I Bought a Brand New LAUNCH Xbox 360… 💀

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I bought this brand new OG Xbox 360 from eBay for about 400 and in this video we're gonna unbox it test it out and hope we don't get the red ring of death now this video is part of the Texas load Series where I bought 120 untested video game consoles from Goodwill and I'm using the profit from testing and fixing those consoles to buy cool Xbox 360 consoles so let's go ahead and open this bad boy up and see what's inside oh no what is this so it is an OG Xbox 360 it's before they even told you how much memory it came with so I think it comes with 20 gigabytes of storage we got this bonus or media remote apparently I love how in the old consoles they used to advertise all of their just random accessories and then whatever games they have so these are I think those are all launch games or at least pretty close to it let's go ahead and do the dirty here there goes the value oh baby there it is we've got our OG Xbox 360. yeah we still got like that you got that yellow foam that's down there classic stuff there man let's go ahead and take a look at when this console is manufactured because that's what I'm most interested in I'm gonna go ahead and guess I'm gonna say well now I can already see on my monitor that it's not got an HDMI port so I'm gonna guess March 2006. let's see um it's now wow November 22nd 2005 hold on dude is this like straight up OG is this a launch console this we might open this thing up and it might have red ring of death wow yeah the Xbox 360 was released on November 22nd 2005. and that is that is the manufacture date of this console wow that is that's amazing this thing wasn't in stores if it was manufactured on 11 22 it means it wasn't actually sold in stores on 11 22 but it's shortly after but I think it's even cooler that it was actually manufactured on launch so you get a 360 that has the launch date on it I think that's just awesome and just by the way guys after we do this unboxing and test it out and stuff we're also going to go ahead and test and fix a few of the Texas load 360s that we have I still have a ton left we're gonna go ahead and do those in this video we'll get into that later but of course we got our our volume one set up volume two warranty I don't know why I always liked these little little baggies here though of course just straight up sealed I did not realize they came with a sticker hey that's pretty neat put that on your car congratulations on owning the most exciting product on the planet act now to protect your investment in the amazing 360. that's that's funny I love that design oh man it's just so nostalgic I never actually uh when I bought my 360 it was already in like the it was 2009 so we were already in the Jasper days so I never bought like an OG Xbox 360 but there it is there's our free remote bonus room but I guess they called it and then of course we got our controller which is not as Wireless nice we've got our headsets we've got our AV cable down there and we got of course our power cord in here which uh will be the 203 Watt and honestly you can see down there guys I'm gonna leave it in there because I have so many other power brakes I can use I'm going to preserve as much of this console as I can because I just like why not this sermon right here is awesome though man look how white that is I've seen these I've seen these in the past and they're always they're always dirty yellow whatever this thing is like pristine straight up white hey that's the cleanest Xbox 360 said I've ever seen these things get grimy quick because it's just like such such a cheap foam here but dude this controller whoo I can I can feel how clean these joysticks are through the bag and just looking listen to the the RB and lb so nice I'm not going to open it up I want to leave that as is of course get our batteries and their two Energizer batteries got the high quality batteries nice but let's go ahead and let's go ahead and pull this console out of the little baggie and see what this looks like all right so first up inside of there we got the setup pamphlet there and it's like themed like the blades of course you got a little plastic film piece on top of the disk drive and also in front of the IR sensor man let's go ahead and plug this bad boy in and hopefully hopefully it works now before we test out this console I want to tell you about how I'm feeling like a new man because of Harry's who is a sponsor of today's video as Gamers we always get a bad rap for poor hygiene unruly hair you know just all the typical stereotypes but it doesn't have to be that way you see Harry's is your One Stop Shop for face body and hair care and what they're really good at is creating shaving Solutions now the racers aren't just like the cheap crappy ones you can buy at the local retail store Aries provides high quality razors at a very affordable price I mean you can hit that link down below and get their trial set for just five dollars and how do we know they're high quality well for one I've used them personally and I can tell you they're sharp but very smooth and two they make their own blades in their own Factory in Germany so they control the entire process of creating the razors and of course in