How Strong Is A SWAT Ballistic Shield?

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today we decided to test out a 100% official ride shield we're gonna be pushing it to us done this by doing everything that can happen in a real riot will it survive more like will we survive yeah you're right let's find out today we're testing out a ride shield oh my god in a cafeteria and a food fight breaks out and you got a professional official ride shield you beat you be fine you don't do it oh my god that's nothing coconut unrealistic situation I mean who brings a coconut it's great come on that's so loud sure are strong yeah what if that's made out of coconut it's possible oh yeah what if you're that guy from the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs oh you'd be fine you would be fine you would be fine that's not fine it's not I was better than fine it's deliciously deliciously fine now the purpose of a ride shield is to protect you and I was trying to think of a reason why this may be protecting you but it's not really I just want to see how good quality how good the strap yeah right can I hang off it I actually yeah you can watch it didn't break okay so the velcro let go but this thing dirty is still attached oh dude be careful yeah I should come with earplugs I literally operate and a giant echo chamber we put big sound but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you could be hanging off a bridge and it might work okay but what if you need a bridge itself but you go too high that's a good point I could have done this much lower to the ground ready three two oh I'd like to get down please this is much better I feel a lot better about this situation bro you're safer I know okay but but definitely not a break feel like this is gonna be really really hard to throw I'm saying amp it up a notch amp it up now if you're gonna spend a couple thousand dollars on a riot shield you're gonna want it to do things that are more than just ride right shield protect vital poop right [ __ ] you're gonna want it to do a lot of things cuz there's not always a riot maybe this is a bad example but it's all I can really think of we will wait helmet helmet helmet all right you said this really just clouds my vision more than anything I didn't have our speed I never think before I do things the only way I can get enough speed as if I push it yeah the wall say that a lot and I still don't fix them don't they know it's still here guys it's still here it knows ok new situation is a little bit more realistic what if there's a big you know protest outside a building there's a cyclist and the cyclist is really mad because he can't cycle down the road cuz the road is blocked oh my god what happened what happened my arm is completely fine this eardrum Oh broth are you going like a cut or something no I'm fine the ride should actually work oh yeah good ride show though for different situations ok maybe ride a large sporting event and like a player gets ejected and they're really mad about it and they got to get him off the court and the fans start throwing things what kind of sporting event a this I'm being hit with poppers like off the soccer stadium you know I'm a squirting Christiano Ronaldo off the field and then a football hit me and then the janitor got involved and someone threw a trash can lid the fans broke the seats started throwing those and they even have wood stools this must have been like a bar you know yeah it was the people in the boxes yeah is the VIP God and the chair honestly think that might have been happening at WWE you know you're escorting John Cena hmm out of the stadium but what if things get really crazy how crazy it's a Super Bowl huge game breaks out ok Tom Brady gets into a fight the other player is super mad so they go after Brady but everybody knows you got to protect break yeah where's Brady let's go low what I'm trying to tell you guys is that Brady door is locked you guys get the point every old lineman should have a ride shoot oh my god oh my bad oh he's good he's good he's good okay I think it's clear to break this we're gonna have to step things up a little bit and by a little bit I mean like a lot of it because of this thing he's gonna protect you in the gulag cool egg one of those I've been there too many times to be honest but if you're gonna walk in with this it's got to be able to protect you from a lot more but look at the damage so far not a lot of damage is pretty much just covered in chocolate we do our best to make great content for you guys because that's really all we care about now everybody knows riots aren't just limited to you know food fights and football players what if there's like a huge crowd of people like me what if all soui nation was in one area and then we started riding so here what kind of cool yeah I guess let's throw these there's a lot of sharp things stuck in my turf right now oh you see that oh yeah I think this is like Kevlar or something but on the inside it's like odd stuff it's pretty much what I've limited it down to hard stuff I don't know what it is I was trying to hit the glass