I bought a $1,799 Amazon Customer Return HUGE Mystery Box Full of ELECTRONICS and SONY PS4 Games

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[Music] here we go electronics and this one is going to be interesting I think okay so when I purchased this it was a Amazon liquidation palette and when I went to pick it up at my local liquidator it was one box one box is all it was it did come out on a wooden pallet still that it was just one box for this liquidation so the value of this one box is one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine dollars that's a lot of value for this box for one box when I paid was $199 so I paid maybe like what eleven twelve percent of em MSRP pretty much well I like paying I keep it around ten percent I got paid like eleven or twelve percent so it's still it's it it's in that range there supposed to be a sixty one item with the Flex of a five percent in this buck so flex the five percent so it's gonna be PI between let's just say 55 to 65 items in this box so since this box is only size of it is 20 by eighteen by fourteen there's gonna be several things here that's gonna be some smaller items to fit in this one box there's not the first time that I went to pick up a pallet and it was just a box so hopefully this pays off well fingers crossed here we go you're in $1,800 mystery box that's a lot that's the value this box let me just do is blind I'm not gonna peek in or nothing I'm not peeking in nothing I usually like look in to see what I'm pulling out this time since it's one freaking box and that's it we're doing this whole pallet blind I mean I'm not gonna look in the bottom saying I'm actually let me screw this away for me just a little bit more so I can't really see it as easily okay here we go first item we have a broken CD case oh well let's see these iam CDC them yes somebody's chewed on the CD first item is trash let's try again okay I hear I feel on top I feel a record oh cool I actually don't have this one I'm keeping this we've got ac/dc back in black so no matter what this is going to be a score just because I actually I need this record and I actually wanted this record it's it's it's used it's got a few little palin marks few small scratches it should still play okay you know like I'll clean the record up yeah yeah this isn't this is not for sale so I'm sure somebody's going to ask to buy this record but yeah I'm if I had a double of them then yes I would sell it but this is the only one that I have of back in black ac/dc I gotta keep that gotta keep that let's see go back in I feel another vinyl record went right on top who we got no way we got primus rhinoplasty this is I think one of our new ones right no it's not 98 oh this is the too many puppies one or is this kind of Greatest Hits i'ma hold on thinking about this rhinoplasty this has the too many puppies which is actually a fantastic song that they did this might be kind of like a Greatest Hits record cuz I'm back it says 98 and 2018 uh which I'm drawing a blank I'm a match of Primus fan not like diehard I saw him in concert one time two times won't I saw back the 1998 Family Values tour with Korn limp Biskit Primus Ice Cube yeah I saw him over 20 years ago but yeah more like that pipe you keep in Primus also huh so first item trashed last two I'll be keepin PI both those I don't feel any more records on top what's this radiant iris complete I don't feel a record in here if there's a record this is the thinnest record I've this is a double LP there's no record in it it's missing the records so whoever returned it they kept the records and just returned to cover for it okay next Morrissey Billy Joe with Butch Armstrong who is the lead singer of Green Day is it more seat like his other band days and I think oh cool colored vinyl listen that isn't it though isn't more see I don't know I'm just making stuff up now the thing okay so we have another record oh don't follow that record don't peek either no cheek Radiohead a moon shaped pool not a Radiohead fan never been a fan of their music just not just just not my flavouring I'm saying it is use ashtec's ooh that thing oh that's got some deep gashes in that record can you see it right here that thing's gonna skip really bad so psy.d is not gonna play correctly it's gonna skip every sometimes a needle hits those two it's too bad she's pretty good gashes in that record and that record is not gonna play right so that stinks so far let me check out this other first one that one's good so I can't still sell this just three out of four sides will play this is more gonna be like a local sale you know like five bucks on that about five bucks composition book brand new it is kind of crunch though but it's still usable a lot of people use these composition books just just a draw in so it's still very drawable but I mean it's all gonna be a few bucks because it's kind of damaged a little bit oh cool spider-man PlayStation 4 it actually is the correct disc it is spider-man digital code there is one you can't see it as far as I know I can't tell but yeah spider-man okay use this probably like what thirty bucks maybe in that range maybe as high as forty thirty something like that oh wow this charger pad for Samsung it's actually a nice item so yeah it's actually really really good charger I've used that this actual charge of a poor in the past for my own products and that actually is a really good charger works really well that's probably good honestly thirty forty bucks right there see we have it oh we got the Beatles a revolver that's a good album right there somebody taped it shut just turn look around for the CDs in it yeah CDs there so Beatles revolver good you like about five bucks on that then we've got oh that looks cool game another PlayStation 4 game so we're getting out the PlayStation 4 stuff that's always toys fun games it is it no it's good games they're codes right there I do not want to show the code just engaged shadow bringers final fan its final fantasy okay Final Fantasy 14 cool maybe like 30 40 bucks on that I'm not a person sure oh that's that's batteries there yeah Brandi thing of batteries size is 1.5 volt CLR see - l r14 1.5 volt that's a strange size oh yeah car pencils some B's car pistols can go for decent - couple EOS is probably 15 bucks and color pencils right there what's this you ready for this one here's