Building A Gaming PC Using Causes Emotional Damage...

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now pretty much for as long as I can remember  I've wanted to build a gaming PC using exclusively   wish crap so when toasty Bros reached out saying  that they want to enter the death match Arena of   death AliExpress versus wish I had to accept the  gauntlet that had been thrown and after winning   the coin toss I had to choose wish because  I'm pretty much fulfilling a lifelong dream   at this point or like a like a three year long  dream before we get into that though we need to   hear from today's video sponsor that helped  pay for whatever is about to happen better   stronger and more virile the Corsair 5000t  is a Powerhouse of a case pre-loaded down   with enough RGB to make any 14 year old  weep and with its cavernous interior and   generous radiator support you can fit  enough cooling to satiate even the most   insane Nvidia engineer's appetite so get the  5000 T using the link in the video description thank you when it comes to the budget for The  Showdown we decided on 800 US Dollars and that   is not including tax and shipping I may have  screwed up my budget a little but we'll get into   that a bit later first let's unbox all the wish  crap wow I've actually kind of missed the wish   plastic dumpster bags although in all fairness  to wish all this stuff shipped in like two weeks   which is very impressive for wish oh and I'll  have toasty Bros video with their AliExpress   build Linked In the description below so go and  check out their efforts so you can clearly compare   the quality of the two systems let's start with  the big bag wow that's like most of the PC in   there okay that's quite promising description of  contents and that seems to be the name of a CPU   I recognize I can't quite remember if that's  the one I bought because it's been a while that is a lot of bubble wrap it's nice to  see that whatever they sent is nice and safe that's a really nice touch they add a  little sachet of thermal paste with a   CPU and then it seems to actually be the  CPU that it says on the box that is a very   good start well done wish let's check out  the next random package next let's try the   two random envelopes we've got hard disk and I  actually Splurge for this getting a 240 gig SSD oh it's a kingdian drive okay I've  used one of these in a build a while   ago and it was a functional SSD and  this one is 240 gigs what a beauty   foreign because of all the plastic shopping on  wish really feels like lobotomizing a turtle   let's see it's looking round but it should get  the job done one thing it's kind of weird about   it though it comes with a tiny little screwdriver  and a bunch of case screws that is a very unusual   accessory for Ram I'm not gonna lie I don't think  I've ever seen that before but I guess it's a nice   touch this one kind of looks like it's got its  teeth kicked in a bit apparently it is a computer   supply which I'm assuming is the power supply  I think this is the least confidence inspiring   power supply box I have ever seen oh never mind it  says professional on it so it's probably very good just wrapped it in some more soft plastic  for good measure oh that is a very light   Hollow feeling power supply although apparently  it's a thousand watt power supply which I think   makes this the bargain of the century this thing  has some real IED ignition Source Vibes to it and this is a cool Moon MX6 CPU Cooler  which is apparently quiet hydraulic and   only has a 90 millimeter fan hopefully  that xeon's not too hard for it to cool whoa that is six heat pipes that make direct  contact with the CPU beneath and then we've   got these little towers it actually kind of  looks like a little baby noctuar nhd-15 the   fans actually have very crudely implemented  LEDs on the inside so they're even gonna light   up this again actually seems like a reasonable CPU  Cooler I love how all it takes for wish to impress   you is just getting a product that doesn't  look like it's going to give you dysentery   ooh a dumpster bag inside a dumpster bag it's  always very promising when the box that your new   motherboard's probably in looks like it was used  as a seat cushion by the delivery driver it's even   more promising when the rear i o Shield looks like  it's been involved in a fire recently but at least   we get a nice sachet of thermal paste with the  motherboard what happened to this rear IO Shield well there's our motherboard I get the  distinct impression this motherboard was   saved from a PC that survived the warehouse  fire look at that nice creative use of a   piece of paper there's a socket protector  there I'm sure that's delivery driver butt   proof when it comes to the graphics card I  was quite Brave according to wish this is   an RTX 2060 but this is wish we're talking  about one of the most reliable sources of   scam graphics cards in