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I'm sure you're all aware of this but you only have one chance to make a good first impression and if you fumble it a bad first impression can haunt you for life and golly I'm ashamed to say it's sports fans but I just blew it when it comes to a very important first impression yesterday I posted this video announcing that I'm no longer exclusively streaming on Twitch which is a bigger change than the time IHOP announced they'd be rebranding the ihob the International House of burgers instead of Pancakes this was a jaw-dropping change that shook the very Foundation of our society as we know it I announced in that video that I'd be trying YouTube streaming I wanted to give that a whirl take it for a trip around the block to see how it feels and I even announced in that video that I'd be streaming that evening about an hour after the video went live just to dip my toes in the water and get my land legs about me to figure out how YouTube streaming works because it's been so long you know it's not like riding a bike you don't always remember in fact I totally [ __ ] forgot how complicated running a YouTube live stream is because it's very sub-optimal in its sign right now complicated I don't think is the right word to describe it because it's not like I had to go in here and code this son of a [ __ ] myself or anything I wasn't furiously banging away on my keyboard like an angry Neanderthal trying to get it to start it's just the actual streaming dashboard I think is kind of messy and a lot of the features that I know it has were pretty hard to locate I had to go on like a Goddamn treasure hunt to find it like I was tracking down the one piece and for some reason I got locked in like an actual war with the platform itself for a moment where I would make changes to settings and then they'd immediately get flipped back to what they were previously I had to change my stream title like five times because every time I changed it I would save and then it instantly go back to what my last stream was called 60 years ago it's like no no the title you had six years ago is so much better than this one so we're keeping it and we don't care what you say so I was stuck in a game of slap ass with YouTube streaming for a moment just trying to get everything in working order to go live and when I finally did I ended up both forgetting a lot of things and messing a lot of things up which led to a pretty sour first impression for people that have never tuned into one of my streams so I just kind of want to do like a full debriefing here on everything that went wrong with my first YouTube live streaming six years and rest assured I have evolved I've learned from this experience so the next YouTube live streams will be [ __ ] perfect absolute bangers with no flaws whatsoever to prove it tomorrow I'm going live Wednesday at 9 00 PM EST and it's going to be the best goddamn stream this platform's ever seen I don't know what I'm gonna do yet but I will promise you there won't be any more silly mistakes like the stream I did last night right away it was made immediately clear to anyone that tuned into my stream that something was awry because the stream was a little odd looking yeah I know a lot of people came in there and probably questioned themselves like damn do I need to visit an optometrist to get my eyes checked why does this kind of look like [ __ ] well don't worry I'll put your mind at ease the reason that it didn't look amazing and pretty pixelated is because like an absolute goober I made the biggest rookie mistake possible I accidentally locked my stream to a 720p Max meaning you couldn't even access high definition hey I didn't even have 1080 turned on as an option I took viewers on a journey through time to what videos used to look like back in [ __ ] 2010 where everything just looked foggy and yucky which is it's such an amateur mistake I I don't even know how I just forgot to turn on 1080. like Jesus Christ it's 2023 that should just be on by default for dumb idiots like me that just forget it but it's not fair of me to go around pointing fingers when it was me who drank the dummy juice and just forgot to turn on HD as an option and it's not a change that I can make during the stream I'd have to restart everything in order to put it to 1080. so at that point I'd already made my bed so it's time to lie in it and chat was not super happy with the the quality of the video understandably so that was immediately the first thing that went wrong right off rip it's something that I immediately dropped the ball on but what's crazier is that's not even the first thing that went wrong in fact the very idea of the live stream did not go according to plan so I thought it'd be fun for the First YouTube live stream to do a short speed run that looked really hype and really fun and I chose Jedi Survivor because it's a 25 minute Speed Run I [ __ ] love speedrunning I get super pumped about it and they're always great streams when I do them and I've done them on Twitch for many years so I thought this would be a great Target for just some light YouTube stream content in the late evening so yeah that was the plan I thought it would be a pretty low-key stream because I mean Jesus Christ I started at 10 15 PM EST on a Monday night and I'm pretty sure notifications didn't get sent out because you're only allowed a certain amount within a 24-hour time period And I had already exceeded that so I really thought it'd just be people trickling in just to check it out and this whole stream for me was just testing everything making sure I've got it all under control and handled get my bearings about it before doing a bigger live stream later in the week but it ended up being one of my bigger streams I've ever done I was pleasantly surprised by how many people were excited to come tune in oh and also I forgot YouTube live streams have thumbnails that's not something twitch has usually it's just an auto-generated uh preview on a stream YouTube allows you to do thumbnails which I totally forgot about which means that my thumbnail was a black screen a lot of people came in and said awesome thumbnail it's just a black screen and then it was a Eureka moment where the light bulb flipped in my head and I realized holy [ __ ] I forgot that there's supposed to be a thumbnail according to what chat was saying I guess some people are just getting like the void and others were just getting a picture of Professor sad this guy this this goofball character I made in Dark Souls like eight nine years ago that's kind of hype if people were getting Professor sad thumbnails out of nowhere like a jump scare but apparently not everyone was there was a lot of people that were just actually getting a black screen because I had