I Survived 100 Days as MADARA In Naruto Modded Minecraft… This Is What Happened

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hey guys it's fusion timmy here and i know what you're thinking why am i on top of this giant cliff well you see i thought i'd try some amplified biomes for the first time and i thought it'd make the video a little bit cooler and a little bit more realistic but now i'm just scared i also have shaders and it's just um it's kind of scary i'm not gonna look at the water you can literally see the water moving down there like that's kind of terrifying i don't know why it's a little too realistic you know what i mean i like my blocks kind of pixelated anyways today we're gonna be doing something totally new i did a poll asking you guys what kind of 100 days video you want to see next would you want to see madra kaneki gohan or naruto everyone seems to want modern and i had the perfect number to tell me that i should do moderate we have thousands of people vote and guess what i'm doing moderate i chose to do moderate so i thought it'd be a really cool challenge not to mention all of my fans really love naruto because i've done a lot of naruto roblox content now there was many different ways i could have went about this mod i could have done a whole lot of different ideas but i decided i think that the best way i could go about this was just to go ahead and give myself madras weapon moderate armor moderates i which is the eternal mangeky of sharingan now a lot of you guys do know that he does unlock the rinnegan but that's what we're going to be doing in the series we're not going to start off with the renaissance but we will have the ability to unlock it this mod is probably the most heavily detailed naruto mod there is and if you're wondering what mods i'm using in this video i'm gonna put them on the screen now because i actually forgot when i made my freezer video which you should also go check out if you like dragon ball without any further ado i think was just going to get into the video so let's start our journey on a hundred days as moderately [Music] i suppose the first thing we should do is go ahead and start what was that what are you what is that what was that all i know is from killing that enemy i actually got the ability to level up so i just it leveled me up at the bottom left and i'm very confused there's a lot of stuff i have to learn about this mod now that we get our first level i guess i should go and show off our card here they may notice it looks a little jumbled up there's different villages different clans and stuff it's because i was trying to unlock the proper clans and natures for moderate as you can see i'm using wind and fire which from what i saw online you can use all the natures except for this is his most dominant one as wind and obviously most of chi has a really good fire so i have fire now as you can see i got no kekki genkai no jujutsu uh but this if the next button you'll be able to put in stat points now i'm gonna do is i'm gonna immediately go for ninjutsu and if you wanna know why it's because if we were to hit e you can see that to get rid of gone i need to have 30 ninjutsu so if i can get up to 30 ninjutsu i can unlock the chakra receiver for renagon release it's pretty simple also there's a story mode which we'll be doing we have some food we have some shurikens kunai's some rayo i believe this has pronounced and then a medical release jutsu right here there's a couple different things as you can see we have in genjutsu to learn and we also have our sharing gun i'm gonna be using the shotgun quite a bit because unlike most of the 100 days series i'm be starting off pretty busted we already have the gun by which is like super strong uh do i even have to explain this look it has 24 attack damage like that's insane because to hit j you're gonna see that i have a cesano look at that it's blue oh my god okay if i was to in you'll see that i've just activated my internal mangekyo sharingan i don't i know it doesn't look exactly perfect because of my skin but you get the idea and now if i was activate my susano you gotta get the idea it makes me pretty busted and it can get super big as you can see it's it's a little too big because it actually gets hurt either way i'm not gonna go ahead and waste my chalk right here i'm gonna stay out of this unless i need it i think what we need to do is we need to go explore and find a decent place to build i like exploring these big terrains but i'm a little scared and i want to be somewhere kind of far down that way can actually move around easier which leads me to the next thing chakra control if i just hit g i'll activate my tracker control and oh that did not work i was trying to sound all smart that did not work i'm supposed to like run up walls and stuff hold on there we go like like how am i supposed to get down here like bro there's not an easy way you can't tree hop like in the show dude luckily uh you can see our health is actually there on the screen is zero zero pretty high not gonna lie no that's actually like an extra health bar that we can upgrade to give me more hp if i'm smart that's if we can survive getting down this humongous model but you guys see what that is down there there's a person i believe it's a ninja that we can talk to we should try and get to that ninja because we might be able to get something from him