I Bought Land for $10k and Make $1,500 a Month

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this is a low risk business that could make you fifteen hundred a thousand thousands of dollars a month with dirt have you ever wanted a piece of land completely away from it all that is only yours so that when the world gets crazy you have some place to be this is an important video for you we live on top of each other today and it's probably because you thought like I did that in order to own a piece of land away from everything you had to spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars but what if that's not true what if we could have that part of land that would give us personal sovereignty but we could do it for thousands of dollars and maybe even have other people pay for it I'll pay for for this my friend Kate bought a plot of land just like this for ten thousand dollars outside of Joshua tree with that ten thousand dollars she's made fifteen hundred dollars a month in her first 90 days now she's making much more than that this is the story of how you can do the exact same thing so a group of friends and I were going to Zion National Park and we were you know last minute kind of planning the trail and quickly we realized that all the national park campsites were completely taken no room anywhere we've been driving for like eight or nine hours we were exhausted all the hotels were full we're like What are we gonna do and one of my more industrious friends Joe came up with this idea he's like I'm gonna look around for campsites I'm like hey bud I just did that for an hour none of them are available and he's like I bet they're private campsites turns out he's right and what he found was there was a cattle rancher right outside Zion National Park beautiful location and he had 10 campsites available so we went over there for like 75 bucks we got ourselves a campsite for the night it was glorious there was no trash there were no other people around us just us the stars and those red rocks and that's when I realized wait a second is there a business here so I flagged down one of the ranch hands and he told me that they actually make more money on the campsites now than they do on the cattle and they keep the cattle around for tax breaks because when you have cows on site too you get an agricultural tax credit and he basically leases the cows from his neighbor this got me thinking how could I own my own plot of land just like that that's when I hit up my friend Kate Hancock and said show me your ways getting cash flow getting a campsite and also doing it with other people's money that's what we're going to talk about today because the world out there is scary but here it's pretty peaceful right here this spot of land could be worth a hundred and fifty dollars a night to you that is if you do hipster camping which is what we're talking about let's all get the out of here yeah turning this plot of land into a campground because it happens to be next to a national park national parks are visited by millions of people a year all across the country except look at this well you don't see anybody here if you were to go to a KOA or a public run campsite they're full you can't get in waitlist for days and what's going to happen during a recession it's going to be even worse because in a recession we can't go flitting off to Europe like you saw your friends do with their summer Grease videos families need to go somewhere to get away from it all every now and then but what if you could make money off of bringing people together closer to home on a piece of dirt [Music] so old Kate decided she wanted a business that was low maintenance low cost low risk and didn't have much wear and tear a plot of literal dirt appears to hit those parameters I thought there was no way you could buy land for ten thousand Dollars near a national park turns out the joke was on me now this was in 2020 so now the land in Joshua Tree is more like 25 to 50K however she bought three acres for 10K you can see a bunch of them like this here and there exists these exact same thing all across these other national parks the part that's fascinating is she bought this she checked out the zoning to make sure they allowed for Camp permits and then realized that in this area you are allowed about 10 campers per acre but she basically put this thing on hip camp this is what hip Camp is by the way I also love this site hip Camp you can list campsites everywhere it comes with a million dollar insurance policy automatically at hip camp and Airbnb allow you to pick out campsites that are private residences and go throw up your tent go check out my tent I got my TV my Xbox DVD it's like I'm not even camping now when I'm modeling out how much money I can make there are some assumptions that I have baked into this here's what they are [Music] for every one acre you can have 10 campsites that means that if we take that 50 to 150 cost it's not just that we could assume 30 to 60 occupancy of each individual campsite it's that we could take three acres Times by 10 people per campsite and assume 30 to 60 percent of those are filled each year this is when we're getting into tens of thousands a month as opposed to a thousand let's take it easy let's walk before you run this is about when everybody starts panicking and says but wait a second I'm gonna have this beautiful pristine piece of wilderness and I'm never going to check on it people are going to be running amok they're going to be animals out of the zoo and so I thought okay let's see if that's real I want to talk to 15 different owners of these campsite properties 10 of them have one person check out their property one time per week to make sure not trash parties Etc they also have a number that they give everybody that usually a VA or themselves is monitoring