I Bought EVERY Headlight Restoration Kit At O'Reillys *And Tested Them*

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on today's episode of watch jericho i'm here with scott from the detail dudes and all the greatest soccer mom cars of the early 2000s what is going on guys i am watching ergo and like i said i'm here with scott from the detail dudes and we have all of my suvs here we've got the x3 the winner is coming to pick it up very shortly and we have the envoy which has a little bit of work left to get done we gotta obviously do the headlights and detail dudes just cleaned it up it's looking really good and then we have the xterra that i've got a whole video coming up on i'm pretty excited about that but today you guys have seen us uh polish out a lot of headlights over the years you know a lot of headlights and my normal combo is m105 m205 a little heavy cut and a little lighter cut and then uh it usually works out pretty well for me yep and then yours you pretty much you once stepped those the other day with uh yeah you usually use a wet sand without a thousand grit that makes sense i guess it wasn't a one it was not a one step quite a once yeah so the aztec came out really good though yeah yeah yeah yep thousand grit and polish done deal yeah so today we're gonna go to o'reilly's we're gonna buy every single one of the headlight restoration products off the shelf because i was there and i was like man there's a lot there's so many yeah the other day i think there was seven or eight okay well we're gonna buy uh six six we're gonna buy every single one yep and uh we're gonna try them out on these headlights because every single one of these has cloudy headlights the x5 looks horrible the envoy is about halves these right there okay that one's worse and then this one is about 100 clouded over as well so we're gonna go grab some sauce let's just go to our rallies right now and uh start buying some stuff yes sir all right let's go shopping i have a feeling this might be expensive there's a whole section yeah i guess we're just going to get this one there's only six in stock right now so it's perfect perfect getting all of them and then the rain x1 that's on sale 3 am yep oh there's two 3m so there's actually three 3ms so yeah every one of those are different yeah and there's easy heavy duty what's that one restore protect headlight restoration and then the new lens headlight renewal yeah all right and it comes with the powerball for lights got the powerball and then we got the turtle wax got the turtle wax anything else we need i think that pretty well does it pretty much uh you can definitely use plastic x and there's usually a meguiar's kit but if the kit's gone yeah yeah there's no kit huh well all right yeah man we're gonna do a science about to figure out which one of these is the best that's there all right thanks kevin yes sir youtube later all right it's time to go do some work we're gonna fix all of these cars in one day we are back from o'reilly's and you can see behind me we have all of our kits laid out with the stuff you'll probably need to actually do all of these processes so we've got a microfiber for each one and for a couple of them i think this one and this one you're gonna need a drill because this one has a powerball in there and this one has some polishing stuff and it does say you need a household drill some water detail cloths anyway uh we're just going to kind of run through each one of these real quick so this one is the rain-x headlight restorer uh this was like 7.99 uh this is becoming an expensive video it was like almost a hundred dollars already yeah we haven't even started cleaning uh wipe away any dirt or debris apply radix headlight restore to damp soft cloth or directly on the surface apply pressure using a circular motion rub on the headlight wipe off so very simple there we'll see how this works uh i have a feeling this one kind of modifies the plastic structure instead of removing plastic structure kind of like the ones that you shouldn't use like off a lot of people say to use off because it has deets in it but what that ends up doing is melting the headlight housing so hopefully these specialized solutions are better and do not actually melt the plastic if you do try off on your headlights it will come right back now a lot of people also say to use toothpaste toothpaste is just polishing compound for your teeth so of course toothpaste works like it works great toothpaste is amazing on ovens it's amazing on like honestly everything the thing with toothpaste is you'll spend like three hours to try to get a headlight done and then come out with mediocre results so back on to our products we have the blue magic headlight lens restorer for moves yellowing from this to this another probably chemical change here apply product with clean cloth rub in circular motion don't use on headlights with ppf on them buff lens clean uh extremely yellow or haze lenses may require several applications extreme damage wet sand so it kind of says to do what we always do sorry about the 50 mile an hour windstorm today too it is insane outside like hard to get in your car uh 3ms easy kit here this is the 30 minute 2-step kit uh no tools required 10x clear it shows a brand new headlight there with photoshop to an old headlight that's an incredible line um improved brightness by 200 uv protection so that's nice that is always nice it comes with gloves a foam applicator and some pads to snap on the applicator or like velcro pads and some solution um forgot to get masking tape that was the one thing i needed but i do have some we'll be okay uh this is the ultra headlight restoration kit here it says it's even better this is the one that needs a drill and uh the directions on these aren't printed