oh no i fell wait i survived how how do i survive that okay activate my internal machiaq sharing gun activate my susano full form bro how do i not do more damage than that how am i not doing oh my god they're gonna kill me they're actually gonna kill me and he got here dude well that's not exactly how i plan it to go but you know what we got down that's all i care about and i'm not about to die to this dude nope nope not today there's a ninja is that tinted let's go and deactivate our chakra control that way i'm not just constantly walking up stuff are you doing tintin whoa give me 32 gold rayoh and i will give you a seven star sword or give me 16 gold riot and i'll give you a sasuke kuzanagi okay well i don't really need those because i already have a good weapon and i can probably use my money for something else what i can do though is keep leveling up like i am and getting xp [Music] oh whoa whoa whoa whoa relax relax and i'm dead that bruh i have a lot to learn oh that's a pretty moon look at that that's nice um i'm in a very dangerous world it's very giant i need to find a place to call home and i need to find it fast i don't know what this is but i think i want to make it a base this looks super cool look at this it's like it's like it's like twirling maybe i can make like a staircase that goes all the way up that make like a base at the top now that seems like a place fitting for moderate also that is a big melon like that is a really big mountain like bro i came and load in all that but look at that melon like that is actually insane maybe amplified biomes was a bad idea i could barely get around this area this is crazy i was just thinking of something i wonder how ravines look in this because ravines have got to be pretty big if it's amplified biomes right that's probably scary big okay i think we should first do a scale this and get the trees off the top and then build a base my trucker control does work on stone i guess i just have to be like a certain angle and look i'm even staying up there that's pretty cool i just gotta find a couple ways to get up there and then i can make like little stops oh i really like the climbing in this mud it just keeps going i'm like a spider what is happening bro the water is insane in this mod like i don't care if i john this looks great okay reactivate tracker control and let's get up here i think we're almost to the top i bet we got a crazy view from up here well honestly not bad i this is not bad at all i think we could probably make like a base up here and maybe like down there we could actually like make some sort of area for us to fight enemies because there's a story mode i imagine i have to fight people and i don't want to fight them on my base so maybe i'll make a water source that goes all the way down there i'm also going to mine and stuff clearly but yeah i think that'd be pretty good idea [Music] all right finally that job is done now i just need to smooth things out build a house and then maybe find a place to replant some trees because i'm gonna need that excuse me what is that what is that over there what is that why is the trees like that what is this place what i i gotta go see what that is what is that bro maybe i should put a base there i don't know i just cleared all these trees though i kind of like it here tinted what are you doing up here i'm i'm literally just trying to build a house like why are you up here i no i don't want your sword wait can i kill you i am moderate i mean it kind of makes sense right like wouldn't that make sense lor cannon wise just goodbye get out of here um oh okay she lived never mind um tension is durable okay note to self don't mess with tintin okay you know what i think this is pretty good right here we could put a house up here and it'll be great uh the only problem i see is getting down and maybe i'll actually make a mine that goes all the way down if not i might just find an easier way to just like make a water source that goes down either i need some sort of way to get down because i need to go see what this place over there is like what is that like i wonder what i can get from there like maybe i can find the sort of source block it is oh here it is grass block naruto ship okay then earth block and light leaves so basically over there is its own biome that's specifically naruto based that's kind of cool i need to see what that looks like like up close in person but for now let's go and make a base because i think we need a home first and foremost and then we could really use a like a bed like having a place to sleep would be nice can i just say like this is the most beautiful sunset i've ever seen bro like oh my god look at that oh this is oh shaders man shaders so a lot of you guys gave me crap for having minions in the last uh episode with the dragon block c mod and i have news for you i'm back to just doing the original mining so i've lost my minions uh slaves um and i have to mine for myself now and it's gonna take a while but i think it'll be really cool having some sort of quarry that goes all the way down eventually we're gonna make this have a door and then maybe like at the very bottom there'll be a water pit that we can jump into so basically we'll have an easy access down i also realize there is a way for us to go ahead and get down here getting up is still a little difficult but we can get down by jumping straight into