13 Questions to Ask When Buying Land

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so you're interested in buying land well you come to the right video buying land is a lot different from buying a house if you're interested in buying land there are 13 important questions you need to ask before you whip out that checkbook in this video I'll walk you through all 13 questions so that you're confident enough to insure that when you're buying land you're buying the right land for you that being said let's get started [Music] question number one so what do you want to use the land for there are a ton of different uses for land so you really want to know what you want to use the land for before you actually buy something that way you're buying the right land the first time the second question you want to know is how is the land zone is its own residential commercial industrial or maybe I or culturally the reason why this is important is you don't want to buy land that zoned let's say industrial but you want to build a house on it which should be zoned residential so this is pretty key and it ensures that you're not wasting your time looking at land that's not zoned the way you need it to be however do keep in mind you can sometimes in some cases change the zoning of the land that you eventually own or will buy and that could be possible depending on the state or city that you live in but it does take work so I recommend ensuring that the land that you're buying initially is zoned for what you want it to be the third question you want to ask is are there any easements on the property an easement is a legal right for someone else to use or access someone else's property an example could be a walkway to a public beach another example can be paralyzed that you see going through acres and acres of land these are all examples of easements the fourth question you want to ask before you buy any land is how is access to the property achieved is there public access is there an easement that we just talked about or is there no legal access at all this is an extremely important question you really need to know and understand how are you actually going to get access to the property that you own if there is no public road that it sits beside then you need an easement from someone else's property to gain access to this property if there's no easement and there's no legal access that means you essentially have to trespass through someone else's property to gain yours and that could be a huge issue if the land you're looking at has no legal access rights then I definitely recommend looking at something else the fifth question you want to ask is has the land been surveyed and if so when surveyed land means essentially that the boundaries of the land have been mapped and documented so that the owner knows exactly what land is the reason why this is important is you don't want to be messing with someone else's land and when you're buying you want to know exactly what land is yours the last thing you want to do is buy land assuming that the boundaries that you originally thought were yours are not and that they're actually someone else's these six and probably one of the most important questions you want to ask is will the rights in interest convey with the sale of the property so what does rights in interest actually mean well I'll explain when you're buying land you probably want to own everything above it on top of it and below it but that's not necessarily how land can be sold for example sometimes they may only be selling you everything on top of the wind like the grass trees and any structures that are part of the land however the rights to any gold oil or other minerals below the surface may belong to someone else so if those rights are important to you make sure the land you want to buy includes all those rights and interests the seventh question you want to ask is is there any water features on the land and what I mean by that is are there any rivers streams lakes oh well if there's water on the land you definitely want to know about it because water is essentially a very important asset when you have water on the property it makes that land that much more valuable so it's really important to know ahead of time if there's any water on the property you plan on buying the eighth question you want to ask is are there any known environmental defects or issues with the property if there were any chemical spills oil spills or other pollutants to the property you definitely want to know about it the ninth thing you want to know is are there any public utilities around this is a pretty important question if you plan to build a house or have some type of structure where you're going to need access to electricity gas or running water if there are public utilities around it makes it a lot easier to bring those services to your property and it also makes it a lot cheaper if they're very far away it could be very expensive to bring those types of services to the property that you on the 10th question you want to ask is what is the current owner using the land for if the current owner is using the property has a coal mine and you want to build a farm it's probably not the right property for you so question number 11 adds to that you want to know what are your neighbors using their property for if the neighbors are using the property for an industrial use and you want to a residential house on yours and you didn't know that you're probably going to regret it because now you're gonna have a residential house next to you know a big industrial area which could be pretty loud so ensure you also ask that question the twelfth question you want to ask especially if it's a big property is are there any trails or roads on the property this is beneficial to know because if it's a large property you want to be able to commute and travel within it pretty easily so if there are any trails and roads built in it it makes your job in your life a lot easier if that's already there the thirteenth and last question you want to ask is are there any potential government actions against the property and what I mean by that is is there any potential for eminent domain in minute domain essentially means the government can take your land away as long as they pay you the fair market value of the land for those living on our southern border with Mexico they know all too much about this given the attempts to build a border wall land has to be taken in order to build the wall on that land so a lot of people are experiencing this eminent domain threat and it's really important to know because at any point if the government deems it necessary to take your land for whatever public use it could be an issue that you'll have to come across so ensure you know ahead of time if there's any potential like that being threatened against the land that you looking at you're looking to buy I hope you found this video useful if you did please like and subscribe to the channel and also click on that notification button and good luck on your quest to buy some land
Channel: Danny Seeum
Views: 89,553
Rating: 4.9691997 out of 5
Keywords: buying land, how to buy land, how to purchase land, purchasing land, buy land, purchase land, real estate, questions to ask when buying land, land buying checklist, buying land, buying land and building a house, buying land in california, buying land to build a home, buying land cheap, what to look for when buying land, what to know before buying land, what to know when buying land, buying land in texas, buying land in florida, buying land in Colorado
Id: zlvTFThCXow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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