I Became The Boss Of The House

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hi guys my name is Melanie but call me Mel please like And subscribe to MSA I used to live with my older brother Mark and my parents who usually kept super busy with their work with them gone for hours mark'd be responsible for the house and me but that didn't come easy for him cause I was a mess as a kid I was really wild and clumsy I'd run around the house causing trouble and he'd had to chase after me to keep me in check no more chocolate smell they ain't good for your teeth but they're falling out anyways brother so let me have my fun even the kids at school would make fun of me for being weird and clumsy but it all changed as I stepped into adolescence and the gorgeous jeans in the family started to kick in by the time I was 15 the same boys who teased me in my childhood now started asking me out these are for you happy birthday beautiful same to you um I mean little did they know I was still the same weird me on the inside and Mark's protectiveness was all the more reason why I'd never gone on a single date no doubt I loved him to bits but he'd influence all the things I did at home in school and it drive me crazy why did you throw away my party invitations why did you delete my insta account why'd you sign me up for a geography class because that'll help you in your future you should be thankful you have a brother like me Mel or else how are you gonna survive in this world happily saying that I stormed out of his room but later that night he came to me are you still mad at me Mel okay listen I've always wanted the best for you since you were a kid yeah but I'm not a kid anymore and you gotta stop controlling my life fine you're gonna have it that ways anyways cause I'm moving out for college next week what I didn't know how to react because I was both happy and sad about him leaving but after Mark left I had this feeling that I could take complete control over my life especially when Mom and Dad were moving to a new city for their work and I was shift lifting with them our new house was like a giant mansion and my room had these big windows and a tall mirror that took up most of the north wall but more than anything I was excited about getting a fresh start at school because Mark wasn't here to hijack my life so on the very first day I wore a gorgeous new dress to school but just as I was making my way through the hallways I stumbled and bumped into a girl who was holding giant paint buckets in her hands and all of them came flying onto my dress holy geez I ended up on the floor but the girl reached out her hand towards me are you okay I took it and quickly got off my butt but I couldn't believe my eyes she had gorgeous blonde hair and the sweetest smile it was like I had an Instant Crush I'm so sorry about the paint oh gosh I ruined your dress come with me she grabbed my hand and took me to the changing room and there she handed me a fresh pair of closed captioning not available [Music] saying that she went away but indeed I did make an impression because that dress was all torn from behind and all the kids were laughing at me as I walked the hallways except for the one girl that helped me out can't believe Jenny would prank you like this but then again she is Jenny what do you mean and who are you well I'm Lauren and I'm definitely not like her but she is evil she's got these weird family issues with a mute mom and a mute stepdad who's a complete jerk and she's turning out to be just like them yeah I could tell that by now Lauren stuck by my side for the rest of the day and we bonded pretty well she was fun and notorious just like me and had this YouTube channel where she'd make entertaining Vlogs she even introduced me to this music club that she was a part of and I was loving her so much that I wanted to be just like her now within a week it was like we were besties with no one to ruin our adventures or at least that's what I thought cause there was someone whom I felt kept a constant eye on us and followed us everywhere at school Jenny one time I was in the swimming class but just as I popped out of the water I was shocked to see Jenny right in front of me jeez you scared me what the heck you should stay away from Lauren she's not nice and she's just spoiling you really who are you my mom and why do you care especially after what you did to me on the very first day that wasn't me I don't believe you just leave me alone yeah okay I'm leaving but this is the last time I'm warning you about Lauren don't be stupid I don't like stupid people excuse me with that she took my towel and left what a psycho but luckily after that day I didn't see much of Jenny and I got busy with my music Club rehearsals the school had its very own band with Lauren as the lead singer and I wanted to audition to be a part of it too so I practiced really hard and nailed my auditions and as a treat Lauren took me out to dinner you were great today I'm sure you're gonna get selected so what can I get you Jenny I didn't know you worked here that's okay she ain't Jennifer Lopez that we should be remembering small details about you Lauren after that she took my order and went away and Lauren turned towards me you don't have to be so nice to her I told you she's a psycho yeah I get that but what you said also wasn't nice man she keeps following you everywhere and the other day I saw her chasing away some guys who were coming to talk to you God knows what she's up to suddenly Jenny came back with our order but she seemed off that's your order and here's something those guys sent for you I don't like their Vibe if you want I can make them leave make them leave are you nuts send them over to us they're cute but they seem bad no one asked for your opinion now get out of here and before I could even say anything Lauren called them over and Jenny walked away angrily I also felt awkward because I was still a noob when it came to dating and chatting with guys so I rushed towards the restroom but one of the guys followed me there God you're pretty it's like I'm drawn to you to the washroom I need to pee go away but he came closer and tried to kiss me what are you doing jerk get away I slapped him hard in the face but just then Jenny came from behind and dumped an entire tray of food over his head you how dare you touch her I'm gonna kill you she kicked him behind his knee and climbed onto his shoulders and started pulling his hair suddenly there were loud screams across