My Roblox baby and I abused admin commands...

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all right there's already an issue in this server temp where are you uh go to the beach the beach what are you doing with my baby no no no tiny toe baby and he has a winning smile because he has a loving mother cup quake give me back my child give me the child what's going to say i mean this is this is her baby man she's really got to think about this let him choose who he wants his mother to be have you ever had this like where you let your dog pick who he likes more like you or the friend that's over yeah i did it a lot yeah we'd always pick the friend that was over that genuinely made me upset this is my child get away before i rep if i report you only took her about two minutes to type that why is report capitalized that scares me oh no hey knock it off i'm gonna knock on this door hey hey i'll shoot you oh my god sometimes sometimes she's gonna make it make her know that you're serious dude you're the ugliest child why would she ever want you you know how people don't like adopt cats who like have a like a lot of medical problems i feel like that you're you're like the baby equivalent of that like look at your giant head there's no way like that you're just gonna have like a normal like medical process you know i'm cute what do you mean you're not cute you have the winning smile why isn't she letting me in well she's wearing gucci she could she could afford the medical bills regardless i'm going to kill your new mother though oh she kind of went up to you dude i don't know what to say like you don't even have like actual clothes on i'm ripping this door down did she lock it she's just sitting down to flex yeah she's been locked it give me the child die child oh it seems she saves me nope she's playing and save herself oh god wait i got this hey hey no cap give my child back one of these emojis like a regular baby does hey give me one good reason not to kill this baby why do they keep doing this it's not going to cause stop it's actually working it's annoying whoa you really grew up you became quite the man you're still a baby single man is about to be not single devil single bodyguard whoa dude the clash of the two hottest boys around who is she gonna pick okay hey i got a dad w you again they're always fighting over girls man she just walked away i can't take this wait look at the chat where's my family it's completely gone let's get them over here man so ugly you will be my child this is your brother my family is completely gone uh not anymore i was typing it out yes let me throw some emojis in there dude why do you put like a winking where he's like we're gonna kill you come on let's go let's get like a house i'm like stay in a room then you kill me and he can like watch we gotta find a house we get house um yeah let's get this one over here dude look at this guy in the chat he just joined the game joins let me get my gun ready should i just execute yeah gun's the best method what up shut up here let's just walk into here here's the gun noises stay here city boy maybe we'll walk into here that's more obvious okay you whispered me saying okay what is he hiding from you you know he has something against me already it's not going to go well me and pickle are going to the garage that's your name pickle i'll just start i'll just start blasting wait walking in he left the room i'll ask him what's like lunch or something do you want lunch all right let me lock the doors or lock house doors here all invisible you then i'll bring you in here so you can spectate yeah you're in here you he's whispering to me what did he say just said you then a bunch of hashtags what cook's meal i'm actually i'm cooking your dead body he's gonna eat his brother he's just watching i think he's trying to accuse me of murdering you you can't see it but he just says you again with like the tags you he literally just said you that's not the part that i couldn't understand it's the other stuff you killed no i did not you killed my brother oh it's so good sit down for the meal pull out the gun like for like a second all right all right check it out dude i really want to feed you to him if you could like clone my head or something eat the meal yeah i would say like you had like a head model you could put in there it's right in front of it wait i'm gonna break the news soon that meal was your brother i had to kill him we're so hungry this guy's lost his family and he gets into this one yeah you just ate a human he said oh oh okay this blames him he said i had the whole thing he just said that no wonder your other family died you keep eating them that's his biggest secret why can't i say you that's because you killed him he says wait i'm just gonna lock him in here then collapse the house on him oh he's he's on the toilet all right he left if i poop him out it's not it's like i didn't even need him he's in the bedroom now oh someone's fired look at this wait wait i'll i'll make you like a i'll make you a ghost i'll make you transparent look here the ghost the ghost of christmas pass what happened to your head where where is he i think he's stuck under here there he is mom house you killed your brother this is his ghost why did you do it let's get out of the fire is he on fire i think he is who could you stop being on fire for one second okay this guy feels nothing i feel like noobs say that to anything though they'll be like wait okay that's always our first response they get broken up with okay what is this fire that's like trailing behind him what is this that's the spicy diary he's having after eating you there's demons taunting him [Laughter] slowly approaching him i don't know what's following him this is a literal demon a little diarrhea demon oh no he's so sad you hate me how could you probably feels like he's having like a fever dream right now takes breath listens to lil uzi vert come on speak up hang out what do you have to say for yourself i'm a bad child yes you are bad child i'm making everybody say it bad child like anyone who goes near him look at this guy over here bad child bad child bad child bad child look at that what the what's going on bad why is everyone saying that you have a bad child he put on a hat bad child bad child bad child bad child bad child we forgive you what are you been hacked by saying bad child what is this fiery blob i'm actually confused there's a hacker i can't say there's a hacker it's the bad child hacker i will go away well it's gonna be pretty easy to spot you with the giant flame no don't we forgive you i forgive you for eating me it was blake's fault come with me this guy over here is his fault you have lost the limb privileges you can only have your right arm he put on a mask hey there's too many people around yeah well you put on a sad face too look his face is so confusing have you ever seen the happy mask salesman oh yeah i know you're talking about my face is glitched no it's not you're just feeling new emotions this is the happy mask salesman page nothing and just like that you have earned the right to kill now kill andre nice to meet you oh god oh i have a gun my arms are nice to people let's see how nice he is he's so nice to people not nice to people i'll call him out straight to his face what do you have to say about that andre sorry can't drop it how do you drop it oh see dude he shot my selfie stick but i picked it right back up mommy i don't know how to get rid of the fire mommy i'll just get rid of him like in general i know the fire's still here wait who shot his arm off andre did look andre they're nice people what what you're so nice look what you did the yavin over there be nice to me please can you be nice to us right now okay do it okay so do it do something nice dude you know how nice he is he's covering up the supreme logo with that t-shirt because he doesn't want flex on people let me get him on my selfie cam oh hey look he got a picture are you rich yeah i have some money i'll do people just asked not really okay i'm not that rich wait andre stop shooting people he just shot bills stop you just shot that man dead not nice hey wait a second hey oh my god he does not care he's still smiling oh god please stop you are nice come here back me up stop following me stop shooting us you have niceness deep in your heart i guess niceness is censored dude you can say so many awful things oh god you have nice deep in your heart shoots you in your skull no come put him in jail we just look at him okay here we go well now i'm in here look at andre in there you're in jail now do you imagine being like sentenced to president for 30 years and the guards are just doing this dance i was but you guys are being annoying asking for money wait is that what is that what like brought him over the edge like who does that he seems genuinely irritated with us asking for money like when someone says like like who does that they're irritated okay then i will be nice you have been freed wait [Music] no you're free to go as soon as he walks out let's ask for money you sure yes just get out i know no you close it can we have some money please i gotta be a baby just for extra effect i think his brain literally caught on fire from us asking for money okay no the game no if you leave oh i don't have any good threats man whole report i feel bad say give money give money yeah we're rich hey let's just jump out of here he's probably so happy that's over with here i might cut the the video off there this is a lot of footage for the for uh paige hi paige hey guys let us know if you want hey hey guys let us know if you want more epic baby role plays
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 13,171,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family, friendly
Id: KKpml213sOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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