I Bought a 100-HP Motorcycle Powered Go Kart for $1300

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so I just got a message from someone who watches a channel and they said they have a 750 cc sport bike powered go-kart that they are willing to sell then he sent me a picture this is possibly the most backyard shade tree battery terminal cloth hanger well job I've ever seen then we agreed on the price of fifteen hundred dollars come on Craig we're buying something dangerous and stupid nice and the best thing about it is it's not even that far away it's like 30 minutes away come on let's go get Klaus so this is a type of uh go-kart that you're gonna wear a winter helmet maybe even a jacket because I'm not trying to die today that's what tomorrow's for so let's go to Klaus we have a stupid go-kart to buy the money 15 bucks you guys are wondering Dan the cameraman is on vacation apparently people need to take vacations every couple of decades Dan decides this week which is our most important week I don't know why but it's a vacation I don't know what any people keep on using this word vacation I don't know what it is do you think this is going to be sketchier than the pictures look like or we're going to look at and be like oh we always we only saw the sketchy things the sketchy things kind of jumped out pretty quick so I'm I'm thinking it's going to be a little more it's going to be a little more sketch than what we thought which I'm fine with the dude claimed zero to 100 in less than five seconds that's silly [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's gonna kill someone if we don't stop it this is it huh yeah I need these ignitions here I've got buttons here and kill switch there I knew we should have brought a jump box so your break here there was a line attached but uh I guess you don't need a break because the line busted oh there's no break on it so it has a brake built in you just let's uh holding this thing on up the hope and a prayer honestly just let it stall itself out to stop it your feet like like The Flintstones I wouldn't do that these tires always flat they fill up when you get some RPMs on them I think the answer is yes the tires are always flat he just got it like two days ago right yeah tell me about the guy who's who you traded it was he on drugs no it's not on drugs wouldn't he do it for a living let me tell you what he didn't do it was a drug oh my God so how did you drive it without brakes on very carefully by far the sketchiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life like I've done some dumb things on a scale of one that's sketchy this thing's coming in at about a 15.4 15.6 lights and mirror you're halfway street legal Sean look at that exhaust that whole that's custom exhaust right there custom made it looks to me like you bought 800 worth of electrical tape fifteen hundred dollars which to me like you bought 1500 worth of electrical tape it's not even a break on it oh the brakes there you just need a line he said I'm honestly a little speechless at the moment I love sketchy stuff this is this is an engine with four tires and a steering wheel it doesn't mean that brakes not sure what this is doing oh that's the return spring draw returns bring these here just hanging out have a little play in the in the wheel there the frames on the ground it's literally on the ground maybe get some air in that tire we'll have at least an eighth of an inch of ground clearance the floor is made out of paper have you ever seen a square peg fit in a round hole I love this all right tell me when you're good oh there you go what gear did he put it in like fifth gear you just started in second maybe oh oh oh oh keep it going keep it going bump up that's all right nice this is the third Virgo does it no it doesn't look like it probably turns better than it stops look at that what gear were you in second there's no way this thing's making the power that engine's supposed to be making with this type of weight and this thing should feel like a rocket ship starting in third gear you know what I mean yeah I was trying to take it easy though that's your shifter right there all I can say is it's something it is a thing it is something I like how it's got rebar on it yeah I love that that's pretty pretty cool we're having fit Ship Shape my friend have you felt off all the gears my dad did now he has more trust in uh you know redneck devices than I do I don't know if you want to take a look at the other parts that came with it is the other parts a uh functioning go-kart I saw the pictures it uh it definitely is does not disappoint can you go any better in 15 he's 12. thirteen fifty thirteen this for you I'll do 30. it is something all right tent straps the only straps I use when I'm tying down my math moment I think this is the last piece and I think that's yours wow it's all worth it cool man thank you thank you very much clearly this thing needs a lot of work I'm not gonna drive 100 horsepower go-kart I'll put together a tip to your eyes and methamphetamines but we might need some help and we found a go-kart guy he's in a go-kart racing expert I think we're gonna go to his place and see if he can help us out let's say there's a safety scale of 10 being like a Volvo or a Mercedes one being like uh jumping out of an airplane without a parachute our goal is a three if we can hit three level hey that's pretty that's not that bad that's that's the whole par with what we normally do so let's uh we're gonna show up to his place and hopefully he's gonna help us out and we can find something to uh run I I want to run this thing I really want to run it I want to see what it can do see if it's as fast as the original Builder why am I why am I thinking that anything that the original Builder says is if they close they're real right he built it it's literally electrical taped together it really is I don't even think it was a good electrical thing [Music] this is the place oh sir oh he's got a soldering gun out that means he's not it's a thing it sure is it doesn't rebar I mean every car needs a little bit of rebar what do you think is there can you help us oh what are you trying to do you have the wrong everything master cylinder for that caliper this caliper is not good with this disc or this rotor I don't even know what this once was the start of the life was obviously a regular go-kart but they haven't ran this style front end in at least 25 years oh well you want to see what a modern day one looks like yeah it's a modern day version of that looks like where everything's on an l-block you have a bracket for this caliper but it's been cut off because it should be right around underneath the driver's left leg and then the lines can either run back to the caliper or some some carts have the caliper on the right side as yours has been relocated so what do you think is the best way for us to get our card somewhat stopping put the right brakes and the right brake lines and the pedal and everything on it like it should be I wouldn't drive it the way it is what do you think what do you think the fail of the fail point is see well the