the starter study guide from Harry's you get this Razer shaving gel and even this nice little blade cover for your razor and do the packaging on the starter set was Top Notch you guys know I like cool unboxing experience now looking at me you may be thinking I never shave because I have this beard thing going on and you're partially right I don't ever shave it but I do trim it but what I do have to do is shave around it to shape it up because otherwise I get this like you know full on neck beard thing so what are you guys waiting for if you're looking for an affordable but high quality razor hit that link down below to get a Harry's trial set for just five dollars so this console is plugged in ready to go and by the way these will be consoles over here the ones from the Texas low they're going to test out later in this video and let's go ahead and see if this console boots up I'm gonna go ahead and film it because I got a feeling this might have red ring like there's a there's a decent there's like a 50 50 chance honestly so let's go ahead and try to boot this bad boy up I really okay three two one oh baby here we go there it is there's the boot up screen I can hear the fan like almost rattling strange no there's no way there is no way I just got red ringed E60 I remember what e67 oh my gosh I just got like the ultimate fake out because this thing was beating up for a good 20 seconds before it gave me this air oh my gosh what is oh wait this is just a hard drive error I definitely did hear some weird stuff going on in here so maybe it's just a bad hard drive let me let me pull the hard drive off of here it sounded like a fan hitting something in it so maybe it was the hard drive that was making that noise and it's a bad hard drive okay okay maybe maybe that's the issue I hope so it seems like it is because it booted up it was put it up to the main screen and then yeah that's definitely gonna be a hard drive issue because I do not hear the little rattling noise anymore so it was probably the yes there it is let's just continue with that without a hard drive for now and dude this is this is so awesome seeing the The Blaze dashboard here for the first time this is like this is like back in November December 2005 you're booting this up for the first time and I've never had this feeling because I never bought 360 back in the 0506 spot mine in 09 but we got family settings got high definition settings and we got Xbox dashboard nice and dude this is my favorite part right here how they got the open tray like built in and it looks like the tray so nice but uh here we go oh yeah Xbox Live games media and system and I'm trying to remember there's one more tab that they actually did not add until later on to a later update I think dude I'm curious what are we on like 1.0 dashboard like what is this 2.0188 let me just look this up and see if this is the like very OG dashboard if there's anything uh before this yes this dashboard version is the original one it shipped with we gotta create gamer profile I got Xbox Live arcade demos trailer surface and he demo is already downloaded honestly if this hard drive works I bet there's some demos already on there but let's go ahead and yeah let me turn this back off and try to put the hard drive on and see if we can get this hard drive to work that's wild it is amazing that how many hard drives I've been through on the 360 and tested out and this is the first one I've ever seen that was bad and it was straight from Factory just amazing so I actually found another OG Xbox 360 hard drive just sitting in the Texas load which is basically the entire uh palette of video games that I bought from Texas recently for this series and uh you know what I noticed here is this thing was never actually removed here so wow nice looks a whole lot more pristine now we're gonna go ahead and plug this in hopefully it works and hopefully it does not make me update to a newer dashboard we're taking a little bit of a risk here but I think we'll be okay but let's let's try it out so now this console's it's been booting up for like 20 seconds and still wow so is this a what in the world is this a connection issue between the hard drive and the motherboard what a random issue what in the world dude well you know what we're gonna go ahead and start testing these other Xbox 360 consoles I have here and I want to stick the the hard drives on a different console and see if the console is the issue and now in case you didn't notice this one is basically destroyed on the side so we'll try to stick a hard drive on here it might be a little bit difficult all right hard drive attached let's go and turn this console on I won't be surprised this console doesn't work because I mean you see half of it's just it's clearly been dropped but it is booting up and I see the screen coming on let me see if uh will this drive eject though wow free game called Blow what what is this what you can't make this up man what in the world is going on here I actually cannot believe this this disk drive opened up um but I think we have another I think this hard drive just is bad because it's not booting yeah we got a now it's an E60 air what what in the world what yeah so from my quick Google search it appears to be the same thing works