I Bought The BEST and WORST Rated WEAPONS On Amazon!! (5 STAR vs 1 STAR)

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[Music] everybody hates us nothing today I'm gonna be reviewing the best rated and the worst rated weapons on Amazon and what news weapons is a grappler I don't even know how its rated or how to use it let's give it a shot okay like this oh look come on come on come on Oh Mike take two take two Oh take two twice oh oh you got it wait no oh does that say I think so probably not well that's the first weapon let's check out the others you want to get that down from there okay yeah you don't know how to you maybe Travis is gonna get that down from there so we got one why I don't know I was just wood no ice you so we got some things that are rated like 1 or 1/2 H stars ah like maybe 2 or 3 stars and things that are worth like 5 stars oh look at that I think we got like 12 weapons took wood 12 weapons total put that down I'm barefoot man yes you are Viper Girly's of what weapon we are using what start it is I gotta give credit where credit is due q shout-out goes to my man ADHD z-- world he did a whole ton of videos just like this one i'll leave a link to his channel in the description down below and guys here's the best part he is just under fifty thousand subs away from the big 1 million subscribers a well deserved 1 million subscribers so guys let's try to give him a little bit of a boos comments on this video Justin semi and well we got different weapons that he does so maybe we'll get a different result all right now we're gonna be starting off with these zero star weapons and then work our way up to the five star weapon and put them through a little bit of a garland we got the RF oh oh yes oh I love you guys remember a little while ago did the duct-tape wall we got our mini duct-tape wall here so you know we're gonna see how those weapons would have done we're gonna see how those weapons would have done against the duct - I am the war speaker on YouTube there's about seven I think but let's keep them a surprise start for wall exhibit okay pretty good pretty good alright test number one passed what are these calls like ice climbers like praying mantis hands look good no sure sure next up we're gonna make happy unhappy you remember what have a lot I won't tell me I remember here we go oh that might be the most satisfying thing I've ever done not so happy it's like I'm one of those swim people you know rivers okay not bad oh I'm thinking pac-man hat and it's I basically just spit all over my head oh good next test alright styrofoam step aside a little bit because we got those what is that the really long Apple coming through a little bit somebody have to comment down below what this is doesn't smell very good yeah what is that it's really bitter yeah that might not even be a fruit once I get legumes yeah I love white lagoon Lagoon lagoon three two one taste of that first off it tastes gross doesn't it yeah that word ends okay which one technically one this one or this one cuz they're both destroyed that's true but this is not completely aa praying mantis cause you lose AB the goon lagoon wins let's move up to a full stop okay let's take it up a star I think this was rated like 1.5 stars from 0.5 to 1 point 5 stars we got the Wolverine claws I love Wolverine but you just love Wolverine Elena night Nick brother who's Ari who is better Wolverine or Nightcrawler you let me know you let Travis know it was Wolverine I almost walked into a ball let's Chester adamantium versus some styrofoam 3 to 100 went through technically went through that was pretty cool it broke this what winner winner chicken dinner okay I've got one that we should do you like the ad-libs for my video yes all right mister super-stretch that green apple brain man just lost me and I got you but these are pre-made to spot I won't worry not soup really make sense well you didn't survive that tablet sure okay you know I've got Wolverine claws and no super healing just get yourself a claw thing and you should be good I hope let's try to cut the watermelon three two one yeah actually yeah three two one oh no it open ah okay that almost broke my hand who knew Oh in case you're wondering it this is just like really hard plastic and now that's been oh but we got a little bit of watermelon to eat okay can I just evarin scissors Kansas oh no bud most of my videos now I swear I'm just eating watermelon that is true next weapon next weapon oh right so now we're moving up to our to star rating items and I say item because not really a weapon it's a shield shields are weapon Captain America has got a weapon it's his shield feels like this and it comes back it dings off a couple things and comes back why isn't it coming back how are we gonna test a shield though yeah I may have an idea it's a pretty good chili I'd give it more than two stars maybe a fairly good though I'm feeling like a spark give me some notes okay so damaged parts have damaged a little bit but feeling nice next fast wait next test I think it's good three two one how's the she'll do it okay all right I think I actually tore something I'm good now next test the only thing that matters with the shield is if they could defend against sharp things I'm not allowing you to throws at me I know that was your next question we're not doing that we're done with the shield okay next let you take the next weapon huh okay that's not the weapon I want to try this what what star is that rated okay say I think I think we're up to like three and a half maybe why is it rated three and a half stars good quality I don't know I don't know it's real leather do you know a real leather smells like you walk around smelling cows and deer and other things that are made into clothes on your face I'll back up it thank you all right Travis test number one whip-it yeah I'll be I'll be over here yeah sure okay yeah I'm zoomed you already put a mark yeah oh Jesus Wow I don't even think you really like whiplash there but I think you just like destroyed it oh my god it's this entire line do that go through oh my god no way you know what enough of this let's move on Travis yeah think you can hit that Apple with that whip I believe I don't I really have a reward but that's just very impressive I believe I believe let's do it okay wait wait why don't we pick the smallest object ahead challenge not bad but I want to shot I think I'm deaf but I don't know what so do you like the whip give it up no you liked it all right well we got more we just don't know how to use the whip so did you hit yourself care what's not it's not as bad as my my my injury yeah next weapon Travis yeah guys before we even start off with telling you how many stars this one is let me just say this is hands down without even trying the weapons my least favorite bang for your buck weapon bang for your buck bang for your buck what what what I meant to say this cost me $45 I ordered a katana here it is free Lego this is the katana they semi-happy $45 with it this was