a good one best the whole palette we've got more batteries okay another CD Sabaton the Great War his oh I know this band this band is actually really awesome I actually recently like discovered them on Apple music I was playing just like the just like my metal playlist never I workout and this band came on and they were actually really good and I never actually listened to the CD probably honestly like two dozen times now it's actually a fantastic CD it's a good album actually that's cool to actually get one out to actually see it so so far this has been interesting $1,800 mystery box ps4 game we got another one we got another one okay the outside of the case is okami HD I opened it up though and what was in it is PlayStation 2 a Gran Turismo 3 so somebody returned an old ps2 games and kept the PlayStation 4 game how awesome is that Madonna CD Madonna madam XE Blaine case we've got PlayStation 2 at Kingsfield the ancient city that's like the fourth playstation game two PS 2s and 2p s fours Oh with Xbox one look at the brand new Madden 20 it's a much newer game - there's the disk disk is good cool freakin man 20 take that that's play good 30 40 bucks depend on how old it is we got Kate Beckinsale underworld ultimate collection includes all five films on blu-ray how cool is that although they're like double stack discs in here underworld evolution in the world extended under a directors cuts awakening oh cool all five films that's quite good like what 20 bucks right there I bet next hack job underrated from a guar some kind of low-budget DVD featuring guar it's in there now by just a few bucks on that maybe then we've got Andy Garcia swing mote DVD few bucks on that Leonard Cohen live in a London DVD there dude a few bucks on that it kind of stuck in there Oh ps4 game Shadow of the Colossus once inside of it is an old ps2 game so Jack - plays vista - so somebody was buying PlayStation 4 games off Amazon keeping the game and returning their old PlayStation 2 games in it I got two in this stack so far the son buys pawn a little a little scam here on Amazon I think is kind of buried I can't get it out yet mega gear what is mega gear oh it's for a camera it's just a camera case like a fancy camera case I know they still made like camera cases like this this is like such a retro vibe of a case right there this is the kind of stuff that my parents use like back in the 80s with their cameras I guess this bike come back in style actually could has it Mitch's look to it - it's made for an mg 4:07 whatever camera then that is there's a case for it okay what's this big box ah telephone 83 handset phone it's actually playing good 25 bucks so kind of decent what's this we oh that thinks oh we got a iPhone case so it's about five bucks then we have 500 double window security envelopes 500 of them one of them is damaged but this box new sells for like 30 bucks kind of banged up like this like half the price skins in there it's for a 2011 2012 11 inch MacBook Pro like a for it and it's kind of worthless honestly is this somebody wrote four pins and sharpie on the phone this box in term and Intermatic air conditioner appliance timer if it works about 10 bucks on that ooh that sounds broken doesn't sound healthy there's some glass in the box they're like broken glass in the box and this shouldn't have glass in it oh I I know what it is that face right here that face has a glass cover on it the glass covers broken that stinks I have to be careful with that clean that thing out carefully we've got USB charging cable player type stapler bulbs for a pull lamp or pull lamp accessory Android TV box what does this look like Oh brand-new 4k video the brand is a 5 X plus mini Ultra HD 4k this apply about 20 bucks or so it is brand new still ok where's my big-ticket stuff the fine technology is actually still factory sealed USB microphone fine fine YouTube video so looks like this must be some kind of a small USB microphone I don't want to open it up because it's still the original factory seal on it it has never been opened up but I look the thing up later and research that a little bit see them maybe that's expensive or something oh cool we got a 3m half face piece medium kind of like a listening called those masks you wears like chemical environments it's like a new mask plug good 20 bucks on that we have a folding utility knife it's brand new Packaging came loose on a little bit but it's one percent brand new though I actually might keep this looks like a really nice knife I should keep that i phone cord / co' spare cap me a spare cap I got a spare cap lavalier microphone Rock Adam Ike 20 bucks on that for a microphone you put it into your phone camera something like that a skin for an Alexa remote I saw these for about five bucks CD bound smartphone car mount for a CD I don't even have a CD slot in my truck like it doesn't even come with the CD player a lot of people's now don't come with the CD player so I'm like that couldn't even use it if you even if you wanted to today we have a like a mini or I've had mini case get 10 bucks on that well let's see iPhone 7 we got a case for like a pink case then we got iPhone 6 plus n plus 8 plus spec hard case for it all these cases like I said stuff like this kind of case like 10 bucks on that case a little bit more cuz it it's a good brand okay we got one iPhone Ford oh we have some up Bluetooth speakers brain is called langston have to research those comes in a carrying case they are used it means there's gonna be your wax on if I have a bad ear wax phobia here here we s think I'm like a broken letter plastic letters trash this box link is almost done I'm kind of feeling the bottom of the box have not Pete one time in it yet here's the tonneau switch game open source first we have a padlock that has been locked if it's locked without the combination and it's pretty much a break but here we got Wolfenstein young for the Nintendo switch is it in there ah come on man somebody returned this and they kept the game and returned an empty case so out of this two PlayStation 4 cases had old ps2 games switched in them here's an internal switch return without the game solitaire if there's three video games that kind of had a little bit of a customer turn scam to him little bait-and-switch okay we've got Sylvania smart plug it's actually good 15 20 bucks right there for the