the world so chances  are very high this is just a fake GTS 450. hey it may very well be debating me here but  this actually looks like a real box what the hell we'll all be damned that actually looks  like a real RTX 3060. it doesn't even see   Tales scam graphics card signs we even  get a backplate on this bad boy that's   awesome now we just need to hope it works  but this is a really good start so far oh no way it's a Corsair case foreign that's just a new one box Corsair 100r to me it  seems a bit like whisp has reformed a little bit   going from a scam retailer to just a mostly crappy  retailer uh having said that we don't know if any   of this stuff works yet so let's build the PC and  find out first we need to talk about the budget   this is what everything cost bringing us to a  total of about 827 Canadian dollars and if we   use the exchange rate at the time when I bought  all this stuff our grand total is about 660 US   Dollars about a hundred and thirty dollars  under budget but it's not my fault buying   stuff on wish is really hard everything's either  weirdly cheap or stupidly expensive when it comes   to CPUs and motherboards if you want anything  more modern than that old Xeon I bought you're   looking at hundreds of dollars more so my choice  was either go a hundred and thirty dollars under   a budget or a hundred and thirty dollars over  budget and I'd much rather go under than over   but that does mean that the toasty Bros  system is most likely going to curb stomp   mine in terms of performance but like I've  said so many times in today's video that   is future David's problem first let's assemble  the weird Abomination and see if it even works now I'd say the first step is to prep  the house fire victim motherboard for   installation I'm gonna be real Brave  about it and not test the system box   top before installing it into a case  just because I like to live dangerously   you know okay let's see the state of  the pins under that paper socket cover it it actually kind of seems like the bit  of paper did its job those pins look fine now considering the fact that they gave us a  screwdriver with the ram I kind of feel like   I need to try and build the PC using only  the screwdriver which feels like a really   stupid idea considering that that is one of the  smallest Phillips head screwdrivers I think I've   ever seen we are using DDR3 which meant that  this 16 gigs was actually quite affordable even   though it came with a screwdriver next I think  we should Mount the Kirkland brand nhd15 on the   little CPU wow that's not very much mounting  hardware it almost seems like some variation   of stock Intel cooler mounting plastic clip  MacGyver on the little bracket it tells you   which Notch to slip the little plastic thingy  in so I think we need to do the middle notch and then in terms of thermal paste I'm  going to use the very kindly supplied   sachet of thermal paste squeeze that out  onto there wow that is a lot of thermal   paste and then the coolers should  go on quite straightforward we just oh wow that felt very much like I  was destroying the Earth and with   that I think we can start prepping the case now that is a very plain black box  of ow although I'm not really   complaining at least it pretends to  have some ventilation on the front oh we get some acoustic foam  on the inside of the side panel   there's even acoustic foam on the top of the  case and along the back side panel although   the case does feel like it's made out of melted  down bits of spam can oh that is a shockingly   disgusting rare iot Shield and it actually feels  like if you push too hard you're gonna break the   back of the case out oh there we go that is  that is in next up I'm going to install the   power supply and wow there is very little going  on inside this thousand watt power supply I'd   be surprised if this doesn't explode by the  end of the video it even comes with a single   supplemental 8-pin Graphics power cable that  is some fancy thousand watt power supply action now this is a bit of an odd problem to have but  neither the case nor the power supply come with   the correct power supply mounting screws so  I'm gonna have to use some for my own stash foreign for ants but it seems to be doing the job yeah these little Ram screwdrivers are  great liners should have just licensed   these yeah why spent years trying to design  a screwdriver with the perfect screwdriver   is just bundled with wish Ram all along  yeah you know like magnetized tips are   such a bougie invention oh yeah the  thread is too big so the screwdriver   actually can't screen okay I'm gonna have  to use an inferior screwdriver for this okay so now we just need to Cable manage this  bad boy then we can drop a GPU in there and   see if it actually works which I am excited and I  immediately ran into a problem well that is a very   poorly placed cable routing hole and I think it  means I may