on the back it's the one that just says you need water and a few other things because you're wet sanding with a drill basically turtle wax headlight lens restored this of course has two different polishing pads they're foam backed to uh you know hand comfort while you're sitting there forever polishing on these things it comes with its own spray lubricant so you don't have to bring water and it comes with compound and sealant wipes so it comes with uv protectant and all that good stuff uh directions wash the lens mask around it apply in a circular motion buff clean restore one lens at a time once it turns clear go to step three restore both lenses before opening the base coat wipe oh cool so this this might be really good and then this which i think is probably the easiest one is the powerball from mothers here for lights and then it looks like it comes with a sanding disc and a powerball and the directions attach powerball to a cordless drill apply a nickel sized amount start drill motor slowly so you don't sling it everywhere polish in small areas until entire lens is clean going back and forth buff it cleaning so i don't know if this comes with i don't see any kind of uv protectant in this one so i bet this one works really well but over time fades away unfortunately none of these vehicles will be here long enough for us to know what the overtime looks like but we will know how easy it is to clean them up so let's get started here's all of our products uh they're in order of the headlights they're gonna be on so rain x blue magic three and one 3m big turtle axe and new lens let's do it scott which one do you think is going to be best before we get started i i have to agree i think the mothers is going to be the easiest probably the best results this one comes with something that one has yeah look it's got a sealant too yeah clear coat anything that comes with the sealant or something like that i think that's just going to be the winner absolutely they'll probably all do a good job but which one's going to hold up and really be worth your time and money my other thought is that that powerball is super abrasive i bet it is so he probably just strips the stuff away yeah yeah all right let's get to taping and we'll come back to test our products here's the bmw before i mean these look rough envoy before xterra before luckily all three of these cars use the hoods for the top of the headlights around so we're masking everything else it's always good practice to mask this stuff off so you're not in here compounding on paint that doesn't need it or you don't want it to look better than the rest you know things like that so uh obviously especially with the drill ones make sure you mask them because you could get into the paint and burn the clear other problems okay you can cause a lot of problems so be careful mask the headlights before you do this we're just about done here we're starting with the one i have the lowest expectations for because it's kind of the simplest but then again rain x's windshield kit is probably my favorite in the game so shake our product up really well here and we'll just put up a lot we're going to go for a lot yeah because this headlight needs a lot so yeah here we go oh yeah yeah very thick i didn't expect that i don't know it kind of looks like it's working pretty well it does look like it's working for for being very fast yeah that wow just kind of makes me question what kind of chemical reaction we're actually having versus right if it's a polish it didn't seem very like uh grainy no it did not seem very pretty it doesn't sound grainy so okay let's flip our rag and do a quick wipe much better it is way better way better very very fast too yeah that was wow for a quick do it yourself all right let's keep going here then doing it again with a ton you can see quite a bit of grit in there yeah there it is there's but on your finger like it breaks down fast yeah it's very quick abrasive yeah trying to keep it off the paint like this is probably a typical usage you're like i just want my headlights clean right i got about 10 minutes right this is probably the kit for that oh for sure and i'm okay with doing it again right exactly because this might only last like a week all right i'm gonna keep polishing on mine to try to get it even better while scott works on his over there yep we're gonna we're gonna test out this blue magic headlight lens restorer sounds much more liquidy than the rainx does it does smells like a old carnauba wax almost real thin for sure oh it's very foul can you smell that nope yeah it's definitely got a lot of chemicals doesn't seem to be doing quite the job that rainx did no wow and you've been in it for a minute there yeah yeah it's for as strong as it smells all right hit it again i went three passes basically amazingly the rain x really took the yellowing at least the haze away almost instantly i've three passes in now i've tried to polish every little bit of it as well as i could i will say none of that came out at all like that's really bad over there and i spent a lot of time polishing over there too so the clear part looks okay the amber corner there not so great so the blue magic not doing as well as we expect no here comes the rinse we're gonna see if it's worth its weight in uh 10 11 12 whatever it costs i mean it looks even it's still super hazy yeah super hazy so our rating on this one is disappointing uh i would probably recommend something else yes unboxing our 3m restore and protect here let's see it comes with gloves comes with quite a bit of stuff actually here yeah there's an instruction manual inside too which is funny not going to bother with that obviously [Laughter] for men we don't use those right okay so we got a whole bunch of trisack pads which is