged in the RGB header right here so and I love the fact that it's a pigtail RGB and not just a single plug because of the fact that now we can Daisy change something if we only have most boards only have one or two headers these days so it's nice to be able to pigtail daisy chain that if we want okay so here we go because I've got the pump hooked up to the pump header we can see the RPM of the pump is at 3174 uh CPU fans right now it's registering technically one of the fans because we have it on three-way splitter it's about 862 RPM that is a pwm header so it should speed up to 2,000 at the highest curve depending on how that header is set up it's all out of the box for the MSI board so I haven't changed any of that so we're going to see how it does out of the box literally as if we installed the cooler on a system that was all taken out of boxes put together and no tuning whatsoever here's our current temps right here idling at 29c on the package uh we're in mid 20s right now upper 20s on the peores same temps for the ecores right here packages at 23 Watts um I don't recall what our voltage and anything is set to on this system so we're just going to go it should be pretty near out of the box settings I believe so let's just do one run real quick to see what our temperatures and stuff Spike to so our voltage is 1373 but it's still keeping it at 83c upper 70s low 80s on the uh the highest core is 83 right there look at that and 66 on there 293 Watts so it just dropped down to 268 so that's probably our short duration there we go oh up a little bit again a 36521 out of the box with all of our other background tasks and stuff running so let me go and close this other stuff that's actually pretty impressive those temps because 300 watts and 1.37 volts is a lot for any 13th or 14th gen CPU so we had 5.5 gigs PE cor and 4.3 gigs EC cor there's a 4,95 out of the box with the MSI pushing its limits I think this board still has some of the aggressive limits set right now I hate the fact that with Intel stuff we have to sort of talk about the fact that um we have to adjust those power settings and make sure that our bios and stuff is correct but I chose the CPU because we know a 1300k and a 1400k run hot any 900 I9 right now for 13th and 14th gen so what we have to do now is we have to now let the system Loop and run for a little while to see where we're going to equalize at those are just short bursts in temperature but it takes time for all the coolant in there to become fully saturated with whatever the dissipation capability of the heat exchanger which in this case the radi radiator is with a constant heat source so I'm going to let this go for 30 minutes it does take a bit even though there's a small liquid capacity in these aios I'm going to do 30 minutes it gives us plenty of time to make sure that our temperatures have fully equalized now as the test is actually doing its heat saturation test I want you to notice I have the side panel open on the case because we don't want the case to in basically interfere at all with the Cooler's capability so knowing what the cooler is capable of we have to remove any sort of variable uh which in this case could be any sort of chassis air flow so this is basically just mimicking an open air test bench and that's why the side side panel's off obviously I can't do a single case that would be like indicative of a universal experience because there's too many variations in case design mesh size paracity all that sort of stuff so that's why we had the site panel off and Phil pointed out we should probably take the top panel off too for that same reason so now we just basically have a fully open air chassis right now all right so this is actually pretty impressive so we can see right now it's it's got a minute 56 left in the test uh 92 was the peak Max it ever achieved on the package it's currently at 88 and the Pees as you can see are still in the 70s and 80s don't forget this CPU will not throttle till it hits 100 C we are putting an AVX instruction with cinebench R23 which is way harder than any real world use case would be on a cooler we have had coolers that cost twice as much as this struggle with this a 13th gen I9 uh so this is actually pretty impressive and look it never started to throttle at all we're still at what 5.5 GHz I know it says 87 that's just the way the multiplier is and we're still at 4.3 GHz on the ecores which is greater than the actual outof the- boox spec so it's slightly it's overclocked by 100 MHz which actually adds up to a lot uh believe it or not on 13th 14th gens in terms of heat but our power is still just 253 there's 26 276 so it's still 300 right there just under 300 we're still getting all that and it did Peak at 323 at one point but we're still getting all of our clocks that last run was a score of 39,380 uh hardware monitor reports weird sometimes on utilization so you can ignore that you can't have you can't have it using more than 100% of its capability that's not how utilization works all right so we're using geekbench now to see what some more realistic like workloads would look like and right now it's doing single core stuff so that's why the temperatures are pretty low we'd actually be able to see which core is being hit like I think core five was being used right there um now it's doing Horizon detection I'm not sure what that is but um see it's kind of the core five I think