Best Survival Weapon Wins $10,000

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you guys have 30 minutes to spend two hundred dollars to get the best weapon possible go eric's gone what's trent oh that's not really really again really yeah okay what are you getting i'm getting something that can compete with trent trent that's a good well i mean you are competing with trent you got metal what just tell us what you're building i'll give you a little secret what i'm going medieval growing medieval yeah there's a lot of things that that could be but a lot of people think i'm gonna lose but i'm not let's go and we got trent my god jeremy says he's looking to compete with you directly what do you uh okay you got some railroad spikes you got gorilla tape if you guys don't know by now trent's a kind of a simple guy but his weapons are usually pretty effective that uh that looks effect i don't know if he's done but i'm i'm done and we got zach what's up zach what are you wait you got some pvc that's uh that's kind of honestly i'm jealous i didn't think of that okay what do you do why do you don't test it on me no it's okay i'm good i'm good i've been following you i'm most curious about what you're up on someone when they're holding an axe i definitely shouldn't this is uh this is a good aisle i should spend some more time here really this is this is we're outside this is where i found you don't you have things to do i'm already done oh okay all right that's fair what about you though i got what i needed that's just a machete that doesn't that's already a weapon on its own that doesn't count relax what's the budget again 200 oh so we can't get this you cannot get the hot tub buy something else please i'm going away now bye guys bye oh oh they got they're getting out back at the warehouse we will have one hour to build the best weapon possible and while we do i am groot what i am groot you speak groot i'm groot i am groot are you trying to say that season 4 nexus award just released in fortnite exactly and now's the perfect time to jump in you guys haven't downloaded fortnite yet use the link in my description down below to download fortnite for free and huge thanks to epic games for sponsoring this video this new season has all marvel's best heroes and villains including thor iron man she-hulk storm doctor doom wolverine and more who's your favorite i like thor okay that was pretty good i personally i like iron man but i was like wolverine he's so intense they also got some awesome new drop locations like doom's domain and sentinel graveyard now i don't know a lot about this galactus guy but i know he's really bad and he's really strong so i think it's safe to say things are gonna get really intense but you get to use everyone's super powers and i heard there's even more arriving later in the season you guys know what to do links in the description down below and you guys also know that every superhero has a special weapon and now so do we because we're done building let's see what we made so let me just say i think these are the best that have ever been made oh it is we're going to jump straight into the first test jeremy this is yours yeah i might why don't you just shut up wait you guys smashed 100k likes so i fixed my wall it's not being done painted yet comment down below what do you guys think i should paint on this wall back to your weapon oh it's a catapult a cat turbot why don't you just show us what it does honestly though very impressed this is uh unique i like this thank you start a little bit light and go with a duct tape watch out so i'm aiming for uh that piece of styrofoam all right you almost hit my light so you're not accurate yes i'm really sorry about your wall oh come on come on my wall how about my light you have the worst accuracy yeah ever you who's aiming kind of i know take two or three i don't know huh jeremy's weapon at 10 out of 10 on creativity maybe this just wasn't the test for him you're not winning so far i think i am let's see what zach made i think zach's weapon was inspired by the uh the grim reaper check this out elmo oh the table i literally i can't have nice things i literally can't have nice things why do i even have a place we should do this outside okay continue oh why why wouldn't you sideway you had to accident right through the table i feel like you did it on purpose oh please yes there's no yeah but i just started fixing the walls and i don't know how to fix walls take that in oh come on i was gonna compliment this because it has rosetta it's rosetta just seen eric's weapon and i've come to the conclusion he cheated i didn't he took some inspiration from things on the internet and also i don't think they sell bats at home depot they don't know about themselves at home in what aisle you buy it from a guy in aisle five or something like no i went on my phone and ordered it inside home people's tech that bought it at home depot i just didn't buy it that's from home this is the machete he bought to be honest that kind of works honestly this looks amazing uh this might be the best who knows we'll see you want to test it let's test it what do you call it that shitty it's a bat shetty you know whether that was a bat or a machete i think it would have done the job oh a styrofoam airplane what if you also grab it like this and oh yeah yeah that's fury win or lose i think i'm adding this to my collection this looks pretty good eric you can have your weapon i should know through that let's see what trend made trent's a simple guy he calls this one the whole careen hulk arena pokerina it's a it's a girl okay she's uh fierce and cute you think that's okay and cute but how fierce and how cute let's find out oh my god okay uh i thought what was gonna