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are you kidding me this is not legal it's got like strappy dews underneath your tops and it definitely doesn't fit my boobs no one needed to know that information luckily no one's watching this video so I'm not embarrassed hey everyone it's me Colleen ballinger and I'm gonna start off 2020 right with the most boring video I could possibly upload most youtubers put a lot of thought into what the first video of the year is going to be and how represent them for the year coming up and I am NOT doing that because I am going to Hawaii tomorrow this year I'm just gonna focus on posting videos that I like things that I would like to watch and things that I like to make and one type of videos that I actually really enjoy watching is videos of people telling me what's inside of their purse in their backpack in their suitcase what people like to do when they travel I really like videos like this even though they are extremely boring so I am literally going to go through my entire suitcase with you guys right now and show you every single item I am taking the Hawaii this suitcase is full of my things and my baby's things it's gonna be literally the most boring video in the world so this does not interest you please don't watch this you don't need to watch this it will bore you to tears so basically 99% of the people who originally clicked on this video are now not watching hey the 1% of you who are just like me and like to watch really boring content of people showing you things they packed like can you get more boring than showing someone what you have packed like that's the most boring thing I can think of but I don't know I like watching these videos okay so there's a lot in here is this gonna take me forever and so we need to get started but first I'm going to show you what I packed in my carry-on I am traveling with a baby now I have a one-year-old and I am terrified I've traveled a lot with my son in 2019 he's been on probably like 12 to 15 planes I don't even know I lost count I used to be able to just kind of plop him on my boob and he would be quiet and go to sleep now there's no way that will happen I'm really really stressed about the flight tomorrow I think it's gonna be really hard it's a long flight five and a half hours so I'm gonna tell you what I do and give you tips that have helped me in the past and things that I'm doing to try to avoid disaster tomorrow I'm not bringing a deck bag I'm not bringing a Rolly bag I'm just bringing my good ol backpack so this is my very large stuffed to the brim backpack that I will be carrying around along with my one-year-old son and in it I'm gonna show you every single item I'm telling you guys I'm not doing like this is gonna be the most boring video you've ever seen but I would watch it that's why I want to post this because like this interests me for some reason so in the big section up here is my laptop this is my laptop section but I also have in here two diapers my husband is bringing a backpack as well he will have two diapers in his backpack and we have wipes in the front pouches in this very front pouch we just have my ID and we have my credit cards some band-aids and some cough drop that's really important stuff so that's in the front pouch in the middle pouch headphones tangled already and an SD card reader because the new epping laptops don't just have connectors you can't just plug things in you have to like connector cables for freaking everything so I have a bunch of these and I have this in this front pouch I want something quick and easy to grab they can entertain him he loves anything that opens shakes and rattles anything with a lid that he can try to grab and pull and get off this is of course a medication bottle now there are Cheerios inside so my son can shake it you can try to open it and I can open it for him it is child locked and give him a cheerio if I want to so there's a lot of entertainment just within this little thing it's an easy reach front pouch manage analyst that's the first form of entertainment I have for my son in the big pouch we have a small bag of my makeup essentials so in here I only have like essential items that I have to have to do my face my essential makeup items that can fit in a little tiny bag for a travel backpack our shape tape I use this as like a foundation I have Studio Fix Mac's pressed powder foundation a liquid lipstick a brush that I use for bronzer and blush I have the NARS tiny little bronzer and blush eyelash curler better than sex travel size mascara waterproof precisely my brow pencil beauty blender and some lipgloss oh wait there's one more thing that I have for me and it is my my little planner cuz I'm to mom now and literally need a planner now like you I hate myself but I also love to journal and so there are pages in here for me to write notes in journal and brainstorm ideas for work and whatnot so I always always always have some sort of journal in my backpack wherever I go I have a little one-piece romper for my son because he will inevitably ruin the outfit he is in whether he poops on it pees on it barbed sonic gets food on it dropped something on it he's going to ruin his outfit 100% before we're off that plane so I've always have a spare outfit for him in my backpack and it's usually some sort of really tiny wrapper that can roll up small I also have a swim diaper ready and available to go so that right when we get to the hotel we're not able to check into our rooms right away we're getting there pretty early so we're gonna have to store our luggage and I want to be able to put him in the water and watch him explore so I'm putting a swim diaper in my backpack so I can immediately