ground stops it it drags on the ground and that that pretty much holds it together I mean we're not going to go out and kill ourselves with it well we will but your Shrine like it so you have uh yeah the brakes up to help us out I have to look and see what I have because I don't think that's the stand actually let's go look at our things I'm pretty sure yeah on a scale of one to ten how dangerous this thing is a 15 on a one to ten and ten being the worst wow that awesome you got to write uh advice for us don't run this well we appreciate your help and letting us know that we're stupid I didn't say that you're adventurous all right well we don't want to hold you up too much longer you know you're a busy guy well I'm glad we got your blessing no way so I think can read between the lines of what that guy was saying and basically what he meant was it takes a hero to ride this it's what I heard and someone's got to do it before we get the brakes all dialed in let's see if we can do a burnout you think I can get my hips in there I don't know are your hips bigger than my hips correct my Hips Don't Lie [Music] and the answer is no you're literally sitting on the ground this is here it's just sitting in there it's the tachometer this sits nailed it should I call Rachel you want to say anything any last words okay here we go [Music] pepper I think so I broke it I broke it Craig this is fun [Applause] Greg I think this flat tire is flat just one more go I got this Craig you got this zero to a hundred in less than five seconds my friend it's so fast we've done a lot of sketchy stuff I saw the look of fear in Sean's eye right there like I've never seen before I think I'll prepare brakes that was an absolute first that actually scared me I think I can hidden with us coming in what is that that's your air cleaner I haven't seen that look of fear in your eyes before I had no place to go I know and when you're on the clutch and it's still going and you're trying to get on the brake that's not that doesn't work how are you supposed to steer it's just the dumbest it's the dumbest setup I'd ever seen in my life the steering is awful like it does not go anywhere it's almost as bad as jet ski bike easy just keep on his feelings this is the fastest I've ever gone on this thing nailed it all right is this where second shift comes in [Music] so I'm taking Master cylinders off some other projects to see if I can get it to fit onto here [Music] Precision Precision is what we're going for so me and Craig have been working on this thing for the past couple hours you fix all the problems and you guys will not believe the transformation that we did on this thing check it out Amazing Greg and uh all right so we didn't fix everything Craig tell them what we did then the brakes that's pretty much it we fixed the brakes so we put put the brakes off the jet ski bike on here this is genius yeah right that's that's your handbrake well now it's your foot break yeah it's either way and then we got a long brake line zip tied to some key spots we also took off that old hand shifter we also found out something really cool look at this weight savings see there's supposed to be bearings in there like little ball bearings and there's three of them see inside there there's three left so weight weight reduction you want to try to get rid of that rotating Mass makes it spool out faster yeah that's fine great yeah what is this this is clowns from the stuffed frame oh that's how it belongs I can't believe the transformation that it made from being horrible too incredible well it took me most of the morning to make it incredible well you came in late and took a lot of breaks you are going to have the time of your life in here my friend did it get smaller well I got it wet hopefully it didn't shrink the seat brackets are dragging on the ground check brake placement looks amazing all right we're good it's fired up here we go okay I need to start again yep there we go all right are you okay my heel fell in I hate this stupid thing my heel fell down it just bashed the back of the cart it hurt too we need something safe like a cardboard box or something we could put on here you want me to weld a piece on there yeah let's do that here I'll bring it back around foreign scoots at the lower RPMs it's not running right but once it hits like 6 000 RPM it goes the thing is it feels like I can do like up to 70 miles an hour in first gear uh let's get a floor pan in there and uh this thing's this thing's legit I mean it's when I get on the gas when it kicks in I touch the bottom but then you start hovering it just lifts you right up right yeah let's let's get a floor let's get a floor in there that'll make this thing legit I thought we were trying to like Elevate the build and not just weld more stuff on it or you just had with having some nicer slightly better looking models yeah that's what we're designed to [Music] floorboards every race vehicle is a little bit hot and low that's right I find it extremely hard to believe that we're the first people actually putting hot glue on this still yep just like that golden all right Sean she's ready for zero to 100. told you Craig we're trying to elevate the build do you not see my floorboards all right let's do one more uh I'd feel a lot better about this thing if it had a tank strap holding something together just wait the day's not done yet [Music] Uh something's smoking oh it's on fire yeah the brakes the brake oh yeah I think it's ready Craig let's go do the thing fire me up so me and Craig have done a lot of challenges and lately the stakes of these challenges are if Craig wins we start another Craig YouTube channel he is not one yet nor will he ever win but I'm gonna race this go-kart pick whatever Buck you want to don't pick that you can't pick that one or the GS whatever bike you want to though you get to pick up any other bike any other bike we have I'm taking the orange one all right let's do it I don't think he understands which orange one I'm talking about you ready yep are you Mark get set go Craig you built me a bad cart I'm pretty sure that thing just runs on meth and food stamps but I have to do that what's going on with your front tires I'm getting speed wobble yeah you are what is going on are your tires falling off they might be falling off let me get an awful speed wobble but now it's actually running good I think all right Craig rolling start let's do it again say go I'll catch ya one two three we've had nope ah one's running about as good as yours well I don't think that was fair because uh the bike that you built completely 100 was not running right but about to bet and go subscribe to the Craig Channel we're trying to get 100 000 subscribers right now the bearded mechanic links in the below we'll see you guys next time with this stupid thing in there
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 1,901,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, caleb, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes
Id: iiUN0IIxY1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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