The TRUTH about OFF & Toothpaste vs Headlights! (+Update on WD 40)

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hey what's up everybody ok so I got another an experiment I got to update you from my wd-40 video on these headlights and let you know what happened and in this video I want to take and I'm gonna put off on that headlight and I'm gonna put toothpaste on that headlight and we're gonna see which one works we're gonna break this myth once and for all I've seen so many of these videos and I want to know if it's really true so this is my 2011 Toyota Tacoma the lights are foggy they've been that way for a while I just want to find out I'm gonna sacrifice these headlights to this scientific experiment full disclosure last week ish it was about uh we can have two weeks ago I made a video where I rubbed wd-40 on these headlights holy yeah and it turned out pretty good but it only lasted about a week and a half and now here's what they look like so check it out this is after like two weeks of wd-40 left right as you can see it's got the glaze over it so I was perusing through the internet and I saw that people had put off on the headlights and I have an idea that the DEET actually melts the top layer of the plastic on the headlights is that true I'm not sure if you're scientist comment down below and let's find out but I'm gonna sacrifice my left headlight to off and we're gonna see if it actually works and how long it works and I'm gonna come back in about a week and a half two weeks and show you and then I'm gonna take my right headlight and I'm gonna put toothpaste I'm gonna edge it on there and we're gonna see if it actually works and in the same video I'm gonna come back and show you left versus right and we will tell if it's true and if not we'll have a laugh and what gets common down the LUP and everybody get to argue and it'll be fun also Samantha doesn't want to be in this video she's sitting this one out she says she's not presentable and she has to go to work back to the experiment by Samantha so I'm trying to do this the scientifically it's possible to do in your front yard on a Monday morning while it's like 90 degrees outside so bear with me all right here's what we're gonna do off right here Colgate over here over here can you see over here I got a towel a stole from the bathroom okay that hangs on over the sink clean towel toothbrush that I had for light cleaning stuff just spare toothbrushes not my toothbrush it was an old toothbrush that had it's not my current toothbrush but it's still clean kinda and it's been used for random stuff like this here goes nothing all right we got some deep woods off just some off for mosquitoes ticks biting flies and chiggers one part towel type one each not to get this on the paint when it's cleaning it up pretty good doing pretty good so you can see it's rubbing off some dirt now I did wash this like a couple days ago so you know we're seeing this might have another shocker guys we might have another shocker I'm gonna keep rubbing we're gonna see so we're seeing them and Ben we're seeing cleaner dirty you know like I'm too cheap to go buy a new headlights or the hell headlight kit got some off cuz I live in Florida you know and far as mosquitoes everywhere you pretty much live with awfulness and in like 20 years from I'm gonna find out that off pretty much destroys your skin but back to the headlights you know that that is working it's doing pretty good I'm doing my best to try to assist scientifically I'm not a scientist I'm just a dude spraying off instead of headlights so you can see there's a lot of dirt coming off of them but I did clean this car I promise look at that not bad this is the other side look at that candy horsey throne I'm pretty impressed so far it's actually cleaning them up pretty decently I'm pretty impressed now the real trick will be when I go to spray these off which I'm gonna do I'm spray it off the water because that's one thing I noticed in the comments section everybody said once it gets wet it'll go back to the original color well we're gonna hose it off we're gonna find out alright everybody I'm doing my best to make this as concise as possible with air conditioners running helicopters going overhead but this is the other one and I'm fixing to use some toothpaste everybody says toothpaste works we're gonna find out so I grab some baking soda to put in there make it a little gritty we're gonna find out we gotta make it gritty we're gonna make you a Colgate we're gonna make it toothpaste baking baking soda we're gonna make it we're doing it we're just going to find out maybe that's a little too much came out wolf ass I want to keep scrubbing and then I'm gonna take this off right here wash it off and we'll be able to tell the difference right here can you see the the dirt on the toothbrush you can tell it's getting it cleaner pretty skeptical but I'm gonna keep scrubbing I think it's gonna be kind of like like a fine sandpaper with like some some cleaning product and it's gonna clean half of them off and it's gonna look decent this will work if the outside is just kind of like you know scratch li and not quite as good scratch Lee's not a word but I know and just kind of like smoothes it out cleans it up gets the dirt and Pitt and all that kind of stuff off of it for the next step when we get the water hose and we'll spray it off and we're gonna find out we're gonna see we're gonna see if there is a difference and if the oil or the DEET or whatever once it lost is off the off say all three times fast that it goes back to its old color that was the big argument was was it just the petroleum-based stuff in it that made it do that or was it actually cleaning and restoring off was it made to clean and restore so I'm skeptical toothpaste wasn't made for it either I'm skeptical but this is just a fun this is just a fun scientific experiment all right here we go I'm pretty impressive the off so far this is the funnest part alright so right off the bat it's not doing as good a job as the off but I guess you got to keep scrubbing on it I scrubbed for like maybe five minutes got a lot of dirt off but still you can tell it's not it's not as clear so that one is pretty clear not bad this one it's still dingy I disappointed in the toothpaste because it's really not outperforming the off right now the off did a pretty good job but I bet I'm willing to bet either this petroleum or the deep end the off filled in the cracks like everybody said on the comments section but as of right now it's still pretty clear and it's winning like it's it's definitely a lot better wd-40 did the same thing but it lasts about a week so I'm skeptical of both these ideas there are quick fix and you could keep applying but you know it's the same way with wax or you know anything like you know they're gonna get dirty again and you know it's a w4t like cleans it fills the cracks the petroleum I guess and then it it gets dirty again or it just fades away kinda like wax would like there's still quick fix okay in closing I'm gonna go ahead and say there's no quick fix for these headlights if you want to do it right you got to go buy the kit I wanted to just see if it would actually work I've heard about it I've seen it and I wanted to find out for myself that it would've worked I wanted to apply a little bit of you know redneck ingenuity and see if they would it would fix it it would fix it for a week we can have to like probably the distance in between these two videos buy wd-40 video and this video now what I would what I would recommend is you know just if you really want to fix them go either new headlights or restoration kit but if you want achieve idea of how to get this thing done w-4 tear off off probably worked better than wd-40 so I just wanted to make this video I thought it'd be fun I want thought to be entertaining and be interesting and don't forget to Like and subscribe comment down well if you've tried this and see how long it's lasted and you know if you got anything to say just say it may be fun entertaining good conversation I'll see you guys later don't forget to follow me on yak moly Instagram Facebook see you guys later finished toothpaste nothing finished all not bad not bad at all
Channel: Yak Motley
Views: 4,947,352
Rating: 4.2348285 out of 5
Keywords: The TRUTH about Off & Toothpaste vs Headlights!, how to restore headlights, wd40 clean headlights, wd 40 vs headlights, restore headlights with toothpaste, headlight restoration, using toothpaste to make your headlights clear, yellow headlights, hazy headlights, foggy headlights, restore yellow headlights, yellow headlight restoration, oxidized headlight restoration, cleaning headlights, plastic headlight restoration, bug spray headlights, off vs headlights, wd 40 life hacks
Id: 0RprGfldXm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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