the ocean below there's a way to jump into the ocean and i can kind of just crawl all the way up here just by using my chakra but it's not easy so that's why i kind of start making this mine as soon as possible and also it's just good to get stolen from my base you know okay so the base is coming along pretty well we just need to get some glass and then build a roof and i've got the mine kind of started it's definitely gonna need a lot more work but that's the job for another day for now how about we just go down to the ground go explore a bit and then also get some sand i think that's just a good idea here we go geronimo i think i i can definitely survive this right oh oh this looks so cool look look at all those little fishes and squids they have super good animations because of the mod but uh look at this man like i can just crawl away all the way back up there i just might have to uh crawl a little bit because the water doesn't go all the way to the top now let's get some sand because we're definitely gonna need a lot of sand i think a stack should be good and then i'm gonna go back up and go ahead and smell this in the glass okay there we go there's a stack now i gotta get all the way back up there okay so now all i have to do is smelt and put half in here half in here well not not like that but like this yeah there we go and now i'm just gonna use some of this oak wood that i don't need to go ahead and burn through it i think we have just enough oak wood to go ahead and smell both of these and then i'll have a full stack of cooked glass i don't know if you guys can see but you can actually tell that the furnaces are being used right now they got a bit like a red tint that's pretty awesome now i think before we do any more base building we should take a break and actually look into the naruto mod and possibly go fight some stuff let's go and take a look at our stat menu okay we have two skill points which are pretty useful we have four jp i don't know what that means but i'm guessing it's it might be this no that's that's the skill points too so i don't know what jp does but we have sp and that's what i put into here so i have four ninjutsu already and i've barely killed anything and whatever jp is i'm guessing it must be for unlocking certain things possibly because from what i researched in the mod that's what it was supposed to do ah here we go since i have fire release my first one takes four it costs five jp so i have four jp now and i think i'll be able to get that pretty soon because all it takes is literally just five jp and not be able to do it all right so if i level up one more time i might get my first fire move that'll be pretty sick i should probably put my stuff away into some chest i just realized there's a whole like nether portal that's been destroyed down there and it's probably got loot also there's pumpkins over there one good thing about having optifine and being up high is i can see a ton of stuff and be able to get a good idea of where i should take next what we're gonna head next is we're actually gonna head to that place that i've been wanting to check out that random ninja biome that was over that direction we're gonna go check that out uh to do that though i'm gonna go to the ocean and we'll have to come back up here pretty soon but i'm gonna let that sand cook first this place is a lot further than i thought it was from up there it looked pretty close but it's actually pretty far it just started raining on my way here and it's just so scenic like look at this you can see the raindrops on the water like that is crazy i don't even know what to say about that it just looks so nice it looks so realistic just take that in for a minute it's it's pretty awesome looking now uh back to the adventure i know i have to be getting pretty close oh no this is what i get for not sleeping that's right i need to keep an eye out for some sheep where is this place oh i see if i enlarge my mini map i'm actually getting pretty close look how big that biome is it's crazy big shouldn't take us too long to get there and it'll be pretty nice maybe we'll collect some of the dirt just to have for our base moderu shiha goes to a forest looking for some sheep to make a bed because no one else is alive in this world but that's okay except for tintin and we tried to kill her unfortunately she's too strong and we're officially here what is that i think i had to kill you guys before whatever these are they're dangerous i know that much bro i'm playing with like the plastic texture pack from the old minecraft xbox edition if you know you know this place is so beautiful when it's raining like that oh why is there so many why is there so many oh okay this is bad luckily this is op what is that kakashi haruke summon you can craft kakashi hatake spawn egg with this uh warning only haruke can learn purple electricity okay then so basically even if i did spawn him i'm not going to get the move from him because i'm not a part of that clan but still it's pretty cool to have i mean it's just a rare drop by killing these guys i can get a lot of xp though but i don't like is how strong they are i'm dead oh no i gotta go all the way back over there oh no well guys i'm still in the spine it seems to be a pretty good place to train and i've officially got enough xp to basically get a move so as you can see i got five jp here and one sp we're gonna go