throw him in water now there's two more sections of this backpack I mean it is stuffed to the brim and what I have in here snacks and toys some baby food pouches like this those are really easy and he can just hold them and suck it out himself but I also have snacks that I have put in little Tupperware containers this way he can shake it rattle it play with the lid take it on and off in this one we have raisins and goldfish don't come for me telling me that raisins are a choking hazard I watched my son like a hawk I chew them in half before I give them to him I'm a disgusting mother I'm an overprotective mother don't cover me saying any of this his choking hazards it's not i watch him every second of a day and make sure that he is safe don't come follow me this Tupperware has graham crackers and Cheerios and this Tupperware has a little like snap pea dried like pea things and pretzel sticks so all these are snacks that he loves and I know that he loves and he will eat and he'll have fun shaking these rattling these around and he will have fun eating these things all of this work will make him entertained for about 60 seconds on the airplane so and the last thing I have in my suitcase is this big bag of toys for Flint so these are Flynn's favorite toys they're toys that like I think will occupy him for the plane ride one little tip I would give any parent out there is yes have some of your child's favorite toys or snacks readily available but also kids get bored of toys really really easily so I was trying to buy one or two new things for my son that I can kill of so that he's experiencing it for the first time on the plane and he's not already bored of it or he doesn't already understand what it is he can really inspect it in here we have a book he loves pop-up books he loves playing with them he loves being read to so I had one book every single page has a pop-up he's never read this book before so I'm hoping this will entertaining for a hot minute he loves anything with wheels this is a random tin can he loves anything with a lid inside of it it's this little baby screw nut situation that can spin he is that the age where he just likes anything that has some sort of working element to it he wants to open things put things in take them out put nuts back on put lids off all that type of stuff so that it's a little bit more of an adventure for him to get it in and out and with this this is a random egg if you open it up there's a car inside he loves cars and his wheels so he can play opening this up and closing it again I had a remote control this is his remote control he got it for Christmas he loves remote controls I don't know why so have this I have a straw a metal straw because I don't need a sippy cup for him he doesn't really like sippy cups he likes drinking out of straw so as long as by a water bottle at the airport which I will not weigh I can just stick this in whenever he wants a sip of water also he likes playing with straws and banging things so I don't know and this is one of those things where you clip it onto a shirt so that he doesn't lose his binky he actually doesn't use it for that he just really likes playing with these he always has since he was a tiny baby so I don't know why but that's in here I also have another car for some reason he really loves this car he's always playing with it so I threw it in here and he loves keys so we have his own set of keys for him that he can play with pause playing so those are his toys in my backpack that's what's in my backpack oh my god have already been filming for 12 minutes I'm sure I've edited some stuff out so it won't be twelve minutes for you guys but I can't believe I've already been filming that one I haven't even opened my suitcase but it's time let's open up the suitcase alright so here's my suitcase opened up I will be in Hawaii for six days I'm sharing this suitcase with my son I know a lot of people would probably pack a lot lighter than me a lot of people out there will pack a lot heavier than me I think I pack about an average amount I'm bringing a big suitcase for me and my son so I'm gonna go through and show you everything it's like because I'm really excited there's some cute bathing suits is really cute outfits are cleanser I love these videos I don't know ooh I'm so sorry is anyone watching this I'm gonna get three views like who's gonna watch this I like to pack with packing cubes this is a packing cube it's a little cloth cube essentially that you can put your clothes in to keep organized I use these because I travel a lot because I tour and when you live on a bus or you live in hotels it's very easy for your suitcase to explode and all the clothes get all mixed up so if you travel a lot or you just like to stay organized I would highly recommend packing cubes so I use different packing cubes for different items so this one is my bathing suits this one is my underwear and pajamas and this one is basically all my other clothes I will be in Hawaii I plan on only being at the beach in the pool so I'm mostly I'm just bringing bathing suits I'm so excited to show you guys all of the cute things I have so the first packing cube is bathing suits and I'm literally gonna show you every single item so get ready to be bored the first bathing suit I have is a bikini for my husband he gave it to me for Christmas it is this pink and dark blue striped bathing suit it's very cute very ruffly very girly um he picked this out and I cannot wait to wear it I think it's very cute very young I am a mom and I'm gonna be wearing a ruffled bathing suit and I'm living for it so okay the next bikini is one I've had for a really long time I got it at Target I love this bikini it's Supes cute but I love