happen was like this it was just gonna get stuck on it was gonna be funny it just obliterated the whole thing they're both moving on to the next round what is the next i don't know in the spirit of protecting my walls we got a little extra drywall so hit this drywall not that wall i'm realizing this is a really small target and that's highly inaccurate you mean that drywall that driver right there what about that one what are you doing i don't even know what i'm doing why don't we move uh the target closer or further or someplace [Music] fell just short of my wall and we got a little oh you know what aha there's a lot of bugs in here and uh i just don't want them here anymore yeah go again sure why not okay i am so sorry this should be an elimination round jeremy should be eliminated that's what i vote i think he still deserves a chance in the bottom i vote again i voted again that was a good shot i think everyone still deserves a chance at this you almost had it so marvel again i wish well if your enemy happens to be right up front of you looking down the barrel of your catapult this might work how is that even funny feeling zach's gonna do really well with this test but kind of excited to see it let's all back up yeah i don't think you need to build up that much speed you're not getting dizzy yeah he's been going at the same speed oh yeah oh my god okay i know it's like kind of oh he breaks as well these walls this is a new territory of wall breaking i'm literally gonna shut this video down like this thing weighs like a lot control your just yeah try yeah i do oh it's got some shake to it see and then that's it you know what you are you're the guy that plays baseball i felt like there was no follow through and there was a lesser amount of excitement that's what i felt like that's what i felt to be honest i'm not directing i'm just you know next fashetti is back here we go geez next time i do that cause i'm gonna do it impulsively just move myself spirit okay okay i like where you're going ah dude not spirit you can spirit just don't hit that wall it's the new wall i don't even like this isn't even just break the thing yes sir that kind of makes up for it if i try can i try please contract yes sir that felt nice trench up i think we all know what's about to happen on this one let's get the vacuum ready they should add trent to fortnite imagine trenton fortnight just that would be like the uh the thanos i wish we could make that happen for the next test we're gonna break one of the hardest things a coconut except jeremy's already broken a coconut and we know he could break coconut and he doesn't have the accuracy to create a coconut when it's still i do have that no you do not don't even try to okay i don't know no is the answer i was looking for so instead we're gonna see how far jeremy's can shoot ready i'm not i'm not ready but sure okay go ahead and that's how you host a coconut that was all on the ground what next here we have a rock hard coconut i'm gonna place it here nicely on my table that i don't want broken there's a lot of room for just just light in the zack no no i believe in zach i believe in zak ii see this zach you know this is huh no this right here this is not a new coconut this is the coconut that was on the table oh really oh it's crazy honestly it seems fully intact no i'm pretty sure bro hold on wait speaking of fully intact oh i wish i could say that about my table is it that hard this is our coconut on a table and you have this six foot glaze sort of thing okay oh it's wobbly there you go new technique i hit it i hit it did he hit it is this the unbreakable coconut now that i'm over here this is a little wobbly okay um [Music] no no was nice no no that was you that was these are not me this coconut will no longer be here in five four three two oh yeah yeah that's what i'm talking about delicious coconut you know it's really good but it kind of tastes has a little hint of table and uh frustration frustration now no frustration here it's joy thailand usually means to your food i had a little husk of coconut in my mouth not important but this is pylon's event precaution a lot of caution is going to be needed because the bat chetty's back pachetti ready break whoa whoa whoa oh my oh my hit it that way let me just ready get it there we go a little bit of t-ball strike one that's worse than zach oh my gosh oh that's where you go get the other half get the other half together this is this is the best you're okay good job that one look at that clean slice on the coconut crazy this is like uh the coconut bikini you know good job here comes trent let's see it oh oh the wall not the wall let's go check it yeah sure right there i don't think that was that was there before trent that's okay coconut is still in okay uh i guess he wants everybody gets a take two i guess right oh my gosh you know that wasn't the graceful slice of eric but um i got the job done well done kind of i'm making a lot of coffee you are that's like the only thing you're doing of course i'm still recording we figured out the problem with jeremy's catapult it just it needs more power we uh doubled the band so it's extremely tight i really don't want to be anywhere near this when it goes off that's how tight it is it's really tight and it's going up again it's called wonderboard it's like a concrete infused fire i don't really know what it is but it's like concrete it's hard let's see if it breaks okay you're ready yeah all right so i have a bigger one oh i'm just going to put this pile on hey man right here i would like to i'd like to join the freaking wall group this is this is what we're all about nothing it's okay i'll go again yo okay wait that's not even like listen come on just this is not even