BEST Mini PC 2024 & the BEST cooling! | Beelink SER Ryzen 8845HS

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so here I have another ryzen Mini PC and this one rocks quite a powerful CPU in here actually ryzen 7 8845 HS so I'm excited to take a look tear it apart test it let's take a look what this Mini PC is made of Licensing Windows is cheap and easy with and if you use the cn2 you get an extra discount wow complete the purchase copy the key and paste it to the activation settings and you're all done also check out their Microsoft Office 19 license and use the same code tn20 for the extra discount check out in the video description below so this is from belink and this is the SE series maybe a little bit smaller than the Mac Mini oh oh wow this is very very nice very nice kalissa this is metal all the way around hello can you see this here this is a bit of a apple like kind of a box here just for reference this is my MacBook Pro 19 that I actually broke but I still have it and look at that as you can see the color is identical finish to the space gray so truly you can call it space gray as usual we've got a HDMI cable power brick which is 120 W and some instructions so let's turn this PC on and take a look what it's made of so right I've set the PC up the Windows is installed in fact actually a very latest Windows 11 was installed so when I'm was doing updates on the 13th of June there was hardly anything there which is really really good news so when we're looking at the specs here we can see that this is a ryzen 7 it's got eight calls and 16 threads it does go up to 6 5.1 GHz actually in terms of speed we've got 32 G G of ram that's 5600 megat transfers per second two sodum slots we've got 1 TB SSD 2.5 gig Lan and our radiant 780m Graphics now I ran the SSD speed test already and we're getting roughly about 5.1 GB read and 4.6 or 4.7 GB right speeds now I've got C R23 open and I want to test the CPU as you can see the core clock speeds we are going up to 5.1 GHz and the CPU package power draw is over here so let's do a multicore test and see how all of the eight cores reacts be in mind right now this PC is on the balance mode in a moment I'm going to show you how you can go to the performance mode and get a bit more power pulled from there but right now we're limited to 54 wats all cores are going about 4.3 7 almost 4.4 GHz and we're about 60° C that's insane cooling for a Mini PC like that that's one of the things that I really like about this Mini PC actually and I've tested quite a few some of them try to make the Mini PC like as small as possible but then it's actually quite loud and the cooling isn't particularly good I don't mind if you add extra 10 mm on each side to make the PC a bit bigger and put a little bit bigger cooler in there so that it's actually quiet and can cool anything down look at that 54 Watts we pull through from this pretty much for the last little bit and we were 66° that is such good temperature all of the cars went pretty much 1.1 GHz as you can see there uh some of them are a little bit better like call one there seems to go a little bit higher but 16,000 points that's uh pretty fantastic if you restart and go into the bios so start hitting the delete button okay and here when you go to advanced settings scroll down to OEM featur management and the power limit we're going to set the performance mode I can definitely hear the fan a bit more it seems like the fan is like set at like higher fan speed setting so it's not like ramping up if it doesn't need to it is just higher there let's have a look what's going on okay I was wrong now the fan finally went down I'm not sure what was going on so let's try this test again remember previously we were at 16,000 points and now we're limited to 65 Watts as you can see and our core clock speeds are 4.6 really so we're gaining extra 200 300 megahertz let's see how this is actually going to go there but looks like the temperature isn't necessarily going that much higher we're about 66 67 so now we're about 3 4° warmer than previously 177,000 points so extra th000 points there and look at that we went to 73° that is that is really really good temperature extra 6° or something like that but so much more power honestly this cooling probably can handle a little bit more uh of CPU power but unfortunately it's only capped at 65 Watts we're not able to increase it any further let's try cinebench r24 capping again 65 Watts but here look at that some of the CPU CES were 4.8 4.9 GHz so it's actually somehow boosting all of the cores a lot higher than on cine 23 I forgot the 10-minute test on let's do a single multicord test all right and interestingly how fast it cools it down as well it was down back to 45 watts in no time look at that 4.7 4.81 4.82 there as you can see we are not thermal throttling we are 79.1 de something like that but it's still boosting full on speed and I think 79° seems to be like the maximum it's going to go it's 25 . 