right here I think this is bulletproof glass you know a test set out yes yes anaesthetic what if it's an australian riot i don't think they're right yeah way too nice people i just like what would they write about they probably have things right I view them as too nice to ride but if they did they might use a boomerang Oh like I don't think they would use a boomerang please or no or complain so much about needing your plugs and I keep failing to buy them I'm going to buy it no we have some or do we I just don't know where this Australian ride take to that was better Yamaha's II look at this see that right there the rubber edging okay okay ripped up a little that's it yeah I don't know it's a medieval riot one out of three one hit one hit all right that kind of all maybe the riot tear I'm so bad at right here he came yeah maybe he dodges them and only one hit that's what I was simulating oh yeah look at the damage kind of looks the same let's move on let's say there's a riot in New York okay and I say in New York cuz I feel like there's a lot of rides in New York I feel nothing yeah I feel that too and people they start throwing rocks and everything they're throwing everything they can well one guy goes up to a barbecue and grabs the barbecue change oh it happens to be gold because it's New York and they're balling ready Oh God the stool is what was holding up the bride show up in case you were wondering I think it's fine dude it's hundred percent fine okay [Music] what's happening yeah I do he's in here like this just laughing sipping tea why did we start with fruit like what was the point of that fruit is funny yeah yo that glass that's strong Bob that's like unbreakable ball strong glass right suck a lemon you made lemonade that's been through a lot it's gonna go through a lot more but we broke the stool but we didn't break the riot shield that's what the point of that yeah you're right you're right let's keep trying to do that there was no introduction to that I just wonder I don't know maybe there's a cowboy riot I don't know cowboy riot I mean it might have happened or a bunch of Indiana Jones's sure maybe they're pressing up okay they got the ride chills and on their belt they got one of these and it drops and one of the right people come and pick it up and now they have ro think of jingle bells now you don't wait to find something positive out right right because there's absolutely nothing to be positive but we got a metal bolt headed straight for the kisser what's the kisser the glass part Oh like you did the guys smiling behind him all right okay sure Oh Joe that was the kisser the way it bounced back that's that's pretty solid still I should do a video just on this glass right yeah just this piece alone like just a bigger version of it let me know what I should do okay now these bright shields are holding up really well okay the rides getting out of control they're getting eggs they're starting to loot all the stores what if somebody goes and gets an axe what that's just that's a store right there is what it's not a broken wall it's a store yo see that you cut through the fabric it's really strong fabric you know it's strong fabric there's like layers now we're on to like a white fabric it's kind of like tarp not sure oh there's another ax in the store yeah it's an it's an axe store mallika storage axe storage would be an act store yeah we're both right oh yeah we're Boy exactly what's going on [Applause] we shouldn't strap it this tool yeah maybe they hit them from behind they won't survive okay fine it's total pandemonium right now people looking for the building tops we were like yeah let me join this they just happen to be working out in a gym wow this guy said put it further so I don't hit the wall [Music] you know sometimes these things get really out of control kid they like cars on fire but if you were near one of those cars hey guys we all were really testing every situation huh we are okay let's do this let's just say you're behind the car so turns out there was actually a lot of damage it's oh yeah the little hot it's sticky I think it's made out of like a polycarbonate or something cuz well it's melted and this is rock hard now but it looks like if people have flamethrowers you can do decent it wasn't even hard on the other side it's a decent you can do pretty decent I don't love you guys may say that's a little bit unrealistic okay fair but you ever seen those big water trucks and they like hose down the crowd yeah look [ __ ] they're not fire trucks they're like it's like a like a a big water sprayer on top it's not a fire truck oh I know we're talking about it's kind of like what you have in your head yeah let's see if I get wet they call me a master of all four elements get it [Music] [Applause] my my left foot is very wet because the water was pouring on it I'll be honest with you but the rest of me is very dry we're using a pressure washer indoors on turf like this video like this video yeah cuz I don't see anyone else doing this type of thing can we do for you I was actually very refreshing oh yeah nice and clean but the ride