Core 5 is clearly the preferred core cuz all the single core stuff seems to be happening on Core 5 um but as soon as we get about halfway through this uh progress bar here it'll start doing more of the multi-core stuff which will give us a real world example of what multi-threading performance will look like on this rather than doing like ABX instruction sets which hits all the cores extremely hard so now we're going to be doing like more allore stuff right now so it's file compression well on a second here navigation so now we're doing more allore stuff it's it goes to the test so quick as it does that but as you can see the fact that it's moving through these tests and we're barely seeing the temps even move tells us that obviously the cooler is having no problem keeping up with that let's talk about why you would choose a cooler like this well one I think right now A lot of people are really looking for return on investment or bang for buck at $99 for a 360 AIO it's really hard to argue with the performance that we're seeing right here now the thing you have to ask yourself is aptech like you know that's not a brand name that people are really customed to hearing you know they're not customed to hearing that they they hear acitech and other stuff like that but like I said IB power has been collaborating with them since about 2017 and apk's had some struggles in the past but they've overcome a lot of those struggles and they are confident in the fact that they're going to be able to provide a reliable product an aiio tends to be the number one wear item in a build utilizing an AO if you put an AO in the build it tends to be the number one thing after years that people end up having to replace whether it be because like I said some of the materials used to create and assemble the radiator can kind of Break Free mix in with the coolant get jammed in the impeller in the fins and start causing problems that way um but they have a whole new process that they use Now to create these radiators that is supposed to reduce that to an extremely low level all radiators are going to leech something into into Loop it doesn't matter if it's an AI it doesn't matter if it's the most expensive open loop Radiator on the market they all are going to eventually have something make its way into the loop it's just the way that the Assembly of the radiator works but they're confident in their collaboration with them uh which is why that when they approach me about doing this video for a cooler normally I wouldn't be that interested in AO type coolers but the price point is what truly intrigued me for this now you can get this in uh any of their systems on their configurator so if you go to the configurator and you you know choose your cooler and stuff and you choose an AIO they're going to have competitors there they're going to have other brands there that they're confident in putting this next to those Brands and then um today's video shows that you can consider something like this and see the type of performance you're going to get out of it obviously long-term results will take time to come back as people start using them but IB power is pretty confident I had a call with them about it I wanted to know more about why they ch aptech and you know I with the volume that they deal with I can guarantee you they don't want a ton of them failing or coming back so they are also putting their their eggs in this basket that it's it's going to hold up to the longevity that Gamers and PC users demand even at a $100 price point so uh also too I want to point out that there is a down the description there is a coupon code if you are going to be building a system with uh I power you can save 50 bucks on an rdii system that's over $999 or 5% on any custom some configurator system that is over $999 so you can save 5% there anyway there you go guys um aiio I said I'm going to be doing a lot of water cooling stuff this summer so we're starting off with aios even though we just did like dry ice Cooling and crazy stuff there we're going to do some more practical stuff that actually means something to you guys cuz I think we're about to so far this summer has been pretty warm here in SoCal like we've already had multiple triple digit days which is like the 40 C plus range for those of you that speak that language I think we're going to have a lot of opportunity for people going why is my CPU running so warm I want to try and cool it down as much as possible so start it with aios and we'll work our way up from there all right guys thanks once again to iby power for sponsoring today's video and allowing us to take a look at their aw4 cooler and uh the results sort of speak for themselves oh that's a score that doesn't mean anything to you guys honestly these are what you guys care about so the numbers they don't have opinions they just show themselves and that's the way that this performed today and I think it performed actually pretty well all right guys thanks for watching and as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 80,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aio, aio cooler, cheap aio, watercooled cpu, aio 13900k, good aio, are aios worth it, is watercooling worth it, best aio, aio under 100, $99 aio, ibuypower aw4, aw4 aio, ibuypower aio
Id: 7Gborxw9Q_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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