1° in this room right now so you have a little bit of a reference what these temperatures mean now one interesting thing is I can see that the CPU is pulling 65 W I'm measuring how much power I'm pulling from the socket and from the socket I'm pulling 99.6 Watts so we're pulling 100 Watts from the socket which means that the rest of the system like the fan and RAM and all the rest of the things are pulling 35 Watts which is quite a lot for a whole lot of nothing compared to Apple Mac Mini M1 M2 M3 hardly anything gets pulled from the wall but right now we're pulling 100 wats from the wall so is the fan really taking that much power what is taking so much power that we have to have extra 35 wats pulled from the socket so we just got a 979 Point score and what does that actually mean if we compare this to the I5 12600 K which is desktop CPU that pulls 125 wat plus from the socket which is almost double what we're pulling there we're actually performing slightly better than the 12 12600 K 12600 G gets 970 points which is impressive power from this guy here and being it's such a small form factor I mean I'm super impressed with with the cooling in fact I don't actually know how do they do it well I actually do know and I'll show you this in a minute what's inside the PC but 81° maximum and then like 10 minutes straight 160 Watts usually all the other PCS or Min PCS that I've tested have been thermally throttling have been some how clocking down this guy was solid pushing pushing pushing pushing absolutely impressive well let's turn this PC off and take a look what's inside before I open this up it's probably best talking about the io so here's a few different things these two bottom USB type A ports are USB 2.0 this one here is USB 3.2 which is 10 GBS in speed this is 2.5 GB Lan display port HDMI mic and headphone gbo track as well as a USBC Port that is USB 4 so that's impressive and our DC Port seems like I don't see any kington lock parts here so you can't really lock this in we've got another mic and headphone combo check in the front there USB type-c 10 gbits and USB 3.2 10 GBS as well now this power button is actually really nice nice texture it matches the color quite well but it's actually a rubbery texture so it's you're not going to miss it with your finger when you're putting it there and I really like this space gray design it's one of the best um I think looking mini pieces that I have seen so let's take this guy apart I believe we have screws underneath here okay once you've got the screws open I think you've got this little handle rubber latch pulley thing here we should be pulling this out and there we go so there is a little bit of a dust filter thing going on that I've never seen on any other PCS as well which is pretty cool so we've got this a bit of a bigger circular mesh on the plastic cover on the bottom and then a bit of a finer mesh on here and I guess the airflow goes that it sucks the air in from the bottom through this dusted plate please dust regular it says here SE series dust filter that's really cool and it keeps the dust from going into like all your nvmes and RAM and actually making insulation for these which I'm liking so I think that's really cool so let's take this dust filter off you need to extra two screws now these are different screws and when cleaning it you can just Hoover it off or something like that okay now this is very interesting as well they're taking this very seriously and seems like a very uh good quality uh product what we see in here we've got an sc series SSD cooler now I've never seen that good of an SSD cooler on both of it of the nvme slots that's insane and they've got a little daughter motherboard here for the front panel iio as well which is interesting so ram upgrade is easy just pull them out we've got ddr5 sodm slots in here we've got a crucial one here both of them running 5600 megat transfers per second oh and they've put the wi-fi antennas underneath here because the back is plastic as you can see here the rest of the chassis is metal so they want to get still good Bluetooth and wireless connectivity so that's why they're putting this somewhere in the back there so let's take the SSD cooler off okay so far seems like only the bottom legs are one like longer screws and then rest of them seem to be the same screws for now yep oh yeah so you've got thermal pad in there as well as a massive heat block heat sink and then that's actually like thermal taped over there as well this is solid engineering looks very very good quality then underneath we've got one SSD slot there and then the other one there it does it only supports 2280 m.2 ssds it's PCI Gen 4 X4 slots so you can get full fat speed I like that the screw is already pre-installed in there if you want to upgrade that then we've got a little daughter motherboard over here so we need a very fine screwdriver tip for this to get this here okay and that just pops off as you can there see there little ribbon cable okay now suddenly the front two screws I'm trying to leave them where I took them here cuz all the screws are slightly different size so this is the DM motherboard for the reset or bios seos clear seam switch power switch and the front panel IO very cool then then I guess we're going to take these screws okay so this is for our Wi-Fi antennas Wi-Fi antenna little rack that kind of screws on the top there and little plastic cover that screws on top of the m.2 of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth antenna and make sure that the antennas are nicely plugged in so I'll just take this wi-fi and Bluetooth card off with the antennas attached so I don't have to take this off but you can change it remove it if wanted to interestingly they have put a little bit of glue or some kind of plastic underneath there I don't know why to support like the bottom of the M2 Wi-Fi card or it's just been accidentally put there I'm not exactly sure so as you can see there's