just like the video why are we continuing to end i need to pass yeah it works it it didn't work oh oh that's it it did break a little bit a little bit jeremy i'm out of here eric yep you're up zach's actually up i gotta admit so far zach's is my my favorite weapon i've used it it's great it's phenomenal let's see if it continues to be my favorite let's go well [Music] i don't know why i was standing here because the circle turning radius and zach's history would have made me like that but we've never actually seen the inside of this and uh that's what's inside it courtesy of zach well done i'm really impressed you've passed every test so far with flying colors or flying axes i really think you should finish the drop though flying axe all right zack scott zach's got jokes please break it no no i said not the turf not the turf ah he definitely cut my turf okay this board martin lizack well done he's passing all the tests flying colors okay who uh my turn all right my guy eric got the bad shetty how you feeling how you feeling feeling good feeling okay that's uh expected response i guess feeling sharp that's good let's break it yo clean slice clean slice my guy okay look at that look at that look straight through clean slice bro it's supposed to be two pieces not one piece make it two pieces not two pieces my ears are ringing second uh i said two pieces it's like 20 billion pieces i respect that good job yeah how's the bat shetty not bad okay uh eric i'm just realizing that this is held together with with glue what if it if it flew off and it didn't happen that's all that matters you passed the test next you know i forgot how heavy this is it's uh this is really good i personally i wish i had one of these this is i might keep this if it's whoa you're a good man trent a lot of you can show my man trend some love on instagram make sure if you don't follow them links in my description down below follow them say thank you for the gift let's see it i think this passes the test the messes are getting a little bit out of control spent the mess the mess is out of control in my did he hear any of that absolutely not yeah thanks for the gift and now there are three people remaining with three what easy easy three weapons remaining you got zaks eric's and trent uh but things are getting really serious even though you guys aren't taking this seriously there's some wood behind there nobody's really breaking the wood well before let's see if one of you can do it can i go first yeah sure why not oh yeah zach you got anger shoes buddy anger issues perfect and what is this is that a little tiny crack in the wood did you come here to do a little tiny crack in the woods there's major structural issues oh did it uh how's it doing okay we got some uh some damage over here and there this is going to be your report card eric wearing the football helmet i see i that's a smart decision uh i don't have protection myself but you okay how's the batch oh you just dropped the batch at eh that's the equivalent of dropping the mic because yeah eric mike yo yo yo yo yo high five people with helmets on uh oh the bat chatty is starting to crack but you still did a good job all right trent you're up i don't know why you put the sure just go ahead oh yo that's uh that's a good looking report card that's that's up eric i think you got some competition the train how's your knee bro you go uh it's yeah he yeah he's he's hurting he's he's yeah that's you guys didn't forget about me did you how about this yeah i was shopping a little bit by myself we got ourselves a spear heating blowtorch it is what it looks like try it out i know you guys don't think this is functional but uh you know what they say good things take time drop the tanks tip is hot here we go that's what i'm talking about right there look at this extreme damage first of all where's the extreme damage to your weapon where's the hot tip no no where's the hot tip yo where's the hot tub where's the hot tip it's right over there ah uh off the turf please off the turf ah see that right through oh wow it's a one hit wonder it's uh but it does the job if that this was a person inside burned final round final test we got ourselves a 100 layers wall because you know if one of these weapons is going to join my arsenal it's got to be really good at breaking walls which all these weapons were they were just they were the wrong walls this is the right wall each person is going to get 30 seconds to do as much damage as possible time starts now that was 33 seconds but we'll give him a little bit of leeway okay the final hit may have actually destroyed my squat rack he made it through a lot did he make it all the way through that's a no see how you do eric eric you get 30 seconds try not to add on to zack's damage and maybe just you know do yours he's not getting through though oh it's you time eric i think you did pretty well okay let's see um i know this is the bottom but that's definitely a hole good job i think you're the guy to beat but we have a little bit of uh i mean kind of a huge problem it's not the bat chatty it's cause trent's up next [Applause] [Music] zach put a little hole eric broke straight through and trent smashed the entire thing apart yeah he just kind of squished it honestly eric's the winner you get the money that's what i'm talking about make sure you like this video and if you really want to support this channel boom boom click one of these two videos and you guys know i always like to leave on a high note
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 12,524,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $10000, justdustin
Id: 4DqZp71UU3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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