this bikini I think it's super fun I love the colors I love the fit I need extra not padding but just support because I have their top Tom's and I'm a breastfeeding mom so I can't just have like the thin little like sheer material like that does not work for me my nip nip would cut right through that material and shoot milk out at everyone so I need extra support so all my bathing suits have a lot of extra support and them so no one needed to know that information luckily no one's watching this video so I'm not embarrassed isn't it bathing suit I got for this trip I am so excited I think it's so cute um I got it at Target I love target has this cute like cut middle moment I don't know I haven't even tried this on but it looks really cute at stores so I bought it by the way I'm gonna be in Hawaii for six days and I've packed about 20 bathing suits so but here's the deal I hate putting on a weapons ooh I hate it so in the day I usually go to the beach and then at night we'll go to dinner and then after dinner I like to go in the hot tub or go back in the pool and go swimming sometimes like to go back in the ocean and I don't want to put the same suit on that I was wearing earlier I also don't wanna wear the suit from the day before because that's usually sandy and nasty so I just have a lot of options plus I love bathing suits so get off my back and stop making fun of me for having too many bathing suits okay and we're really really excited I haven't gone on vacation in a really long time leave me alone here's another bathing suit I've had for eight billion years but I love it it's like a crocheted lavender color I feel like a purple bathing suit is rare and hard to find which is very unfortunate because purple is my favorite color here are the bottoms this is a bathing suit I got on Amazon it was really cheap and it's kind of ugly but I bought it so I'm bringing it and I'm going to wear it Eric made fun of it and you said it was hideous but I don't even care I'm still gonna wear it and it definitely doesn't fit my boobs so my boobs are gonna be dangling out but you know what it's cute so don't care I'm going to Hawaii leave me alone guys another thing soon I've had for forever this is another bikini you'll love this one again I think this is Target I just think it's a really fun pattern and in this moment on it is like beaded it's so yeah and then the bottoms look like this here is just a simple black moment I really like this one it's got like strappy dews underneath your tops I think these bottoms are really cute but they really show off your booty like big-time my entire butt cheek will be hanging out these are high waisted and they fully cover up your entire bottom so these are really cute if you're feeling like you want the booty covered and also the tummy covered so if I just ate a bunch of coconut shrimp and a ton of pineapple a huge old cheeseburger and a bunch of Hawaiian food and I just went to a luau but I want to go back in the pool this can cover up my little food baby and not that there's anything wrong with having a food baby or having a little extra there that is fine but sometimes you just want to cover it up so in case that happens I brought that or I also brought some one pieces these are so mom of me but this is the most mom bathing suit ever it'll be a horrible tan line so I hope I don't wear this when it's hot outside because the tan line would be disgusting and we have two more I'm almost done guys be patient okay stop making fun of me I just bought this one-piece I liked the straps on it it's just like a bunch of really fun straps and it's purple so it won me over because I love a purple I mean it's more maroon than purple but you know I'm saying this is what I've had for a really long time it's just a simple black one-piece bathing suit I really like it it's cute it's pretty and that's all of my being suits guys I god this is gonna be the longest most boring video of all time and I am so excited about it so that's packing cube number one my bathing suit the next one is this one which is my underwear my bras and my pajamas now my pajamas to bed I like to wear biker shorts so we're like legging type shorts and a nursing tank top you don't need to see that it is not interesting in this packing cube I have all of my clothes so in here I have another little packing cube this is my shirts basically just crop tops I'm not going to show you each individual thing because it's not that interesting but we have like just you know fun little tank tops crop top shirts just generic things I don't plan on wearing a lot of actual clothes I plan on mostly just wearing my bathing suit so I didn't pack very much as far as real clothing goes I have one pair of jeans because it might get cold at night I don't know but the rest that I brought is shorts so I have shorts here I have some overall shorts I have a cute little dress that I thought might be fun if I go to like a luau or something has a fun little bottom moment and like a high neck and I was like hey that's kind of cute I've never worn it so the tags on it maybe Hawaii is the place to wear it well I don't know why I like to bring things that I can just throw on and throw off when I go to the pool so I have this like baggy shirt dress Tassili moment that I got at Target I thought this seemed like a nice option to put over my bathing suit and go to the beach or the pool I have another one in black I also have this which is very special to me I always take it to Hawaii this was my mom's when she was in her 20s and so she wore this all time in like the 80s and she passed it down to me I love it it's old but it has lived through so many decades of her wearing it and now me wearing it it's super