smart plug was actually still pretty decent you know I'm saying those actually aren't that bad what's this portable and cordless handy Stitch the handheld sewing machine as seen on TV if it's a little junky things as this says asking auntie more like this thing is gonna be kind of junky it's not gonna be the best quality item because if you buy if you buy or if you liquidate deal with liquidations of acid on TV stuff all that stuff just it doesn't work it doesn't work now those companies are kind of fly-by-night kind of companies somebody who has an idea they find an investor that they kind of sucker into investing in their business and then they kind of just mass-produce junk sell it and then stop selling that one spill realizes junk it happens we have two boxes of iPhone cords it actually might be it nope there's one thing there one thing they're feeling around one thing there I think there's three things left we got a mystery box a white box what are you have can I get a switch for something I don't know what for well those mystery items I'll take a little bit of research on my part to figure out what this is how much it sells for let's see one thing to think ah I phone cord this might be the last thing right here let me peek MEP let me peek Oh No there's two things left I saw a ps4 game let's say that for last here we have lightning car charger I would hate to end on a freaking lightning arch Archer thank goodness okay so well I peeked and I saw that last item Oh nope there's the poor thing very very small we got a guided meditation to ease grief a CD looks like it has been opened up they just read taped it cities in there so a meditation CD I figure this last item you look ready these are the flaps on the bottom to make sure yep that's it this is the last thing right right here empty this is it last item we have the walking dead the final season the telltale series on PlayStation 4 I've actually have never played The Walking Dead like this this looks like a counterfeit cover yeah the cover for this is just a print off copy from somebody's comes some type of a computer printer it's very pixelated and it's like cut wrong this is gonna be a bootleg ps4 game should we just go in this look the cover of course it's just a blue case the cover though is not the original cover Wow so this is a Memorex like a CDR that they botched they printed off a label for it to attach the sexist isn't saying this is a counterfeit disk that doesn't even have a game on it this is just like a clear a clear disk that has not even been written on yet and they print it off a label from the internet and try to attach it they print it off a replacement no just they print off a secondary cover and this thing is very it's pixelated the colors are off on it so somebody bought an authentic walking dead game like this if you can see this thing it's all pixelated this you know it's this is just a bootleg so somebody returned to bootleg and kept the authentic discs oh man three of these PlayStation 4 games had two of them had ps2 games in the ps4 cases and this one was just a straight-up bootleg a counterfeit game so that's actually how we in this palette is on a freaking bootleg counterfeit video game not how I wanted to in this palette that's for sure so what was my big ticket item in this I'm having to think what was my big ticket item for a value of eighteen hundred dollars I think it might have been like maybe one of the ps4 games that I think that was like the so the base ticket item ps4 games brand-new is like what 60 bucks so the biggest item would be that ps4 games like 60 bucks whoa I don't see eighteen hundred dollars here I don't see it supposed to be like what sixty one things that even you know thirty bucks an item it actually would have to average out to thirty bucks an item to hit eighteen hundred dollars and these sixty items here would not average out the thirty bucks apiece so yeah I think my liquidator was wrong on the value of this pallet mystery box yeah this thing might be lucky to be worth maybe six hundred to a thousand dollars tops lowest 6pi high of a thousand because there were like five PlayStation 4 games in here but of course three were customer scams so just those five games the new price would be like 300 bucks for those five games so everything else I bet you could be worth me like four or five hundred so yeah I mean it's it value-wise is probably like new new price is probably like eight hundred thousand dollars so you got a price point on this it was off by I think quite a bit of money so not the best palette not the best box will i recoup my 200 bucks yeah I'll get it back but it's gonna be selling a whole bunch of $5 $10 items locally you know to get the most profit for them to pay online selling fees and shipping and packaging costs all that jazz so this this will take some time so everything because it's just a lot of low ticket you know five-dollar items like crazy in this one so not the best it was a letdown so it happens this is the liquidation palette flipping game a first hand you're seeing it so not every single pounds gonna be a home run knock out of the park big money maker sometimes you buy a pallet and ends up just being a one box and this is what you get for your money when it happens it stinks because it's gonna be a lot of work selling all this stuff a lot of time a lot of patience also sell this stuff but the next pallet the next five pounds could be incredible value awesome items big-ticket items you just never know that's the power flippin game this is kind of like it's kind of a rush you know it's a rush for an awesome time it's a rush to pull out the big ticket computer or video game system or camera you know that's that's exciting it's just a rush you know so you know we'll try again next time what is this is my full-time job this way this is what I do for a living so I buy upwards of like five pallets a week Oh week so there's gonna be a good one so I'll see you next time bill look out and dumb out [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 127,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, jebus, storage wars, StevenSteph, scam, scammer, theft, video games, dumpster diving, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: 4cplwsA3D4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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