have to Route the CPU power up around   the front like some kind of animal but plugging  in the CPU power was way easier said than done   ah oh come on but I figured it out eventually   yes oh it's finally in luckily the rest  of the cable management was a bit easy now is the moment we've all been  waiting for will this bucket of   crap actually start up or explode  taking me with it let's find out   no way oh we've got some RGB happening very nice  although my excitement was short-lived despite the   mesmerizing RGB and a restart the system just  wouldn't post the problem is we don't have any   kind of like boot LEDs or anything like that on  the motherboard so it's gonna be very hard to   diagnose any issues with it my first thought was  that I screwed up with the CPU and motherboard   pairing how much do you want to bet that CPU isn't  compatible with this motherboard yay luckily I had   a CPU lying in a pile somewhere that I could use  to test the motherboard but swapping out the CPU   is again easier said than done that is a really  stupid mod it won't unclip with tensions Rising   I decided to remove the motherboard for easier  access what is this Mount am I just really dumb   see it just doesn't unclip and it just pulls  the whole cooler over I don't know man The   Rage of a thousand suns is building up in  me here come on okay I'm gonna get gloves oh there we go now two things first off  considering that I had to use the power   of an enraged hippo to unclip that I hope I  didn't break the motherboard and the second   thing is I forgot to remove the film of  plastic on the bottom of the CPU Cooler   uh now that's not why it wasn't booting but um  yeah it's it's good that it didn't boot because   otherwise it would have caught on fire a little  embarrassing now Swifty moving attention back   to the terrible CPU Cooler with the mounting  in place you can't remove the CPU so you have   to take the whole bracket off oh I really wish  I tested the system before I finished building   it now to spare you from having to witness  a whole bunch more shouting long story short   after spending hours testing different CPUs  and looking for new bioses and whatever the   problem was that IED ignition Source power  supply it just wasn't working after I swapped   it out the system just kind of worked fine  so now that we've figured out what's wrong   with the system and I lost a couple of years of  life expectancy let's see how the system runs um I may have skimped on the CPU a little bit  too hard in this build but in my defense any   reasonably modern CPU they sell for like a  starting price of 8 million dollars so it   was either this or nothing to be honest which  unfortunately means the RTX 2060 is not really   doing a whole lot in GTA 5 but generally  the temperatures are pretty good and it's   relatively quiet uh with that let's try a more  demanding game now Battlefield 5 at 1080p High   settings is running almost better than GTA  5 which doesn't seem to like quad cores very   much and as you can see the temperatures  have jumped up significantly I've been   playing for about 20 minutes now honestly it's  running better than I was expecting and it's   utilizing more of the RTX 2060 although if  we got a better CPU we would have gotten a   lot more performance so I'm actually kind of  hoping the toasty Bros also couldn't get a   very powerful CPU because that's going to be  the easiest way for them to beat this system cyberpunk preset High 1080P and um we're almost  at 60 frames per second that may not be a very   high frame rate but it's quite a smooth delivery  of that frame rate in the same way that with GTA   5 we didn't have a very high frame rate but it  was quite a smooth delivery the fact is that   this is a wish gaming system that doesn't have a  fake GTS 450 in it kind of blows my mind a little   bit now in terms of benchmarks for comparing with  the toasty Bros system we agreed on GTA 5 at high   settings cyberpunk at high settings and cinebench  R20 so go watch their video to decide who was the   winner of this Death Match Arena of death and  with that what did we learn in today's video   well if a power supply emerges from a dumpster  bag like a Naz ghoul you probably shouldn't   plug it into your system anyway thank you for  watching before you go and check out toasty Bros   system just stick around for an alternate  intro to this video that I decided to not   use anyway thank you for watching until  the next video bye-bye the year is 17   31. a gauntlet was cast from the house of bro  toasty challenging the alliance of starving to   a showdown in the death match Arena of death  AliExpress versus wish Coupe will prevail thank you foreign
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 816,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: q_VMl4wDJlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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