loads of tiny little motherboards that they've kind of connected together with ribbon cables see that there I'm going to leave it attached if I can just easier to put back together later on now how do we get underneath now that's a tiny screw for the motherboard there okay so these standoffs are actually screws that hold the motherboard down as well so we'll have to take all of these off okay we should have everything loose now there's a few like um tapes that go on the side there I'm not sure if this is for like warranty or something like that see this bit over here that we could just take off and then there's one there as well but I'm hoping that will come once I lift this out so here is our PC and the cooling for this PC now I want to take this fan off because this fan is thick and very very big actually for what I've seen on many PCs it's quite quite big one okay there we go just peels there is a little sticker here to make sure that the air flow goes through and there's nothing coming in between and it all the add just flows through this little fins there it's actually copper and they've painted just the front black so that when you're looking from the back of the PC it doesn't look copper there but underneath here that's where we see the magic of the cooling and how it's able to keep that much power under wraps so what this thing over here is is an actual Vapor chamber so this is a lot more efficient way of reducing or pulling heat from a heat sauce than a heat pipe usually we see big massive heat pipes which are a little bit cheaper but this Vapor chamber goes over as you can see the CPU that's underneath there seems like there's a thermal pad or something underneath there I don't get that that is very interesting I don't know if what type of a squishy thermal pad are they using underneath there this is not thermal grease or anything else you can see it from the sides it sticks out from there and in there you can clearly see this in the corner there CU you can squish it down in there as you can see it's very very soft and Squishy it's got to be some kind of crafing like sponge or whatever and you can see the same thing underneath there underneath the mosfets so the power is cool as well as the CPU whatever they're doing they're doing a great job cuz it's really really works it's absolutely fantastic I'm not sure if this is vapor chamber there as well cuz underneath here it looks like this is a heat pipe that's solid onto this block as you can see that there unless it is a vapor chamber I know it might as well be as well and that's how they can pull so much power through and keep it cool I mean for the price point looks like you're getting quite a lot of PC and very good quality that's interesting I mean this the quality really stands out of the PC actually I've taken so many of these mini PCS apart and often you can feel that oh this is like a second kind of quality or it's kind of slopped in cuz they don't expect anyone to pull this apart this seems everything seems very solid engineering and very very good quality thing what's what's happening even just the way the Wi-Fi antennas are going back and really engineered well to just make it work it makes it look very very professional nothing's just glued down to make it work they've put engineering into everything and thought through like okay how are we going to make this work and make it also serviceable everything seems like Custom Engineered interesting they've designed these special connectors that I've never seen before to actually just make sure all the daughter motherboards work and honestly I've never seen this before very impressed even the way the SSD cooler goes in it just kind of slots into these tiny little grooves so it's not sliding in everywhere it's like just slots in that's it take it can go back there and we're all back together look like new so then do I recommend this Mini PC to be honest this is one of the highlights of mini PCS that I've checked out on this channel I'm really liking the feel everything about it feels very very premium and I do think you're going to get a good product because a lot of the cooling has been custom made really thought through they've improved a lot of the things that it seems like other manufacturers Just slap on or buy you know off the shelf motherboards apart this is not true in this case this seems very very nice the performance is insane put it on balance mode if you want it slightly quieter or performance mode to add even more all I can say is check out the links in the description below if you want to pick one up and um while you're there you might want to check out the best bankord book PC build guides completely free whatever budget is there's one for you and if you want to do reach out and ask any questions I'll always get back to all of my messages so I'll see you in the comment section below thanks guys for watching bye-bye
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 6,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, best tech, beelink ser 8845hs, beelink mini pc, beelink 8845hs, 8845hs ryzen 9, 8845hs mini PC, powerful mini pc, best mini pc, small pc, mini pc review, most powerful mini pc, mini pc, amd ryzen 7 8845hs, ryzen 7 8845hs, space gray mini PC, amd mini pc, ryzen 7 mini pc, ryzen mini pc, amd ryzen 7 8845hs technical, mini computer, desktop mini pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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