the hard drive issue um so it almost seems like to me let me just try this other hard drive so this one so this hard drive is the one from the Texas load not the brand new one let's go ahead and stick this on and see if it does the same thing here what are the chances I just found two bad hard drives in a row like that would be wild but I guess that's a possibility what is going on in this video this is unreal how did I come across two bad hard drives in a row and I've never seen a bad hard drive in my life on a 360 and I've you know tested like 50 to 100 different hard drives and never seen a bad one until all of a sudden I got two in a row their bed this is what is going on all right let's try another hard drive now all right got another hard drive here this one is also an OG Xbox 360 hard drive from the Texas load and it says refurbished on it I don't know what was refurbished about this hard drive but let's go ahead and actually I'm going to go ahead and stick it on the brand new 360 first and we'll see what happens all right so it's booting up and this is the first first hard drive that isn't making weird noises we got two bad hard drives in a row and this one yeah it's working straight up on the blaze dashboard we got this old hard drive uh we got 10 profiles on here again this is just an untested one from um oh actually this is this I've seen this one before I pulled this hard drive off of another console that I had from like I think a video a couple weeks ago we got Wingnut 14 19 kill a panda and I am the riot this is this is so funny I I love the uh the blades aesthetic where it pulls out the thing on the side instead of a little pop-up in the middle dude there it is yeah I am the riot let's see if we got any demos on here maybe uh yeah nothing here wow that there's actually heat coming out of this console so that's telling me the thermal paste is actually doing something which is amazing considering this thing is almost 20 years old and it's sitting in a box for 20 years what in the world and my guess from the eBay listing it said that this came from a an electron an electronic seller that's shut down so my guess is this 360 might be from Circuit City which would be an even bigger bonus of course we don't have a receipt or anything now I do want to see if the tray opens I haven't taken off the plastic piece yet but I think it'll open with the plastic piece still on yeah wait wait there he goes there goes it's trying to open because a little plastic piece is actually still stuck on it oh actually that that plastic film there is really strong I guess I'll just give you guys this little satisfaction peeling off here and actually this is dude it's leaving behind a bunch of residue no way dude what in the world man I guess it's been sitting there so long that it's like it doesn't peel off as easy anymore and we left it behind a bunch of residue just 20 year old console things all right guys so Call of Duty 2 came in it is a very beat up game kind of from Amazon but we're gonna go ahead and put it in and this should work because it's the launch game uh well let's see hey there it goes that is wow that is a loud disk drive not surprised but it is loud all right yeah so put it up these Call of Duty games I swear they boot up so quickly one last thing I want to do here is create a new profile and get the experience of creating a new profile on the blades dashboard because I've never done that before so I'm putting in my profile I'm going like full 360 gamertag just just take a look I mean this skull photo is just like an absolute 360 classic but let's go to move on to the next 360. the one we briefly tested earlier let's go ahead and move on test that one out fully see if it works and see if there's anything interesting on it and by the way I didn't show you where this is a Jasper console uh yeah I can't believe how smashed this thing is let's go ahead and turn it on again and hopefully it boots up all the way this time hey there it is we got Jace J smash 72 and that's it it see if he's got anything interesting uh doesn't look like a new Avatar last played and never because it was always offline we got Madden NFL 25 which is like 2015 so this console was maybe played about I don't know eight to ten years ago probably let's go ahead and put MW2 in here and see if it works and dude what do you know MW2 is working without a problem at all and it does still the warranty sticker here so this console has not been opened up well not been intentionally opened up but console works I'll throw the profit number on the screen again we're kind of getting back into the Texas load part now where we test and fix the consoles and then I'll sell them on my website down below this one won't sell for too much because it's so smashed up but it it does work so go ahead and grab this down below if you want it let's go ahead and move on to the next console so next up we'll test this matte slim and this thing actually does not look too bad like all the matte Slims look pretty nice because they're not glossy it is very dusty but looking on the back we do still have the warranty seal intact and this is from 2012. I need to learn my slim motherboards it's either Corona or Trinity and I don't remember which is which I'll look it up I