forgotten to put a thumbnail and I guess for some people YouTube auto-generated a professor sad one which is a little weird or maybe that's something I had said like six years ago I I don't really know but regardless things were things were out of whack right away and like I said I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people turn it in or tune in to the stream but then I got extremely embarrassed because that means a lot more people than than I anticipated came in and started pointing and laughing at the clown that set the stream to 720p they could immediately see my incompetence and I was ashamed I I had to try and reassure everyone that this doesn't usually happen you know I'm sure you've heard that excuse before but this never happens it just doesn't happen please just just take my word for it it was an honest mistake a very rare one and what's what's crazy is we're only just getting started on the cacophony of disasters the very idea of the stream like I said was to speedrun Jedi Survivor which is a 25 minute Speed Run I anticipated it'd be like a two to two and a half to three hour stream because I'm good at speed running not to toot my own horn but I consider myself The Intergalactic warlord gaming champion of speedruns and when a game is usually like a 20 to 25 minute speed run it usually means that'll take me like two and a half to three hours to learn it and complete a run that was not the case with Jedi Survivor it ended up being one of the most difficult speed runs I've ever learned in my life so the stream did not go two and a half to three hours it went five hours and 42 minutes all the way till the ripe early evening hours or early morning hours of 4 15 a.m it took me 5 hours and 42 minutes to complete a single [ __ ] run of Jedi Survivor it was brutal I think the content was great like the speed run itself was super hype but I dreadfully underestimated how hard the run it was and dreadfully overestimated how good I am at speedrunning now I hope you've still got your seat belts fastened here because hold on tight the roads only just beginning another thing I had totally forgotten about were chat mods there there was only like two mods from six years ago that were there you know keeping Law and Order keeping keeping the the streets safe here in the The Charles YouTube chat now by no means do I rule My Stream chats with an iron fist or anything mods are basically there to get rid of spammers or Bots or anything like that so unfortunately I totally forgot that we were on the internet and there's always going to be edgy weirdo losers that are going to spam some heinous [ __ ] as well as Bots doing that so needed mods to to sweep up the trash there and didn't have them which means the only other solution I could cook up was put the stream chat into slow mode which would then make it easier to get rid of like Bots and [ __ ] and I didn't realize in slow mode you can actually set the time to be under a minute so slow mode works by making sure users can only send one message per however many seconds that you dictate I thought it was one by default without any wiggle room for some reason it didn't even register with me that I could just change it from 60 seconds down to something more reasonable like 10 seconds and that would have absolutely still solved the problem so I ended up keeping it for the entire five and a half hours the chat on slow mode meaning people could only send one message every 60 seconds which is obviously a horrible chatting experience but it like I don't know what was going on I was actually being blasted by some kind of solar flare stupid beam because I was finding the worst solutions to problems and for getting the most basic [ __ ] I guess I was just so nervous and so surprised by how many people turned up that I I was just wobbling like I don't know I I was just I was treading water on like how I'm supposed to even handle the stream it was like the first time I've ever seen my [ __ ] life I guess another thing that happened and is in order to read chat I tried popping it out but it wasn't looking that good so I tried a different way of reading the chat which is really primitive I just zoomed in my upper monitor here to the chat and the chat alone but what I didn't realize is when I did that I couldn't see the super chats or anyone joining as a channel member above the stream anymore so I could only catch them if they were in the chat and if anyone's ever watched my twitch streams you know I say thank you to every single person who subs or does bits or anything like that because I mean Jesus Christ like the least you can do is say thank you for someone's generosity so I've always done that and last night I didn't really do that at all not because I was purposely ignoring people but because since I zoomed in so much on that chat I could literally only see it when it popped up scrolling through the stream chat and nowhere else so I missed like [ __ ] everything so I want to give a legitimately sincere apology to everyone who is showing generosity that I just didn't even see that's entirely my fault looking at the stream analytics there was so much [ __ ] generosity I I'm blown away so a huge thank you for all that and a huge I'm sorry for not saying thank you in the moment I just legitimately didn't see it overall though I'd say my first YouTube live stream experiment here would be about mid on the tier list there were just so many easily fixable mistakes that I will absolutely fix going forward and I just think it was a good learning experience I think the content was still great I think it was still a heater of a stream the speed run went hard although there were a couple times where I'd end up banging my head against the same wall trying to get the trick to work for like an hour on certain tricks but when I finally pull it off I mean is there any better feeling in the world spending an hour just miserably grinding a glitch until you finally get it to work I mean that's like winning the Super Bowl everyone gets excited for that I I like I still think this stream like the content went well it's just everything on the technical side did not and also reading the chat was still just as much fun here as it has been on Twitch if you've never tuned into my streams I'm always talking with and engaging with the people in chat and I had just as much fun doing that on YouTube as I have on Twitch for the last five years so overall I had fun there's a lot to improve that I will improve and I just kind of wanted to go over all of it that's really about it yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,167,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pwo_mcwKXTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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