fun and very 80s and I love it it's a romper dress Supes cute so those are the clothes I'm bringing up in this little section we have my electronics battery chargers camera staff boring and bringing one pair of sweatpants because I don't know if it's gonna get cold or whatever I'm actually going through that in here right now this is my toiletry bag so in here we have razor dry shampoo deodorant sunscreen my straightener my curling iron my brush everything I need basically in a bathroom is in this bag always bring an extra little bag like this to Hawaii to put like wet suits and stuff in or dirty nasty clothes just because you don't know what's gonna happen and you don't like your dirty nasty stuff getting mixed in with your clean stuff you don't know what stuff going on your dry stuff so it was being like a little bad with this have a sweater in case it gets too chilly one night and I want to throw a sweater on have another journal I love to journal I will use this but it didn't fit in my backpack sits over there I have a little fanny pack a clear fanny pack full of my accessories so I got sunglasses in here regular nerdy glasses in here my Gucci belt my husband got me for my birthday some earrings jewelry stuff like that all inside of this little fanny pack I think I'll actually use this fanny pack going to the beach and stuff because obviously bathing suits don't have pockets but I could put on a fanny pack and this is the rest of my makeup so I had a little bit of makeup in my backpack but this is all my extensive makeup so my brushes i shadow palettes other things so this is full of my other makers and in here we have my flip-flop so I have these sparkling flip-flops and I have just plain old regular flippies so I only really wear flip-flops or go barefoot anyway so that's that that's my side I just love packing cubes they make everything just so much more organized I highly recommend let's go to the cuter side of the suitcase over here we have one side and oh my god you guys I'm so excited to show you some outfit so the first thing you see over here is my pump tada I use the willow pump and I'm only bringing one so because I don't breastfeed very much anymore I don't need to pump very often I usually don't pump at all but in case Eric and I want to go on a date or something and my mom wants to have some milk if she stays back at the hotel watch as the baby I don't have so I'm only bringing one so that I just only need to pump like one side or maybe a little bit on both sides and not think too much about it so this is the pump I have the charger for the pump I have a couple of bottles and I have little bags that go this goes into the pump and the milk goes into this little bag and then you can freeze the bag or you can refrigerate the bag but I'll just be dumping it straight into the milk bottles okay let's get into this guys you're gonna lose your minds yeah so first thing I see here is his sleep suit if you are a mom out there and your kid loved the magic sleep suit yes that's a real thing a lot of people use this for their babies and it really helps them sleep at night but they grow out of it after they're nine months old phlegmon really loved it it helped him to sleep and I was really sad when hanker out of it luckily I found this online it's basically like a comforter like it's like really thick cozy soft soft material and it's really really really thick it literally feels like a bed like duvet but it's the shape of a baby underneath that it is our food so we're gonna buy more food when we get there but we wanted to have food to get us through the first couple of days we don't have to worry about it so we have baby food pouches you have little sunny days snack bars sweet potato carrot granola bars I've gotta buy the Cheerios we have some bibs in here and some spoons we also have a little bowl with a suction cup bottom the hotel that we're at provides high chairs in the room so I don't have to bring a high chair or worry about that but this construction to it so that he doesn't rip it off and throw his food everywhere which is something my son loves to do we have a sippy cup in case he needs that I have a feeling I'll want to take this to the pool a lot just to make sure he's constantly drinking water a top there and I'm sure he will be exerting a lot of energy over here we have diapers and white it's not that exciting I don't want to take them out I'm bringing a baby blanket my son loves this blanket it's the same blanket that I had when I was a baby I'm gonna have a little section of stuff at the top of my suitcase you can't see it there's a little pocket up here and I'm gonna put things like suntan lotion a bathing suit up in that so that right when we get there I can just rip that stuff out and go straight to the pool so over here I have one sweater for him in case it gets cold look how cute his clothes are you kidding me it's just way to show you his Hawaiian clothes oh I brought Dick's pajamas for him and these the pajamas that we like for our son it's really thin material really really soft this brand in case you care is called kicky pants we like zippers not snaps because we are smart I don't understand anyone who prefers snaps or buttons over zippers and buttons like it takes so much time in the mill tonight if your kid poops like the last new one do is be finding snaps that match like it's a nightmare so this is a really really thin soft material highly recommend these are the only kind of pajamas we put him in anymore and they're really really cozy really soft really breathable we have a little toiletry bag for Flint it's an again another fanny pack but I like putting things for my son in clear bags and this was the clear bag that I had