nice because this is the industry standard for wet sanding cars and all that good stuff so we have a glove quick clear coat and two different grades of tres act so 1 000 and 3 000 give me some uh some lubrication awesome all right i'm going to get to work on this and i'll see how long it takes [Music] and this is about where most people would stop and i'm sure it says just keep going may require more than one kit for a large hard to sand lenses oh yeah this is a shoulder workout it does say on this wipe since we were looking for polishing compound headlights should look smooth but still be hazy so maybe this is the magic and it has extreme uv protection i actually ended up giving this a little bit of a second pass my arm is much tireder now but i figured i'd take the kit all the way to where it's supposed to be it does say in here do not unfold this wipe which is funny because it's like clearly a folded up wipe but so just polish it on it does seem like that makes a very big difference it made a huge difference this is literally clear coat and a rag so yeah made a big difference here we go dispose of your stuff properly put it inside the glove it does say once you do this coating uh wait five minutes until this all dries and then do it again and then don't drive the car for an hour now it's time for the ultra headlight restoration kit scott's gonna do this one and luckily we have a rough headlight to work on here yeah we're ready to unbox this kit it's looking like a lot more i figured i'd give you the one that had all the work oh yeah no that's good so we've got several pads it looks like we got a three thousand a five hundred oh oh it came yeah that's nice i'm a fan oh yeah what is that what is that oh 800 800 wow that's a lot of 500 grit a lot of sandpaper in this one so we got our 500 grit on the drill i'm gonna gonna put a little bit of water on here lubrication help carry away that extra headlight that we're gonna pull off we're gonna go for it [Music] that is what i would call results yeah it looks like it's really cleaning up i'm ready for this oh man no unfolding yeah that looks like magic wild [Music] and i guess we can just take this over there and take that other headlight again absolutely same stuff so first headlight on the x5 we're using the turtle wax lens restorer here and let's open up this kit and see what we've got we have some stuff in here uh lens ceiling wipe lens base coat wipe so two stages for sealing this up when you're done put those over there uh it comes with a food service glove which i'm going with a that's a big negative here i get that you only need it to run the clear coat stuff but like all the others come with normal like rubber gloves so that's a little bit better uh and then here we have our spray lubricant and our clarifying compound apply lens clarifying compound over entire lens firm pressure buff clean restore one lens at a time and then go to the spray lubricant and green polishing pad and then spray lubricant and flip the pad using the teal side of the second pad repeat process okay so compound and then sanding which is kind of odd kind of a weird order here oh they labeled every side of these using a color so that's kind of cool and they have numbers on them so there's one two three and four uh that's kind of a nice touch trying to make your life easy here we're just gonna use a ton of it because we're gonna spread it across this entire lens and i'm just gonna kind of smear it on there and then go for it [Music] after all of our sanding steps are done we have a nice even haze the headlight feels really good and now it says go back to the clarifying compound and also says you can uh machine apply this if you happen to have a d.a but if you happen to have a da you're probably not doing any of this because wet sanding with sandpaper and using the machine is the move there's no doubt about that so uh let's go ahead and try this one more time and see what happens man yeah it looks uh i mean that's very passable my hand doesn't i can't feel it catching anywhere i mean it feels very good we're gonna use the glove included in the kit to get the full experience here but you hit this with the lens basecoat wipe it says to do them both obviously uh we're using different product on each one so we're just doing the one the thing that's unfortunate is this is a one car kit the 3m ones you can just keep using all right so it does seem like this wow probably works really well yeah yeah there's a lot of a lot of stuff coming out a lot of blue liquid there's our base coat and we'll give it a second come back with the lint ceiling wipe it looks to me like our clear coat is dry there so let's move on to our lens ceiling wipe and hit this for the final time i will say so far this is unbelievable this looks really really really good i really wonder if this is like a two-stage clear basically oh maybe like extra uv protection yeah maybe yeah or like just a curing agent yeah that's this lens looks no it looks new this is a win so far our take is wow so take a look at both lenses together here there's the front of bmw right this is uh our starting point that's what we have here and beside each other it's just unbelievable how well that worked expectations blown away all right now it's time for the mothers this is the one i had the highest expectations with so we'll see what what happens here looks like we've got some power plastic for lights and probably a compound polish some sanding discs for severe damaged headlight the velcro backer a 3000 grit such good pads and then the the powerball [Music] in a very surprising turn of events the mother's kit let us down it looks okay and it does work but nothing compared to this turtle wax kit here so we're gonna go through and give you guys a close-up of