put that in the ninjutsu as you can see we have five ninjutsu now and five jp now uh if he was to look here i got the shadow clone move right and it takes five ninjutsu and 130 chakra which we have 509 chakra if you look so whoo look at that i have a shadow clone now that's pretty awesome can i make another nope all right buddy are you actually are you gonna actually help me fight can i unlock my first fire move i can so i also unlocked my first fire move running fire okay so what does this do that that's kind of lame i'm not gonna that's that's pretty lame but you know what i'll deal with it i guess it's better than nothing why is it spreading how do i get all this what kind of move traps me in a circle why would it put me in this it's a death trap i'm good um i mean it might work on these guys let me try who is that is that hashirama is that hashiram over there nah man there ain't no way ain't no way that's hashiram over there bro [Music] and he's gone bro hashirama out here trying to like nah nah he's about to disturb my training i'm out here dude hey hey whoa buddy buddy buddy why aren't you guys attacking him get him boys let's go that's what i'm talking about all right you all died didn't you ah shadow jutsu fire technique get the freak away oh my god they go through the fire they go through fire i gotta get more moves this is horrible okay luckily luckily i'm not totally horrible so i'm able to do pretty decent i'm also doing a lot of xp here well i guess now i'm gonna spend a couple days here training so i can get a little stronger and then we'll head back home okay i've completed my training this is the results of my training all right i got 19 jp and then 19 sp so i can go ahead and put some more into ninjutsu but first i kind of want to look at what these others can do and i'm not really sure what they exactly do but i jutsu is probably going to make my melee damage go up if i had to guess or kenjutsu one or the other because i know there was some kunai's back at my base that required some kenjutsu and what is that i know that man hashirama somewhere dude i just gotta keep my l anyways so we're gonna do uh 15 ninjutsu because i believe that's what i need for my next fire move uh from next fire move i'm gonna need 10 jp and then to get the one after that i need 15 jp and unfortunately i probably got enough to do one so we're gonna go ahead and learn another fire move we got that great fireball technique oh you know that is that is kind of a fireball i don't i don't know about great but it is it is a fireball that's for sure let's go ahead and try and learn another if we can nope not enough jp so we have eight and i think we need like 20. so if we get 15 jp we'll be able to unlock the third fire move but for now we have these what we can do though is we can unlock our first win move never mind um that's that's a little embarrassing what the heck what we can do is we can get back to base so i'm now back to my base with no sheep it's finally starting to turn night time and i'm probably at the deal with those fandoms again because i just haven't been able to find sheep so while it might be a silly goal i need to get some sheep very soon because i didn't find any in that biome however there's cows and stuff here maybe i can there's sheep down there ladies and gentlemen i'm about to do an impossible mission please don't take fall damage please don't take fall damage please don't take full damage please don't take full damage please chuck a truck let's go baby i didn't take any damage i was right i take no fall damage i'm insane all right now we can just easily kill these sheep and make us a bed not even a problem bro okay i have more than enough wool now but it's starting to turn dark and i need to get back to base okay hear me out guys is there any way for me to fly i know i know naruto people can grow wings but i don't think that they can literally fly it'd be pretty cool if i could fly you know i kind of miss having that back in uh dragon block see i was able to fly i'm starting to miss it okay i've officially got myself a bed so i'm gonna go and set that there and then go to sleep all right now that we got our bed out of the way my class is done meaning i can go ahead and fill up the house and we've done a lot of training there's a lot of stuff coming along today uh what we do need to do is start the story mode soon and also get this mind a little further because we need an easier way down this is such a pain to get up and down from all right guys number one i've got some more jp and sp apparently so that's pretty cool i don't have enough to unlock a new move but i can go ahead and put some more into my ninjutsu i'm basically just going all ninjutsu right now wait how many do i have oh i had a lot okay i'm almost a 30 ninjutsu when i do that unlock the renegon like that's crazy not to mention i'll be able to unlock some more of other moves such as um you know fire and wind either way i also get a genjutsu which is right here that's 30 ninjutsu i'll be able to get that soon but look at the house it's it's coming together kind of nicely i had to light it up a bit you know i added some roses outside just kind of add a little bit of spice to it it's not like my best house or anything but it's pretty cool you come up here and you're actually able to get this amazing view i think it gets the job done the main thing we're focused on