to see if people are out there doing anything they shouldn't do the other people keep them responsible 5 with the 10 people have somebody check their property every single day usually those people for the five I talked to were Ranch hands so they're dealing with the cows they're out there anyway and they're kind of keeping an eye on the two-legged agriculture they got going on oh but what about the poo H big question here everybody wants to know what happens when you have all these campers on your campsites and you know humans have to do a few things at least once a day there's a couple different ways to do this it depends on zoning and sewage restrictions in your area for instance the one I went to in Zion no bathrooms my friends the bathroom well it looks like this but the ones in Joshua Tree increasingly you have to have sanitation so people use porta potties like this to pop them up and there are rules about how many campers you can have per acre just to make sure that you know the Poo doesn't get out of hand but the truth of the matter is if you've ever been camping before there's animals around here too what do you think they do with their number twos are we arriving now I think we're rhyming all right what are some additional things I would do to increase Revenue you hear one of them it's pretty loud first of all one of the things you could do is turn it into a little bit of a farm situation we're going to break down a bunch of these fruits we want to figure out how to make money but can we add a few ways to make a lot of money [Music] this contraption in the front there's a bunch of goats on property and you feed that now the interesting part about goats is they do count for agricultural tax credit they're also cute but in tandem with that you can sell them because they reproduce a lot you can also use milk from the goats you can use meat from the goats this herd in particular continues to expand it could be fun actually just living off of the grass they don't need to do the corn but they produce a lot and they eat the goat Meats pretty much every day so let's say that Kate lists her place for 50 bucks a night let's say she does that 365 days she has at least one person in there why that many days because technically she has three acres thus she can have 10 campsites on them so it could be 30 people though I think this is super reasonable to assume she could have at least one person a knife if you take out the cost such as a three percent Airbnb tax property taxes having some one-off costs her total profit is about 15 20. doesn't that look nice they have great handwriting so 15 20 a month but at the end of the day let's say that she's making about 1300 to 1400 bucks a month off one person every single day how about this her new model is a little bit different now she charges 150 x 365 one person equals about 57k a year that she would make and if we break that down on a monthly basis she's actually making more like 4562 dollars a month this is on one campsite now if you could imagine that on average you get five to 10 which is what she says she does just starts looking pretty profitable but I think in a world that's a little crazy this is reasonable for all of us to have a little spot our little slice of sunshine a place that's just ours all right this is how I'm going to do this I bought some land just like okay here's what I'm going to do listed on Airbnb and hip camp like I do my other properties I have somebody local who's managing the property for it all they do is take 10 straight of any of the total revenue that we bring in that means that we're going to have on-site hunting licenses because there happens to be ducks in the area sorry Peta we're going to have a agricultural tax credit through cows being leased on the land and we're going to build a barn dominium which basically looks like this this eventually will rent out for a lot more and long term I think I want to put an RV park located on there too now Kate's looks like this now totally different she has an Airstream on it she has platforms on it and now she's revving more like six figures on this location also spoiler alert Joshua tree is not the best place to do this these days in fact I would not recommend that at all it's gotten a bunch of crazy zoning and that it's expensive now you can't find those 10K plots but there's a ton of other spots all over the country where you can the last thing I'd say is you really need somebody to make sure that they can take amazing pictures just like any Airbnb location you need to tell a story you need to optimize for title you need to mess around with price Arbitrage so this isn't the easiest thing in the world but it is really simple and in this world that's increasingly not so simple maybe this is an option we need this land of ours has 2.43 billion Acres of Rolling Hills and hidden valleys and rushing rivers and you have a chance to own a part of it to be the shepherd for it to remind others that we're more united than divided the way we push back on the elite on those who are trying to control us around the world is by Taking Back ownership into our hands this isn't just about the money you're going to make this is about the freedom that you're going to provide it's about the reminder of this huge abundant World we've been given it's about leaving a footprint a footprint here that can be remembered a legacy that's why this video matters to me is why this video matters I think to each of you because this isn't just a campsite this is a memory so what memories are you going to make foreign
Channel: Codie Sanchez
Views: 729,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: codie sanchez, rent land, camping business, boring business
Id: 1pgeUWAyUDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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