like a four star radar three and a half something rating that's kind of cool though for this sharp no it isn't it's not even sure let's try it out three two one you missed it oh okay baby it's not such a bad katana after all who throws a tomato well I'd be gross time to put it up against the duct-tape wall a little bit a little bit oh okay you push hard enough give it enough heart you put enough will into the game it always works out all right now despite the size of this katana it is still clearly a katana so let's advance there on to the next round that nobody's ever seen before bring in the drywall here we go ready three two one all right Minnie katana you go through I mean it what do you want from it it's a mini katana give it a break $45 got a point next test can the mini katana slice the water bottle in half in half and half well I'm gonna poke it cuz obviously we're not chopping it okay okay three two oh you're making a mess sir I didn't think this would get this far but next test we got a board of wood here we go ready three two one Oh okay that's where it in he can't go through the way did it go through no no okay yeah next weapon all right so we got our celery for star weapon here or three and a half or something like that I don't really know I'm pretty sure it's gonna pass test one we're still gonna give it a shot here we go three two one hey guys okay all right go get yeah here we go three two one oh my oh my is right no more styrofoam time for test two time for the watermelon here we go already does this even meant for this no but it works works duct-tape wall stream up tape wall oh my whoa cop me a ring that sounds like I'm getting married yep like the crane game would you say this passes well say yeah time for the drywall three two one [Music] that was so satisfying this is an amazing weapon why not do it again I love my job that ain't drywall yeah that's one here we go you think it's gonna break yeah let's give it a shot three two what [Music] ain't broken damage report Oh Oh damage then but not enough to call it a double you sorry grappler I liked you but didn't break the board all right now it's time for a very special sequence sort of edition sub-sector of this video it's dragonblade time this was rated four stars and this was only rated two and a half stars and this was rated five star so we're gonna find out which one is better you excited for this yeah I'm pretty sure these are like 75 bucks news all right first up we got the two and a half star here we go three to go find the orange check the damage please okay some serious damage work I'm depressed what you guys don't realize about my videos is that right now it's 12 o'clock and this orange splattering on that wall means I'm not going home till 4:00 a.m. smash the like button let's try the next one third dragon blade Wow I'm not gonna lie that one didn't do is look quite as much damage but that felt way smoother it's like oh no no what yeah would you buy those that's that that came in a box for sure we did get one slice with the dragon blade one slice with the red dragon blade let's go three two one Oh that goes right through this okay as you said one slice but you said one slice many one that was mine either side three two one Oh like it doesn't do as much damage but it's a good slice no there's no handle though okay yeah nice what should you say is better mmm make the first one only one more way to find out ah no I was about to say the first one was better but wait we can repair him and and you'll just break again it might hurt my hand time for the other one you know what I'm gonna remain if I go any further looks this one wins damage that one wins longevity this one wins I'll let you decide which one's better I might say that one you have any weapons last thing we do yeah we do moving up to our five guitar items [Music] Travis yeah give it a shot buddy here we go Oh [Music] open the door Travis of my phone oh my god did it cut oh yeah Oh Jenni cut oh my god ah okay I think it worked pretty well everything is wet literally everything is wet hey that's true yeah hit it a little high anymore it's not leaking okay that's that's so sharp oh my god oh you're thirsty fresh pure water warm really yeah that's because it was in my car duct-tape wall time here we go Oh drag it through let me give it a shot you want to feel like you're wearing like knuckles or something Oh ready for this one yeah three two one I wish I had this during my duct-tape wall video ah okay there's a you think it's a little bit of damage here a little bit a little bit how about now I mean where's the wall more think it's about that time mini paid trade ok the videos down let's keep going also coming in at 5 stars we got our pool line more drama this is actually I think I'll work out but it's modeled after like this medieval thing called a maze I don't know if you guys know what a mace is but this is it blunt force you ready for this ready let's get it you know I think we've lost track of the order of the tests promised mass of watermelon I'm so afraid of letting this go 3 2 1 and now I got watermelon on my car look at how cold it isn't can done like it froze instantly on my car look at the watermelon juice look at that frozen s o u w e yeah it's cold cocoa nut here we go three two one did it break the wood broke folks every little coconut life hat hair over coconut make a mess oh I hurt my tooth this is the highest rated weapon we have a solid 5 stars look at the case this comes in this is like 150 dollars bad this end I have which I think it's to break glass with look at this see that look at how sharp this is when this goes in it likes spins and destroys everything so let's test it out oh oh you see twist see she put it in it spins and then you take it out little spins I know there's only a small hole on the outside but on the inside there's a lot of damage this is a good thing to do a drop test with alright that's better let's try it three two one what Oh oh my god it stopped it but oh that's wrist damage though Oh is there anything that nothing went through yet the wood here we go the final test with the I don't know what to call it spiral sort of weapon final test three two one oh did you broke it oh my god I didn't kind of but it's the only thing they got through if you guys want to see me test out all these weapons and a whole lot more on a brand new wall comment down below 100 layers wall video you want me to do neck and you guys know whether it's 2 a.m. and the gym is a mess or not I always like to leave on a high note seriously I'm never going home
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 5,347,080
Rating: 4.7905593 out of 5
Keywords: worst rated, best rated, i bought the worst rated, i bought the best rated, amazon, wish, wish.com, weapons, 5 star, 1 star, rating, rated, justdustin, comedy, review, test, i bought, buying, worst reviewed, best reviewed
Id: 2_AVuyh-9cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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