here is doing the story mode and getting stronger so having a nice little house is all i really need on top of that the mine has really start to come along uh it's gonna have to be a lot deeper than this clearly because i'm so high up but that's the goal i want to make it all the way to the normal ground so i can just hop down into a water pile uh every time and just not take any fall damage and then easily just walk up the stairs to get back up here instead of having to do all the hassle of parkouring up here either way uh now i'm trying to think of what we should do next i'm thinking of like doing the story mode i think we should go and get that started because we're pretty deep into the series and we haven't done the story mode yet walks in the class hello students today we're going to you know what we've actually done this in my last 100 days episode on naruto so if you want to see the story so far go watch that video i'm not going to bore you with this basically we're a student we do stuff pretty cool right yeah all right also don't ask why i'm steve it seems like the mod just likes to glitch like that for some reason bring bone gun powder and an ender pearl to show your courage i have to find an inner pearl okay what is that over there it's just lava okay all right well this is gonna be a little complicated but maybe we can find some stuff over in there we're gonna check that out tomorrow all right so let's head over there now we've slept all we have to do is actually just walk over there not too hard might as well go ahead and activate my showing gun and get my cesino out there it is it's just down there it's not too far just like i said it's not that far of a walk it might have a lot of good loot honestly all right let's see what this is it's flint obsidian gold boots which i honestly don't even need because it just ruins my drip and that is it there's literally like nothing else here this is kind of horrible like i'm not gonna lie this is like one of the worst chests i've ever actually found in the open world ah i suppose i have to do some fighting with some mobs at night time and try and get a hold of a bone an ender pearl and then like something else that i forgot gunpowder i think i think it was gunpowder from a creeper i might have some that at the base but i'm gonna try getting all that while i'm down here at nighttime and in the meantime i was trying to grind up some animals get some xp and keep leveling up all right guys it took me a couple days but i finally managed to get an ender pearl gun powder and bones now we could continue the quest the inner pro is probably the hardest part but the gun powder and bones weren't so hard because those are pretty common mobs especially in these amplified biomes i was able to tell where they were pretty quick but uh let's continue i actually have a handbag now you showed that you're a real shinobi here's your headband so now i have a hidden mist getting headband all right why is it say hidden liefton that's so weird okay well i guess i'm hidden missed now we're just going to roll with it fine sedate send you fifth hokage and speak with her buy him naruto by him so i'm guessing that green bomb that i've been training on that's where she'd spawn i didn't see her though all right well i guess i have to find her either way so that's what we're gonna do before i spend ages looking for tsunade i think now is a good time to say that through the grinding for the ender pearl the bone and the gunpowder i actually got enough jp to go ahead and unlock a new fire move which is pretty cool and on top of that i got some more sp so wait a minute oh we have more than enough to do the genjutsu and the rinnegan now that's gonna be the next goal that's gonna be my next goal because i think that'll be pretty cool to have but might as well go into the fire release i'm pretty excited to see what this new fire release is gonna teach us great dragon fire technique what does this look like oh oh it's like a it's literally like the fireball but like stronger and faster okay well i'm gonna get rid of that other one then because it was pretty horrible wait let's try our new move on this guy right here i'm very curious of what this can do please tell me it one shots him okay is it on fire can i kill him in one shot no all right let me try the other one this is a lesser move all right that finished him off so is the great fireball able to do solo damage thing can it actually kill a guy in one hit possibly i don't think so i think it takes a combination of the two i don't have enough ninjutsu apparently either way it still does really good damage but it's just not enough to one shot with one move but it's close i think the next thing i should do is get some more hp because look i have zero zero i need to get some bonus hp because when i get into fights i mean last time i died it's kind of hard to train when you're about to die every time tsunade who are you are you please to implant orochimaru dna into yourself who are you yeah you're not tsunade you are not tsunade i don't know who you are i was about to say you didn't have blonde hair so i didn't think it was but who are you must be something to do with the rochimaru which i won't be doing this video but hmm maybe a future video where is tsunade i can't find her i've literally came all the way up here just thinking maybe i could find her because if i get super