really just need it from really familiarize myself with the slim other boards but let's go ahead and plug this in see if it works all right three two one got life and let's go ahead and test out this District we've got a free game come on come on dude how many how many people leave games in their consoles it's just like unbelievable this game looks pretty nice too we got a few smudges here and there but nothing too crazy let's go ahead and connect up our controller and see if there's any save data on this thing I believe this should have four gigs uh built into the storage let's go ahead oh nope it's one of the ones where it came with some storage so it has no built-in storage all right so this thing is so quiet but but yeah so no storage here uh which is unfortunate that they're really my issue with not seeing storage on these things is because you can't see any of the past history like it's just a it's basically a blank canvas for an Xbox 360 which is how you want it when you buy it just to play it but when you're buying it to like explore and kind of get a little background on who played this and make up a little spit of a story here um it just makes it so that it's not not quite as interesting when you don't have a profile to look at that sort of thing but the console is working great I'll go ahead and throw the profit number on the screen check it out down below if you want to buy it and let's go ahead and move on to the next console next up we have another console that was uh probably dropped I mean there's just a massive gash here in the top and kind of Smash Up on the sides and be surprised if this hard drive works but I mean other than the that top piece right there this one doesn't look too terrible you can hear a bunch of stuff rattling around inside system 2008 it appears to be a Jasper motherboard so this is like one of the OG Jess first let's go ahead and plug it in see if it works man it's crazy how many Jaspers I found in this 100 pound palette now this one for how much is smashed up I'll be surprised if it works fully but we'll test it out three two one got a green light let's go ahead and see if we got a free game here nope no free game but this drive works with no issue at all it is booting up it's seriously like ridiculous how bulletproof these Jaspers were and like yeah alter Sophie and Mama all right Sophia dude Sophie has zero gamer score at least Mama played a little bit she got a hundred how do you get 139 Gamers score hold on to my recollection whenever you see like whenever we get a cheap I guess let's just check out our profile and see what achievement she got that was worth like nine gamer score like what that that is news to me that you could get an odd number like that cloning clutch is 59 15 14 8 and 12. this is like new to me I didn't even know they had gamer scores other than 10 15 20 25. that is that's so strange to me what in the world sorry it's going down the tangent there that was so random but what games did this did Mom even play Rock Band 3 Halo Reach so limbo we're like all over the place here never played online I guess because it says offline for all of them hold on actually I'm sorry I missed the beginning it says 2014 so this console was played about seven years ago Toy Box turbos what what is it I gotta click on that what is that oh it's a it's a racing game what in the world let me go I guess it makes sense when you said turbos and family settings are not turned on that's good to see let's go ahead and open this disk drive up and see if a game works we'll try out block Black Ops so that's the that's the free game we got and the last console and here we are this game read up no issue at all immediately another working console we're kind of on a roll here so I want to test out a few Wii consoles next also from the Texas load just untested wheez all three of them are wow that this one is really bad I don't know what happened to this one uh but just like destroyed uh but most likely working maybe a disk drive issue let's go ahead and start oh this one has a note that says untested we like I didn't already know that let's go ahead and start with this one right here we'll plug it in and test it out see if it works and see if there's some free games in them all right let's turn this one on three two one got a green light this drive sounds good but I don't there's no free game in there uh no SD card as well and looks like your pretty typical Wii you've got all the classic channels on here check me out Channel everybody votes Channel all my favorites let's go ahead and see if there's some interesting stuff saved on here come on man another lame Wii we got four bees on here looks like a family of four that just played like played their Wii five times and quit I I don't know man let's go back to the main menu and see when this game was last played okay so this is weird I'm in March 2016 and I have a note that this person made their debut in Wii Sports but there's no evidence of playing like there's no timer here maybe there's some maybe that's a common thing I don't know I've never seen it before but uh we'll call it March 2016 the last time the scene was played which is actually fairly recent in terms of the Wii and next we'll test out this random copy of NBA Live 09 I have