each light that's been restored uh i mean there were three passes with the uh headlight powerball there the plastic powerball and it didn't come close to even the 3m kit the 3m kit is really good too so let's let's go through so here's the light that was restored with the mother's kit you can see there's like rotary sanding marks that appeared in there and of course you can't really get down in to the corners with this kit here's the turtle wax kit it is the closest thing to a brand new headlight absolute perfection there here's the 3m ultra it's very very good uh these lenses have some like cracking but it did a great job bringing it back it looks good this is the quick 3m kit with the sponge and i mean it's acceptable but you should probably just use a drill and the ultra kit this works if you're in a tight situation the blue magic headlight lens restorer is absolutely terrible i mean it might have taken the yellow out but that's just worthless and if you're in a pinch you're in the o'reilly's parking lot or at a gas station one microfiber rag and the rain-x just knocks it out of the park for what it is a little bit of elbow grease and some time and it gets you really close so the results are the opposite of what we expected basically everywhere turtle wax knocked it out the 3m one we did know was going to be good obviously anything 3m makes is very good they make all the polishes the body shops use tris act is the standard pad at a body shop i mean that's why you use the polish paint it works great taking material off headlights so what we are going to do now is probably take the 3m kit and finish the other headlights and maybe seal them with the turtle wax stuff i'm going to go ahead and jump on some of these headlights with the turtle wax sanding paper and we'll just grab we'll grab what works out of here the 3m in the turtle wax and just keep going and we've got plenty of sealant left to finish all these up and get them all clear coated this rainx one though is really good i just i don't think it has any uv protectant after the fact that's what's too bad right yeah if there's protection in it be it'd be great yeah but in a pinch oh yeah what a go-to yeah and so cheap yeah so it was the cheapest one of the it was absolutely so to wrap this up properly scott re-sanded this one all the way down with the 3m kit and then polished it with the mother's powerball one more time and i will say it looks really really good now a lot better and the 3m and the turtlex ones we're leaving alone because they came out pretty well this one was re-sanded with the hand foam pad and all the 3m pads and it looks like it's ready to be sealed and it'll be good and then these two were re-sanded fully with the turtle wax kit by hand and we're ready to seal those two more wipes and that should be enough to really cover all these then wait five minutes and hit them all again our rankings in order are the turtle wax the least professional of the names in this test right yeah obviously 3m is probably the most professional and then probably mothers because that's a real detailing product and then turtle wax which nobody's wanted to use in the last 30 years right yeah they've just knocked it out of the park unbelievable the clarity in that headlight the 3m kit is going to take a little bit of work obviously you can use your drill so it takes the elbow grease out of it which is very nice but just expect to spend some time on that very good results probably then followed up by the mother's kit which works if you put in a lot of time scott got that one to look really good but nothing touches the clarity of the turtle wax one uh we've obviously gone back over all of these now with the turtle wax and 3m kits and they look pretty close so that's good uh that one looks much better after being redone again that was the easy 3m kit okay results the blue magic one i wouldn't even i wouldn't even buy it doesn't work at all and the rain x one amazing for parking lots and we've added a little more clarity to it by finishing it off with the turtle wax one but it looked good from the get-go so that one takes literally one minute yeah and you're good so it was by far the quickest and easiest of the three or four quick and results right like i mean turtle axe one gives you a new headlight at the end of the day yeah that was a new headlight anyway that's it we tested every headlight kit o'reilly test got em all leave a comment with your thoughts below and uh obviously the old standby a couple pieces of sandpaper a bucket full of water and a polisher goes a long way too yeah yeah but then you still need to do something to protect them we usually ceramic coat right ceramic coat or clear coat but so anyway like i said leave a comment below with what you would do what you would buy and i'll throw links in the description for all of this that is it for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to head on over to shop watch jericho.com where you can get cool shirts just like this and please like share subscribe do whatever you want to do and i will talk to you next time it's insane i mean that's wild compared to this thing that's hazy still yeah oh yeah we have a plan we got a treat for you guys we're gonna go to o'reilly's we're gonna buy every single one of the headlight restoration projects you
Channel: WatchJRGo
Views: 238,009
Rating: 4.9279742 out of 5
Keywords: Headlight Fix, Headlight Restoration, Headlight Fix Test, O'Reillys, O'Reilly Auto Parts, Turtle Wax, 3M, Rain-X, Blue Magic, Mothers, Mother Headlight Restore, 3M Headlight Restore, Yellowed Headlights, Yellowing Headlights, Foggy Headlights, Headlight Repair, DIY, Car Repair
Id: O4MR_hfEwKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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