high up maybe i'll have a high vantage point and i can see her so far no luck but i'll get back to you guys when i can actually find her but this is not fun so for some reason i wasn't recording but i found tsunade who was just chilling here and i went to talk to her and she basically told me that hey you need a sage scroll to continue which is for the hidden miss story now for the hidden leaf story i actually managed to do that and it wants me to learn substitution jutsu but uh yeah i don't have enough jp for that and another thing is another thing is it gave me some more xp it gave me like 50 levels of xp which isn't that much because you can see it takes 33 to level up once so it barely leveled me up one time but either way i'm gonna go do some more training because i think i really need to train a lot because clearly to progress the story further i'm gonna need some jp and i barely got three and i need like 10 to learn the substitution jutsu but it's all gonna be worth it okay guys i woke up and i've done some grinding and i've officially learned a couple things so first off the uchiha release while i can do it technically i have to actually unlock the base sharingan and since i immediately went to the internal sharing gun for this route i don't actually have the ability to use this this is something you have to have the original sharing gun for so that's basically useless for me however i do have the rinnegan which i can use right now so if i was to hit z it's activated the rinnegan which gives me strength three like that's crazy basically if i have rinagon and the mangekyu sharing gun on i have strength three without it they're both only strength too but together it gives me strength three giving me a lot more power so now having both of these really really good bloodlines right here i mean i'm pretty much set however we still got all these jp and sp so why don't we just keep doing the fire release might as well ashwise guys i think we're about to unlock the final fire technique phoenix flower jutsu this is the final flaw none of that this is the final flower technique this is the final fire technique oh okay so it's like three fireballs now that's amazing because it's basically gonna one shot anything no matter what because it hits multiple times and it probably does more damage that's sick i love that i don't even really need the others really i'll just go and get rid of the original and i'll keep the dragonfire because i think that's for the best now i suppose i can also max out wind before the 100 days is over can i go and do one uh no i can't oh i do have sp though so might as well put that in let's go ahead and put that into i think it's kinjutsu that gives me hp no what gives me hp then need to figure that out sinjutsu all right we're going to put some into sinjutsu because i want to get us some hp up in here i think that's just for the best we'll get that up to 100 good solid number and then maybe we'll do some thai jutsu and some kenjutsu okay i don't know what exactly raises my damage there like my melee damage but it's gotta be in there so that should definitely make me do some more damage now the main thing i need to do is unlock wind release and complete this tunnel and possibly get a sage scroll but i don't think i want to do that this route because it probably gives me sage mode and that's not what mata would do you know okay well i've just been sitting here listening to music and mining and let's just say i'm finally done with the mine it took forever but look all the way down there you can finally see a water puddle so i can jump all the way down here which i guess i don't really need it now i think about it because i could have literally just hopped down here and i wouldn't have taken any fall damage but you know what we're not going to worry about that it's there anyways now that i realized that is the most pointless thing i could have done but we're not going to talk about that either way now i can actually get up here and as you can see i'm not going to go all the way down there but i get to the main area which is enough for me because getting up here is pretty easy it's getting all the way up there such a higher than it looks that's the hard part at least now i can just walk all the way up the stairs it's a pretty quick process it's a lot quicker than you would think and yeah honestly although it took forever i think it's gonna add to the bases uh look and i can make it look better over time especially if there's a 200 days so if you want to see a 200 days leave it in the comments below 200 days i want to see it if you guys want to see more of modera let me know alright my next objective is to go back to the naruto biome and get enough jp to actually max out my win release that way i'll have maxed out run when release maxed out fire release runagon eternal mangekyo sharingan my armor my weapon i'll have everything i need i'll be as strong as i can possibly get his moderate other than my actual level which is pretty freaking strong so i think it's gonna be the final objective and then maybe i'll do one last thing at the house this mod just needs a lot more to do but there is more options if you're not an uchiha unfortunately i am moderate which isn't a ton of options refuse to play as like naruto you could have sage mode i think there's even tell beast in this so if you want to see that let me know i need to