make sure it reads games so yeah surprise surprise game is loading up and working uh let's go ahead and move on to the next console next up we'll test out this really dirty Wii do we have an SD card oh we got an SD card hey so it's got two gigs plenty for a Wii let's go ahead and plug it in and see what's on it all right three two one oh the buttons are sticky oh is the game inside I heard the click let me eject it come on do another another copy of Wii Sports you've got to be kidding me like this is like my what like 10th copy of Wii Sports I've gotten in this a lot so far uh again I'm not too surprised but it's just it's crazy to see let's go ahead and see what's on this SD card probably maybe some photos let's check it out oh wow 732 photos oh all right let's uh let's see what's on here oh my gosh all right guys well I I can't show you what was on that card because like I've seen some interesting things on these cars usually it's like a kid's photo she's like got his first camera and like taking just random photos whatever nothing crazy um this one had uh I'll just say that's by far the the worst one I've seen on the it's just like I don't know what to say I'm not surprised I got this I got almost 50 Wii's in this lot I'm not surprised this was on one of the consoles but like okay uh let's see what kind of bees are on here yeah this person definitely did not use their Wii to play games there's three me's on here do they did they just use their Wii to store those photos like it's just amazing they stored those photos on here and just like forgot to remove the SD card before they got rid of the console like I don't know if I want to touch this call tonight where is this thing been one of the news the disk drive is not working might be because of the disk though because the disc is destroyed almost I must say destroyed but it's very scratched up let's try NBA live on nine and see if that works okay yeah so it was just the disc because it's reading up NBA Live of nine now you can see this thing is scratched up like crazy I'll put it in my resurfacing machine and see if it fixes it up because like I don't see any super deep I mean it's a few of those are pretty deep but I don't know we'll try to resurface it and see if that fixes it but if the console is working otherwise uh this this this whole lot this whole video is something else like the ridiculous things that I've seen it happen things have happened in this video just I don't even know what to say but let's try we got one more we to try let's see if it works no SD card in this one let's go ahead and turn it on and no free game either and hey we got Wii Fit Plus channel on here oh that's a new one I mean I've seen it before but you don't see that very often and then Hulu Plus is hidden at the very end of the channels why oh and this one's got a few few uh me's here we got what is that one in the middle all right so you got a Squidward here we've got vampy what is that name mom nice so all pretty normal stuff except for Squidward that was pretty funny let's go ahead and see if the game works on this thing though so actually first I wanted to boot up the the uh Wii fitness channel and it feels wrong because like okay so some of them have locks on them so you have to have a passcode to see like your weight and stuff watch out home dog let's hear the last recording this is your 5 000 day what in the world let's see what's recorded on here what home dogs goal weight is 84 pounds it's definitely a kid actually the funny thing is this is a kid like back in what did it say I think I saw like uh who knows what date it was but it's probably kid back in like 2010 so this kid is not a kid anymore definitely like in a full-on adult with a you know full-time nine to five there we go January 2011. Wii Sports Resort or it paid it always amazes me when these these games are played for like three hours one day and then just never played a game like I guess they're trying to get their fill before they sell it or get rid of it but I don't know you never know when your last day is playing one of these consoles uh crazy to think about but this console actually I didn't even test the game yet hold on oh yeah there it is I'm gonna put it all the way up but it looks like it's working uh so this console is working as well but guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video uh so much just ridiculous stuff happened in this video I can't believe those I thought those photos were gonna happen at some point in this journey but uh still kind of wild to see it but thanks for watching guys and of course we'll take all the problem from this video add it to the rest of our profit or want to save some money and keep buying some cool limited edition consoles let me know down below what you want to see next but thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next time
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 630,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob r, jrob gaming, jrob0021, xbox 360, brand new xbox 360, launch xbox 360, should i buy an xbox 360 in 2023, 2023 xbox 360, should i buy an xbox 360, wii, nintendo wii, wii in 2023
Id: WfM4-7FB-Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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