I Bought An Aliexpress Gaming Pre Built In 2023

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it's finally that time of the year again for our  annual AliExpress gaming pre-built purchase this   time around I spent about a thousand one hundred  Canadian dollars on this system that's including   tax and shipping by the way and I'm really excited  to see what kind of weird and wonderful creation   we get for that amount but first today's video  is sponsored by the node which is slowly being   absorbed by Akamai to form the most powerful  Linux based cloud computing service the world   has ever seen kinda like it already is just  look at this long list of Linux based Cloud   Computing Services they offer hmm I can tell  you're impressed and this combined with their   competitive pricing and award-winning customer  support makes Le node a no-brainer Choice sign   up using the link in the video description  to get a 60 day hundred dollar free credit thank you now the first thing that I've noticed about this  system aside from the couple of bruises on the   box is that we don't get the prestigious work of  box tape man but I think the reason for this is   that I didn't buy the system from the AliExpress  gaming pre-built kingpins IPS i instead bought it   from a seller called MXZ and they probably  still need to earn box tape man's Trust okay oh well what we lose in box tape man  effort MXZ makes up for in Spades with a   box slathered in the gameriest shape and the  box has a red undercarriage MXZ you spoil us on top of the box we get a power cable and some  Wi-Fi antenna in an unnecessarily fancy bag   although interestingly they did send the wrong  power plug and we also get a quick start guide   important wow that is a very nicely printed  and clear quick start guide good job the foam   situation is a little bare there's not a whole  bunch of it but at least the bit that is there   is nice soft foam I do want to put this thin  piece of foam back for when I remove the PC foreign interesting looking system first off it is in  a gigabyte case that I've never seen before   which has three RGB fans in the front that are a  greater risk of choking than a three-year-old in   a Lego factory because the closest thing we have  to front ventilation is this obscenely dense slat   paneling but at least we have that RGB ping going  and at least again we have some top ventilation   with actual fans populating it these are set up  for exhaust though I do want to test what turning   these around will do later on for the temperatures  but we'll worry about that when we get to the   testing phase it's back and then up here we have  some very usable front I O with a dedicated RGB   button which should make you the Envy of all your  12 year old friends and around the pack we have a   perfectly serviceable looking i o some exciting  looking graphics card action with a Wi-Fi card   and some power supply which we'll have a closer  look at later but with that let's open her up this is stupid mouth oh very good we've got an expanded  foam insert which is a great way of   protecting a PC while shipping although  they are a bit of a pain to get out oh and they've added even more foam for good  measure although I feel like this is a placebo   bit of foam at best and under all of that is our  reasonably snazzy looking system the first thing   that I notice is that shiny dual Channel Ram kit  very good this is a 16 gig kit of Kirkland brand   Ram it seems like running at 3200 megahertz and  next that we have the good old stock AMD cooler   I can't remember what CPUs under there presumably  an AMD one but we'll figure that out later we've   also got a 500 gig gigabyte nvme drive and a  very basic looking gigabyte b450 motherboard   which should get the job done but it's really  nothing fancy and then in terms of the graphics   card we've got an MSI Ventus RTX 2060 super which  may be a bit of an older graphics card but it's   still very capable I think we'll find out a bit  later on closer inspection of the graphics card   there seems to be a cable that is very very close  to doing some terrible things to that graphics   card fan we'll see what happens when we start  it up and in terms of power supply we get this   DK 5.0 premium power supply that I've never seen  before so let's open up the back and investigate   oh that's a loose panel nice nothing  like a good old Molex centipede always   great to see other than that cable  Management's pretty solid back here   although I do want to get that power  supply out and have a closer look at it somehow again we managed to get a power supply  that I've never seen before after like four   years of doing this I don't know how that keeps  happening but apparently it's a 500 watt 80 plus   bronze rated premium power supply what more  could you want with that I'm gonna stuff its   guts back in and then we can fire it up to see  what kind of venereal disease we're working with exciting stuff we get to see if it actually  powers on whoa that's a unique color palette   and it's very much alive with Windows  10 on it nonetheless in terms of VD   there's basically nothing which is kind of  standard for these AliExpress systems the CPU   in here is a ryzen 540 500 a chip that I've never  had a look at before so I'm curious to see how it   keeps up with that 2060 super oh no they forgot  to enable the xmps that's real naughty MXZ which   I think means we should see what kind of gaming  performance we get out of this system but first this is another day another time I drive out of Franklin's  house here at 1080p High settings the system is   um not not doing a whole lot we're hovering  about 40 utilization for both the graphics   card and the CPU although what that  does mean is we are seeing very good   temperatures I mean we haven't even hit 50  degrees Celsius on the GPU yet the system   is also nice and quiet despite the fact  that we have 8 million Molex fans going   they're not the noisiest Molex fans you know  that's very good let's try a different game uh the the CPU is struggling a little bit  to keep up with the RTX 2060 super in here   but we are getting when it's not stuttering  but that's standard Battlefield 5. we are   getting about 120 frames per second and now  that we have actual utilization happening   the temperatures have climbed quite a bit  especially on the CPU we're getting close   to 70 degrees Celsius which isn't bad it really  isn't with that let me play for a bit more and   see what the temperature is top out so I've  been playing Battlefield 5 for a bit now and   the temperatures are exactly the same so what  I want to do next is enable the xmps to see   how much of a difference that makes and then  we'll try some real soul-crushing new games   foreign I think it's running a little bit better  when we look at the standardized benchmarks you   can see that the main difference is actually the  one percent lows so you know you don't have as   big dips in terms of the frame rate basically  turn xmps on is the point we all have ingrained   into our eyelids at this point the same goes for  Battlefield 5. it's not a life-changing Difference   by any means but at least we're getting some  higher one percent lows which always makes the   game feel a bit better and besides it just took  one press of a button basically oh I forgot that I   wanted to swap those top fans around to an intake  to see if that helps the temperatures let me do   that before I try and ruin this species  innocence with Last of Us and other game you can just tell these are  some Primo quality fans oh okay well we may have shaved off about three  degrees Celsius of our CPU but it's just moved   on to our GPU I don't know if that's worth  it it's getting hotter as well it it keeps   climbing now it's also definitely noisier  so I I have clearly made a bit of a whoopsie oh wow this system runs the crap out of cyberpunk  this is 1080p medium settings so it's not super   cranked in terms of settings but it's over  80. sometimes it's good let's actually see   if we can pull off high we're getting a very  similar frame rate in fact oh here's the fancy   car again found it yeah the system is a little  beast although uh cyberpunk isn't necessarily the   creme de La Creme of system crotch punchers  anymore so let's try some even newer games at 1080p high it's not going super well  but for a game like the last of us this   is pretty playable and these are high  settings so you can drop them down a bit   if you if you feel the need to oh very  very reflective hole down there it does   feel a bit heavy if that makes sense but  this is very much a game that's running and then finally we have it's too dark I can't  see anything the video game running at 1080p 4   gig High I think we are getting over 60 frames per  second it's running nicely it's actually running   better than the last of us was running although  we do also have some stuttering going on but yeah   the graphics the bit that you can see of it does  look very nice and yeah the system's running it   well which brings me to the end of my slightly  more than annual look at an AliExpress gaming   pre-build considering the price I think it held up  well although I do want some context so I'm gonna   go and buy a similarly priced system from Best  Buy so we can do a bit of a pre-built shootout   sub to the channel if you don't want to miss  that and until then thank you for watching bye thank you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 436,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: 6eY948e-aZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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