the restaurant aunt and the managers came running they fired Jenny on the spot for misbehaving with her customers and I had to butt in no she didn't do anything wrong she was just trying to help shh let her be I told you she was nuts let's just go from here Lauren pulled me out of there and we both went home but later that night I couldn't stop thinking about Jenny she tried to help me but got fired I was feeling terrible but then suddenly I heard a loud thud in my room I got up and checked and saw the big mirror in my room was open and it had a secret room behind it holy freaks I grabbed the side lamp and was ready for action but then the unthinkable happened Jenny did you follow me all the way home God she was really a psycho I started backing away because I was frightened Mel Melanie tell me what you're doing here or I'm gonna call the cops no don't do that don't call anyone I'll tell you everything this this was my home before my Mom married my stepdad we used to live here happily I looked around and saw toys and Jenny's pictures with her family all over the walls she wasn't lying about this but then my dad had left and Mom married that jerk and he sold everything because of his gambling habits mom's head over heels for him so we won't leave him and today when they learned that I got fired from the restaurant they got mad at me and I just ran away oh God I'm so sorry Jenny I had no idea I thought you were stalking me what why'd you think that because Lauren told me you kept following me and that you'd chase away all the guys who tried to come near me I'm not a stalker Mel I didn't know you lived here and I did all that because I I I was just trying to protect you after what happened on your first day of school but if that's what you think of me then fine I'm Gonna Leave it made me feel bad that she was just trying to be protective and that reminded me of my brother Jenny it's all right you don't have to leave if you want you can stay with me no Mel you think of me as someone bad you're not bad the guy who tried to kiss me was bad and I want to thank you for saving me from him and I'm sorry that you got 5 tired because of me so please stay her face lit up and she came and hugged me and for some reason my heart started racing this was crazy the next two days it was the weekend mom and dad weren't home and Jenny stayed with me and surprisingly it was fun we shared so many interests together including MSA being our favorite YouTube channel and she baked me the most delicious cookies in the world later at night I was even having trouble working on my homework when she came and helped me come on Mel I know you have it in you I'm not really on the smart side but you can be on the hard-working side come on it's just to pass a few greats okay I'll try harder but instead of that I ended up sleeping like a log and when I woke up I saw she was sleeping right next to me and for some reason I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful face hey what are you looking at oh I I was just I fell in love with you from the very first moment Mel and that's why I was super protective about you though I may have chewed away some stupid boys out of jealousy too gosh oh she was so adorable and I liked her all the more for this then she got up and played some music and pulled me in for a dance we danced and played games all night long and I was super excited to go and break this news to Lauren the next day but instead she gave me a shack watch this I'm gonna upload this video on my channel Psycho Witch gone nuts what no you know that's not true Jenny is a good person Lauren she tried to help me who cares we'll get millions of views if we post crazy videos like this and she's a loner nobody cares about her I do what I told her everything but instead of being happy about me she looked grossed out ew I can't believe you'd go for someone like her she ain't even rich like us anymore how does that matter Lauren I like her and she likes me and you should drop that low-leveled thinking of yours low level OMG how dare you do you have any idea whom you're talking to I'm the queen of this school and you're nothing without me if it wasn't for the misfired prank I tried to pull on Jenny I'd have never even talked to you what do you mean you were the one who tore her clothes yeah I did it to get more subscribers for my channel but then I saw you wearing those clothes and the kids making fun of you I felt bad so I thought I could be nice to you for a while but it looks like I pitied the wrong person saying that she pushed me but I couldn't let her do this to Jenny so I snatched her phone and smashed it into pieces you witch suddenly she jumped onto me and we both broke into a wild fight the teachers came running and pulled us apart I'm not gonna spare you now I rule this place I'm a Diva without thousands of subscribers watching me and following me and that little music band you want to get into I run it I know I know everything you do and I've always admired you for it so much that I always wanted to be just like you but not anymore because now I know that you're a bad person and you use people to get famous and I'd never want to be like you she's right Lauren is just so evil yeah she's not even that good of a singer they have her in the band because of her popularity she's so egotistical suddenly the color on Lauren's face faded listening to all the comments and seeing the cameras around her and then we were taken to the principal's office where we waited for a few hours until I saw my brother walk out of there mark what are you doing here I came to give you guys a surprise visit but Mom and Dad weren't home and I got a call from your school and seems like you couldn't stay out of trouble without me huh I didn't do anything wrong I know and I'm proud of that Mom and Dad told me how well you've been doing on your own I ran and hugged him and he told me I was being put into detention for a week while Lauren was being expelled from school because of several complaints against her for pranking and ill-treating kids I felt bad for her but then I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder are you okay I heard what happened and I got so worried why did you fight with her because you would have done the same for me [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 11,711,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aznEUMhLD7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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