but the ride shields all completely soaking wet oh you know what what I think I know a way that we could dry this off and do a very important test at the same time let's do it this is about 200 sparklers and this is gonna do the the kaboom test boom you think we should just like lay it on top or like hover it above I'm right above other than yon for maximum boom this is gonna be good we've propped up the shield on these two buckets this is not very sophisticated it's not but it looks good here we go oh my god it's like a glowing-hot amber she get inside that's good so that's not exactly what was supposed to happen what was supposed to happen was this oh my god but now after we've done a test like that okay we can't just go back to little ninja knife-throwing and stuff we got to do it big yeah by big I mean we're gonna run it over with a car because I mean there's a potential that you could get run over with a car well this is how I think it's completely completely possible completely nothing but realistic scenarios on this channel seriously though I'm quite upset about the sparklers there's think it was cuz it was windy it was yeah what I'm basically saying is if you guys get a hundred thousand likes on this video I'll get a hundred thousand sparklers you know what maybe they got a hundred ten thousand likes and I do 110 thousand sparklers now that I mentioned that every time I asked for a hundred thousand likes they've gotten it I know a hundred thousand is like my whole car worthless Park I can't take it back now [Music] what happened throw nothing what reverse yeah reverse [Music] you're on it right you're on it upon it yeah yo [Music] we'll look fine what if I try to do like a burnout on it oh my god the wall is kind of closed with your luck and you're gonna hit the wall I always said my walls anyways [Music] I didn't want to go too far don't work yo like start it out yes that's what I'm talking about okay this whole place is filling up with gas let me turn this off oh thank you how to move up not that Bo it's bent though it looks like a cutting board now you know it could be used as a cutting board yeah final situation you're right she'll just happen to get picked up by just dustin for a youtube video and he's deciding to use all his best weapons on it this is an indian war club let's see how it does right in the weak spot right in the middle bro what this literally has gone through everything here we go oh it's bending it though I see it look at that we need something bigger heavier let's get the sludge 16 pound sledge hammer what yo I smashed the glass look Oh it's cracked a little bit I actually cracked the glass it's not broken though but it's cracked cracked is good let's keep going this should do something I got a lucky shot I mean I'm not wow yeah you do I meant to do this it hit the side of it and broke through it and took off the rubber coating but we've learned something from this what did we learn throw Spears let's throw it again never mind spear time for the undefeated the indisputable which is basically just undefeated just I'm really I read the thesaurus a lot as you can tell the pickaxe something always goes almost wrong I'm gonna take that as a good thing yeah you're right you're right if you am I like lieutenant or department head or where this and I came back to you and my shield look like this I think I did my job Yeah right yeah fair enough but I feel like you still defend yourself we did this with a sledgehammer my car and literally ever though we put little holes right through the main thing this is meant for is to stop superfast projectiles we got that now this isn't the strongest bow in the world but we got on professional surgically sharp tips these are like $60 for one head because they're so sharp this is going through I'm calling it I'm a little worried about ricochets here we go three two one you missed what oh look what it cut the whole turf I just put a huge hole in my turf you know I could sit and do all about all the damage that I've done and the money I've wasted but it's not really wasted good con rah whoa okay hit right here a small hole I think it's because the bow isn't strong enough so you know we need a bow that shoots a lot faster I think I got something we got a crossbow this is basically a really fast shooting air you guys know what a crossbow it's really - it's a crossbow let's shoot it it's really hard to be accurate with this because I broke the sight one time when I threw it out of wall we're still gonna make it work okay [Music] yeah we're not getting that okay I think we need Trent to get this helmet right that's a new challenge on itself huh we just put a new tip on I'm going for the glass these counts we broke through it and we cracked the glass so you know what I think we did okay help me by watching the wheel strongest umbrella or the rule strongest Club [Music]
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 2,930,842
Rating: 4.9459529 out of 5
Keywords: worlds strongest, justdustin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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