because when your kid is screaming and upset and he needs something you don't wanna be digging through a bag you want to be able to see where everything is so in the front we have tylenol and motrin for him in case something happens in case he gets sick he is teething right now so we probably will be using the timeout we also have a thermometer in here in the big patch we have he didn't you say she don't cute and we have a little two buddies that's love you we have Butt Paste his widow baby nail clippers and his baby shampoo this is what we use it's cotton touch newborn wash and shampoo this smells glorious I love the smell of this chimp who we've been using it since he was born I'm obsessed with it I also have a little first-aid kit in here that has everything you need in case something happens I also have a spare binky I keep spare pinkies everywhere because you never know when you're gonna lose all the ones in your main bag so you always have to have backups in your other bag couple pairs of socks in here but I don't I'll really be wearing socks while we're there he's two pairs of pants I don't think he's gonna wear them but just in case I have a couple like little sweat shorts situations happening here and I bought a bunch of like tank top snappy outfits this says crabby but cute and they're all like kind of ocean themes so they're all like blue and have crabs or fishies on them so he has a bunch of these now I know we're only gonna be there for six days that seems like a lot of clothes but if you have a toddler you know why I'm bringing all these clothes I don't have a washing machine there he's gonna go through like three or four outfit today they also have little cute clothes like this like little palm trees with cuffed arms like are you kidding me I also have a couple little rompers for him that I bought specifically for this trip so this is a little shark romper I also have a little whale one see everything's kind of ocean themed look I'll keep this and I also have this cute little romper it's like very stylish and like baggy and like I don't care I'm just like a hipster baby okay no you're gonna lose your minds a bit of cuteness it to the three people who are watching which is like me and my mom my sister got Hemis swimming trunks I think that before he was born or something but how cute are these they finally fit him now I don't know sell schemes to get bars so I also have a little like SPF included shirt thing like a swim shirt nice and match and swimsuit hope a case of barbecue you kidding I'm so excited to see my baby play in Hawaii also has another little swim diaper like this is literally the whole reason I wanted to make this video was for the next Ivan's a mutt show you look this Hawaiian onesie oh I'm so excited you guys are you ready for this I don't think you are [Music] so cute matching shorts like are you kidding me oh my god and this is my favorite one look at these cute little pink shorts and this flowy little flamingo shirt god I'm gonna die literally stop this is not legal that's the cutest thing I've ever seen okay get ready water moccasins these are so cute little water shoes that he can wear in two waters baby flip-flops oh my I cannot handle how cute these are you guys look I'm gonna lose my mind these are too cute isn't that so my goodness little chubby feet I'm going to be knees you I don't know why I'm so excited to show you guys all this stuff but like these videos I love watching people show me what their what they packed to go on a trip or like what they're taking on an airplane I do I find that information so interesting but I love it so that's what I'm taking to Hawaii I am so excited I'm gonna be gone for a week I'm taking my whole family I have never done this before I've taken my family to Hawaii before I've taken my family all over the world but it's always been for work I've always had a show or something that has taken me to a fun location for work this is the first time literally ever that I have gone okay there's no job I have no work I'm just gonna go because I want to go and so I'm really really excited and I'm excited for Flynn to see the ocean and see fishies and just spend time with family and have a blast so I will be vlogging while I'm there so if you want to see Flynn's first time in the ocean if you want to see me probably getting tipsy because I'll have a few cooked you want to see anything of me in Hawaii make sure you subscribe to my vlog Channel um I'm really really excited I came to go and to three of you who are still watching mom myself random other person thanks for sticking around for the literal most boring video in the world but this was really fun for me to do so thank you for letting me have such a cool job where I get to do things that I love like show you what I packed for a vacation I'm really excited about I'm just curious what you guys think was this way too much stuff for a week vacation do you bring a lot more than this would you bring way less than this I'm curious to know if I weigh over pack or if I weigh under packed or if I was just about right I think this is a kind of normal amount but I feel like a lot of you out there might think I over packed I'm just curious how many suitcases would you bring you are going away for a week with a one-year-old to Hawaii I love you and thanks for watching be sure to subscribe I can't wait for this year have a lot of fun projects and some things I'm going to do and you guys are the best and Aloha [Music]
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 1,441,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny
Id: Y0KXxE-aniU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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