know that you guys want to see a part two and if you haven't already do subscribe because my channel is growing super fast and you guys seem to love my minecraft content which is why i'm trying to make more and also if you haven't seen my black frieza video you should go check that out i know it's a little weird to be promoting my other video about 30 minutes in but like you know might as well love you guys if you do make it this far you're probably gonna like my black frieza video here we are night time i love how beautiful it looks and like honestly it makes it so much more fun when you're just playing with shaders on i really wish i was doing normal minecraft right now but instead we're playing the naruto mod as madra obviously and i've gotten enough jp to actually go ahead and max out my wind as you can see i haven't used any of my points yet which is kind of annoying because i probably could have made my grinding a lot easier if i had but look i can go ahead and put more ninjutsu taijutsu genjutsu whatever i want to do my speed i'm sure kenjutsu i'm gonna go ahead and put up my ninjutsu to 50 and then i'm probably gonna make my uh what is it my century to go up because i want to have more hp and then we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna fully unlock all the win moves this took me forever by the way like you have no idea how much grinding it takes because there's no like story mode to help me out at all it's literally just me so first we have the first move which is boruto stream oh my god hey i'm floating down wait a minute we're not gonna talk about that uh can i borrow to stream my way back up there that is awesome but also really really weird you know what instead of going all the way back up there just to fall again how about we just uh learn another move vacuum spear oh is it is it like pulling stuff into me or something i have no idea i'm not getting it here's another one ryzen shuriken oh that's cool dude that's really cool okay not enough jp no no this can't be i did all the calculations i did all the calculations what do you mean oh wait i need 15 jp i need 10 more jp of course i do well guess what porto stream uh uh i wish i had that move earlier because it's kind of cool to dash but uh i'm not even done i have to go get a little bit more jp great awesome now i have to march all the way back to naruto biome okay guys didn't take too long i mean it takes a bit to get there and back but i do have enough now as well as some more sp's we're just going to go ahead and put that into some thai jutsu and some kinjutsu and now that we're maxed out let's go and learn our last move which is wind mode the heck is a wind mode f hold this in your hand what what hold this in your second hand whoa jump boost two speed three haste three resistance you're telling me that when oh sorry if i hold this in my other hand which is useless i'm faster i'm smarter i'm stronger i am better and now i unlock my eternal mageku sharingan now i unlock my rinnegan now i unlock my susano my stronger sustain am i even stronger okay that doesn't look great but either way we don't mind me being steve i don't mind how much like weird my eyes look either way we are absolutely insane now i think this i don't think there's a whole lot more we could do with this mod i mean we're just getting kind of cracked at this point the best i could say is maybe we could like build the house bigger i mean i still got some days left might as well just add some decoration look at this this is insane dude wow i i just can't believe we're getting so strong all right guys so that's gonna be it for this 100 days video this is probably the shortest 100 day video i've ever done and it's mostly because there just wasn't a whole lot of content in this mod but i worked with what i had the second floor has been made but it's not exactly anything to just talk about or anything to brag about us it's really not that crazy but it's an empty second floor and i'm probably gonna make the chest room if there's a 200 days i promise you i'm gonna go a lot more in depth into the actual minecraft concepts and maybe i'll add some other mobs because it'd be really cool to go fight some stuff and actually have a challenge and hopefully they'll update this mod in the future either way if you want to see more naruto mod videos or to see a part 2 to moderate a 200 days let me know in the comments and subscribe if you haven't already i hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for joining me on another 100 days adventure and go check out my black frieza video it's just as good and i really appreciate you guys watching this all the way through you're a real one and this has been fusion timmy signing off
Channel: FuzionTimmy
Views: 20,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FuzionTimmy, Madara Uchiha, Minecraft Madara, Madara Minecraft, Naruto Modded Minecraft, Naruto minecraft, naruto minecraft 100 days, I surved 100 days naruto minecraft, naruto anime mod, madara 100 days, 100 days madara, minecraft 100 days madara, minecraft madara 100 days, mincraft 100 days, 100 days, 100 days as naruto in minecraft, 100 days as madara uchiha, minecraft 100 days naruto, minecraft naruto, minecraft madara, 100 days naruto, minecraft naruto 100 days, Naruto
Id: TeXzg6B_e-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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